I’ve been a big fan of Stack Overflow, ever since I started using the site just over a year ago.
Not only is it a great resource for finding answers to your programming questions – it is also a fascinating insight into the languages, tools and frameworks that
are currently being used by developers. I thought it would be a bit of fun to create a graph which illustrated the popularity of each tag, together with the relationships
it has to other tags and the strength of these relationships.
Making use of the publically available Stack APIs, I downloaded the most recent 1000 questions
and here is the graph I came up with:

The graph is constructed as follows:
- The size of each segment is proportional to the number of questions relating to the tag, i.e. android and java are the most popular tags.
- Connections between tags indicate questions that have been tagged with both technologies.
The thickness of the connection indicates how many questions share these two tags, i.e. jQuery and JavaScript tags appear together quite often.
- Each segment is coloured based on the number of connections it has, red for many connections, blue for few.
Next, I clustered the segments to minimize the length of connections. When clustering is applied we can see small ‘pockets’
of related technologies, with the following patterns emerging
- The two most popular tags, Java and Android, are very closely related to each other, but have very few other relationships.
- iOS, Objective-C and iPhone form a close-knit group. However, Objective-C questions are sometimes
also tagged with C#, C and C++.
- C#, .NET and ASP.NET are clustered, however C# has links with many other tags
- The strongest relationship is between jQuery and JavaScript, probably due to jQuery having become the de-facto framework
for JavaScript development, being used on 53% of websites.
- There is a large cluster of connected web technologies, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, jQuery,
reflecting the mix of technologies involved in creating web sites and web applications.
- Python, whilst being a popular tag, has very
few relationships, only being weakly linked to PHP.
When I published this visualisation on my blog
the feedback was very positive. So I decided to tidy up my code and create a generic Silverlight control that can graph relationships between a set of related nodes.
This article describes the creation of that generic control.
Here are a couple of examples of this control in action …
The first one is Stack Overflow tag relationships once again, this time the first 50 are plotted, with the labels templated so that the text is rotated, and the connector thicknesses adjusted:

The next one is topical, it illustrates the debt of various countries, and the amount owed to each other. We’ll look at how this is built towards the end of the article.

You can view an interactive version of this graph on my blog.
Creating a Source of Data
Simple Silverlight controls have simple interfaces, composed of a few dependency properties, for example, the
control has a Text
dependency property which details the string that is rendered. List-based controls, such as the
, have an ItemsSource
dependency property, where you supply a collection of items to be rendered, and an
property which details how each instance is rendered. A graph of relationships between a set of nodes is a little more complex than either a simple or list-based control, so I decided that my
control would have its own specialised interface for the data that it renders:
The RelationshipGraph
control takes an INodeList
as its source of data:
public interface INodeList : IList<INode>
public interface INode
double Count { get; }
string Name { get; }
List<INodeRelationship> Relationships { get; }
Where each INode
has a Name
property, which for the Stack Overflow graph shown earlier is the name of the tag (e.g. C#, Python, Java, …) and a
, which indicates the frequency of this node. This determines the size of the segment that renders this node. Finally, each node has a collection of relationships defined by the
public interface INodeRelationship
string To { get; }
double Strength { get; }
Each relationship indicates the name of the related node via its To
property, and the strength of the relationship. In the case of our Stack Overflow graph the strength indicates the number of questions that share both tags.
Note: the To
property of INodeRelationship
could have been an INode
instance, rather than the name of the related node. However, this makes it a little harder for the user of the control to construct the required data. For the sake of usability, I prefer making it simpler for the end-user of this control.
So as a starting point we define a custom control that exposes a
property of type
[SnippetDependencyProperty(property = "Data", defaultValue = "null",
type = "INodeList", containerType = "RelationshipGraph")]
public partial class RelationshipGraph : Control
A Quick Note on Code Generation
If you are developing a control with the intention that it will be highly flexible it will probably expose numerous dependency properties. Unfortunately the syntax for defining a dependency property is rather verbose, which is why developers tend to use code snippets to help generate the required boiler-plate code. The problem with code snippets is that while they assist in the initial definition of the property, they are not very refactor friendly. If you want to change the name of a dependency property that you generated via a code snippet, you have to manually make the change in about 5 different places.
