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by Igor Sukhov
The ATL and MFC versions of the class that implements a dialog for selecting users(computers) within the Windows Network.
by Ryan Binns
An implementation of synchronous .NET style delegates in non - .NET VC++ 6.
by AssemblySoft
A trivial business logic layer from scratch with a TDD approach.
by ZhaoRuFei
This article provides a macro + template solution to support .NET-like Reflection for enums such as ToString, IsDefined, Parse, GetValues, GetNames.

Latest Articles

by Igor Sukhov
The ATL and MFC versions of the class that implements a dialog for selecting users(computers) within the Windows Network.
by Ryan Binns
An implementation of synchronous .NET style delegates in non - .NET VC++ 6.
by AssemblySoft
A trivial business logic layer from scratch with a TDD approach.
by ZhaoRuFei
This article provides a macro + template solution to support .NET-like Reflection for enums such as ToString, IsDefined, Parse, GetValues, GetNames.

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by Igor Sukhov
The ATL and MFC versions of the class that implements a dialog for selecting users(computers) within the Windows Network.
by Ryan Binns
An implementation of synchronous .NET style delegates in non - .NET VC++ 6.
by ZhaoRuFei
This article provides a macro + template solution to support .NET-like Reflection for enums such as ToString, IsDefined, Parse, GetValues, GetNames.
by peterchen
Setting up doxygen, a free tool to document your code, in a few simple steps.
by Mike Melnikov
Google-like Toolbar with customization from xml file and update from web features
by Nikolai Teofilov
An ATL/STL ActiveX control based on OpenGL library for 3D data visualization
by Pablo Aliskevicius
Memory reallocation generated by string concatenations can create performance bottlenecks. .NET has System.Text.StringBuilder, JavaScript has Array.join, and we have string::reserve.
by Christos Malliopoulos
A template-library for calculating arithmetic and logical expressions.
by Giannakakis Kostas
A generic class implementing an exhaustive searching algorithm for solving a variety of puzzles and riddles
by freejack
An STL based C++ utility class to parse structured config files.
by Alex C. Punnen
The Command Pattern and Chain of Responsibility for implementing a plug-in Thread Pool library.
by George Anescu
A C++ STL Tokenizer class capable to tokenize a string when the set of character separators is specified by another string
by George Anescu
Presenting some algorithms for operations with large integer numbers in a C++ class using the STL vector container
by Carl Ge
A string class based on STL and that can be used like the CStringT in MFC.
by Joaquín M López Muñoz
A block allocator for use with STL containers that greatly improves speed in programs doing massive data insertions and extractions.
by Jeffrey Walton
Create a File Checksum Shell Menu Extension using ATL and Crypto++
by Nicolas Bonamy
A grid to display and edit properties of objects (as in Visual Studio)
by Nemanja Trifunovic
A policy based deletion functor that can be used with for_each function.
by __PPS__
Shows how simple accessing Windows Registry can be if you do not need bells and whistles.
by Joerg Wiedenmann
A handy and customizable tokenizer function that works with STL strings.
by Gary J. Kuehn
A small introduction to the Boost Bind and Function libraries.
by stefan stammberger
A novel allocator implementation for managing huge sets of data in STL's std:: containers for Windows operating systems
by Scot Brennecke
A string array class using MFC or STL that performs very fast multiple string searches
by Nitron
Presenting the std::vector with a discussion on STL algorithms and predicates.
by User 9885
A ref-counted pointer class that supports polymorphic types
by logicchild
An article to help explain how C/C++ use pointers.
by Alberto Bar-Noy
A simple reminder tool to remind you of your overdue tasks in ToDoList throughout the day
by Jonathan de Halleux
A helper framework for generation of SQL queries in C++ and Lua
by Andre Ladeira
A class to create a NT service with a few lines of code
by Daniel Andersson
Writing generic code with templates and the C++ standard library.
by Jarl Ostensen
A finite field EC and simple ECC scheme in C++ to help understand the principles.
by David Hubbard
This is a small non-validating XML parser based purely on STL
by Tobias Wenig
Writing multiple enumerated configuration entries.
by JPandya
A study of STL container, Iterator and Predicates with the discussion of std::vector
by PJ Arends
Presents a header file that allows a single source file that uses STL to be built in either ANSI or Unicode, without any changes or lots of #ifdefs.
by User 9885
A cross-platform thread pooling implementation
by Tony Ioanides
An alternative approach to selecting date ranges.
by Jeffrey Walton, Jordan Walters
A UTF-16 class derived from CStdioFile for reading and writing Unicode files
by jangtimjang
A ready-to-use wrapper class for creating a shortcut (.lnk file) and a bookmark (.url file) and finally attaching an online icon resource to it.
by Zhaohui Xing (Joey)
This article focuses on giving an example of using the DirectX API in PC game software development by using a DirectSound wrapper class
by Yubo Dong
A simple wrapper class for the libid3tag to retrieve id3 tag information from a given MP3 file.
by Paul A. Howes
A WTL adaptation of James Twine's Dim Edit control.
by Noel Frankinet
A WTL grid (really).
by MoustafaS
Solving old ACM problems
by Vincent Godin
A tiny library that adds color to CRT programs.
by Simon Parmenter
A VS2008 C++ project to add an icon resource in a file to an executable.
by adrian cooper
A beginner's guide to adding a binary resource in visual studio and a simple class for programmatical extraction.
