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CM_ConfigBuilder 1.2g: Visual Studio 6/Visual Studio 2005/Visual Studio 2008 Code Generator for Application Settings Graphic Management

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12 Feb 2008CPOL17 min read 697.3K   9.8K   262  
CM_ConfigBuilder generates and compiles the required files to manage your application's settings/preferences and to store/retrieve them in XML format.
// CCppClassArrayGenerator.cpp
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "CppClassArrayGenerator.h"
#include "XmlProjectSettings.h"
#include "XmlClassInfo.h"
#include "XmlMemberInfo.h"



void CCppClassArrayGenerator::Generate()
	// generate header file
	// generate implementation file
void CCppClassArrayGenerator::GenerateHeader()
	string fileName;
	string pathName;


	pathName = BuildGeneratedSourcePath() + "include\\";
	fileName = GetClassName() + GetCardinalityPostfix(classInfo_) + ".h";
	SaveFile(pathName + fileName, headCode_);

	hGeneratedFiles_[fileName] = pathName + fileName; 

void CCppClassArrayGenerator::Head_generateHeader()
	headCode_ += "// " + GetClassName() + GetCardinalityPostfix(classInfo_) + ".h" + xCrLf;
	headCode_ += "// " + xCrLf; 
	headCode_ += GetGenerationTimeStamp();

void CCppClassArrayGenerator::Head_generateIfDefBegin()
	headCode_ += "#if !defined(" + DefineOf(GetClassName()) + GetCardinalityPostfix(classInfo_) + ")" + xCrLf;
	headCode_ += "#define " + DefineOf(GetClassName()) + GetCardinalityPostfix(classInfo_) + xCrLf;
	headCode_ += xCrLf;

void CCppClassArrayGenerator::Head_generateIncludeSection()
	headCode_ += "#include <string>" + xCrLf;
	headCode_ += "#include <vector>" + xCrLf;
	headCode_ += "#include \"XmlSerializable.h\"" + xCrLf;
	// include contained class header
	headCode_ += "#include \"" + GetClassName(classInfo_->GetName()) + ".h\"" + xCrLf;
	headCode_ += xCrLf;

	headCode_ += xCrLf;
	headCode_ += "using namespace std;" + xCrLf;
	headCode_ += xCrLf;

void CCppClassArrayGenerator::Head_generateForwardDecl()

void CCppClassArrayGenerator::Head_generateClassBegin()
	headCode_ += "class AFX_EXT_CLASS " + GetClassName() + GetCardinalityPostfix(classInfo_) + ": public CXmlSerializable" + xCrLf;
	headCode_ += "{" + xCrLf;

void CCppClassArrayGenerator::Head_generateConstructor()
	headCode_ += "public:" + xCrLf;
	headCode_ += xTab + GetClassName() + GetCardinalityPostfix(classInfo_) + "();" + xCrLf;
	headCode_ += xTab + GetClassName() + GetCardinalityPostfix(classInfo_) + "(const " + GetClassName() + GetCardinalityPostfix(classInfo_) + "& copy);" + xCrLf;

void CCppClassArrayGenerator::Head_generateDestructor()
	headCode_ += xTab + "virtual ~" + GetClassName() + GetCardinalityPostfix(classInfo_) + "();" + xCrLf + xCrLf;

void CCppClassArrayGenerator::Head_generateMethods()
	headCode_ += xTab + "// utils" + xCrLf;
	headCode_ += xTab + "//" + xCrLf;
	headCode_ += "public:" + xCrLf;
	headCode_ += xTab + "void operator=(const " + GetClassName() + GetCardinalityPostfix(classInfo_) + "& copy);" + xCrLf + xCrLf;
	headCode_ += xTab + "void SetDefaults();"  + xCrLf;
	headCode_ += xTab + "void Clear();"  + xCrLf;
	headCode_ += xTab + "virtual string GetXmlNodeName(){return \"" + classInfo_->GetName() + GetCardinalityPostfix(classInfo_) + "\";}" + xCrLf;
	headCode_ += xCrLf;
	headCode_ += xTab + "// access methods" + xCrLf;
	headCode_ += xTab + "//" + xCrLf;
	headCode_ += xTab + "int GetSize() const;" + xCrLf;
	headCode_ += xTab + "const " + GetClassName() + "& operator[] (int index) const;" + xCrLf;
	headCode_ += xTab + GetClassName() + "& operator[] (int index);" + xCrLf;
	headCode_ += xTab + "void Insert(int index, const " + GetClassName() + "& " + GetCamelCase(classInfo_->GetName()) + ");" + xCrLf;
	headCode_ += xTab + "void Delete(int index);" + xCrLf;
	headCode_ += xCrLf;

	headCode_ += "protected:" + xCrLf;
	headCode_ += xTab + "void Copy(const " + GetClassName() + GetCardinalityPostfix(classInfo_) + "& copy);"  + xCrLf;
	headCode_ += xCrLf;

