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by Alan Beasley
Explanation and examples of Additional Templates and Generated Content of a ListBox. Covering Layout, Transitions, and Animation.
by defwebserver
How using the Silverlight DataTrigger allows you to run a process and then raise another when using View Model (MVVM)
by Ajcek84
Open source library for music engraving in desktop, mobile and web applications
by Todd Davis
How to bind an enum to radiobuttons in Silverlight/WPF

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by OwenDavies
How to implement a crossdomain.xml file to allow the Flash client to connect to my site
by Ajcek84
Open source library for music engraving in desktop, mobile and web applications
by webmaster442
How to format your XAML documents for effective version handling & maximum maintainability
by epicTurk
F# Quotations support for ViewModelSupport.ViewModelBase Property get\set Accessors

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6 May 2010 by Alan Beasley
Explanation and examples of Additional Templates and Generated Content of a ListBox. Covering Layout, Transitions, and Animation.
6 Nov 2010 by defwebserver
How using the Silverlight DataTrigger allows you to run a process and then raise another when using View Model (MVVM)
15 Jul 2018 by Ajcek84
Open source library for music engraving in desktop, mobile and web applications
5 Sep 2011 by Todd Davis
How to bind an enum to radiobuttons in Silverlight/WPF
15 Sep 2014 by Daniel Vaughan
Create best-in-breed cross-platform MVVM apps using Calcium for Xamarin.Forms.
14 Feb 2013 by Vahid_N
PdfReport is a code-first reporting engine which is built on top of the iTextSharp and EPPlus libraries.
27 Nov 2009 by Max Paulousky
This article presents the techniques and caveats of building Silverlight applications that can be notified about database state changes via polling duplex. WSHttp binding and CLR triggers are used to implement the solution as well.
8 May 2011 by defwebserver
An example of a Silverlight 4 View Model Style video player that is not just 'skinable' but fully 'designable'.
23 Apr 2009 by Jeff Karlson
Learn how to build the body part of your DataGrid using Silverlight and the GOA Toolkit. Implement Virtual Mode, work with hierarchical data, and build cells and cells navigation.
1 Dec 2009 by raelango
This article explains how to export the contents of a DataGrid to Excel/CSV.
26 Apr 2010 by Alan Beasley
How to Style the Control Template of a ListBox in a small MVVM application
3 Jul 2012 by Marcelo Ricardo de Oliveira
Learn how to create a Windows Phone crosswords game taking advantage of online internet resources
31 May 2010 by Kunal Chowdhury «IN»
Silverlight 4 has the feature to talk with Excel or any other application using the COM API. In this article, I will guide you to understand this feature step-by-step.
5 Mar 2009 by Ernest Laurentin
Full-fledged ATL Windowless ActiveX Container. Ideal for hosting Windows Media Player, Transparent Flash and Silverlight Animations.
8 Jan 2011 by Xiaojie Liu
A Silverlight color picker (looks like ComboBox), more like the one used within VS 2010 property browser for editing color-type
6 May 2010 by defwebserver
A Silverlight file manager that allows drag and drop multiple file uploads
28 Mar 2010 by Vinit Yadav
A Yahoo! messenger clone application built with Silverlight and its Duplex Polling WCF service. Explains how to deal with the Yahoo! packet format named YMSG.
21 May 2012 by Dave Kerr
Write your first MVVM application in ten minutes using the Apex SDK!
15 Dec 2009 by Webplethora
How to get the Windows user identity name in Silverlight.
13 Nov 2010 by Kunal Chowdhury «IN»
Customized Scrolling in Silverlight using Expression Blend
6 Oct 2009 by CS Rocks
This is a slideshow that works in a Silverlight 3 UserControl.
23 May 2010 by defwebserver
A simple Silverlight application that uses RX Extensions to communicate with an oData service.
29 Apr 2012 by Marcelo Ricardo de Oliveira
How to create a pronunciation test tool using Silverlight and Python
6 Oct 2008 by Modesty Zhang
Port Cairngorm 2.2.1 to Silverlight 2 Beta 2. Includes all source code and a sample application.
24 Nov 2009 by raelango
This is a sample project to access Microsoft Access MDB data in Silverlight via OLEDB and dynamically populate a DataGrid.
16 Mar 2010 by Valentin Billotte
How to make TRUE sync call in Silverlight
18 Jun 2012 by Clifford Nelson
A generic implementation for IValueConverter.
17 Sep 2014 by Daniel Vaughan
Create a Xamarin Forms tabbed page or carousel page by binding to a collection of ViewModels; extending beyond the current capabilities of Xamarin Forms.
