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Discretionary ACL Authorization Security Model in Web Applications with NHibernate

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27 Feb 2009CPOL10 min read 82.8K   432   40   23
A practical object-level security approach.


This article introduces a practical and secure model for data access in web applications with NHibernate. Specifically, we will produce a discretionary access model intercepted by an NHibernate 2.0 event system. We will examine the usage of both interceptors and events. While rather straightforward, this is a very powerful architecture that provides a robust and secure Data Access Layer (DAL) and a per-class/instance approach with a minimal amount of code.


In a typical web or SOA architecture, a caller is first authenticated, and a security context is created based on the user's credentials. This context is made available through the duration of the request or session. Many Web Services will then verify whether this user is allowed to perform a specific action behind the Web Service API.

For example, in a blogging system, we would implement a method called SaveBlogPost and check whether the calling user is an authorized author, and throw an exception when otherwise. A different call, GetBlogPost, would check for read permissions, and GetAllBlogPosts would have to iterate through the resulting list and check access. This is, in my opinion, a very cumbersome implementation.

In contrast to a Web service or a web application, a file system works with ACLs. An Access Control List (ACL) is a list of permissions attached to an object. In an ACL-based security model, when a subject requests to perform an operation on an object, the Operating System first checks the list for an applicable entry in order to decide whether to proceed with the operation. Whether a file is accessed locally, via the network, a Web Service, or COM, the ACL system is responsible for the file's security.

How can we implement a similar ACL-based file system model for a web application?


Object Model

We will be implementing an ACL-based model with NHibernate 2.0. I have picked the following simple database object model for a blogging system:

  • An Account that represents an authenticated user. In our system, anyone can sign up, i.e., create an account.
  • A Blog has an account owner and a variable list of authors. In our system, any authenticated user can create a blog.
  • A BlogAuthor that represents an individual contributor or account. In our system, the blog owner can add or remove contributors. Contributors can opt out of being contributors without further verification.
  • A BlogPost can be seen by everyone. The blog owner can edit all posts, and blog authors can edit their own posts only.

Image 1

We want to design a programming model where we can represent the above authorization requirements in C# code in a direct, short, and concise manner. We would like to write "everyone can create this object" or "a blog author can delete his own posts" in one line of C#. When we succeed, the one line of C# code can be easily extended to a configuration-based implementation where permissions are described in XML files.

NHibernate Data Layer

Getting the data in and out of the database is a trivial problem solved by many frameworks. I have chosen the Puzzle Framework to design the domain model, export C# classes for NHibernate (both the .cs class implementations and the .hbm.xml NHibernate mappings), and make the UML diagram above. I've also added a generic NHibernateCrudTest Unit Test that ensures that all CRUD operations (Create, Retrieve, Update, and Delete) can be made. This is the DAL, without any access control.

Here's an example of a Blog class. Notice that I have modified the Account property to disallow any update; otherwise, this is Puzzle-generated code. This is a way of disallowing ownership change for a blog, by design.

public class Blog: IDataObject
    private System.Int32 _Id;
    private Account _Account;
    private System.Collections.Generic.IList<blogauthor> _BlogAuthors;
    private System.Collections.Generic.IList<blogpost> _BlogPosts;
    private System.DateTime _Created;
    private System.String _Description;
    private System.String _Name;

    public virtual System.Int32 Id { get { return _Id; } }

    public virtual Account Account
        get { return _Account; }
            if (_Account != null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException();

            _Account = value;

    public virtual System.Collections.Generic.IList<blogauthor> BlogAuthors
        get { return _BlogAuthors; }
        set { _BlogAuthors = value; }

    public virtual System.Collections.Generic.IList<blogpost> BlogPosts
        get { return _BlogPosts; }
        set { _BlogPosts = value; }

    public virtual System.DateTime Created
        get { return _Created; }
        set { _Created = value; }

    public virtual System.String Description
        get { return _Description; }
        set { _Description = value; }

    public virtual System.String Name
        get { return _Name; }
        set { _Name = value; }

