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How to Implement Custom Cursors in Silverlight 2

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30 Dec 2008 2  
This article describes how to implement custom cursors in Silverlight.


Silverlight 2 supports just a small set of default cursor types. WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) offers developers an extended set of default cursor types, and in addition, it is an easy task to create custom cursors for your WPF application.

However, it is quite simple to simulate custom cursors in Silverlight 2. There are different implementation approaches to display the cursors. The solution described in this article is based on the Popup class and a fixed pre-defined set of custom cursor images, which allows ease of use. Let's start with a screenshot showing a custom cursor type (a cross) on a green rectangle:


The custom cursor implementation works with a stack of UI elements all using different cursors and within the scroll viewer. The XAML code of the page shown above looks as follows:

<Grid Background="White">
  <ScrollViewer Width="400" Height="400" ... >
      <Rectangle parago:CursorSet.ID="SizeAll" Fill="LightCoral" Width="600" ... />
      <Rectangle parago:CursorSet.ID="Cross" Fill="Red" Width="150" Height="150" ... />
      <Rectangle parago:CursorSet.ID="Hand" Fill="Blue" Width="130" Height="130" ... />
      <Rectangle parago:CursorSet.ID="IBeam" Fill="Yellow" Width="100" Height="100" ... />
      <Rectangle parago:CursorSet.ID="Cross" Fill="Green" Width="50" Height="50" ... />

The code shows that setting custom cursors is as simple as setting the default and built-in cursors in Silverlight 2. The standard cursor types like Hand or IBeam can also be defined as an ID, and will be converted internally to set the Cursor property. So, from the developer point of view, there is just one technique to use for setting cursors for UI elements, and no need to add any additional elements in the XAML code.

How is this implemented? There is a class named CursorSet which implements an attached property called ID. Using an attached property in this implementation allows to query the UI element for cursor settings. The CursorSet class maintains a static list of cursor IDs, a list of active elements (with a cursor ID attached) named ActiveElements, as well as a static popup and canvas instance for displaying the actual cursor image:

public class CursorSet
  const string ImagePath = "/Resources/Cursors/";

   internal static Popup Popup;
   internal static Canvas AdornerLayer;
   internal static List<string> IDs;
   internal static Dictionary<FrameworkElement, 
            ContentControl> ActiveElements;

  #region public string ID (attached)
  public static string GetID(DependencyObject d)
    return (string)d.GetValue(IDProperty);

  public static void SetID(DependencyObject d, string id)
    d.SetValue(IDProperty, id);

  public static readonly DependencyProperty IDProperty = 
    new PropertyMetadata(new PropertyChangedCallback(OnIDPropertyChanged)));

  static void OnIDPropertyChanged(DependencyObject d, 
              DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
    FrameworkElement element = d as FrameworkElement;
    string id = e.NewValue as string;

      Cursor cursor;

      if(IsSystemType(id, out cursor))
        element.Cursor = cursor;

        ContentControl control = CreateControl(id);

          ActiveElements[element] = control;
          ActiveElements.Add(element, control);
      element.Cursor = null;




For more information about attached properties in Silverlight, see the MSDN documentation, or this great article on the website.

An important part plays the handling of changes to the attached property ID. The method OnIDPorpertyChanged is called when a cursor ID is newly assigned to a UI element (parago:CursorSet.ID="Cross") or if it has changed. The method checks in the first place if the defined cursor ID is valid, then it will check if the ID is the name of a default cursor type. If the ID is identified as a default cursor, then the method will set the Cursor property of the UI element, and will remove all existing mouse event handler registrations; otherwise, a new instance of the class ContentControl will be created for that element with the desired cursor ID as image. The instance will then be added to the ActiveElements list, and the CursorSet class will register for the MouseEnter, MouseMove, and MouseLeave events of the given UI element.

For each custom ID a PNG image must be existing in the folder defined by the string constant ImagePath. Right now there are only two cursors in the sample project available, but it is easy to extend the collection of custom cursors.

Since we need to render a cursor on top of all the other elements and independent of the layout of those elements, using the built-in Popup class is perfect. The CusorSet popup itself contains a canvas element as child to set the cursor image position by coordinates. The size of the popup should fill the Silverlight content area completely. Therefore the CursorSet registers the OnContentResized method with the Application.Current.Host.Content.Resized event and updates the size of the popup and its canvas accordingly.

static void OnContentResized(object sender, EventArgs e)
  if(AdornerLayer != null)
    AdornerLayer.Width = Application.Current.Host.Content.ActualWidth;
    AdornerLayer.Height = Application.Current.Host.Content.ActualHeight;

static void EnsurePopup()
  if(Popup == null || AdornerLayer == null)
    AdornerLayer = new Canvas()
      IsHitTestVisible = false,
      Width = Application.Current.Host.Content.ActualWidth,
      Height = Application.Current.Host.Content.ActualHeight

    Popup = new Popup
      IsHitTestVisible = false,
      Child = AdornerLayer


The listing above also shows the method EnsurePopup which initially creates the popup and canvas instance. It is important to note that the property IsHitTestVisible must be set to false in order to avoid conflicting with the underlying elements.

The mouse event handlers for the events MouseEnter, MouseMove, and MouseLeave are defined as follows:


static void OnElementMouseEnter(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)

  FrameworkElement element = sender as FrameworkElement;
  ContentControl control = ActiveElements[element];

  element.Cursor = Cursors.None;

  Point p = e.GetPosition(null);
  Canvas.SetTop(control, p.Y);
  Canvas.SetLeft(control, p.X);

  Popup.IsOpen = true;

static void OnElementMouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
  FrameworkElement element = sender as FrameworkElement;
  ContentControl control = ActiveElements[element];

  Point p = e.GetPosition(null);
  Canvas.SetTop(control, p.Y);
  Canvas.SetLeft(control, p.X);

static void OnElementMouseLeave(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
  FrameworkElement element = sender as FrameworkElement;
  ContentControl control = ActiveElements[element];

  element.Cursor = null;

  Popup.IsOpen = false;


Within the MouseEnter event handler OnElementMouseEnter, at first, the code will ensure the popup instance exists, and is setup by calling the EnsurePopup method (see code above). Since the event handlers are registered only for custom cursors and not for the default and built-in cursors, the method will get the ContentControl instance from the ActiveElements list (generated when the property ID is set), and will add it to the canvas named AdornerLayer of the popup. Next, the position of the cursor image will be adapted to the current mouse pointer position, and the Cursor property of the UI element will be set to the value None to avoid multiple cursors. Then, the popup will be displayed.

The MouseMove event handler OnElementMouseMove will update the position of the cursor image within the popup canvas according to the current mouse position. Once the mouse pointer leaves the UI element, the ContentControl with the cursor image will be removed from the popup canvas, and the popup itself will be closed.

That's it.


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