14 Feb 2010 by Nicolas Dorier
A design pattern to easily bind or animate properties that do not exist on an element, and which works in both Silverlight and WPF
19 Oct 2010 by Florin Badea
This article presents a way to apply data templates dynamically by type in the Windows Phone 7 platform
29 Apr 2010 by Sangsu Park 99
How to serialize a pure .NET object class to a fast binary data
28 Jul 2010 by Ernesto Herrera
Integrate Reporting Services with your Silverlight Line-of-Business applications.
22 May 2012 by Henrik Jonsson
An extended Static markup extension implementation for Silverlight 5 and WPF supporting invoking static methods with arguments, and a Silverlight Type markup extension implementation.
23 Aug 2012 by Harald Heide Gundersen
Geocoordinate positioned Xna model viewable thru Photocamera
19 Nov 2009 by dsmolen
Allows a user to drag a popup to any location in the Silverlight window.
12 Apr 2013 by NightWizzard
...for example a WYSIWYG HTML editor to edit or display emails...
10 Nov 2014 by Dirk_Strauss
Securing Your .NET Applications – A Summary Review Of Visual Guard
18 Aug 2009 by Colin Eberhardt
This blog post describes a technique for specifying WPF / Silverlight Dependency Properties declaratively via attributes.
28 Nov 2009 by Kunal Chowdhury «IN»
This article demonstrates the all new right click feature of Silverlight 4.
29 May 2010 by defwebserver
An example of Silverlight 4 OData Paging with RX Extensions.
8 Jul 2011 by Clifford Nelson
A special class is needed to support binding a set of flags to a View.
3 Feb 2012 by Dr. Sai
Pixel Manipulation in Silverlight
1 Sep 2013 by Saif Al Falah
A very novel, fun and fast paced game optimized for AIO!
26 Apr 2010 by George Henry 1954
Presents a class that facilitates high-usability binding of an ordinary TextBox to a numeric property
8 Jan 2012 by Alеksey Nemiro
The Silverlight File Manager on the ListBox control based universal server handler may be working on the ASP .NET WebForms and MVC projects. All requests are sent asynchronously via helper class.
22 Apr 2012 by ManojKumar19
How to make WCF service reference configurabe for Silverlight project(makes easy for deploying on severs like Dev, QA, UAT etc.)
8 Aug 2013 by adriancs
Silverlight access to MySQL using Web Services.
18 May 2009 by barcodesoftware
Barcode software application in Silverlight.
18 Apr 2010 by Tamas Koszoru
Summarizing client side asynchronous invocations in WCF/WCF Silverlight. Introducing ServiceClient class.
31 May 2010 by defwebserver
Creating a Number Guesser in Expression Blend with no code using DataStore
30 Sep 2010 by David Furshpan
A simple code that shows how to create, bind and inject View and ViewModel
14 Nov 2011 by Bahrudin Hrnjica
Imlementation of HTML5 Widget apps in offline mode on Windows Phone 7 Mango.
3 May 2012 by Shenwei Liu
The article series shows how to upgrade a Silverlight application having basic patterns to the MVVM and MEF composable patterns with easy approaches and detailed coding explanations.
21 May 2015 by Shai Raiten
Lync Add in Development, How to add custom context menu and CWE application using single code base.
9 Apr 2009 by Sacha Barber
Scrollable friction Canvas for Silverlight
24 Jan 2010 by cokkiy
ExImage is a Silverlight control very similar to the built-in Image control, except it supports three more stretch modes: RepeatX, RepeatY, and RepeatXY, which means images can be tiled horizontally, vertically, or both.
6 Sep 2011 by EmitsorGrp
Automatically generate a Windows Phone 7 settings page.
17 Nov 2011 by ntg123
Performing multi-binding in Silverlight.
9 Apr 2013 by David J Rundle
Handling the Faulted state and Closure of a WCF service when being used in a stateful application.
10 Jan 2013 by Amir Eshaq
This article uses NSpeex as a codec to encode/decode audio from a capture source (e.g., computer microphone) within Silverlight.
16 Oct 2013 by Anton Kleshchev
This article describes how to write Unit Tests for Silverlight ViewModels with a mocked DomainContext.
20 Dec 2014 by Roger C Moore
A guide to constructing an application using Expression Blend and Silverlight for the front-end which obtains data from a WCF service and SQL Server back-end
17 Jul 2009 by dmart23
ESRI has developed an API to allow you to embed maps and add GIS functionality using online services from ESRI’S ArcGIS Online and Bing Maps for Enterprise. This article will demonstrate how to use ESRI’s ArcGIS API for Microsoft Silverlight/WPF.