The following NHibernate mapping is auto-generated for a Blog class:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<hibernate-mapping xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2" schema="dbo">
  <class name="Vestris.Data.NHibernate.Blog, Data.NHibernate" table="Blog">
    <id name="Id" type="Int32" 
           column="Blog_Id" access="field.pascalcase-underscore">
      <generator class="identity" />
    <many-to-one name="Account" column="Account_Id" 
          class="Vestris.Data.NHibernate.Account, Data.NHibernate" />
    <bag name="BlogAuthors" inverse="true">
      <key column="Blog_Id" />
      <one-to-many class="Vestris.Data.NHibernate.BlogAuthor, Data.NHibernate" />
    <bag name="BlogPosts" inverse="true">
      <key column="Blog_Id" />
      <one-to-many class="Vestris.Data.NHibernate.BlogPost, Data.NHibernate" />
    <property name="Created" column="Created" type="DateTime" />
    <property name="Description" column="Description" type="String" />
    <property name="Name" column="Name" type="String" />

NHibernate Interceptor

Since our goal is to do authorization at the lowest level possible and at the object level, we must intercept access to all objects above or below the DAL. An obvious choice is to wrap every class in the DAL with a class that implements authentication, but NHibernate offers a much more compelling model by using a class that implements IInterceptor. The IInterceptor interface defines a virtual hook into the CRUD functions. An empty implementation, NHibernate.EmptyInterceptor, is also available, and can be derived from in order to implement some, rather than all methods. For example, we can now witness the lifetime of all objects on the console.

public class ServiceDataInterceptor : EmptyInterceptor
    // save an existing instance (flush dirty data)
    public override bool OnFlushDirty(object entity, object id, 
           object[] currentState, object[] previousState, 
           string[] propertyNames, NHibernate.Type.IType[] types)
        Console.WriteLine("FlushDirty: {0}:{1}", entity, id);
        return base.OnFlushDirty(entity, id, currentState, 
               previousState, propertyNames, types);

    // save a new instance
    public override bool OnSave(object entity, object id, 
                         object[] state, string[] propertyNames, 
        NHibernate.Type.IType[] types)
        Console.WriteLine("Save: {0}:{1}", entity, id);
        return base.OnSave(entity, id, state, propertyNames, types);

    // load an existing instance
    public override bool OnLoad(object entity, object id, 
                    object[] state, string[] propertyNames, 
        NHibernate.Type.IType[] types)
        Console.WriteLine("Load: {0}:{1}", entity, id);
        return base.OnLoad(entity, id, state, propertyNames, types);

    // delete an existing instance
    public override void OnDelete(object entity, object id, 
                    object[] state, string[] propertyNames, 
        NHibernate.Type.IType[] types)
        Console.WriteLine("Delete: {0}:{1}", entity, id);
        base.OnDelete(entity, id, state, propertyNames, types);

An interceptor is hooked-up to a session factory when the latter is manufactured.

public ISessionFactory GetSessionFactory()
    Configuration cfg = new Configuration();
    cfg.Properties.Add("dialect", "NHibernate.Dialect.MsSql2000Dialect");
    cfg.Properties.Add("connection.connection_string", "...");
    cfg.Interceptor = new ServiceDataInterceptor();
    return cfg.BuildSessionFactory();

NHibernate Events

Another way of hooking up to the NHibernate pipeline is with event listeners. This is a more detailed framework than an interceptor since almost every ISession method has a corresponding event. It is possible to configure a session factory with a number of listeners at runtime. This is a new feature in NHibernate 2.0.

private T[] Insert<T>(T[] listeners, T instance)
    if (instance == null)
        return listeners;

    List<T> newListeners = new List<T>();
    return newListeners.ToArray();


cfg.EventListeners.PostLoadEventListeners = 
          new MyPostLoadEventListener());

It's also the only way to access an object after it has been loaded, as opposed to an interceptor that seeks to capture properties before an instance is modified in any way. As you will see below with ACLs, this limitation of interceptors makes them useless for our purposes, we will hence use the event system.

User Identity

Before we implement any actual authorization, we must answer two basic questions:

  • What defines a user?
  • How can we create and carry a security context throughout a session?

