The Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) in C# contains a few technologies and interfaces to link eahm bind controls and properties to each other. Users can enter
a value and make it (or some feedback of it) appear somewhere in the GUI. This article presents a way of checking for valid input values
via ValueConverter
and MultiValueConverter
in XAML.
The background of this article is an application that uses Ionic
zip file handling with the file splitting or file spanning feature. This feature lets the user create a series of zip files where each file has roughly the same size.
A user can, for example, create a series of 5 files, each having a maximum size of 100MB. This can be useful if the total size of files can be very large
but if there is an upper bound for the size of individual files.
The upper bound-file spanning/file size problem arises when someone wants to store the zipped file on a media with limited size (e.g.: USB stick), or if the compressed
data size exceeds 2GB (on Windows XP) or 4GB (on Vista/Windows 7).
This article showcases one way to solve this problem in a flexible manner. The user can enter memory sizes in any unit he wants (e.g.: xxx bytes, KB, MB, GB, TB, or PB)
and the software verifies whether the entered data is valid in terms of the syntax and the actual value (in between a range).
The valid memory range in my sample test application is set to anything between 100MB and 4GB (including these values) as can be seen in Figures 1 and 2.

Figure 1: A sample screenshot of the TestWindow in the included test application

Figure 2: A sample screenshot of the TestDialog in the included test application
The outputs in Figures 1 and 2 show different development stages in which entered values are converted and displayed with different feedbacks.
The TestWindow in Figure 1 shows the first development step where a user can enter a string like "100GB" or "1024 KB" and the program converts
this string into a bytes value in the TextBlock
just below the main input TextBox
control. The second TextBlock
with the appropriate unit (below the first TextBlock
) shows a converter output from the first bytes TextBlock
The aim of these two outputs is to visualize the conversion results as a user types and re-types values.
The first output was needed, because checking whether a value is inside a given range requires conversion to a value of the smallest possible unit (that is bytes in this case).
And the second label was useful because a user should not have to read a message like: "Please select a value smaller than 10048 MB" when the upper bound was exceeded.
Therefore, an appropriate size converison is required for output purposes.
But we are getting ahead of ourselves. Let us look at the project and develop the solution from bottom to top.
Using the code
I use StyleCop in my projects to make the code readable in a uniform
way. So, you can either download and install StyleCop, or edit/remove the corresponding entries in each .csproj file, should you get an error when compiling the project:
<Import Project="$(ProgramFiles)\MSBuild\StyleCop\v4.5\StyleCop.Targets" />
Project structure
The image in Figure 3 shows the rough structure of the project. There is a FileSize_Converter_Test project and a FSControls project.
The former project is what we need to Set as Startup Project in Visual Studio if we want to test the FSControls functionality.
The FSControls library contains the parser and converter functions documented in this article. This DLL can be included and consumed in other projects.

