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A light wrapper class for GUID

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7 Oct 2005 2  
A CGuid class for manipulating the GUID structure.


If you are programmer who strongly use COM/DCOM technology and its base structure GUID, you know how (and I now :-) often you are using this structure in API (CLSIDFrom...) calls and converting it from/to string, and what about MFC templates CMap<>, CList<>... So, for these reasons, some weeks ago I decided to write a wrapper class CGuid with some helper methods. With this class, you can easily convert GUID structures to CString or BSTRs and vice versa or create new GUIDs.

Source Code

// Guid.h: interface for the CGuid class.



#if !defined(AFX_GUID_H__BBBFB961_9EC0_4414_8B69_067CDD2FFB85__INCLUDED_)
#define AFX_GUID_H__BBBFB961_9EC0_4414_8B69_067CDD2FFB85__INCLUDED_
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000

class CGuid 
    CGuid(BSTR guid);
    CGuid(const CString& csGuid);
    CGuid(LPCTSTR lpszGuid);
    CGuid(const CGuid& g);
    CGuid(const GUID& g);
    virtual ~CGuid();
    CGuid& operator=(const GUID& g);
    CGuid& operator=(const CGuid& g);
    CGuid& operator=(BSTR g);
    CGuid& operator=(const CComBSTR& g);
    CGuid& operator=(const CString& g);
    CGuid& operator=(LPCTSTR g);
    bool operator==(const GUID& g);
    bool operator==(const CGuid& g);
    bool operator!=(const GUID& g);
    bool operator!=(const CGuid& g);
    operator GUID&();
    operator GUID*();
    operator CComBSTR();
    operator CString();
    bool operator<(const CGuid& g1) const;
    bool operator>(const CGuid& g1) const;
    long HasKey(){ return HashKey(*this); };
    BOOL ProgID(CString& csProgID);
    BOOL ProgID(CComBSTR& bstrProgID);

    static bool Create(GUID& guid);
    static bool Create(CComBSTR& guid);
    static bool Convert(GUID& guid, CComBSTR& bstrGuid);
    static bool Convert(GUID& guid, CString& csGuid);
    static bool Convert(BSTR bstrGuid, GUID& guid);
    static bool Convert(const CComBSTR& bstrGuid, GUID& guid);
    static bool Convert(const CString& bstrGuid, GUID& guid);
    static bool Convert(LPCTSTR lpszGuid, GUID& guid);
    static long HashKey(GUID& guid);

    GUID m_guid;
    void copy(const CGuid& g); 
    void copy(const GUID& g);
#endif // !defined(AFX_GUID_H__BBBFB961_9EC0_4414_8B69_067CDD2FFB85__INCLUDED_)

// Guid.cpp: implementation of the CGuid class.



#include "stdafx.h"

#include "Guid.h"


// Construction/Destruction


#pragma comment(lib, "rpcrt4.lib")
#define GUID_STRING_LEN 40

    m_guid = GUID_NULL;
CGuid::CGuid(BSTR guid)
CGuid::CGuid(const CString& csGuid)
CGuid::CGuid(LPCTSTR lpszGuid)
CGuid::CGuid(const CGuid& g)
    m_guid = g.m_guid; 
CGuid::CGuid(const GUID& g)
    m_guid = g;
bool CGuid::operator==(const GUID& g)
    return !::memcmp(&m_guid, &g, sizeof(GUID));
bool CGuid::operator==(const CGuid& g)
    return operator==(g.m_guid);
CGuid::operator GUID&()
    return m_guid;
CGuid::operator GUID*()
    return &m_guid; 
CGuid::operator CComBSTR()
    CComBSTR bstrGuid;
    Convert(m_guid, bstrGuid);
    return bstrGuid; 
CGuid::operator CString()
    CString csGuid;
    Convert(m_guid, csGuid);
    return csGuid; 
bool CGuid::operator!=(const GUID& g)
    return ::memcmp(&m_guid, &g, sizeof(GUID)) != 0;
bool CGuid::operator!=(const CGuid& g)
    return operator!=(g.m_guid);
CGuid& CGuid::operator=(const GUID& g)
    if( ::memcmp(&m_guid, &g, sizeof(GUID)) != 0 )
    return *this;
CGuid& CGuid::operator=(const CComBSTR& g)
    Convert(g, m_guid);
    return *this;
CGuid& CGuid::operator=(BSTR g)
    Convert(g, m_guid);
    return *this;
CGuid& CGuid::operator=(LPCTSTR g)
    Convert(g, m_guid);
    return *this;
CGuid& CGuid::operator=(const CString& g)
    Convert(g, m_guid);
    return *this;
CGuid& CGuid::operator=(const CGuid& g)
    if(this != &g )