A little while back I wrote a code project article about
the automation of code snippets via the built-in Visual Studio T4 templates. Given the following code snippet:
="1.0" ="utf-8"
<CodeSnippets xmlns="">
<CodeSnippet Format="1.0.0">
<Title>Defines a DependencyProperty</Title>
<Description>Defines a DependencyProperty</Description>
<Author>Colin Eberhardt</Author>
<ToolTip>Property Type</ToolTip>
<ToolTip>Summary Documentation</ToolTip>
<Default>Gets / sets the property value</Default>
<ToolTip>Property Name</ToolTip>
<ToolTip>Containing type</ToolTip>
<ToolTip>Property default value</ToolTip>
<Code Language="csharp">
The T4 templates generate a corresponding attribute:
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class , AllowMultiple = true)]
public class SnippetDependencyProperty : Attribute
public string type = "string";
public string summary = "Gets / sets the property value";
public string property = "MyProperty";
public string containerType = "Control";
public string defaultValue = "null";
If you apply this attribute to a class, and mark it as partial:
[SnippetDependencyProperty(property = "Data", defaultValue = "null",
type = "INodeList", containerType = "RelationshipGraph")]
public partial class RelationshipGraph : Control
The T4 templates will generate the dependency property code snippet in a corresponding partial class, using the values you supply to the attribute:
public partial class RelationshipGraph
public INodeList Data
get { return (INodeList)GetValue(DataProperty); }
set { SetValue(DataProperty, value); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty DataProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("Data", typeof(INodeList), typeof(RelationshipGraph),
new PropertyMetadata(null, new PropertyChangedCallback(OnDataPropertyChanged)));
partial void OnDataPropertyChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e);
private static void OnDataPropertyChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
RelationshipGraph control = d as RelationshipGraph;
This project uses various code snippets for automating dependency properties and CLR property that raise change notifications.
You can see the T4 templates that perform this code generation in the CodeGen
folder, the snippets plus their generated attributes
are found in the CodeGen/Snippets
folder. Any class which is marked with an automated code snippet will have a corresponding
file created, as shown below:

I find this technique to be a real time saver. Have fun experimenting, dropping in your own code snippets. Anyhow, this technique is described in detail
my earlier code project article.
Back to circles …
A NodeSegment Shape
The UI for the relationship graph is composed from a couple of different shapes; the first is the
, which is a circular arc; and the second
is a NodeConnector
, an arced connector that joins two segments. It would be possible to programmatically construct this UI from paths and geometries.
However, I have opted for a more modular approach where these shapes are defined as controls in their own right. Later in this article we see the benefit
of this approach when animating the graph. These shapes, when used outside of the context of the relationship graph are as shown below:
In this section we’ll look at how the NodeSegment
is constructed.
Within WPF it is possible to define custom shapes by subclassing Shape and providing your geometry. However, the Silverlight framework,
which can be viewed as a stripped-down version of the WPF framework, does not support this. With Silverlight we can achieve a similar effect
by creating a custom control that contains the shape geometry as a Path. We’ll see how this works in practice with the node segment shape.
