is a very useful STL helper template function which takes advantage of the class member function matching the template parameters. Most of the time, mem_fun
can be directly used without the construction class. But in some special sophisticated algorithmd, the mem_fun
can not be called directly, and the construction classes mem_fun_t
(for non parameter class member functions) and mem_fun1_t
(for one parameter class member functions) must be used to create the mem_fun
In this article, the sample project shows how to create mem_fun
object with mem_fun_t
Case Study
In the demo project, a unique algorithm is designed to complete the tasks:
- Sort the list with specific sort order.
- Calculate the summation of list.
- Above two tasks must be completed in a single procedure.
Before designing the main algorithm, two helper template functions are given out; the first is the comparison of two objects:
template<typename TType, typename TFunc> class TComparsion
TComparsion(const TFunc& func,
bool bAsc = true):m_fFunc(func), m_bAsc(bAsc){};
bool operator () (TType* t1, TType* t2)
return (m_fFunc(t1) < m_fFunc(t2));
return (m_fFunc(t2) < m_fFunc(t1));
TFunc m_fFunc;
bool m_bAsc;
The second is the summation of the objects:
template<typename TType, typename TFunc, typename TFuncOut>
class TSummation
TSummation(const TFunc& func,const TFuncOut tVal = 0)
:m_fFunc(func), m_tSummation(tVal){};
void operator()(TType* t)
m_tSummation += m_fFunc(t);
operator TFuncOut(){return m_tSummation;}
TFunc m_fFunc;
TFuncOut m_tSummation;
In this template class, the type conversion operator must be given out for retrieving the summation from STL for_each
The main algorithm is designed as:
template <typename TList, typename TCmp, typename TSum,
typename TSumVal>class TSortSumAlgor
TSortSumAlgor(const TCmp& fcmp, const TSum& fsum)
:m_Fcmp(fcmp), m_Fsum(fsum){};
TSumVal operator()(TList& t)
std::stable_sort<TList::iterator>(t.begin(), t.end(), m_Fcmp);
return std::for_each<TList::iterator>(t.begin(), t.end(), m_Fsum);
TCmp m_Fcmp;
TSum m_Fsum;
In stlalgor.cpp, the sample classes demonstrate the application of this algorithm.
The member function "Get
" of class CDblCounter
and "GetStr
" of class CStrCounter
can be used as the functor for the templates TComparsion
and TSummation
. To pass these two class member functions as the template parameters, the STL mem_fun
must be used as the member function of TComparsion
and TSummation
. But, in this algorithm implementation, the mem_fun
can not be called directly in these templates, so the construction class mem_fun_t
must be used to create the mem_fun
object being passed to the algorithm.
The following code:
typedef mem_fun_t<double, CDblCounter> CDblMemFuncT;
typedef mem_fun_t<string, CStrCounter> CStrMemFuncT;
defines the concrete construction class for passing CDblCounter::Get
and CStrCounter::GetStr
to mem_fun
. These two definitions are very important for the algorithm calling mem_fun
The following definitions give out the concrete comparison and summation class in which the mem_fun
objects, which adapt CDblCounter::Get
and CStrCounter::GetStr
, are implemented as the class member functions.
typedef TComparsion<CDblCounter, CDblMemFuncT> CDblCmpFunctor;
typedef TSummation<CDblCounter, CDblMemFuncT, double> CDblSumFunctor;
typedef TComparsion<CStrCounter, CStrMemFuncT> CStrCmpFunctor;
typedef TSummation<CStrCounter, CStrMemFuncT, string> CStrSumFunctor;
Finally the concrete algorithm classes are defined as:
typedef TSortSumAlgor<CDblArray, CDblCmpFunctor,
CDblSumFunctor, double> CDblAglor;
typedef TSortSumAlgor<CStrArray, CStrCmpFunctor,
CStrSumFunctor, string> CStrAglor;
The figure shows the steps of applying mem_fun
in a complicated algorithm:

The algorithm can be applied as the code shown in stlalgor.cpp:
CDblArray dList1;
CDblCmpFunctor fCmp(std::mem_fun<double, CDblCounter>
(&CDblCounter::Get), true);
CDblSumFunctor fSum(std::mem_fun<double, CDblCounter>
(&CDblCounter::Get), 0.0);
CDblAglor pAglor(fCmp, fSum);
double dSum = pAglor(dList1);
CStrArray sList;
CStrCmpFunctor sfCmp(std::mem_fun<string, CStrCounter>
(&CStrCounter::GetStr), true);
CStrSumFunctor sfSum(std::mem_fun<string, CStrCounter>
(&CStrCounter::GetStr), "Programming Language:");
CStrAglor sAglor(sfCmp, sfSum);
string sSum = sAglor(sList);
In templdefs.h and stlalgor.cpp, the use of mem_fun1_t
is also demonstrated.
