Download the source code - 38 Kb
Download the templates and precompiled DLL - 35 Kb
This custom wizard allows you to create an ATL Object Wizard
Property Page that can get called during your custom object
To install the ATL Object Wizard Property Page component you
need to download and
extract the files to '???\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\MSDev98\Template\ATL'.
You then need to register atlsymwz.dll using regsvr32.exe. The
ATL Object Wizard Property Page component should then be
available from ATL Object Wizard.
To create you very own ATL Object Wizard property page follow
these simple steps:
- Start the ATL Object Wizard using the 'New ATL Object'
option avalable from the menus.
- Select the ATL Object Wizard component from the Wizards
[NOTE: As a final test of the wizard I recreated the wizard
using the original wizard as a starting point]
- Fill in the Names and Strings pages as you would a normal
Property Page object.
This wizard is similar to the Property Page wizard found under
the Controls category however the Attributes page has been
removed and the following page has been added.

- Fill in the 'Object Wizard Settings' page.
The Category field indicates what category you wish your
component to come under and the Title field is for the name you
wish to give your object. Two other field are supplied and these
are the Control File and the Icon File, these fields indicate
what .ctl file you wish to call when your object is selected and
the icon file is for what Icon to display in the ATL Object
Wizard. There are options to create stubs for these files if they
do not already exist. [NOTE: several of the wizards use control.ctl
as the control file but supply different icons]
- Add your own controls to the page and create your own
symbols using the ISymbolMap interface. However before you start
creating your own custom control templates I suggest you also
read the references and investigate the currently available
wizards that are available in '???\Program Files\Microsoft Visual
Auto Generated Code
I have supplied two methods EnableOK() and DisableOK() which
are used to enable and disable the OK button at the bottom of the
property sheet. If you need to disable the OK button and only
enable it when the user has filled in some fields, like I did
with this wizard, then I suggest you put in a call to DisableOK()
in the Apply method when m_hWnd is NULL (see the source code to
- Template.txt found in '???\Program Files\Microsoft Visual
Studio\Common\MSDev98\Template\ATL' - This is actually a HTML
file and is easier if renamed or copied to template.htm
- Q179385 - HOWTO: Add Custom ATL Objects to the ATL Object
- Customizing the ATL Object Wizard A Real-World Example - Glenn
Carr - should be available at Visual
C++ Developers Journal
- Q223439 - HOWTO: Using Class Wrappers to Access Windows Common
Controls in ATL
Even though I have tested the code in unicode format I decided
it was needless as I wanted the wizards to run under VC6
regardless of whether they were running under NT or Win9x.
Because I have used the STL to give me extra functionality
such as maps and lists etc. this code does produce known warnings
when compiled under 'Warning Level 4'.
1 May 2000: Updated source so that registration code is inserted by the wizard as suggested by
Erik Thompson