In our implementation, a user needs to be created first, adding a row to the Account table. I chose to implement an IdentityService that can log-in a user by looking up this record. This service could be easily replaced with another authentication scheme that, for example, logs in a user to Active Directory, then locates a record in the Account table based on the SID. For demonstration purposes, both the security context and the identity service are rudimentary; in the "real world", this should be a robust, interface-based, and pluggable provider implementation.

public class UserContext : EmptySessionContext
    private int _accountId = 0;
    private DateTime _timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
    public int AccountId { get { return _accountId; } }
    public DateTime TimeStamp { get { return _timestamp; } }

    public UserContext(Account account)
        _accountId = account.Id;
public class IdentityService
    private ISession _session = null;

    public IdentityService(ISession session)
        _session = session;

    public UserContext Login(string username, string password)
        Account account = _session.CreateCriteria(typeof(Account))
            .Add(Expression.Eq("Name", username))
            .Add(Expression.Eq("Password", password))

        if (account == null)
            throw new AccessDeniedException();

        return new UserContext(account);

The manufactured security context must now be made available through the lifetime of a request. The Web Services model typically exposes a singleton, SessionManager. We will need a similar foundation for non-web-based Unit Tests, possibly thread-safe.

public abstract class SessionManager
    private static ISession _currentSession = null;
    private static ISessionContext _currentSessionContext = null;

    public static ISession CurrentSession
        get { return _currentSession; }
        set { _currentSession = value; }

    public static ISessionContext CurrentSessionContext
        get { return _currentSessionContext; }
        set { _currentSessionContext = value; }

The actual code attached to the article's source makes some more complex production grade improvements. First, a session source is provided that can be HTTP, thread- or user-context based depending on the execution context. This enables a seamless integration in various threading or pipeline requirements based on this idea. Unit Tests use the user-context-based session source, and an impersonator that allows the current thread to switch to a different user context, then revert back to self.

In the web-based scenario, the ASP.NET pipeline will initialize the session manager with the HTTP pipeline context and a set of event handlers. Subsequently, it will manufacture the logged-in user context; and any future code, including the event handlers performing the data authorization tasks, can obtain SessionManager.CurrentSessionContext to work with. The following code initializes SessionManager under ASP.NET, and sets the default user context:

SessionManager.Initialize(new HttpSessionSource(), ServiceDataEventListeners.Instance);
SessionManager.CurrentSessionContext = new GuestUserContext();

Access Control Lists

An Access Control List (ACL) is a list of permissions attached to an object. Each entry defines a DataOperationPermission (a type of data access allowed or denied) for a type of DataOperation. An ACL can then render a verdict on whether the calling user may or may not access the object to which the ACL is attached to.

public enum DataOperation
    None = 0,
    Create = 1,
    Retreive = 2,
    Update = 4,
    Delete = 8,
    All = Create | Retreive | Update | Delete,
    AllExceptCreate = Retreive | Update | Delete,
    AllExceptUpdate = Create | Retreive | Delete,
    AllExceptDelete = Create | Retreive | Update

public enum DataOperationPermission
public enum ACLVerdict

public interface IACLEntry
    ACLVerdict Apply(UserContext ctx, DataOperation op);

Does it seem that this should be a boolean Allowed or Denied verdict? Consider an ACL entry that says that an Account has read access to a Blog. This says nothing about whether another account has access to the same blog, producing a None verdict. In a system that denies access by default (an ACL must allow access explicitly), a None verdict over all entries in an ACL means that access is denied.

With a base ACLBaseEntry, we can specialize a number of ACL entries, including ACLEveryoneAllowRetrieve, ACLEveryoneAllowCreate, as well as a generic ACLAccount that assigns a specific permission to a specific account. Here's an example of ACLEveryoneAllowRetrieve:

public class ACLEveryoneAllowRetrieve : ACLBaseEntry
    public ACLEveryoneAllowRetrieve()
        : base(DataOperation.Retreive, DataOperationPermission.Allow)


    public override ACLVerdict Apply(UserContext ctx, DataOperation op)
        return (op == DataOperation.Retreive) ? ACLVerdict.Allowed : ACLVerdict.None;