void CCppClassArrayGenerator::Head_generateSerialization()
	headCode_ += xTab + "// serialization" + xCrLf;
	headCode_ += xTab + "//" + xCrLf;
	headCode_ += xTab + "public:" + xCrLf;
	headCode_ += xTab + "virtual bool BuildFromXml(CXMLDOMNode& node);" + xCrLf;
	headCode_ += xTab + "virtual bool AppendToDOMDocument(CXMLDOMDocument2& xmlDoc, CXMLDOMElement& parentElement, bool parentIsValid = true);" + xCrLf;
	headCode_ += xCrLf;

void CCppClassArrayGenerator::Head_generateMembers()
	headCode_ += xTab + "// inner members" + xCrLf;
	headCode_ += xTab + "//" + xCrLf;
	headCode_ += "protected:" + xCrLf;

	headCode_ += xTab + "vector<" + GetClassName() + "> " + GetCamelCase(classInfo_->GetName()+ GetCardinalityPostfix(classInfo_))  + "_;";

void CCppClassArrayGenerator::Head_generateClassEnd()
	headCode_ += xCrLf;
	headCode_ += "};" + xCrLf;
	headCode_ += xCrLf;

void CCppClassArrayGenerator::Head_generateIfDefEnd()
	headCode_ += "#endif //!defined(" + DefineOf(GetClassName() + GetCardinalityPostfix(classInfo_)) + ")" + xCrLf + xCrLf;

void CCppClassArrayGenerator::GenerateImplementation()
	string fileName;
	string pathName;


	pathName = BuildGeneratedSourcePath() + "src\\";
	fileName =  GetClassName() + GetCardinalityPostfix(classInfo_) +  ".cpp";
	SaveFile(pathName + fileName, implCode_);

	cppGeneratedFiles_[fileName] = pathName + fileName; 

void CCppClassArrayGenerator::Impl_generateHeader()
	implCode_ += "// " + GetClassName() + GetCardinalityPostfix(classInfo_) + ".cpp" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += "// " + xCrLf; 
	implCode_ += GetGenerationTimeStamp();

void CCppClassArrayGenerator::Impl_generateIncludeSection()
	implCode_ += "#include \"stdafx.h\"" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += "#include \"" + GetClassName() + GetCardinalityPostfix(classInfo_) + ".h\"" + xCrLf;

	ClassMemberMap::iterator it;
	ClassMemberMap* members;
	CXmlBaseElement* member;
	string name;

	members = classInfo_->GetMembers();
	for(it = members->begin(); it != members->end(); it++) {
		member = it->second;
		if (member->GetDataType() == enDataType_Class) {
			CXmlClassInfo* classInfo;

			classInfo = dynamic_cast<CXmlClassInfo*>(member);
			if (classInfo->GetDefinitionInheritance())
				classInfo = dynamic_cast<CXmlClassInfo*>(rootClassInfo_->GetMemberById(classInfo->GetInherithClassId()));

			name = classInfo->GetName();
			implCode_ += "#include \"" + GetClassName(name) + ".h\"" + xCrLf;

	implCode_ +=  xCrLf;

void CCppClassArrayGenerator::Impl_generateConstructor()
	string p;

	p = GetCardinalityPostfix(classInfo_);

	// default constructor
	implCode_ += GetClassName() + p + "::" + GetClassName() + p + "()" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += "{" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += xTab + "SetDefaults();" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += "}" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += xCrLf;

	// copy constructor
	implCode_ += GetClassName() + p + "::";
	implCode_ += GetClassName() + p;
	implCode_ += "(const " + GetClassName()  + p + "& ";
	implCode_ += GetCamelCase(classInfo_->GetName())  + p + ")" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += "{" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += xTab + "Copy(" + GetCamelCase(classInfo_->GetName()) + p + ");" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += "}" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += xCrLf;

void CCppClassArrayGenerator::Impl_generateDestructor()
	string p;

	p = GetCardinalityPostfix(classInfo_);

	implCode_ += GetClassName() + p + "::~" + GetClassName() + p + "()" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += "{" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += xTab + "Clear();" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += "}" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += xCrLf;

void CCppClassArrayGenerator::Impl_generateMethods()
	string p;

	p = GetCardinalityPostfix(classInfo_);
	// operator =
	implCode_ += "void " +  GetClassName() + p + "::operator=(const " + GetClassName() + p + "& " + GetCamelCase(classInfo_->GetName()) + p + ")" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += "{" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += xTab + "Copy(" + GetCamelCase(classInfo_->GetName()) + p + ");" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += "}" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += xCrLf;