template<typename TType, typename TFunc,
typename TFuncOut, typename TParam>class TSummation1
TSummation1(const TFunc& func, const TParam tParam,
const TFuncOut tVal = 0):m_fFunc(func), m_tParam(tParam),
void operator()(TType* t)
m_tSummation += m_fFunc(t, m_tParam);
operator TFuncOut(){return m_tSummation;}
TFunc m_fFunc;
TParam m_tParam;
TFuncOut m_tSummation;
typedef mem_fun1_t<double, CDblCounter, double> CDblMemFunc1T;
typedef TSummation1<CDblCounter, CDblMemFunc1T,
double, double> CDblSum1Functor;
CDblSum1Functor fSum1(std::mem_fun<double, CDblCounter,
double>(&CDblCounter::Calc), 8.0, 0.0);
dSum = for_each(dList1.begin(), dList1.end(), fSum1);
Updated Sample Code (June 2005)
In the updated sample code, the new template and class demonstrate how to apply bind1st
helper template function in the algorithm design and implementation. The key points in designing the functor template for bind1st
are that the first_argument_type
, second_argument_type
, result_type
must be explicitly defined.
The sample code with regards to bind1st
template<typename TList, typename TType,
typename TValue, typename TFunc>class TSearch
TSearch(const TFunc& func): m_fFunc(func){};
TType operator()(TList& tl, const TValue& tv)
TType pRet = 0;
TList::iterator iter;
iter = std::find_if<TList::iterator>(tl.begin(),
tl.end(), std::bind2nd(m_fFunc, tv));
if(iter != tl.end())
pRet = (*iter);
return pRet;
TFunc m_fFunc;
template<typename TType1, typename TType2,
typename TReturn, typename TFunc>class TBinder
typedef TType1 first_argument_type;
typedef TType2 second_argument_type;
typedef TReturn result_type;
TBinder(const TFunc& func):m_fFunc(func){};
result_type operator()(first_argument_type tc,
second_argument_type tv) const
result_type vRet;
vRet = m_fFunc(tc, tv);
return vRet;
TFunc m_fFunc;
template<typename TClass, typename TValue,
typename TFunc>class TEqualFunctor
TEqualFunctor(const TFunc& func):m_fFunc(func){};
bool operator()(TClass tc, const TValue& tv) const
bool bRet = false;
bRet = (tv == m_fFunc(tc));
return bRet;
TFunc m_fFunc;
typedef vector<CPersonInfo*> CPersonArray;
typedef TSeqDeletor<CPersonInfo> CPersonDel;
typedef TDealloc<CPersonArray, CPersonDel> CPersonClean;
typedef const_mem_fun_t<int, CPersonInfo> CPersonMemT;
typedef TEqualFunctor<CPersonInfo*, int, CPersonMemT> CPersonFinder;
typedef TBinder<CPersonInfo*, int, bool, CPersonFinder> CPersonChecker;
typedef TSearch<CPersonArray, CPersonInfo*,
int, CPersonChecker> CPersonSearch;
The mem_fun
is a very powerful functor to manipulate and process the class object's behavior and functionality in the algorithm procedure. Properly building the mem_fun
object is very important and sometimes the mem_fun_t
construction class must be used to create the mem_fun