In general, an ACL is a collection of ACLEntry items, and implements such methods as Check. The latter will throw an AccessDeniedException when the current security context ctx doesn't allow the caller to perform an action op.

public ACLVerdict Apply(UserContext ctx, DataOperation op)
    ACLVerdict current = ACLVerdict.Denied;

    foreach (IACLEntry entry in _accessControlList)
        ACLVerdict result = entry.Apply(ctx, op);
        switch (result)
            case ACLVerdict.Denied:
                return ACLVerdict.Denied;
            case ACLVerdict.Allowed:
                current = ACLVerdict.Allowed;

    return current;

public bool TryCheck(UserContext ctx, DataOperation op)
    ACLVerdict result = Apply(ctx, op);
    switch (result)
        case ACLVerdict.Denied:
        case ACLVerdict.None:
            return false;

    return true;

public void Check(UserContext ctx, DataOperation op)
    if (!TryCheck(ctx, op))
        throw new AccessDeniedException();

Applying ACLs to Objects

An ACL applies to an instance of an object. For example, given a Blog, we need a BlogACL that inherits from ACL. I chose a simple construct of manufacturing an instance of an ACL from an instance of an NHibernate data class via Reflection, by name. Alternatively, an ACL could be attached to the DAL class itself, but I prefer some level of aspect programming.

public abstract class ServiceDataAuthorizationConnector
    public static void Check(IDataObject instance, DataOperation op)
        string aclClassTypeName = string.Format("Vestris.Service." + 
                                  "Data.{0}ClassACL", instance.GetType().Name);            
        Type aclClassType = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetType(
                                     aclClassTypeName, true, false);
        object[] args = { instance };
        ACL acl = (ACL) Activator.CreateInstance(aclClassType, args);
        acl.Check(CurrentUserContext, op);

The following method is implemented in the post-load event listener, and will check access when loading any instance of IDataObject, by manufacturing a BlogClassACL for an instance of a Blog. By using Reflection, I have separated authorization classes from NHibernate data, but it might be a good idea to implement ACL members in the auto-generated DAL and add ACL methods to the IDataObject interface.

public class ServiceDataPostLoadEventListener : IPostLoadEventListener
    public void OnPostLoad(PostLoadEvent @event)
        Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("OnPostLoad - {0}", @event.Entity));
        if (@event.Entity is IDataObject)
            ServiceDataAuthorizationConnector.Check((IDataObject) @event.Entity, 

The implementation of BlogClassACL is meant to be trivial since we will have to develop a ClassACL for each data type.

public class BlogClassACL : ACL
    public BlogClassACL(Blog instance)
        // allow every authenticated user to create a blog
        this.Add(new ACLAuthenticatedAllowCreate());
        // allow everyone to get information about this blog
        this.Add(new ACLEveryoneAllowRetrieve());
        // the owner has full privileges
        this.Add(new ACLAccount(instance.Account, DataOperation.All));

The above code is what we're trying to achieve! It shows immediate advantages, and the power of this approach: the implementer has access to the actual object, and can derive an ACL from it. It is very readable, and describes naturally who has access to an instance of a Blog, in exchange of a small performance penalty. In addition, it is possible to "inherit" ACLs as in the following example of a BlogPostClassACL:

public class BlogPostClassACL : ACL
    public BlogPostClassACL(BlogPost instance)
        // posts have the same permissions as the blog
        this.Add(new BlogClassACL(instance.Blog));
        // allow the author of the post to do everything with the post
        this.Add(new ACLAccount(instance.Account, DataOperation.AllExceptCreate));
        // allow blog authors to create posts
        if (instance.Blog.BlogAuthors != null)
            foreach (BlogAuthor author in instance.Blog.BlogAuthors)
                this.Add(new ACLAccount(author.Account, DataOperation.Create));

You must be careful with inheritance. The above code is actually wrong. The blog's ACL allows any authenticated user to create a blog. Inheriting the ACL means that any user can create a post, which is incorrect - only the blog owner or blog authors can create posts.