Figure 3: The project structure of the submitted source code
The core of the FSControls project are the FileSizeContext
, FileSizeExpression
, FileSizeParser
and TemrinalFileSizeExpression
The FileSizeExpression
class defines the fundamentals of each class that represents a unit. Each of the classes:
derived from TerminalFileSizeExpression
in the FileSizeContext
class, represents a corresponding unit (bytes, KB, MB, GB...) of memory sizes.
The ConvertUnparsedSizeToBytesInt
function in the FileSizeContext
class can be used to check whether conversion of a string containing
something like "100MB", "10 bytes", or "1024 GB" into an int
number of bytes can be successful or not. Review this function
if you want to have a simple reference for the required conversion process.
public static bool ConvertUnparsedSizeToBytesInt(object value,
out ulong numberOfBytes,
out string[] sInputComponents)
The TerminalFileSizeExpression
class derives from the FileSizeContext
class and defines the Interpret
The Interpret
method checks if ThisPattern
of the current class (e.g.: "GB") can be matched to the end of the string,
and converts the value into the NextPattern
of that class (e.g.: "MB"), if that was the case.
The FileSizeParser
class is also derived from the TerminalFileSizeExpression
class and overrides its own version
of the Interpret
method. In this method, we cycle through each unit (form top "TB" to bottom "bytes") and convert
"down to next unit" if the current unit was matched with the input string stored in the value
public override void Interpret(FileSizeContext value, out string[] strComponents)
strComponents = null;
foreach (FileSizeExpression exp in this.expressionTree)
string[] strOutComponents = null;
exp.Interpret(value, out strOutComponents);
if (exp.InterpretOK == true)
if (this.InterpretOK == false)
strComponents = strOutComponents;
this.InterpretOK = true;
if (this.InterpretOK == false)
The call to the InterpretAsBytes
method is needed because a user might enter "1000 bytes" and we would like to work with that input.
In this case, a "down" conversion is not possible but the input is still valid so we use this method to resolve that input.
Normally, converters live in a resource in a Window
(or UserControl
) and are referenced via their x:key
<local:NumberToBestSizeConverter2 x:Key="MyConverter" />
But this gets tedious pretty soon as one starts using a few converters. This implementation is based on an alternative scenario where converters are derived from
the MarkupExtension
class. This derivation allows us to use the resulting converters directly in the XAML (without explicit reference to an existing resource).
Samples of IValueConverter
implementations can be found in the FSControls/FileSize/Converter
package. Each file in this package contains two classes, an IValueConverter
an IMultiValueConverter
(see next section) implementation for the same purpose of conversion.
The IValueConverter
interface appears complicated and difficult to understand at first sight. But its purpose is really just to take an input value
and convert it into an output value. This is probably best verified if you insert a breakpoint at the beginning of the Convert
function and step through
it when it is used from within the XAML discussed below.
The IValueConverter
in the NumberToBestSizeConverter
class converts, for instance, a simple string like "1024 KB" into a human
readable output string "1 MB". The NumberToBestSizeConverter2
class does the same but it also accepts an optional parameter (an array[2]
of type ulong
) to determine whether the entered value is within the Min-Max range of the supplied array.
An IMultiValueConverter
is really just an IValueConverter
that accepts an array of objects as input and outputs a converted object.
The NumberToBestSizeConverter3
class does a similar job as the NumberToBestSizeConverter2
class, except it prints an output value only,
if there is a syntax error, or if the suggested human read-able string does in fact differ from the input string.
This is used in the TestDialog
class (see further below) to visualize a feedback only:
- if something's wrong, or
- if the user actually entered "100000 bytes" hoping that the software would tell him how many GBs this might be.
The NumberToBestSizeConverter3
class is derived from IMultiValueConverter
to accept an array of input objects.
This was required to support the selection of a unit via combobox and the input of the value via textbox.
Review the XAML in the TestWindow
class to understand how the input string from the textbox is converted into a bytes representation (NumberToSizeConverter
and from there into a "BestSize" representation (NumberToBestSizeConverter
). Take a note of the Window.Resources
<x:Array Type="{x:Type sys:UInt64}" x:Key="MinMaxValues">
This array of UInt64
objects is used to determine the range of acceptable values via ConverterParameter
of the corresponding
binding statements. For example, like so:
<TextBox x:Name="txtBytes"
IsReadOnly="True" BorderThickness="0" Margin="3"
Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="1" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Width="350">
<Binding ElementName="txtInput" Path="Text" Converter="{local:NumberToSizeConverter}"
ConverterParameter="{StaticResource MinMaxValues}" />
Notice the converter attached to the IsEnabled
property of the Test Click button. It makes sure the button is clickable
only if the entered value is valid and within the defined range.
There is really not much more to say here. Just set a breakpoint in the corresponding convert function of any converter and debug the application, if you are
in doubt of the bindings and all the other mumbo-jumbo here.
The TestDialog
class is the second approach on the subject and it features some more advanced items, such as:
- a ViewModel (
) to bind to,
- a combobox to enter the size of memory unit with,
- an image that pops-up whenever there is an input error,
- a label that shows only if the "BestSize" differs from input or if there is an error,
- and an OK button that enables only if the entered value is OK.
While all these things might be confusing at first, they are mostly based on different converters, which in turn rely on the objects defined
in the Window.Resources
tag in the TestDialog.xaml file.
Here is the sample XAML that controls whether an error image is shown or not:
<Image Source="/FileSize_Converter_Test;component/icons/error.png"
Width="32" Height="32" Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="2"
HorizontalAlignment="Right" VerticalAlignment="Center">
<MultiBinding Converter="{local:SizeNumberToErrorVisibilityConverter2}"
ConverterParameter="{StaticResource MockupMinMaxValues}"
<Binding ElementName="txtInput" Path="Text"/>
<Binding ElementName="cmdMemUnits" Path="SelectedItem.Value.Value" />
The visibility property is bound to a MultiValue converter SizeNumberToErrorVisibilityConverter2
. The converter gets its parameters from
the MockupMinMaxValues
array of UInt64
values. The actual object[]
values to be converted are supplied from the textbox (txtInput
and the combobox (cmdMemUnits
Take a note of the btnTestWindow1_Click
method in the TestWindow.xaml.cs file.
This method shows how the 'Mockup' Windows resources are overwritten (with real objects and their values) at runtime.
The ProgramOptionsVM
ViewModel does not have a model. Normally, one would design a model class, for example, ProgramOptions
, that would contain
only the properties for selectedMemUnit
and selectedSize
. This way, that model can be persisted and processed without direct dependency
on the view. But this is omitted in favour of simplification. Instead the trace to the "model" ends in the fields of the ProgramOptionsVM
private readonly Dictionary<MemUnit, UIList> mMemUnits;
private MemUnit selectedMemUnit;
private double selectedSize;
The above fields are then exposed and bound to the TestDialog.xaml controls via their corresponding properties.
Points of interest
This project gave me a huge inside on how converters and ViewModels are related to each other and how we can use both of them to interact with each other.
I noticed that each converter can also be realized via a conversion function and output property in the ViewModel class. And sometimes, this may be the way to go,
as well, because the resulting code may be easier to understand and maintain.
I wanted to show off some more novel Converters than the usual bool to Visibility stuff copied from somewhere else. So, there you go. Please let me know about
your thoughts and comments on this.
The article is based on the following resources:
- 12.12.2011: Initial post.
- 13.12.2011: Updated article to contain a sample on the actual
binding used in the source code.
Updated source code to bug fix a problem in the binding of the memory size input value. I wanted to support a floating point value (such as 1.5 GB).
So I changed the SelectedMemSize
property to string and compute the actual size of bytes via a separate property (SelectedMemSizeNumberOfBytes
in the ProgramOptionsVM