The node segment is described by a number of properties as illustrated in the diagram below:
Using the code generation technique described earlier, these properties are added to our
custom control:
[SnippetDependencyProperty(property = "StartAngle", defaultValue = "0.0",
type = "double", containerType = "NodeSegment")]
[SnippetDependencyProperty(property = "SweepAngle", defaultValue = "0.0",
type = "double", containerType = "NodeSegment")]
[SnippetDependencyProperty(property = "InnerRadius", defaultValue = "0.0",
type = "double", containerType = "NodeSegment")]
[SnippetDependencyProperty(property = "OuterRadius", defaultValue = "0.0",
type = "double", containerType = "NodeSegment")]
[SnippetDependencyProperty(property = "Center", defaultValue = "new Point()",
type = "Point", containerType = "NodeSegment")]
public partial class NodeSegment : Control, INotifyPropertyChanged
It is relatively easy to create a path that produces our desired shape using a couple of arcs and connecting lines. We can construct
a Path
and add it to the template of our NodeSegment
control, binding these properties to the various figures
and segments that describe our segment:
<Style TargetType="local:NodeSegment">
<Setter Property="Template">
<PathFigure StartPoint="{...}"
<ArcSegment Point="{...}"
<LineSegment Point="{...}"/>
<ArcSegment Point="{...}"
The problem is … what properties do we bind to? The interface of the NodeSegment
control is expressed
in terms of a centre point, radii and angles, i.e. a polar coordinate system. Whereas, the
shown above which has been added
to the control template expects points to be expressed as X and Y locations, i.e. they use the Silverlight cartesian coordinate system. We need to find some
way to convert the various polar property values into the screen coordinate system.
WPF allows you to bind multiple source properties to a single target via a
, I have previous
created a Silverlight equivalent,
although considering the number of segments that are to be rendered and the number of multi-bindings required for each, I felt that this was a slightly heavyweight solution.
Instead I will use a pattern I have described previously,
which I call the mini-ViewModel
pattern, where a view model is constructed within a user control in order to assist the binding framework in a localized manner.
user control exposes a number of CLR properties, again,
these properties and the implementation of INotifyPropertyChanged
itself, are generated via code-snippet automation:
[SnippetPropertyINPC(property = "S1", field = "_s1",
type = "Point", defaultValue = "EMPTY_POINT")]
[SnippetPropertyINPC(property = "S2", field = "_s2",
type = "Point", defaultValue = "EMPTY_POINT")]
[SnippetPropertyINPC(property = "S3", field = "_s3",
type = "Point", defaultValue = "EMPTY_POINT")]
[SnippetPropertyINPC(property = "S4", field = "_s4",
type = "Point", defaultValue = "EMPTY_POINT")]
[SnippetPropertyINPC(property = "InnerSize", field = "_innerSize",
type = "Size", defaultValue = "EMPTY_SIZE")]
[SnippetPropertyINPC(property = "OuterSize", field = "_outerSize",
type = "Size", defaultValue = "EMPTY_SIZE")]
[SnippetPropertyINPC(property = "IsLargeArc", field = "_isLargeArc",
type = "bool", defaultValue = "false")]
public partial class NodeSegmentViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
private static readonly Point EMPTY_POINT = new Point();
private static readonly Size EMPTY_SIZE = new Size();
Within the NodeSegment
control we create an instance of this view model and expose it via a property. The
of the root element of
the NodeSegment
is also set to itself:
public partial class NodeSegment : Control, INotifyPropertyChanged
private NodeSegmentViewModel _viewmodel = new NodeSegmentViewModel();
public NodeSegmentViewModel ViewModel
return _viewmodel;
private void UpdateViewModel()
double startAngle = StartAngle;
double endAngle = StartAngle + SweepAngle;
MidPointAngle = startAngle + (SweepAngle / 2);
ConnectorPoint = Util.RadialToCartesian(MidPointAngle, InnerRadius, Center);
ViewModel.S1 = Util.RadialToCartesian(startAngle, OuterRadius, Center);
ViewModel.S2 = Util.RadialToCartesian(endAngle, OuterRadius, Center);
ViewModel.S3 = Util.RadialToCartesian(endAngle, InnerRadius, Center);
ViewModel.S4 = Util.RadialToCartesian(startAngle, InnerRadius, Center);
ViewModel.InnerSize = new Size(InnerRadius, InnerRadius);
ViewModel.OuterSize = new Size(OuterRadius, OuterRadius);
ViewModel.IsLargeArc = SweepAngle > 180;
public NodeSegment()
this.DefaultStyleKey = typeof(NodeSegment);
public override void OnApplyTemplate()
Panel root = this.GetTemplateChild("rootElement") as Panel;
root.DataContext = this;
The UpdateViewModel
method makes extensive use of a simple utility function for converting from radial coordinates to cartesian.
Whenever any of the dependency properties of NodeSegment
change, we simply invoke
to update the exposed view model state.