Membership Provider

ASP.NET offers a simple and powerful Membership Provider model for authentication that we will use by the book. Our IdentityServiceMembershipProvider serves instances of IdentityServiceMembershipUser objects. Here're the interesting parts:

public class IdentityServiceMembershipUser : MembershipUser
    public IdentityServiceMembershipUser(Account account) { }
    public override DateTime CreationDate { get { ...; } }
    public override string UserName { get { ...; } }
public class IdentityServiceMembershipProvider : MembershipProvider
    private SessionFactory _sessionFactory = new SessionFactory(null);
    public override bool ValidateUser(string username, string password)
        IdentityService identityService = 
          new IdentityService(_sessionFactory.Instance.OpenSession());
        return identityService.TryLogin(username, password);

    public override MembershipUser CreateUser(string username, string password, 
           string email, string passwordQuestion, string passwordAnswer, 
           bool isApproved, object providerUserKey, 
           out MembershipCreateStatus status)
        IdentityService identityService = 
          new IdentityService(_sessionFactory.Instance.OpenSession());
        MembershipUser user = new IdentityServiceMembershipUser(
                                  identityService.CreateUser(username, password));
        status = MembershipCreateStatus.Success;
        return user;

    public override MembershipUser GetUser(string username, bool userIsOnline)
        IdentityService identityService = 
          new IdentityService(_sessionFactory.Instance.OpenSession());
        return new IdentityServiceMembershipUser(

The Membership Provider is configured in Web.config. We will use Forms authentication, deny access to all pages by default, and define a custom membership provider above that exposes our database users. This enables login, and implements authentication.

   <deny users="?" />
  <authentication mode="Forms" />
  <membership defaultProvider="IdentityServiceMembershipProvider">
    <add name="IdentityServiceMembershipProvider" 
       type="IdentityServiceMembershipProvider" />

The ASP.NET pipeline serves us single requests in the Global.asax post authentication. We can initialize the SessionManager accordingly for each request, with the user context returned by the authentication system. This ties everything together.

public void Application_Start(Object sender, EventArgs e)
    SessionManager.Initialize(new HttpSessionSource(), 

public void Application_PostAuthenticateRequest(Object sender, EventArgs e)
    IdentityServiceMembershipUser user = 
      (IdentityServiceMembershipUser) Membership.GetUser();
    if (user == null || user.Account == null)
        SessionManager.CurrentSessionContext = new GuestUserContext();
        SessionManager.CurrentSessionContext = new UserContext(user.Account);


The project contains a rudimentary blogging system. The simplest way to run it is from Visual Studio 2008. You will first need to create a database called OLS and populate it with the ols.sql script from the package. Try registering a user, logging in, and creating blogs and posts. Create another user, and try to post to the blog of the first user (you can see other people's blogs on the front page). You will get an access denied exception.

Using the Code

You can reuse several parts of this code with some minor modifications.

  • Service.NHibernate: contains a session factory, context, event listeners, manager, opened, and storage. The configuration parts of the library will have to change for your application, but the rest works "out of the box".
  • Service.Identity: contains identity and user context objects; you will need to change the code to support your back-end.
  • Service.Data: contains ACL implementation, the authorization connector, and data interceptor. Remove all demo-specific ACL classes and reuse as is.
  • Blogs/Global.asax: contains initialization code for a web application. Copy the initialization code to yours.


After implementing the ACL-based authorization framework, the developer doesn't need to worry about checking access anywhere in the business logic. A security architect can now independently design access on a per-class basis, translating business requirements directly into access control. From the security point of view, this is much less error-prone, and completely solves any accidental retrieval of unauthorized data.

Source Code and Patches

The latest version of this article and source code can always be found in Subversion under svn:// You can also browse the source code. You can find the latest information about this project at


  • 01/21/2009: Initial version.


