With some exe i have message with error Microsoft visual C+. I have to click button "proceed" a few times. If i do that, it shows all strings for that program.
Windows XP SP3
Does anybody know what modifications are needed to support printing Unicode -> System Locale in version info?
printf("%S", psVal) doesn't produce desired output for 0x041904E3 locale. It omits any non-ascii characters
LangID: 041904E3
CompanyName :
FileDescription :
FileVersion :
InternalName :
LegalCopyright : Copyright (c)
LegalTrademarks :
OriginalFilename :
ProductName :
ProductVersion : 1.01
Comments :
P.S. I got it!
#include <locale.h>
int wmain(int argc, wchar_t *argv[], wchar_t *envp[])
setlocale(LC_CTYPE, ".OCP");
modified 13-Apr-12 8:05am.
There is also the sigcheck utility from sysinternals that gives a summarized view of the file version. Not a complete dump like yours though.
The fix to this "problem" is not in the code, but in a setting on your PC. See this article. http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dllproc/base/dynamic-link_library_search_order.asp
If you have no such entry, the DEFAULT behavior appears to be INCORRECT in the article. Create the key if it doesnt exist and set its value to 0.
Note that the search order ALWAYS will look for the target in the same directory that ShowVer was launched in ... so make sure its in the path, but isolated from other EXEs and DLLs. So, I solved my own problem ... and apologies to Mr. Peck for inferring that he programmed this badly!
I was wondering if someone could into detail for me on whats going on in the code with these 2 functions
<br />
#define roundoffs(a,b,r) (((byte*)(b) - (byte*)(a) + ((r)-1)) & ~((r)-1))<br />
#define roundpos(b, a, r) (((byte*)(a))+roundoffs(a,b,r))<br />
and why they are needed.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Hi there
How can I (using VC6 / MFC) load ALL strings from a stringtable, one-by-one, getting the IDS value as well as the actual text, for all strings in my program's stringtable?
I have a delphi exe that I am running the showver against.
I am getting
Debug Assertion Failed
Expression 1== psfI >wtype
I have tried taking all my debug option out but I still get the error........Any suggetions
That's because Delphi generates wType=0 for StringFileInfo, VarFileInfo and StringTable in VS_VERSIONINFO structure and ASSERT(1 == pSFI->wType) fires.
You can see structures definition on http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms647001.aspx
Simply comment out two lines in ShowVer.cpp
473: ASSERT(1 == pSFI->wType);
490: ASSERT(1 == pSFI->wType);
for VC++ 2008/2010 (might be also needed for earlier VC++ versions) modify line
501: printf("%04x%04x ", (int)*wpos, (int)(*(wpos+1)));
Showver seems to find a file in the path before it finds one in the immediate directory. If for example file X.EXE is in the current directory and in c:\windows\system32, issuing the command "showver x.exe " gives me the version info of the copy in c:\windows\system32. To get the current folder I use "showver .\x.exe" ... but I shouldnt have to. Can this be fixed?
Hi all,
I have a problem about a VC Gui module to call a VB form module. When I click the button in VC UI to launch the VB form module. It works fine, but it causes problems when I close it.
The error is to trigger Window Auto send message:
VCClient MFC Application has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
=== VB Code ===
=== class clsdll ===
Public Function GetWindow() As Long
Load Form1
GetWindow = Form1.hWnd
'pid = GetCurrentProcessId()
End Function
====Form1 ====
Option Explicit
Dim AllowExit As Boolean
Private Sub cmdQuit_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Public Sub Form_Load()
'Download blank page
myWebBrowser.Navigate2 "about:blank"
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub myWebBrowser_DocumentComplete(ByVal pDisp As Object, URL As Variant)
'Create HTML document inside WebBrowser control
Dim sHTML As String
sHTML = "This is some text. "
sHTML = sHTML & "And here is a button. "
sHTML = sHTML & ""
sHTML = sHTML & "Click this button."
myWebBrowser.Document.body.innerHTML = sHTML
End Sub
=== vc code ====
void CVCClientDlg::OnButton1(CWnd* pParent)
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
HRESULT hresult;
CLSID clsid;
_clsdll *t;
hresult=CoCreateInstance(clsid,NULL,CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,__uuidof(_clsdll),(LPVOID *) &t);
AfxMessageBox("Creation Failed");
// _VBServerPtr vb(__uuidof(VBServer));
HWND hWnd,
dwIDWe = GetCurrentProcessId();
hWnd = (HWND) t->GetWindow();
while (hWnd != NULL)
GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWnd, &dwID);
CWnd pWnd;
pWnd.SetWindowText("Hello World");
if( dwID == dwIDWe )
hWindow = hWnd;
AfxMessageBox("pWnd exists...");
// hWnd = GetWindow(hWnd, GW_HWNDNEXT);
Thank you.