by Ernest Laurentin
Shows how to use Microsoft Script Hosting inside existing ATL/WTL Application
by Fayez Al-Mutairi
An advanced COM component that provides file upload capabilities for your ASP pages.
by Mladen Janković
Implementing AI for the Target Number game using a genetic algorithm.
by PaulWendt
A scrolling banner control containing strings with individual styles and colors.
by rtybase
A Java like threading framework.
by Michael Dunn
An advanced utility that scans computers for missing hotfixes, and helps you download and install them.
by Jozef Bozek
An ATL toolbox control.
by Dr. Goulu
DicoLib stores words in lists of anagrams indexed by their length and a 26 bits bitset which describe which letters are present in the words. This makes it extremely fast to search for words which contain specified letters, and to search for words which are "close" for spell checking appli
by Arthur V. Ratz
In this article, I’d like to introduce the modern code in C++11, implementing the parallel three-way quicksort, which is asymptotically faster and more efficient than the famous heapsort and mergesort algorithms.
by smartnose
An article on ATL 7.0 and dynamic system simulation.
by Ajay Vijayvargiya
Let's dwell deeper into C++ templates!
by Nitron
This article presents an in-depth analysis of std::deque and offers guidance as to when to prefer using it as opposed to std::vector, by taking into consideration memory allocation and container performance.
by Andrew Walker
An overview of the Boost library
by Dave Handley
Basic introduction to producing parsers with the boost::spirit library.
by Espen Harlinn
Ranges is coming to C++, and the Range-v3 library was the basis for the proposal to add range support to the C++ standard library
by David Hubbard
An STL starter that introduces the various collection types, strings, streams, iterators and methods of STL
by geoyar
An MFC linear chart control with enhanced appearance.
by Martin Holzherr
A template container which implements set/multiset functionality using a vector
by Leor Zolman
A set of tools to shorten the length of VC++ STL-related error messages so that the most vital information from a message fits within the status bar in VS.
by Jack Hui
A multi-node Tree class by using map and vector
by Joaquín M López Muñoz
A template container implementing a bidirectional map that blends well with STL.
by Mo Hossny
An STL-Like Vector with Matlab indexing facilities.
by Kevin McFarlane
Explains how to apply STL algorithms to legacy arrays in a minimally invasive way
by Vadim Stadnik
Simple and useful alternative to traditional memory pool
by Hemant Kurdia
Shows dynamic creation of one ATL full control in a composite control and also to show images directly from database without file system intervention.
by Shaun Wilde
A wizard that allows you to create an ATL Object Wizard Property Page
by c-smile
Auto Value is an implementation of variables having undefined state
by Neeraj Sathe
This article talks about the usage of STL's auto_ptr class
by James R. Twine
An edit control that provides auto-completion functionality for small data sets.
by David Crow
How to find the average of a set of numbers.
by farhanx
This article is about the art of how to track bugs in programs and handle them beautifuly. Make yourself understand perfectly the reasons for exceptions and bugs.
by amonlee
for some novice of STL, like me, who might make some low level errors when trying to release memory
by #realJSOP
One technique for performing a binary insertion sort on a std::list
by peterchen
Using boost, we can write "almost perfect" wrappers for GDI and other resource handles, in a few lines of code.
by headmyshoulder
The article explains a method, how flexible and extendible decorator chains can be built in a generic way. Its power is best seen if it is used with boost::factory and boost::bind.
by Michael Dunn
No, that's not a typo
by Alex Vinokur
The program enables to get performance of C/C++ program and separated pieces of code for any metrics.
by Marius Bancila
This article tries to show that writing code in C++ can be as productive and fun as in other mainstream languages.
by xushiwei
Most of the C++ programmers do not benefit from "Garbage Collection" technique (GC). Here is a new memory management technique named "GC Allocator" (Note it is not "GC").
by steveb
C++ numeric to string and string to numeric conversion functions
by Lai Shiaw San Kent
Introduction to the allocator concept, as well as implementing a policy-driven allocator template class
by Ciro Sisman Pereira
tCNode template: An indexed multi-node data tree using STL containers
by Achilleas Margaritis
C++0x Dynamic Message Passing Ala Objective-C
by anandaji
This article shows how we can use caching while performing insert, edit and update functions in the DataGrid.
by Tom Gee
A C++ implementation of a liitle game and its extended mathematic model.
by Jim Xochellis
This article is discussing the efficiency of the most popular search_n implementations. Furthermore, it is introducing a new search_n specialization for random access iterators, which outruns by far the most commonly used implementations.
by Chris Losinger
A simple command line parsing class.
by Daniel Lohmann
Use an edit control for logging messages and redirect cout
by DigitalInBlue
This article discusses how to implement and use a template-based C++ benchmarking library.
by Loreia
CEnum is used for enumeration of files and directories using wildcard matching (globbing)
by Joseph Dempsey
Provides a class capable of providing a CFile sytle interface with no MFC dependecies and more importantly providing the ability to read/write if full overlapped IO mode with a user defined callback between each segment read/write.
by Rashid Thadha
Full FlatTabCtrl using WTL
by DCUtility
Chat (Client/Server) project build with code found at Code Project.
by Softomatix
A component to check if given user has a particular access rights on a file/folder or not.
by Nemanja Trifunovic
Answers to some common questions on C++ checked iterators.
by JO Hyeong-Ryeol
A C++ class which helps you to interact with a HTTP web server.
by Midi_Mick
Using ATL and STL to create collections of COM objects without circular references
by Metaldude
A CStatic derived control that allows multiple layers of bitmaps to be displayed or hidden in the same control.