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
Team Leader Application Security Inc.,
United States United States
Daniel Doubrovkine has been in software engineering for twelve years and is currently development manager at Application Security Inc. in New York City. He has been involved in many software ventures, including Xo3 and Vestris Inc, was a development lead at Microsoft Corp. in Redmond, and director of Engineering at Visible Path Corp. in New York City. Daniel also builds and runs a foodie website,

Comments and Discussions

QuestionHow to include role over here Pin
pintu_kuldip77339-Apr-15 18:49
pintu_kuldip77339-Apr-15 18:49 
GeneralSome thoughts Pin
Puchko Vasili25-May-09 3:05
Puchko Vasili25-May-09 3:05 
GeneralRe: Some thoughts Pin
emission26-May-09 1:15
emission26-May-09 1:15 
GeneralRe: Some thoughts Pin
Puchko Vasili26-May-09 4:26
Puchko Vasili26-May-09 4:26 
GeneralRe: Some thoughts Pin
emission26-May-09 5:42
emission26-May-09 5:42 
GeneralRe: Some thoughts Pin
dB.26-May-09 12:46
dB.26-May-09 12:46 
GeneralRe: Some thoughts Pin
dB.26-May-09 12:36
dB.26-May-09 12:36 
GeneralRe: Some thoughts Pin
dB.26-May-09 12:53
dB.26-May-09 12:53 
GeneralSignificant drawback?.. [modified] Pin
Vitaliy Fedorchenko26-Feb-09 22:34
Vitaliy Fedorchenko26-Feb-09 22:34 
GeneralRe: Significant drawback?.. Pin
dB.27-Feb-09 5:22
dB.27-Feb-09 5:22 
GeneralRe: Significant drowback?.. Pin
s_tristan27-Feb-09 5:32
s_tristan27-Feb-09 5:32 
GeneralRe: Significant drowback?.. Pin
dB.27-Feb-09 5:35
dB.27-Feb-09 5:35 
GeneralRe: Significant drowback?.. Pin
s_tristan27-Feb-09 7:03
s_tristan27-Feb-09 7:03 
GeneralRe: Significant drowback?.. Pin
dB.27-Feb-09 7:31
dB.27-Feb-09 7:31 
GeneralRe: Significant drowback?.. Pin
dB.27-Feb-09 5:33
dB.27-Feb-09 5:33 
GeneralRe: Significant drawback?.. Pin
Vitaliy Fedorchenko1-Mar-09 19:34
Vitaliy Fedorchenko1-Mar-09 19:34 
GeneralRe: Significant drawback?.. Pin
dB.2-Mar-09 2:47
dB.2-Mar-09 2:47 
GeneralRe: Significant drawback?.. Pin
Vitaliy Fedorchenko2-Mar-09 18:59
Vitaliy Fedorchenko2-Mar-09 18:59 
May be example was not so native as I'm expected. Let me explain.
1. Assume we have table 'accounts' with usual set of columns like 'id', 'username', 'password', maybe 'email' etc.
2. And we want apply following security rule: each user can update only its own record (i.e. record with 'username' equal to current authenticated used) in 'accounts' table. At this step it doesn't matter what model will be used for specifying rules (note that ACL is only one of possible security model).
3. As I've noticed in previous messages, best way to implement application-specific security check on data layer is to append additional conditions to SQL-queries and allow database engine to apply it in most effective way. DALC just gives ability to specify such conditions for all queries as aspect. In my sample additional update conditions for 'accounts' table: username="{var:arg}". {var:arg} in this context just substituted with current authenticated username. So query like update accounts set password='' will be always appended with aspect conditions and will look like: update accounts set password='' where username='somelogin'.
4. In case when some internal ACL model is used additional code should be written that will generate additional conditions for DALC.

I guess right now idea is clear. I didn't want to criticize approach described in this article, just wanted to describe may be better in some situation way of implementing database-layer permission checks.
GeneralRe: Significant drawback?.. Pin
dB.26-May-09 12:45
dB.26-May-09 12:45 
RantRe: Significant drawback?.. Pin
Puchko Vasili25-May-09 2:48
Puchko Vasili25-May-09 2:48 
GeneralRe: Significant drawback?.. Pin
dB.26-May-09 12:42
dB.26-May-09 12:42 
GeneralRe: Significant drawback?.. Pin
dalager12-Jul-09 23:53
dalager12-Jul-09 23:53 
GeneralRe: Significant drawback?.. Pin
dB.13-Jul-09 3:05
dB.13-Jul-09 3:05 

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