	// copy
	string vectName;

	vectName = GetCamelCase(classInfo_->GetName()) + p;
	implCode_ += "void " + GetClassName() + p + "::Copy(const " + GetClassName() + p + "& " + GetCamelCase(classInfo_->GetName()) + p + ")"  + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += "{" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += xTab + "Clear();" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += xCrLf;
	implCode_ += xTab + "for (int i = 0; i < " + vectName + ".GetSize(); i++)" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += xTab + xTab + vectName + "_.push_back(" + vectName + "[i]);" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += "}" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += xCrLf;

	// SetDefaults
	implCode_ += "void " + GetClassName() + p + "::SetDefaults()"  + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += "{" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += xTab + "Clear();" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += "}" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += xCrLf;

	// SetDefaults
	implCode_ += "void " + GetClassName() + p +"::Clear()"  + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += "{" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += xTab + vectName +"_.clear();" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += "}" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += xCrLf;

	// GetSize
	implCode_ += "int " + GetClassName() + p +"::GetSize() const"  + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += "{" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += xTab + "return " + vectName + "_.size();" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += "}" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += xCrLf;

	// operator []
	implCode_ += "const " + GetClassName() + "& " + GetClassName() + p +"::operator[] (int index) const" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += "{" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += xTab + "return " + vectName + "_[index];" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += "}" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += xCrLf;

	// operator []
	implCode_ += GetClassName() + "& " + GetClassName() + p +"::operator[] (int index)" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += "{" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += xTab + "return " + vectName + "_[index];" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += "}" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += xCrLf;

	// Insert
	implCode_ += "void " + GetClassName() + p +"::Insert(int index, const " + GetClassName() + "& " + GetCamelCase(classInfo_->GetName()) + ")" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += "{" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += xTab + vectName + "_.insert(" + vectName + "_.begin() + index, " + GetCamelCase(classInfo_->GetName()) + ");" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += "}" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += xCrLf;

	// Delete
	implCode_ += "void " + GetClassName() + p +":: Delete(int index)" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += "{" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += xTab + vectName + "_.erase(" + vectName + "_.begin() + index);" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += "}" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += xCrLf;

void CCppClassArrayGenerator::Impl_generateSerialization()
	ClassMemberMap::iterator it;
	string p;
	string arrayName;
	p = GetCardinalityPostfix(classInfo_);
	arrayName = GetCamelCase(classInfo_->GetName()) + p;

	// BuildFromXml
	implCode_ += "bool " + GetClassName() + p + "::BuildFromXml(CXMLDOMNode& node)" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += "{" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += xTab + "USES_CONVERSION;" + xCrLf + xCrLf;

	implCode_ += xTab + "CXMLDOMNode childNode;" + xCrLf;
    implCode_ += xTab + "CXMLDOMNodeList children;" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += xTab + "string nodeName;" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += xTab + GetClassName() + " newElement;" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += xCrLf;
	implCode_ += xTab + "SetDefaults();" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += xCrLf;

	implCode_ += xTab + "children = node.GetChildNodes();" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += xTab + "for (long i = 0; i < children.GetLength(); i++) {" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += xTab + xTab + "childNode = children.GetItem(i);" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += xTab + xTab + "nodeName = childNode.GetNodeName();" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += xTab + xTab + "if (nodeName == newElement.GetXmlNodeName()) {" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += xTab + xTab + xTab + "newElement.BuildFromXml(childNode);" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += xTab + xTab + xTab + arrayName + "_.push_back(newElement);" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += xTab + xTab + "}" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += xCrLf;
	implCode_ += xTab + "}" + xCrLf + xCrLf;

	implCode_ += xTab + "return true;" + xCrLf;

	implCode_ += "}" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += xCrLf;

	// AppendToDOMDocument
	implCode_ += "bool " + GetClassName() + p + "::AppendToDOMDocument(CXMLDOMDocument2& xmlDoc, CXMLDOMElement& parentElement, bool parentIsValid)" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += "{" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += xTab + "CXMLDOMElement newElement;" + xCrLf;
    implCode_ += xTab + "CXMLDOMElement rectElement;" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += xTab + "CXMLDOMElement member;" + xCrLf + xCrLf;
    implCode_ += xTab + "newElement = xmlDoc.CreateElement(GetXmlNodeName().c_str());" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += xTab + "for (int i = 0; i < " + arrayName + "_.size(); i++) {" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += xTab + xTab + arrayName + "_[i].AppendToDOMDocument(xmlDoc, newElement);" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += xTab + "}" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += xCrLf;
	implCode_ += xTab + "if (!parentIsValid)" + xCrLf;
    implCode_ += xTab + xTab + "xmlDoc.AppendChild(newElement);" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += xTab + "else" + xCrLf;
    implCode_ += xTab + xTab + "parentElement.AppendChild(newElement);" + xCrLf + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += xTab + "return true;" + xCrLf;
	implCode_ += "}" + xCrLf + xCrLf;


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