by Hans Ruck
Cleaning the output directories' junk files.
by Axter
A smart pointer which acts like a reference variable
by eugi
A simple and efficient interface for using a multi-level matrix of values.
by Chris Losinger
A colorizing text edit control, with full undo/redo, clipboard support, etc.
by Igor Vigdorchik
COM collection similar to the Visual Basic's Collection object
by Shao Voon Wong
An article on finding combinations
by jrivero
A combinatorial class and example code.
by Nick Carruthers
Allows for running programs with command line parameters directly from Explorer.
by Pavel Antonov
An intuitive and extensible command line parser class that handles multiple command line formats
by dum
In this article, an improved version of a new networking protocol for distributed or parallel computations is presented. In common, it is suitable just for fast, reliable and featureful interchange of small messages. The protocol's implementation and demo project are provided.
by Emilio Garavaglia
This is the first of a series of articles where a comparison between different code styling is evaluated and made available.
by Espen Harlinn
An introduction to C++ 20 concepts
by Ajay Vijayvargiya
Learn about parallel algorithms, parallel containers, tasks, task groups, agents library, task scheduler etc in VC10
by Dave Handley
Using functors to conditionally return values during iteration over a composite.
by Zeeshan Amjad
This article describes how auto_ptr can be used to solve a few issues.
by rh_
How to convert safely STL strings between Unicode formats
by Sameerkumar Namdeo
An article on creating a framework for command processing using the Command Design Pattern.
by Nick Carruthers
A context menu shell extension that allows you to copy full file paths to the clipboard.
by Ferdie
Getting the correct column ordinals of an ADOX Table object.
by Shmuel Zang
This article shows how we can implement a thread-safe events (similar to .NET events) mechanism using the standard C++ library.
by Eugene Pustovoyt
A control based on CStatic for displaying HTML-like text formatting elements.
by Eugene Pustovoyt
Extended MessageBox class
by Rocom
A more easy to generate toolbar images.
by fyrewolfe
How to use a template to create a custom collection class and using the C++ std::vector STL library as well as the operator. I will expect you to understand how pointers, classes, templates and the operator works.
by Y. Hirsch
Attach a sub-toolbar/s to another toolbar's button/s. The sub-toolbar will popup if the user clicks on that button a little bit longer
by Magomed Abdurakhmanov
Simple class to store application settings in registry
by Boris Kolesnikov
Generates PNG files called tiles which form a layer on a GIS map
by Edwig Huisman
CString only projects can convert to STL std::string
by AntonGogolev
A set of currency manipulation classes
by nickadams
A set of classes to encapsulate DB2 CLI APIs in ADO style.
by Johann Anhofer
An easy to use debug logger, implemented via a custom stream buffer.
by Emilio Garavaglia
Tracing in the debug window using std::ostream
by DevRanjeet
This logger can be configured to produce log output using various output types.
by Gabhan Berry
How to use the STL for_each algorithm to implement loops and why it's a good idea to do so.
by Christian Graus
An exploration of extending the iostreams framework through custom streams.
by nalla
This article describes my work in creating a framework for a generic game engine in C++.
by Kovalev Maxim
How to cut off specified parts of media file using DirectShow
by Adrian Bacaianu
This article presents a way to send cookies to client browser from an ISAPI extension.
by Adrian Bacaianu
That article present a way to retrieve the GET-POST data from a form into an ISAPI extension.
by Adrian Bacaianu
A good approach to build an ISAPI web application using XML and XSL
by Dmitri Sviridov
The article decribes how to implement docking ActiveX control using MFC and ATL
by MB
MDI and Tabbed WebBrowser
by Paula Scholz
Using pure Win32, WinInet, and STL Vectors, we open an Internet connection, download, and display a Google map on a Windows Mobile phone.
by r2build
In this article, I will describe how to create a new config XML file for new tools in R2build
by Jay Kint
Using custom function adaptors to clarify the usage of a function within an STL algorithm.
by Ahmed Charfeddine
Easily instrument your code, visualize, interpret results, track optimization, compare and decide.
by Matthias Mann
An easy to use set of classes to dispatch any kind of data.
by Chesnokov Yuriy
The article demonstrating electrocardiogram (ECG) annotation C++ library is based on wavelet-analysis and console application for extraction of vital intervals and waves from ECG data (P, T, QRS, PQ, QT, RR, RRn), ectopic beats and noise detection.
by Vadim Stadnik
Generality and efficiency of a semigroup in C++ are achieved by using an augmented B+ tree. Basic and advanced applications of such a semigroup are discussed.
by ThatsAlok
Free component for parsing HTML, .NET version of EfTidyCom
by y0da
Enhance netstat and packet filtering.
by AntonGogolev
Yet another password manager.
by Achilleas Margaritis
An easy way to provide expression-based callbacks in STL containers.
by Chesnokov Yuriy
The article demonstrates face detection SSE optimized C++ library for color and gray scale data with skin detection, motion estimation for faster processing, small sized SVM and NN rough face prefiltering, PCA/LDA/ICA/any dimensionality reduction/projection and final NN classification
by Martin Holzherr
Compiles a regular expression into a fast automaton.
by Dan Randolph
C# interop using platform invoke and C++ vectors to implement fast searching and selection on index keys
by Alexander Berthold
Fast tokenizer for C++ - like 'lexx'
by Andreas Saurwein
Template based file and directory enumeration class.