With this view model in place, we are now able to bind the Path
that sits within the control’s template:
<Style TargetType="local:NodeSegment">
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="local:NodeSegment">
<Path Stroke="{TemplateBinding Stroke}"
StrokeThickness="{TemplateBinding StrokeThickness}"
Fill="{TemplateBinding Background}"
DataContext="{Binding ViewModel}"
<PathFigure StartPoint="{Binding Path=S1}"
<ArcSegment Point="{Binding Path=S2}"
IsLargeArc="{Binding Path=IsLargeArc}"
Size="{Binding Path=OuterSize}"/>
<LineSegment Point="{Binding Path=S3}"/>
<ArcSegment Point="{Binding Path=S4}"
IsLargeArc="{Binding Path=IsLargeArc}"
Size="{Binding Path=InnerSize}"/>
Note that the DataContext
of the path is bound to the exposed
property. This simplifies the bindings of the child elements, for example
becomes simply Path=S1
With the above code in place, we can now use the NodeSegment
from code-behind or XAML just like any other shape:
<local:NodeSegment InnerRadius="200" OuterRadius="250"
StartAngle="35" SweepAngle="45"
Stroke="Black" StrokeThickness="5"/>
Generating the NodeSegments
Now that we have the first of our two shapes we can start assembling the graph. The template for the
simply contains a Grid
we populate dynamically with the segments:
<Style TargetType="local:RelationshipGraph">
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="local:RelationshipGraph">
<Border Background="{TemplateBinding Background}"
BorderBrush="{TemplateBinding BorderBrush}"
BorderThickness="{TemplateBinding BorderThickness}">
<Grid x:Name="graphContainer">
In order to render our data, firstly a few properties are added to the RelationshipGraph
that express the various radii as a factor of the graph height / width.
Then a Render
method is invoked which simply iterates over the supplied data and adds a node segment of the required angle and sweep angle:
[SnippetDependencyProperty(property = "InnerRadius", defaultValue = "0.7",
type = "double", containerType = "RelationshipGraph")]
[SnippetDependencyProperty(property = "OuterRadius", defaultValue = "0.8",
type = "double", containerType = "RelationshipGraph")]
public partial class RelationshipGraph : Control
private Panel _graphContainer;
public RelationshipGraph()
this.DefaultStyleKey = typeof(RelationshipGraph);
public override void OnApplyTemplate()
_graphContainer = this.GetTemplateChild("graphContainer") as Panel;
private void Render()
if (_graphContainer == null ||
double.IsNaN(ActualWidth) || double.IsNaN(ActualHeight) ||
ActualHeight == 0.0 || ActualWidth == 0.0)
if (Data == null || Data.Count == 0)
double minDimension = Math.Min(ActualWidth, ActualHeight) / 2;
Point center = new Point(ActualWidth / 2, ActualHeight / 2);
double innerRadius = minDimension * InnerRadius;
double outerRadius = minDimension * OuterRadius;
double labelRadius = minDimension * LabelRadius;
double currentAngle = 0;
foreach (INode node in Data)
double sweepAngle = ((double)node.Count) * 360.0 / totalCount;
var segment = new NodeSegment()
SweepAngle = sweepAngle,
StartAngle = currentAngle,
InnerRadius = innerRadius,
OuterRadius = outerRadius,
LabelRadius = labelRadius,
Center = center
currentAngle += sweepAngle;
With the above code in place, we simply create an instance of this control in XAML:
<UserControl x:Class="CircularRelationshipGraph.MainPage"
<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White">
<local:RelationshipGraph x:Name="graph" />
And feed in some data in XML format, via a Linq-to-XML:
var doc = XDocument.Parse(_xml);
var data = doc.Descendants("tag")
.Select(el => new Node()
Name = el.Attribute("name").Value,
Count = int.Parse(el.Attribute("count").Value),
Relationships = el.Descendants("rel")
.Select(rel => new NodeRelationship()
To = rel.Attribute("name").Value,
Strength = int.Parse(rel.Attribute("count").Value)
graph.Data = new NodeList(data);
In this case, the data is in an XML format which I created using a simple console application that queries the latest 1000 Stack Overflow questions:
<tag name='android' count='107'>
<rel name='java' count='34' />
<rel name='javascript' count='8' />
<rel name='c++' count='2' />
<rel name='html' count='2' />
<rel name='ios' count='2' />
<tag name='java' count='103'>
<rel name='android' count='34' />
<rel name='c++' count='2' />
<tag name='javascript' count='90'>
<rel name='jquery' count='60' />
<rel name='php' count='22' />
<rel name='html' count='20' />
<rel name='css' count='14' />
<rel name='android' count='8' />
<rel name='ruby-on-rails' count='4' />
<rel name='' count='2' />
<rel name='c#' count='2' />
<rel name='.net' count='2' />
<tag name='php' count='84'>
<rel name='javascript' count='22' />
<rel name='mysql' count='20' />
<rel name='jquery' count='14' />
<rel name='html' count='8' />
<rel name='css' count='6' />
<rel name='c#' count='2' />
<rel name='python' count='2' />
With the above code in place, the graph is starting to take shape …

Adding Some Colour
The next step is to add some colour to these segments and a text label to indicate the name of the node they relate to.