16 Sep 2011 by Kunal Chowdhury «IN»
Pinging a network IP or Hostname is not available in Silverlight. But you can do this using WCF service. In this post, I am going to implement the same thing for you.
21 Sep 2010 by Arik Poznanski
Porting from WPF to Silverlight: The Missing Pieces, Part 1
8 Nov 2010 by RobCroll
Creating a custom control when inheriting ItemsControl doesn't fit the requirement
9 Nov 2010 by Sergei Dumnov
It explains how to display business intelligence dimension table using Silverlight TreeView
1 Apr 2011 by Arik Poznanski
Flashcards.Show – Planning a Cross-Platform Solution
14 Sep 2011 by Amir Eshaq
This code demostrates how to use Silverlight 5 with OOB+elevated trust to play a local video (.avi). Uses P/Invoke support for native code
26 Nov 2011 by Mohib Sheth
Invoking People Hub in Windows Phone 7 Emulator
28 Nov 2011 by Member 7656529
A review of the book Microsoft Visual Studio LightSwitch Business Application Development.
5 Dec 2011 by Gary Bilkus
A helper class to simplify and enhance Silverlight async calls
7 Feb 2012 by apis3445
Its a silverlight page to create a simple comic with photos and text-ballons
16 Feb 2012 by Dr. Sai
This article demonstrates how to code the Carousel animation effect in Silverlight
27 Feb 2012 by Ondrej_Uzovic
Simple example showing the communication between Silverlight client and Java application.
5 Jul 2012 by Andrzej Skutnik
Accordion versus TreeView and the DataGrid in the navigation data in Silverlight.
15 Jul 2012 by Douglas Smallish
Demonstrates how to code a Silverlight Chart ControlTemplate Programmatically.
18 Sep 2012 by Jens Theisen
Using "{Binding X.Y.Z}" in a type-safe way in your code.
20 Mar 2016 by Sumit Samediya
In this article we will learn how to use existing sqlite database in WP 8.1 apps.
13 Jul 2009 by Jan-Erik Romoeren, Björn Asplund
Pattern for publishing an event by using an attached property and IEventAggregator. This time it's generic.
20 Oct 2009 by Wayne Delport
An article demonstrating how to pass date values in XAML as property values.
24 Nov 2009 by BBalmer
MVVM patterned calculator that demonstrates Charting Toolkit styling.
18 Dec 2009 by Christian Rodemeyer
Helper class for easy retrieving of assembly attributes.
4 Aug 2010 by Xavier Spileers
Classes to add a UIExtensionSites-like mechanism to PRISM.
1 Oct 2010 by David Furshpan
How to create Commands infrastructure in Silverlight
5 Nov 2010 by SofianH
A description of the open source Web RSS Builder
5 Nov 2010 by SofianH
A description of the open source Web RSS Builder
16 Nov 2010 by mrjvdveen
A problem most of us will encounter while building a Line Of Business application in Silverlight - it involves UI paradigms combined with the asynchronous communication model
19 Aug 2011 by User 468701
Force validation, even if the user doesn't enter anything, so that fields that are required show an appropriate message.
23 May 2012 by Jason Gleim
A review of Mastering LOB Development for SL 5 from Packt Publishing
17 May 2013 by Jorge J. Martins
Using a Slider to select an item from a list of objects (string, numeric, or image) as a discrete value or category.
20 Aug 2014 by valentasm
Silverlight and XNA animation class with automatic animation and flexible sprites loading.
1 Apr 2009 by Paul S. Chapman
Avoiding the WCF issue in the Azure CTP
14 Apr 2010 by Derek Lakin
HyperlinkButton Gotcha
2 Apr 2009 by Nadége Baubant
See how to control access to .NET applications reusing Windows accounts for authentication. Integrate with Active Directory and grant roles and permissions to Windows accounts. Define permissions without adding code thanks to .NET reflection mechanism.
1 May 2009 by Accusoft, CaseyMuse
This article provides a quick tour of the ImageGear for Silverlight toolkit from Accusoft Pegasus, while developing a multi-page image viewer that runs completely on the client via managed code.
14 May 2009 by Paul S. Chapman
Part II of a multiple part article where I build a project to show News Headlines from a number of RSS feeds as a vertical scrolling region
2 Jul 2009 by Murtaza Abdeali
Easily add advanced navigation to Line of Business apps with UI controls designed especially for the new navigation features in Microsoft Silverlight 3.