by Jim Xochellis
This article is discussing the performance problems found in the most notable find_first_of implementations and suggests useful improvements and workarounds.
by Yasuhiko Yoshimura
The ActiveX control fires events to others using IConnectionPointContainer interface on the Internet Explorer.
by PeterSchregle
A C++ template class for fixed point mathematics.
by PARK Youngho
A tool that enumerates all fonts installed on Windows, and shows you the preview so as to help you code conveniently.
by otom
A non-MFC class to encapsulate the FTP protocol.
by Konstantin Boukreev
Emulates the Matrix code (like Dozer's screens in the movie) and generates nonsense text via Markov chains
by mb2sync
Introduction to Functional STL Library using Boost.Range Adaptors.
by Albert Wang
An article on XML parser or code generation automatically.
by Ali AslRousta
How to implement a generic lazy evaluation class using C++11 features.
by Jim Johnson
A simple way to keep items such as COM instances 'warm' and available for reuse
by Shvetsov Evgeniy
Safe and versatile iterator for user types
by Mladen Janković
A framework for genetic algorithms
by Konstantin Boukreev
An example of using Genetic Algorithms for solving the Traveling Salesman Problem
by Dave Loeser
Using DNSQuery() to get an MX record
by PaulWendt
This article lets you get system information via easy-to-use C++ classes.
by Matt Gullett
A utility class to manage the mapping of objects to handles.
by Shao Voon Wong
Benchmark of hash and non-hash container
by jean Davy
Read/write serialize/unserialize any kind of arbitrary set of C++ data structures in the Registry.
by Sunspot
A small, Unicode-aware regular expression engine based on Henry Spencer's early work
by Shaun Wilde
Encode binary data to and from hexadecimal format using the Crypto++ library
by Shvetsov Evgeniy
String class with the auto. managed memory pool and performance tweaks + support modules
by osy
A C++ template for an efficient in-memory state engine.
by Dudi Avramov
Get handle to any running process (by its name) by using performance data
by programmersmind
An introduction to the necessary steps for updating const key fields in a map/multimap
by Zhaohui Xing (Joey)
The article gives a sample that demonstrates the use of mem_fun in some special cases.
by steveb
How to wrap an MFC collection into an STL compliant iterator with the Boost iterator_facade.
by Elias Bachaalany
An example of writing a self-extracting archive using pack and unpack routines.
by ocoudert
How to write generic STL-like iterators in C++.
by Christian Ernst Rysgaard
Cracking the htmlhelp .chm storage format to remove annoying file-lock bug and for the sheer fun of it!
by Magomed Abdurakhmanov
Control that shows text and automatically finds and highlights hyperlinks (like http://, www. etc.) so that user can click on them.
by Roy, Philippe
An article on improving STL containers to cache to disk in order to lift memory limitation issues.
by Dave Handley
Using composites to implement a modular arithmetic calculator with the Boost Spirit parser framework.
by ihaml
A generic class to import Adobe's Photoshop (.psd) images.
by Jörgen Sigvardsson
This article shows one way to extend CCommand and CDynamicAccessor to make OLEDB in C++ easier
by Jordan Walters
An add-in to automatically increment the FileVersion and ProductVersion fields in your application's resource file. Works in VC6 and VS2005, and probably all versions in between.
by Andy Brummer
These iterators provide a simple way to sample or stretch a fixed size data set to fit in a larger or smaller container
by Ferdie
Using ADOX to insert field into a MS Access table.
by Kuldip Rindani
Installer testing verifier - Useful for installer testing and verification.
by compiler
This article introduces a template-based off-shoot of the subject/observer pattern called Intercom. Intercom achieves some advantages over subject-observer designs by using a three component model (Message, Notifier, Observer).
by ophir.setter
Learning basic generic programming concepts from the STL distance function.
by Michael Geddes
How Comet can help you create and use COM servers in 'real' C++, extending or replacing ATL.
by Anders Dalvander
An introduction to RPC programming. A simple RPC client/server application is explained.
by Anders Dalvander
An introduction to context handles in RPC. A simple RPC client/server application using context handles is explained.
by Jonathan de Halleux
IoBind proposes a new approach to object serialization.
by Christian Graus
Showing how to extend iostreams in order to stream custom types
by Christian Graus
An exploration of extending the iostreams framework through stream modifiers
by Zoltan Balazs
A simple hybrid between the ipconfig and the arp commands.
by Adrian Bacaianu
This article describes two ways to upload images and files on your web server, and the advantages and disadvantages of both.
by yonken
Yet another implementation to enumerate files
by Pepsibot
A console library capable of colored input and output. Includes user definable menus, ASCII character windows, save/restore a screen worth of characters, 256 console color combinations, and a smart coloring.
by Dominik Reichl
KeePass is a free, open source, light-weight and easy-to-use password manager.
by BjutCS
Here ,we provide simple and practical keyword extraction software and dll for long text
by Chesnokov Yuriy
The article demonstrates the self organizing maps clustering approach for unsupervised AI classification tasks with application examples in computer vision area for faces clustering and recognition
by David Serrano Martínez
I like work. It fascinates me. I can sit and look at it for hours. (Anonymous)
by Fekri Kassem
An implementation of Least Recently Used (LRU) Algorithm
by lagos_fernando
A template to traverse STL maps in insertion order.
by Steffen Ploetz
Is LINQ the right technology for processing large amounts of data in runtime-relevant environments?