Further properties are added to the NodeSegment
; ConnectorPoint
, IsHighlight
and MidPointAngle
. The fill colour for the segment uses the inherited
rather than adding a new property for this purpose. The newly added LabelText
property is set by the RelationshipGraph
when it constructs each segment,
whereas, the MidPointAngle
and ConnectorPoint
are a little different, these is computed by the NodeSegment
itself – later these is used to attach the connectors.
Again, the mini-ViewModel is used to expose the required co-ordinates to the
that renders the label. The complete XAML for the
is shown below:
<Style TargetType="local:NodeSegment">
<Setter Property="Canvas.ZIndex" Value="100"/>
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="local:NodeSegment">
<Canvas x:Name="rootElement">
<vsm:VisualStateGroup x:Name="CommonStates">
<vsm:VisualState x:Name="Normal">
<ColorAnimation Storyboard.TargetName="segmentShape"
<vsm:VisualState x:Name="Highlighted">
<ColorAnimation Storyboard.TargetName="segmentShape"
To="LightGray" Duration="0:0:0.2" />
<ObjectAnimationUsingKeyFrames Storyboard.TargetName="label"
<DiscreteObjectKeyFrame KeyTime="00:00:00">
<Path Stroke="{TemplateBinding Stroke}"
StrokeThickness="{TemplateBinding StrokeThickness}"
Fill="{TemplateBinding Background}"
DataContext="{Binding ViewModel}"
<PathFigure StartPoint="{Binding Path=S1}"
<ArcSegment Point="{Binding Path=S2}"
IsLargeArc="{Binding Path=IsLargeArc}"
Size="{Binding Path=OuterSize}"/>
<LineSegment Point="{Binding Path=S3}"/>
<ArcSegment Point="{Binding Path=S4}"
IsLargeArc="{Binding Path=IsLargeArc}"
Size="{Binding Path=InnerSize}"/>
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=LabelText}"
Visibility="{Binding Path=SweepAngle, Converter={StaticResource DoubleToVisibility}, ConverterParameter=3}"
Canvas.Top="{Binding Path=ViewModel.LabelLocation.Y}"
Canvas.Left="{Binding Path=ViewModel.LabelLocation.X}"
<TranslateTransform X="0" Y="-10"/>
<RotateTransform Angle="{Binding Path=MidPointAngle, Converter={StaticResource NegateDouble}}"/>
<RotateTransform Angle="90"/>
There are a few interesting new features here – the TextBlock
that is used to label each segment is positioned, as expected, via various render transforms
and attached Canvas
properties that are bound to the view model. The
property is bound to the SweepAngle
via a value converter DoubleToVisibility
, this simple converter returns a ‘visible’ value if the supplied double is greater that the provided parameter.
In this case, labels are only visible if the sweep angle is greater than 3 degrees.