    return *this;
inline void CGuid::copy(const CGuid& g)
inline void CGuid::copy(const GUID& g)
    ::memcpy(&m_guid, (void*)&g, sizeof(GUID));
bool CGuid::operator<(const CGuid& g1) const
    RPC_STATUS status;
    return ::UuidCompare(const_cast<GUID*>(&m_guid), 
           const_cast<GUID*>(&g1.m_guid), &status)==-1;
bool CGuid::operator>(const CGuid& g1) const
    return !this->operator<(g1) && ::memcmp(&g1.m_guid, 
                                &m_guid, sizeof(GUID));
bool CGuid::Convert(GUID& guid, CComBSTR& bstrGuid)
    int nCount = ::StringFromGUID2(guid, szGuid, GUID_STRING_LEN);
    bstrGuid = szGuid;
    return nCount !=0;
bool CGuid::Convert(GUID& guid, CString& csGuid)
    int nCount = ::StringFromGUID2(guid, szGuid, GUID_STRING_LEN);
    csGuid = szGuid;
    return nCount !=0;
bool CGuid::Convert(const CComBSTR& bstrGuid, GUID& guid)
    return Convert(bstrGuid.m_str, guid);
bool CGuid::Convert(BSTR bstrGuid, GUID& guid)
    if( bstrGuid == NULL )
    return false;
    UINT nLen = ::SysStringLen(bstrGuid);
    if( nLen < GUID_STRING_LEN - 4 )
        return false;
    CString csguid=bstrGuid;
    if( csguid.GetAt(0) == TCHAR('{') )
        return Convert(csguid.Mid(1, 
               csguid.GetLength()-2), guid);
        return Convert(csguid, guid);
bool CGuid::Convert(const CString& csGuid, GUID& guid)
    if( csGuid.GetLength() < GUID_STRING_LEN - 4 )
        return false;
    return Convert((LPCTSTR)csGuid, guid);
bool CGuid::Convert(LPCTSTR lpszGuid, GUID& guid)
    return ::UuidFromString((unsigned char*)lpszGuid, 
                                  &guid) == RPC_S_OK;
bool CGuid::Create(CComBSTR& bstrGuid)
    GUID guid;
    if( Create(guid) )
        return Convert(guid, bstrGuid);
    return false;
bool CGuid::Create(GUID& guid)
    return ::UuidCreate(&guid) == RPC_S_OK;
long CGuid::HashKey(GUID& guid)
    RPC_STATUS status=RPC_S_OK;
    return ::UuidHash(&guid, &status);
BOOL CGuid::ProgID(CString& csProgID)
    CComBSTR bstrTmp;
    BOOL bRet = ProgID(bstrTmp);
    csProgID = bstrTmp;
    return bRet;

BOOL CGuid::ProgID(CComBSTR& bstrProgID)
    BOOL bRet=FALSE;
    if( *this == GUID_NULL )
        return bRet;
    LPOLESTR psz = NULL;
    if( ::ProgIDFromCLSID(m_guid, &psz) == S_OK )
    return bRet;

As you can see, the only dependence is on the Rpcrt4.lib library. I have tested this class in WTL 7.5.

So enjoy.


  • 07 Oct 2005 - additional constructors and methods added, code improvements.
  • 21 Sep 2005 - initial version.


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