by Liping Dai
A C++ Smart Pointer Template Class Implementation
by Gediminas Siutilas
Another debug module for your project (debug/release version).
by Will Senn
Some Logging Classes for C++ on the Windows Platform
by FireEmissary
Generic algorithm of the longest common subsequence
by Brigsoft
The topic of this article is pointers. I describe below some problems, bugs and technique solutions that correspond with using pointers. This article would be useful for beginners and programmers who use other programming languages and are starting to study C++ now.
by Abbas_Riazi
Calculating Magic Square In Any Order Using Standard Template Library (STL)
by Mladen Janković
How to make a class schedule using a genetic algorithm.
by Nemanja Trifunovic
Some code to help you combine MC++ and STL
by Patrick Hoffmann
This class makes it very easy and unified to process the argument list of your main(). It provides many features to support options with parameters, optional parameters and automatic output of error messages and a short manual. It uses STL and is unicode compliant.
by ljw1004
If you don't want to use CAB, this is how.
by Andreas Saurwein
Simple tool to test applications under various memory conditions.
by Jonathan de Halleux
Library for creating autonomous agents that have (fun) life-like behaviors.
by George Anescu
Presenting a method for detecting and solving deadlocks in multithreading applications using critical sections as synchronization objects
by Michael Dunn
A Code Project screen saver written in Win32 API
by nickadams
A C++ implementation of MIME
by Andriy Tylychko
A single header cross-platform thread-safe logging facility
by Craig Henderson
Identifying the minimum difference between two data sets.
by David Wincelberg
Sort by month name in database tables, filenames or strings
by kornelious
Simple implementation of an MRU cache in C++ using STL.
by Andreas Loeffler
How to use and develop plug-ins for multiple platforms.
by Domagoj Šarić
A tiny WinAMP output DLL that uses a C++ replacement of the official ASIO SDK that supports multiple ASIO devices.
by alex.barylski
A multiline hyper edit control derived from CEdit.
by Souren Abeghyan
Multithreaded server class with example of HTTP server
by jmolivieri
Extension of boost::upgrade_mutex
by Jim Crafton
An introduction to the Model-View-Controller Pattern in the Visual Component Framework.
by Jim Crafton
Part 2 of 4 that explores the Model-View-Controller Pattern in the Visual Component Framework
by thoughts-on-coding
Implementing the implicit Euler-Method with STL
by Alex Vinokur
The algorithm allows any kind of weights (costs, frequencies), including non-numerical ones
by JadBenAutho
Efficient and standalone library for NTP server/client utilizing pure C++
Most programming resources are wrong when comparing linked-list to vector. Here you can read and understand how they are wrong and why linked-list is (mostly) to be avoided.
by User 9885
Implements a basic object pooling scheme for generic C++ objects.
by Mike Melnikov
Object-oriented parser to read/write XML files using MSXML parser
by Dave Handley
A library of template classes that enables the rapid production of client-side database code.
by headmyshoulder
odeint v2 - Solving ordinary differential equations in C++
by Natty Gur
This article discusses the problems and the available solutions for maintenance and utilization of ASP.NET session state of the .NET session object.
by Mehdi Mousavi
Discusses OSDs and shows you how to implement one under Win32
by Jim Xochellis
A convenient online tool which facilitates the use of generic C++ programing for processing or storing custom data types.
by johnos
New set of open-source C++ libraries
by Christian Graus
A typesafe alternative to sprintf from the std library
by Rashid Thadha
An outlook control and framework that can be used in your WTL Application
by Boby Thomas P
Patterns in real life - Design patterns played out with people instead of objects.
by Narendra Chandel
Ever wondered how some of the popular download tools have capability to break download in middle, disconnect from net, later reconnect and restart file transfer from exact point they left earlier.
by Louis huang
This is a light weight lib for decoding and encoding the GSM SMS PDU format.
by klizardin
A template classes library to support pipe development with minimum programmer effort.
by jangtimjang
Playing Wave Resources using a low level audio API.
by Paul Ranson
Using pointers to member functions to build a functor template binding an instance of an object and a member function.
by phillipvoyle
Using JSON.h (version 0.3 supporting polymorphic types and std::shared_ptr)
by Dr. Goulu
Template classes to build polymorphic data structures based on STL, enabling transparent use of STL algorithms.
by John Osborn
Version 3 of the BHO Popup Blocker written in ATL
by Greg Utas
Analogous functions, subtle differences, multiple compilers...
by Artem Kustikov
This article describes portable networking library (ahttp) and small HTTP server - result of modern C++ programming approaches investigation
by Jeff Bogan
An article on practical learning of STL in the MS development environment.
by Stefan_Lang
How to avoid overflow and still retain precision on large integer calculations
by Thorsten Ottosen
Are you tired of filling data manually into STL containers? With the Initialization Library it gets a lot easier.
by DigitalInBlue
This article discusses the implementation and use of a fast alternative to dynamic_cast, Priori.
by My2Cents
Poll using EnumProcess to get process create notification in user-mode
by Nibu babu thomas
Lists out the details of running processes in a system, loaded drivers, loaded dlls, version of each dll and process, process times, command line, owner, priority, GDI resource usage, privileges, loaded symbols, window heirarchy, autostart app finding and more.
by Andreas Saurwein
3 simple classes for easy retrival of running processes, modules and threads
by amatecki
The article describes how to use the Microsoft's UPnP Control Point API for finding and controlling UPnP devices, and includes a description of simple library to facilitate the application of Control Point API in your own programs, together with an example of MFC and WinForms applications.