Also a couple of visual states have been added. In the NodeSegment
code behind, MouseEnter
and MouseLeave
are handled on the path to set the control’s IsHighlighted
property. This also sets / unsets the
visual state,
which changes the fill colour of the segment and sets the visibility of the label, ensuring that hidden labels are shown on mouse-over.
The colour for each segment is determined by the number of connections it has, in order to provide a nice colour gradient I borrowed
the SolidColourBrushInterpolator
from the Silverlight Toolkit, which converts a numeric value within some pre-determined range
into a color value (You could also use a more complex interpolator, that allows you to specify more than two colours,
as described in this blog post).
With a SegmentFillInterpolator
dependency property added to the graph, and a simple bit of code added to convert connector count to a color,
we can now specify a colour range as follows:
<local:RelationshipGraph x:Name="graph" FontSize="10"
LabelRadius="0.73" OuterRadius="0.7" InnerRadius="0.6">
<datavis:SolidColorBrushInterpolator From="Blue" To="Orange"/>
Which results in the following graph:

Connecting the Segments
In order to connect the segments I created another ‘shape’, the NodeConnector
, using exactly the same pattern as the
i.e. a custom control which contains the shape, as defined by a Path element, which is supported by a mini-ViewModel.
The NodeConnection
is specified in terms of three points, From
and Via
The From
and To
locations are the contact points with the segments, whereas the
point, is the centre of the graph:

The connection is simply an ArcSegment
<Style TargetType="local:NodeConnection">
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="local:NodeConnection">
<Canvas x:Name="rootElement">
<vsm:VisualStateGroup x:Name="CommonStates">
<vsm:VisualState x:Name="Normal">
<ColorAnimation Storyboard.TargetName="connectorPath"
<vsm:VisualState x:Name="Highlighted">
<ColorAnimation Storyboard.TargetName="connectorPath"
To="Red" Duration="0:0:0.2" />
<Path Stroke="{Binding Path=Stroke}"
StrokeThickness="{Binding Path=StrokeThickness}"
<PathFigure StartPoint="{Binding Path=From}"
<ArcSegment Point="{Binding Path=To}"
Size="{Binding Path=ViewModel.Size}"
SweepDirection="{Binding Path=ViewModel.SweepDirection}"/>
Again, a highlighted visual state is applied.
Computing the radius (Size
) of the ArcSegment
was fun! Connections that pass through the centre
of the graph need to be straight, whereas those between neighbouring segments should be large circular segment. To achieve this, I applied a the
which tends to infinity at PI / 2
, to the angle between the To
and From
points as described by a circle centred on Via
The code which updates the view model is shown below:
private static double SubtendedAngle(Point from, Point to, Point center)
double fromAngle = Math.Atan2(from.Y - center.Y, from.X - center.X);
double toAngle = Math.Atan2(to.Y - center.Y, to.X - center.X);
double angle = toAngle - fromAngle;
return 180 * angle / Math.PI;
private void UpdateViewModel()
double angle = SubtendedAngle(From, To, Via);
if (angle < 0)
angle += 360;
double radius = Math.Sqrt((From.Y - Via.Y) * (From.Y - Via.Y) + (From.X - Via.X) * (From.X - Via.X));
double shortestAngle = (angle > 180) ? 360 - angle : angle;
double func = Math.Tan(shortestAngle * (Math.PI / 2) / 180) * radius;
_viewModel.Size = new Size(func, func);
_viewModel.SweepDirection = Math.Abs(angle) < 180 ? SweepDirection.Counterclockwise : SweepDirection.Clockwise;
The Render
code for the RelationshipGraph
is then extended to render the connections after the segments have been constructed:
double maxRelation = Data.SelectMany(d => d.Relationships).Max(d => d.Strength);
double minRelation = Data.SelectMany(d => d.Relationships).Min(d => d.Strength);
ConnectorFillInterpolator.ActualDataMaximum = maxRelation;
ConnectorFillInterpolator.ActualDataMinimum = minRelation;
foreach (INode fromNode in sortedData)
foreach (var rel in fromNode.Relationships)
INode toNode = Data.SingleOrDefault(n => n.Name == rel.To);
if (toNode == null)
Debug.WriteLine("A relationship to a node that does not exist was found [" + rel.To + "]");
var fromSegment = _segmentForNode[fromNode];
var toSegment = _segmentForNode[toNode];
var conn = new NodeConnection()
Via = center,
StrokeThickness = Interpolate(minRelation, maxRelation, ConnectorThickness.Minimum,
ConnectorThickness.Maximum, rel.Strength),
Stroke = ConnectorFillInterpolator.Interpolate(rel.Strength) as SolidColorBrush,
Style = NodeConnectorStyle
conn.SetBinding(NodeConnection.FromProperty, new Binding("ConnectorPoint")
Source = fromSegment
conn.SetBinding(NodeConnection.ToProperty, new Binding("ConnectorPoint")
Source = toSegment
conn.SetBinding(NodeConnection.IsHighlightedProperty, new Binding("IsHighlighted")
Source = fromSegment
Most of the above code is pretty straightforward, when the segments are produced they are added to the _segmentForNode
dictionary so that we can rapidly map
from node to segment. Also, I have added another interpolator for the connector colour and a double-range that is used to determine the connector thickness.
