Calcium provides much of what one needs to rapidly build a multifaceted and sophisticated modular application. Includes a host of modules and services, and an infrastructure that is ready to use in your next application.
This article describes a new approach by which an element can remove its visual and logical relationships to its children while maintaining a conceptual parental relationship with those children.
This article will assume you have basic knowledge of C# and Xamarin Forms and shows how to implement the Xamarin Form Validations using simple Data Annotations applied on the models.
Calcium provides much of what one needs to rapidly build a multifaceted and sophisticated modular application. Includes a host of modules and services, and an infrastructure that is ready to use in your next application.
This article describes a new approach by which an element can remove its visual and logical relationships to its children while maintaining a conceptual parental relationship with those children.
This article describes a design, implementation and tooling of model driven WorkflowServices logically centralized in the Repository and physically decentralized for their runtime projecting.
Learn how to build the body part of your DataGrid using Silverlight and the GOA Toolkit. Implement Virtual Mode, work with hierarchical data, and build cells and cells navigation.
Silverlight 4 has the feature to talk with Excel or any other application using the COM API. In this article, I will guide you to understand this feature step-by-step.
This article describes a design, implementation and usage of the custom service operation invoker for invoking a xaml workflow. It is based on the upcoming Microsoft .NET 4 Technology.
Often, when WPF developers have to write a custom window, they find themselves drowning in countless articles, blog posts, and StackOverflow threads each depicting a different approach to the problem.
This article will show how to use data binding and styles to show data coming from a Microsoft SQL database using the new object-relational model introduced in Visual Studio 2008, LINQ to SQL, allowing grouping, sorting and filtering of data with almost no code.
To work with Regions effectively in a Prism based WPF application, we must understand the relationship between WPF Controls, RegionAdapters and Regions. In this articles, we will learn about process of Region creation and critical role played by RegionAdapters with a demo application.
Create a Xamarin Forms tabbed page or carousel page by binding to a collection of ViewModels; extending beyond the current capabilities of Xamarin Forms.
The mystery of Benham’s top invented in 1895, as well as Fechner color effect, remains not fully uncovered so far. WPF and XAML help to accelerate the research greatly.
The source code and a simple demo program for a plug-in in Microsoft Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) that provides visual display of email messages.
This article describes how a Windows Azure BizTalk Service Bridge pipeline can be extended for message mediation by Workflow (VETER + WORKFLOW Pattern).