But this example is not run in Win9X.
Unicode problem?
I modified the original code as written below. It works on a win98 FIRST edition machine.
As you see, the structures don't have the wType field and use CHAR instead of WCHAR.
Please, note that I don't use the showFIXEDFILEINFO() method: maybe you have to modify something to use it.
Renato Mauro
struct VS_VERSIONINFO_98 {
WORD wLength;
WORD wValueLength;
// WORD wType;
CHAR szKey[1];
WORD Padding1[1];
WORD Padding2[1];
WORD Children[1];
struct String_98 {
WORD wLength;
WORD wValueLength;
// WORD wType;
CHAR szKey[1];
WORD Padding[1];
WORD Value[1];
struct StringTable_98 {
WORD wLength;
WORD wValueLength;
// WORD wType;
CHAR szKey[1];
WORD Padding[1];
String Children[1];
struct StringFileInfo_98 {
WORD wLength;
WORD wValueLength;
// WORD wType;
CHAR szKey[1];
WORD Padding[1];
StringTable Children[1];
struct Var_98 {
WORD wLength;
WORD wValueLength;
// WORD wType;
CHAR szKey[1];
WORD Padding[1];
DWORD Value[1];
struct VarFileInfo_98 {
WORD wLength;
WORD wValueLength;
// WORD wType;
CHAR szKey[1];
WORD Padding[1];
Var Children[1];
bool ShowVer98()
bool bRet = FALSE ;
char strExeName[_MAX_PATH] ;
CString sLocal ;
if ( GetModuleFileName( NULL, strExeName, _MAX_PATH ) )
DWORD dummy;
DWORD size = GetFileVersionInfoSize/*W*/( strExeName, &dummy ) ;
if (size)
void* pVer = _alloca(size);
memset(pVer, 0, size);
if ( GetFileVersionInfo/*W*/( strExeName, 0, size, pVer ) )
// Interpret the VS_VERSIONINFO header pseudo-struct
#define roundoffs(a,b,r) (((byte*)(b) - (byte*)(a) + ((r)-1)) & ~((r)-1))
#define roundpos(b, a, r) (((byte*)(a))+roundoffs(a,b,r))
// byte* nEndRaw = roundpos((((byte*)pVer) + size), pVer, 4);
// byte* nEndNamed = roundpos((((byte*) pVS) + pVS->wLength), pVS, 4);
// ASSERT(nEndRaw == nEndNamed); // size reported from GetFileVersionInfoSize is much padded for some reason...
// comparazione con stringhe normali
ASSERT(!strcmp(pVS->szKey, "VS_VERSION_INFO"));
byte* pVt = (byte*) &pVS->szKey[strlen(pVS->szKey)+1];
VS_FIXEDFILEINFO* pValue = (VS_FIXEDFILEINFO*) roundpos(pVt, pVS, 4);
if (pVS->wValueLength)
// showFIXEDFILEINFO(pValue); // Show the 'Value' element
// Iterate over the 'Children' elements of VS_VERSIONINFO (either StringFileInfo or VarFileInfo)
StringFileInfo_98* pSFI = (StringFileInfo_98*) roundpos(((byte*)pValue) + pVS->wValueLength, pValue, 4);
for ( ; ((byte*) pSFI) < (((byte*) pVS) + pVS->wLength); pSFI = (StringFileInfo_98*)roundpos((((byte*) pSFI) + pSFI->wLength), pSFI, 4))
{ // StringFileInfo / VarFileInfo
if ( !strcmp( pSFI->szKey, "StringFileInfo") )
// The current child is a StringFileInfo element
// Iterate through the StringTable elements of StringFileInfo
StringTable_98* pST = (StringTable_98*) roundpos(&pSFI->szKey[strlen(pSFI->szKey)+1], pSFI, 4);
for ( ; ((byte*) pST) < (((byte*) pSFI) + pSFI->wLength); pST = (StringTable_98*)roundpos((((byte*) pST) + pST->wLength), pST, 4))
printf(" LangID: %s\n", pST->szKey);
// Iterate through the String elements of StringTable
String_98* pS = (String_98*) roundpos(&pST->szKey[strlen(pST->szKey)+1], pST, 4);
for ( ; ((byte*) pS) < (((byte*) pST) + pST->wLength); pS = (String_98*) roundpos((((byte*) pS) + pS->wLength), pS, 4))
char* psVal = (char*) roundpos(&pS->szKey[strlen(pS->szKey)+1], pS, 4);
printf(" %-18s: %.*s\n", pS->szKey, pS->wValueLength, psVal); // print <skey> : <svalue>
bRet = TRUE ;
// The current child is a VarFileInfo element
VarFileInfo_98* pVFI = (VarFileInfo_98*) pSFI;
ASSERT(!strcmp(pVFI->szKey, "VarFileInfo"));
// Iterate through the Var elements of VarFileInfo (there should be only one, but just in case...)