The interesting part in the above code is the bindings. The first two bind the To and From properties of the segment to the
dependency property of each
. These bindings ensure that the connectors are always attached to the segments regardless of their location. This works
in a similar fashion to the connectors you can use within PowerPoint and Word.
The second binding ensures that when a segment is highlighted, all the connectors that emanate from this segment are also highlighted.
With this code in place, the graph is complete:

You can view an interactive version of this graph on my blog.
Sorting the Data
Whilst this visualisation is quite pretty, I also want it to be useful, in other words, assist the viewer in understanding the data that it represents.
The order in which the various nodes are rendered has a significant impact on the appearance of the graph and allows the user to spot different patterns.
In order to animate changes in sort order, I need to make the process of applying a new sort order atomic, in other words,
doesn’t really fit the bill!
In order to support an atomic sort, I have introduced the following interface:
public interface ISortOrderProvider
INodeList Sort(INodeList nodes);
With the relationship graph accepting an instance of ISortOrderProvider
via a dependency property. Before the segments and connections are rendered,
this provider is used to sort the supplied list of nodes.
A trivial implementation of this interface is shown below:
public class NaturalSortOrderProvider : ISortOrderProvider
public INodeList Sort(INodeList nodes)
return nodes;
This doesn’t actually sort the data at all, and is the default behaviour. I have also created a more generic provider that sorts via a delegate, as shown below:
public class DelegateSortOrderProvider : ISortOrderProvider
private Func<IList<INode>, IEnumerable<INode>> _func;
public DelegateSortOrderProvider(Func<IList<INode>, IEnumerable<INode>> func)
_func = func;
public INodeList Sort(INodeList nodes)
return new NodeList(_func(nodes));
With this approach, you can cause the graph to sort by node count as follows:
graph.SortOrderProvider = new DelegateSortOrderProvider(nodes =>
nodes.OrderBy(node => node.Count));
Rather than re-rendering the graph when the SortOrderProvider
property changes, the pieces are animated to their new location.
The partial method that is invoked when the dependency property changes invokes a method which performs the animation:
partial void OnSortOrderProviderPropertyChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
var sortedData = SortOrderProvider.Sort(Data);
private void AnimateToOrder(IList<INode> data)
var sb = new Storyboard();
double currentAngle = 0;
foreach (INode node in data)
NodeSegment segment = _segmentForNode[node];
double toAngle = currentAngle;
double fromAngle = segment.StartAngle;
if (Math.Abs(fromAngle - (toAngle - 360)) < Math.Abs(fromAngle - toAngle))
toAngle -= 360;
if (Math.Abs(fromAngle - (toAngle + 360)) < Math.Abs(fromAngle - toAngle))
toAngle += 360;
var db = CreateDoubleAnimation(fromAngle, toAngle,
new SineEase(),
segment, NodeSegment.StartAngleProperty, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1500));
currentAngle += segment.SweepAngle;
private static DoubleAnimation CreateDoubleAnimation(double from, double to, IEasingFunction easing,
DependencyObject target, object propertyPath, TimeSpan duration)
var db = new DoubleAnimation();
db.To = to;
db.From = from;
db.EasingFunction = easing;
db.Duration = duration;
Storyboard.SetTarget(db, target);
Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(db, new PropertyPath(propertyPath));
return db;
It is quite neat how the way that because the To
/ From
property of connectors are bound to the
properties of their respective
segments, only the segment’s position needs to be animated. Everything else updates automatically.
