PayPal allow merchants to add payment functionality in their site and allow user to purchase their product in a secured environment. Merchant can integrate PayPal in their site to take the user directly in PayPal site and pay using PayPal login or can customize their site for payment checkout and use PayPal REST API call in the backend.
PayPal provide different products and solutions for payment.
- Braintree SDK
- Payment Buttons
- Payment REST API
- PayPal Here
- Express Checkout
- Shopping Carts
- PayPal Pro / Payflow
- Website Payment Pro
- Mobile SDK
According to implementation in a site, PayPal services may be categorize following ways.
- Express Checkout
- Direct Payment
- REST API Call from client
- Mobile SDK etc.
PayPal provide a SDK for .NET developer. Using SDK, developer can easily complete a payment by calling a function with appropriate parameters. PayPal allow the following type of operations using SDK.
Using REST Server SDK we can perform the following Payment related operations.
- Billing Agreement
- Billing Plans
- Identity
- Invoicing
- Payment Experience
- Payments
- Payouts
- Vault
- Webhooks
PayPal supply keys to use as credential. We can get these two keys by creating an App in the PayPal Development account. Save these two keys in the Web.config or somewhere else to use for the API request call. These two keys are named as,
- Client ID
- Secret Key
PayPal Environments
PayPal provide two types of environment
- Sandbox or Development
- Live or Production
How to Setup the Development environment?
The steps to setup the development environment is as follows:
- Sign Up on for a Business Account.

- Next login into PayPal developer site using the PayPal credential.

- Create a new App in development environment. It will give the keys as Client ID and a Secret key for credential.

- If you click on Sandbox Accounts link it will display the test account created for Development. One for merchant and one for buyer. Use these account for test payment.

- If you open the buyer details information, it will show you the test credit card information which will be used for test transaction during development.

Sample Project
The sample project is divided into two parts Client and Server. The client is developed using form builder framework, AngularJS and JQuery. The client project has a built in form to take credit card information and a submit button to submit a request to the server project.
On the other hand Server receives the request from client and execute a payment API call to the PayPal server with appropriate card information and shipping address. If payment is completed successfully PayPal return an object back to the server and server send it back to client.
The sample form UI is shown below

The keys stored in web.config file is shown below
<add key="mode" value="sandbox" />
<add key="connectionTimeout" value="360000" />
<add key="requestRetries" value="1" />
<add key="clientId" value="AcfYDG1vKiEYRfwUforCnWEub0w3QkRoErFkSOL3VRl4iEd_N-qrj76ydpnxdlxE3Ujxy0lbSpzLELSv" />
<add key="clientSecret" value="EBF7_ov-w-HFyatwGPAsL9vbNDECp3wG5sA_e1Rx-_rgSEmWwSOIW_jPj8dF_GNJx59JXFFHQUQXrrtE" />
Server side code to use these two keys are
public static class PayPalConfig
public readonly static string ClientId;
public readonly static string ClientSecret;
static PayPalConfig()
ClientId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["clientId"];
ClientSecret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["clientSecret"];
PayPal SDK supply an abstract class named BaseSamplePage. We need to inherit this class in our own custom class.
The abstract class sample code
public abstract class BaseSamplePage
protected RequestFlow flow;
public RequestFlow GetFlow()
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
return flow;
protected abstract void RunSample();
protected void RegisterSampleRequestFlow()
if(this.flow == null)
this.flow = new RequestFlow();
HttpContext.Current.Items["Flow"] = this.flow;
The custom class summary code
public class PayPalRequest : BaseSamplePage
private CardInput cardInput;
public PayPalRequest(CardInput inputPar)
cardInput = inputPar;
protected override void RunSample()
Code for ApiController
public class PayPalController : ApiController
public HttpResponseMessage Get(string cardData)
CardInput cartInput = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<CardInput>(cardData);
PayPalRequest payPalRequest = new PayPalRequest(cartInput);
RequestFlow flow = payPalRequest.GetFlow();
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, flow);
catch (Exception ex)
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, "Fail");
The client Ajax call request code
$scope.$on('formSubmission', function (err, submission) {
var cardInput = JSON.stringify(, null, " ");
type: "GET",
url: "http://(server:port)/api/PayPal?cardData=" + cardInput,
dataType: 'jsonp',
jsonpCallback: 'apiStatus',
success: function (msg) {
alert("Payment Id: " + JSON.parse(msg.items[0].response).id);
console.log( JSON.parse(msg.items[0].response));
error: function (request, status, error) {
The returned Payment Id of a transaction is shown below

After each transaction is completed, you can see the deposited amount and the log of transaction in your Sandbox account. Use the merchant username and password for login into the url
The following image shows a sample Sandbox account

PayPal provide different ways and different functionalities to implement the payment on your site. Here I have shown the functionality for how to do Payment. Same way you can do the Payout, Invoicing, Billing and other functionality.