Var_98* pV = (Var_98*) roundpos(&pVFI->szKey[strlen(pVFI->szKey)+1], pVFI, 4);
for ( ; ((byte*) pV) < (((byte*) pVFI) + pVFI->wLength); pV = (Var_98*)roundpos((((byte*) pV) + pV->wLength), pV, 4))
printf(" %s: ", pV->szKey);
// Iterate through the array of pairs of 16-bit language ID values that make up the standard 'Translation' VarFileInfo element.
WORD* pwV = (WORD*) roundpos(&pV->szKey[strlen(pV->szKey)+1], pV, 4);
for (WORD* wpos = pwV ; ((byte*) wpos) < (((byte*) pwV) + pV->wValueLength); wpos+=2)
printf("%04x%04x ", (int)*wpos++, (int)(*(wpos+1)));
ASSERT((byte*) pSFI == roundpos((((byte*) pVS) + pVS->wLength), pVS, 4));
//return pValue->dwFileVersionMS; // !!! return major version number
} // size
} // GetModuleFileName
return ( bRet ) ;
Renato Mauro
First off, great handy little utility.
The zip file is missing resource.h, but that's easily worked around.
This program will also crash if used on a program (VB Exe or DLL, for example) because of this line
#490 ASSERT(1 == pSFI->wType); // ?? it just seems to be this way...
Which if commented out, works fine. I think the sample exe distributed is the program compiled in Debug mode.
Thanks for the feedback. This reply is delayed because I was just on vacation.
I'll re-post without the reference to resource.h in the ShowVer.rc. My resource.h has nothing in it; I meant to leave it out but I forgot to purge that reference to it.
I'll check out with some VB-generated files too. You're right, I included the Debug executable version because I wanted to see which assert's are valid. I figured most people here would be comfortable rebuilding it. I'm interested in your opinion about this assumption.
Ted Peck
I have been using version information resources in my applications since a long time ago.
What leaves me baffled are the two members of the VS_FIXEDFILEINFO structure named dwFileDateMS and dwFiledateLS.
Neither did I find a way to generate values for these members by using the resource compiler, nor have I ever seen anything but zero in these members.
The documentation (Platform SDK) states
Specifies the most significant 32 bits of the file's 64-bit binary creation date and time stamp.
Specifies the least significant 32 bits of the file's 64-bit binary creation date and time stamp.
but this does not seem to be the case.
Any clues?
In my tests I also saw only zero in these values. I was not able to discover any reference to either setting or reading them in my MSDN CD, other than printing out their values. I suspect this is something Microsoft put in but never supported.
For me it's generally enough to look at the file timestamp, but it would be nice to see the original date/time in the versioninfo data. Unfortunately it would have to be poked in after the link was complete by a separate binary editor in order to match the creation date/time from the linker. Either that or the linker would need to be made aware of Versioninfo resources and poke the time in there itself. This is probably something Microsoft didn't find to be worth the trouble.
Ted Peck
I am not replying to this message in particular, but I could did not know how else to contact you. I was wondering, if there was a way to get something like a file listing functionality added to this utility. I mean if I do a showver.exe *.exe then it should list the file information of all the executables. Do you think this is possible to do in this. I am not too conversant with C++, and hence, I do not know how to work around this problem.
Would be grateful if you can help me with this.
Just use a for loop in a .bat file. Redirect the output to another file.
"The pointy end goes in the other man." - Antonio Banderas (Zorro, 1998)