Clustering Related Nodes
One interesting way in which the graph can be sorted is to cluster related nodes by minimising the number of connections that pass through the centre of the circle.
To achieve this, I have created a sort provider, MinimisedConnectionLengthSort
, that sorts the nodes by minimising connection length resulting in a clustering of nodes.
This provider assigns a ‘weight’ to a given node configuration, where the weight is computed by summing the ‘length’ of each connection.
The provider then moves each node in turn, left and right, to determine whether this new configuration minimises the weight. After a number of iterations, the optimum configuration is found.
The result of applying this iterative approach is shown below:

A Final Example
So far, all the examples have used data relating to Stack Overflow tags. To demonstrate that this graph is a bit more versatile,
my final example is a graph of Eurozone debt, with data (and concepts!) taken from the
BBC News website.

You can view an interactive version of this graph on my blog.
This example has the various debts owed between countries stored in an XML file:
<country name='France' debt='4200' text='Europes second biggest economy owes the UK, the US and Germany ...'>
<owes name='Italy' amount='37.6'/>
<owes name='Japan' amount='79.8'/>
<owes name='Germany' amount='123.5'/>
<owes name='UK' amount='227'/>
<owes name='US' amount='202.1'/>
<country name='Spain' debt='1900' text='Spain owes large amounts to Germany and France. However...'>
<owes name='Portugal' amount='19.7'/>
<owes name='Italy' amount='22.3'/>
<owes name='Japan' amount='20'/>
<owes name='Germany' amount='131.7'/>
<owes name='UK' amount='74.9'/>
<owes name='US' amount='49.6'/>
<owes name='France' amount='112'/>
<country name='Portugal' debt='400' text='Portugal, the third eurozone country to need a bail-out...'>
<owes name='Italy' amount='2.9'/>
<owes name='Germany' amount='26.6'/>
<owes name='UK' amount='18.9'/>
<owes name='US' amount='3.9'/>
<owes name='France' amount='19.1'/>
<owes name='Spain' amount='65.7'/>
A very similar piece of Linq-to-XML is used to parse this data in order to construct nodes and relationships.
The one thing to note here is that the ‘text’ attribute is used to populate a
property on the concrete node implementation (yes ... I know this
is a bit old-school, I just wanted to avoid creating a bindable INode
The XAML for this example, includes a right-hand column which displays this text value. This is done by databinding to the
property which
the graph exposes, then binding to the node Name
and Tag
<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot"
<Grid Margin="15">
<ColumnDefinition Width="2*"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
<local:RelationshipGraph x:Name="graph" FontSize="12"
NodeSegmentStyle="{StaticResource NodeSegmentStyle}"
<local:DoubleRange Minimum="0.5" Maximum="80"/>
<datavis:SolidColorBrushInterpolator From="LightGray" To="DarkGray"/>
<datavis:SolidColorBrushInterpolator From="#66dddddd" To="#66dddddd"/>
<Line X1="0" Y1="0" X2="0" Y2="350"
Stroke="LightGray" StrokeThickness="2"
<Grid Grid.Column="1"
DataContext="{Binding ElementName=graph, Path=HighlightedNode}"
<RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}"
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Tag}"
In other words, no code-behind is required to produce the interactivity. This makes me happy!
Well, there’s not much more for me to say, other than I hope you like this control and enjoy reading about it.
I certainly feel that templating and binding features of the Silverlight framework result in a very elegant implementation,
with very little code within the RelationshipGraph
control itself. If you have any comments, or make use of this
control in your own project please let me know!