by Shaun Wilde
A wizard that allows you to create an ATL Property Page or Context Menu extensions
by Roland Pibinger
Convenient STL-compliant vector for pointers.
by Ahmed Charfeddine
Write asynchronous, multithreaded servers in a few lines of code. Monitor realtime activity with a deploy-only dashboard.
by Ralph Arvesen
A port of the famous C-language based game engine to Visual C++ with a .NET managed heads-up display.
by marc ochsenmeier
This sample show how to access the information retrieved by running Auditpol.
by Taka Muraoka
A quick and convenient way to build STL strings.
by Rotted Frog
A library for creating simple dialogs declaratively with minimal overhead
by Arnaud Brejeon
This article provides an easy way to load and save the parameters of an application in XML format.
by Emilio Garavaglia
A locale codecvt facet from char to wchar_t
by Chesnokov Yuriy
This article describes an object tracking approach by estimating a time averaged background scene for tracking static and moving objects in real-time on down-scaled image data.
by CurtD
Assertions are a very effective debugging tool for C/C++ code. But, a very subtle problem exists with assertions that can cause you to waste a lot of debugging time chasing the wrong problem.
by Joshua Jensen
Class and application to recursively or non-recursively match files or directories based on a wildcard pattern.
by Mishra Vikas
An application to view Registry entries.
by deBUGer!
Sample application demonstrating variety of MS technologies
by beetung
A hack to rename a workspace (MSVC6 only).
by marc ochsenmeier
A set of C++ interfaces to retrieve the side-by-side information of a manifest embedded in an image file.
by Thomas Freudenberg
Get shell icons, even if they're customized
by beetung
Provides clean syntax for explicitly loading a DLL and its export functions. Exported DLL functions appear as local extern "C" functions or class member functions at source level.
by Chris Losinger
Scans a folder for sub-folders and files. Simple and easy to use.
by Cho, Kyung-min
safedeque shows the way to use deque with cslock and smart pointer.
by rtybase
The theory and practice of developing server applications.
by Steef D.
Shell extensions to make a file read/write, make a file readonly, make a new folder, clean up temporary files and MP3 assignment.
by Philip Oldaker
A set of shell controls and other useful classes
by Selvam R
This article explains the usage of function pointer and callback in Windows application programming Interface (API).
by Selvam R
This article explains about Strsafe, Secured C run time library (CRT) and safe STL functions.
by David Coe
Describes the proper way to configure a server to securely run the ASP.NET worker process runs as the system account.
by Valentin Ivanov
Helper application for managing services running under Services.exe process on Windows Mobile platform.
by Todd Jeffreys
Shell Renamer is a shell extension which supports regular expression search and replace renaming and filename swapping
by Vadim Stadnik
Discussion of simple variants of Voronoi diagram
by Oboltus
Tiny template-based C++ class, which simplifies writing of XML data.
by BratilaRazvan
A Simple C++ XML parser with only the basic functionality
by Ilushka
This article is about a simple yet easily extensible class that allows to perform arithmetic calculations.
by Heo Yongseon
Simple HTTP Client, HTTP GET, HTTP POST, HTTP POST-MultiPartFormData
by Frank Arnold
A simple manipulator class for using printf style in ostream
by Sasa Kajic
Creating simple memory pool using templates and vector
by compiler
Left to my own devices, I tend to leak handles, leave keys open too long, close and re-open keys too often, and generally make a mess of the whole thing. And frankly, so do most of you (no insult intended).
by Pavel Molchanov
Simple way to create tree structure using basic STL classes
by Alex Cohn
XML parser helper classes in pure C++ without validation
by Vadim Motorine
How to build a simple, robust and easily expandable server for multiple clients
by Nader Omar
Learn the Skills and Concepts to Program in C++ for Beginner & Intermediate/step by step
by Alex Turc
Build a grid using ATL, STL and Win32 API.
by Bartlomiej Filipek
Several issues related to smart pointers that are worth knowing.
by peterchen
A beginner's introduction to the smart pointers provided by the boost library.
by HotSoftG
Automation framework application development, realize the software functions and software frame separation. Support plug-in support theme
by Stephen Kellett
Memory Validator is an automatic runtime error detection software tool for Windows applications.
by Philippe Cayouette
The initial implementation of enable_shared_from_this of STL or the one from Boost C++ causes crash if it appears more than once in the inheritance tree of a user class. This is a solution for the problem. (search tag: enable shared from this)
by headmyshoulder
This article explains a framework for solving ordinary differential equations, which is based on template metaprogramming.
by Sudhir Mangla
Some of the best open source projects in VC++ and MFC
by Daniel Lohmann
Defines some TCHAR compatible STL elements and gives you an std::ostream to send output to the debugger windows.
by Pavel Kobyakov
A DevStudio add-in described provides two interesting IDE integration features: adding a new tab to VC WorkspaceView window and running an arbitrary process under IDE with output sent to "Build" tab of VC Output window.
by trident99
The SQL Developer Kit, or SQD, is an interface wrapper around the SQLite 3 Database engine.
by Noah L
A vector iterator that facilitates the replacement of slow lists with fast vectors, as Bjarne decreed.
by Ajay Vijayvargiya
Reveals the important changes in STL.
by HoshiKata
An example state machine framework that uses Doxygen to auto-draw the actual code's behavior.
by Igor Vigdorchik
A WTL replacement for PostIt paper notes.
by Christian Graus
The first in a series of articles on STL, this one covers vector and some common algorithms
by Christian Graus
Coverage of two more containers from the STL, namely set and map, and the functions provided for them.
by Julian Brown
Encapsulates the details of SafeArray in a manner consistent with STL. Hides all the messy details.
by doxys
A self explaning example on how to build a fully compliant STL container
by Ray Virzi
Source code for STL compliant container classes that add fast indexing capability to existing container types
by Romualdas Cukuras
Put your favourite format string and function arguments to STL string.
by Chris Losinger
Using STL function objects in std::sort
by Hirotaka Niitsuma
STL like template based coding with the MMX/SSE extension using OpenCV, vigra, and boost.
by Aniruddha Jahagirdar
The STL Serialization Library can serialize and load STL objects from a file. The serialization file format can be customised to suit your needs. It's fast, easy, and free!
by Shao Voon Wong
Writing comparison function for std::sort
by Paul J. Weiss
A function that will split an input string based on a string delimiter.
by David 'dex' Schwartz
Split a string using a single character delimiter. Template function.
by David Hubbard
A set of classes written in STL that implement a web server
by Oskar Wieland
Using STL on warning level 4
by Christian Graus
My second STL article covers std::list and discusses different iterator types
by Christian Graus
This third article describes how to write function adaptors which allow customization of STL functions.
by Daniel Andersson
A string tokenizer iterator class that works with std::string
by Ernesto Savoretti
Simple utilities to manage strings. Specially devoted to VB backgrounders
by Darren Sessions
The Style Toolkit allows you to modernize the look of your programs using gradients, transparency, PNG images, and more.
by Scanix
SystemFramework defines interfaces, classes, and types to support a native runtime system with its own garbage collector, delegates, etc. The design of SystemFramework classes is similar to those of the .NET Framework.
by Michael Dunn
A library and a visual editor that make it easy to build task dialogs and use them in your C++ applications
by Corosan
What properties has some proper C++ wrapper class? Let's formalize it for example for Windows registry.
by Rasmus Kaae
An article on how to use the templated class for Burrows-Wheeler transformation.
by StephenPhillips
Command line application for recording and displaying scores for Ten Pin bowling
by Mike Melnikov
A template class that enable you to make tensors with any dimensionality. Process convolution of any tensors and so on.
by Cristian Amarie
Testing C++ classes with a pointer to member function.
by selom ofori
This is a simple text display view with wordwrapping and text selection capabilities.
by Joseph Dempsey
This article details a class that allows the manipulation of network adapters and uses that class to build a graphical ipconfig utility for anyone using Windows2000 or Windows XP. In order to accomplish this, the IP helper API is used.
by Bartlomiej Filipek
What performance can we get from C++17 parallel algorithms?
by Roy, Philippe
An article introducing Conceptual Dependency and predicate calculus operations.
by Bartlomiej Filipek
This book is a must-have resource for any C++ developer!
by Michael Dunn, Nish Nishant
A guide to the string wrapper classes provided by Visual C++ and class libraries
by cristitomi
An introduction to the STL vector.
by cristitomi
An introduction to the STL list.
by cristitomi
An introduction to STL deque.
by Michael Dunn
A detailed tutorial on writing your own Explorer namespace extensions.
by Michael Dunn
An index of all the articles in the Idiot's Guide
by Michael Dunn
A tutorial on writing a shell extension that operates on multiple files at once.
by Michael Dunn
A tutorial on writing a shell extension that adds pages to the properties dialog of files.
by Michael Dunn
A tutorial on adding columns to Explorer's details view via a column handler shell extension.
by Alasdair Craig
A C++ implementation of a published algorithm for computing the concave hull using a k-nearest neighbour approach.
by Itay Maman
Need a super quick implementation of a reference counting smart pointer? AUTO_REF delivers just that, with a 'thin' source code of just 3,886 bytes (< 4KB)
by Alex Mikunov
.NET Extensions that provide an infrastructure for enforcing database-like data integrity constraints
by Ajay Vijayvargiya
More of practical situations to use multithreading!
by John R. Bandela
Token Iterator provides an easy to use, familiar, and customizable way in which to go through the tokens contained in a string
by Michael Dunn
This article demonstrates new button and menu features of the Ribbon
by Paul Evans
Source code and explanation of a thread safe singleton and singleton management.
by summatix
Time how long an application or a set of processes run for, to millisecond precision.
by Oleksandr Kucherenko
A Visual Studio add-in to help navigate to TODO:, TASK: etc comments, as well as showing STL containers in debug mode such as std::string, std::list etc
by Alexander Berthold
A library allowing you to conveniently build a custom tokenizer and analyzer supporting precedence priorized rules
by Aleh Baradzenka
The control representing a regular ToolBar in the form of a tree of command buttons
by Bartlomiej Filipek
Several examples of beautiful code made up of algorithms from the C++ standard library. Heavily uses modern C++.
by Alexander Kovachev
Simple class to represent tree data structures in C++
by bsargos
Discussing about Tree Iterators: Choices of Datastructure and Algorithm
by Mick Leong
Adding support to STL for 3D Vectors
by Roy, Philippe
An article introducing an Artificial Intelligence technique that understands and manipulates concepts from text.
by Alex Vinokur
The C++-program simulates a Turing Machine (TM). TM is defined by input files: metafile, states file, alphabet file, transition file, input word(s) file(s).
by Sanjeev Venkat, kb-boxer
Type safe destination transparent logger for C++
by Dave Handley
Implementation of STL compliant type sensitive composite iterators.
by Goran Mitrovic
A typeof operator for Visual C++ 7.1 compiler.
by Chesnokov Yuriy
The article describes the use of Haar-like wavelet features for ultra fast object detection using a cascade of artificial neural network classifiers.
by Jais Joy
This article explains STL internals.
by compiler
This article introduces a simple approach to in-memory transactions that can be used to implement Undo and Redo. The technique uses SEH and Virtual Memory and requires only STL and Win32.
by Jens Nilsson
An article about managing undo and redo actions
by Jaroslav Klima
This article describes a very simple library which provides functions for reading and writing lines of text from/to a file on disk, supporting both ANSI and Unicode.
by saqib chuadhry
An article on OLE DB and ODBC API's uses through vc++ (MFC). And with little bit comparision.
by Taka Muraoka
Problems that developers will face when upgrading an STL-based application to use Unicode and how to solve them.
by Le Sourcier
Explain why and how to use PIMPL
by Shvetsov Evgeniy
Helper functions to deal with the individual bits & digits, hashing and other
by Vineet Nandurkar
This article demonstrates user management using Active Directory Services
by Johann Anhofer
The goal of this article is to describe a more or less generic way to access .NET managed objects from a native C++ application.
by Jim Crafton
An article describing how to use delegates in the VCF.
by Christopher Diggins
An introduction to the OOTL (Object Oriented Template Library). Describes how the OOTL uses a bleeding-edge technique of defining interface types in C++ to provide lightweight object-oriented primitives with run-time polymorphism through an IObject interface.
by ljw1004
How to read XML documents using MSXML, in a modern C++/template manner
by Zoran M. Todorovic
A brief introduction on using the Standard Template Library
by Zhaohui Xing (Joey)
The article gives the sample to demonstrate the advantage of using STL algorithm.
by sanjit_rath
Using STL to build a simple DOM model and its scripting scheme.
by Tesic Goran
The goal of this article is to demonstrate using one of the STL&#8217;s associative containers &#8211; the map.
by Paul Wolfensberger
An introduction to sorting using STL
by c-smile
Lightweight utf8 generator
by Shup
An article on simple but frequently used utility functions.
by jamesfancy
Utility functions for std::string.
by Michael Dunn
How to use Vista's new file open and file save dialogs with WTL.
by Jim Crafton
An Article describing working with the Visual Component Framework
by Dan Moulding
A memory leak detector for Visual C++ packaged in an easy to use library!
by J W Payne
A Visual Studio add-in to help navigate around large projects.
by rudy_g
How to add an image to the background of the Visual Studio .NET edit window.
by Hartmut Kaiser
Describes a free and fully Standard conformant C++ preprocessor library
by Vincent, Wei
Sometimes, you may want to create a log file and you want to create a log item every week(maybe every month or every 10 days). This class can help you to make the mission easier!
by bektek
This simple class shows how to iterate file names by using STL iterator interface.
by petersunde
A small snippet which allows you to control your winamp via predefined hotkeys
by Michael Dunn
Create custom tasks in your app's jump list on Windows 7
by Michael Dunn
An intro to using jump lists with your Windows 7 applications
by Michael Dunn
An intro to using Taskbar progress bars and overlay icons with your Windows 7 applications
by Matthijs Hollemans
A shell extension to allow you to select files based on a wildcard search
by klizardin
WinHttp API wrapper library with asynchronous call mechanism and support of HTTPS protocol
by Rodrigo Cesar de Freitas Dias
Introducing WinLamb, a modern C++11 object-oriented library to write native Windows programs
by Uri Twig
Simple and elegant thread pool.
by Peter Thoemmes
Workaround for IShellLink::GetPath(), which sometimes fails and crashes the application.
by «_Superman_»
Displays current time in various timezones. Also demonstrates some Win32 API programming tricks.
by Ajay Vijayvargiya
Learn how you can write your own Windows debugger.
by Amer Gerzic
Explains principles behind writing regular expression parsers.
by Zeeshan Amjad
Writing Portable Code in C++ Using STL
by Emilio Garavaglia
C++ classes and wrappers to write W32 apps without MFC, ATL or other (part 1?)
by Emilio Garavaglia
C++ classes and wrappers to write W32 apps without MFC, ATL or other (part 3).
by Ajay Vijayvargiya
Let's enhance our Debugger!
by Ilya Solnyshkin
Implements a tree control similar to the left hand side of Windows Explorer
by Serge Klimov
This is an implementation of docking windows for the WTL library
by Michael Dunn
A tutorial on using WTL splitter windows and pane containers.
by Heo Yongseon
Synchronized/asynchronized WWW client: HTTP/HTTPS GET, POST, POST multiparts/form-data supported. FTP GET FILE, PUT FILE supported too.
by Hans Ruck
Validate XML with XML schema.
by Jörgen Sigvardsson
This is an ATL/COM-port of Don Box' excellent XML property bag implementation.
by AntonGogolev
Using XML to store settings.
by Cho, Kyung-min
Easy to access and simple XML parser
by Mitchel Haas
Open source C++ class template library for generating and parsing xhtml documents.
by phoenicyan
High-performance expression evaluator that allows filtering large number of messages
by Jonathan de Halleux
STL compliant, stream-to-stream, zlib and bzip2 wrapper with wide char support.
by Mike Melnikov
A set of classes that provide automatic adding necessary splitters in your dialogs