Here's an approach for displaying and editing data that you might find useful. It doesn't replace the venerable data grid, but I think it's simpler to implement, and might be a better fit for some applications. Since the controlling element used with this approach is a listbox, it is more suited for smaller number of fields and a manageable dataset size. But it could also be expanded with some form of filtered paging to enable larger datasets.
I think this approach, with its layered design, represents the separation of concerns. And although it was not intuitive at first (for me), the end result has nothing particularly special about it. So there is a minimal amount of change required for the implementation.
A Prerequisite Note
I'm using the Composite Application Library (CAL) with the demo application. However, it is not a requirement for building an editable listbox. I'm using the library because I'm currently evaluating it, so it is more for convenience than anything else. There are two things that are required for any design that implements a separated presentation pattern: an implementation for commanding, and some mechanism to tie the View to the Presentation Model. CAL provides an implementation of ICommand
in its CommandDelegate
class. This facilitates the loose coupling that we want between the UI and the supporting logic. CAL also includes a dependency injection container, which I'm using to make the connection between the View and the Presentation Model in the form of a view injection. Both of these requirements can be achieved in other ways instead of using the library. In the References section at the end of the article, I've indicated sources for alternate methods.
Editable Listbox?
Creating an editable listbox is pretty easy. You just have to create a user control to use as the rendering for the items, define a template for the ListBoxItem
in order to set the user control as the content, and then just plop it into the listbox as the DataTemplate
<Style TargetType="{x:Type ListBoxItem}">
<Setter Property="ContentTemplate">
<Border BorderBrush="Black"
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<ListBox IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="True"
ItemsSource="{Binding Path=WeebitListItems}"
SelectedItem="{Binding Mode=TwoWay, Path=FocusWeebitItem}"
If you do that, you'll get a listbox that will be editable, but it won't be very useful. The user can edit each item, but you won't have control over it.

Fig. 1 First Try
So that's really the challenge here, managing it so that it is useful and intuitive at the same time. In other words, behaves as usual.
The first hurdle is restricting what the user can edit. I started by making the items disabled except for the one selected for editing. That didn't work too well for me because you lose a lot of information when an item is in disabled mode. It becomes less readable, and as you can see, the color information is lost, which might be what the user needs in order to make the selection. And of course, it looks strange seeing all the items disabled.

Fig. 2 Disabled View
Associated with this is the problem of selecting an item. Since the user interaction is with the user control, the listbox has no way to manage the selection. The only way to 'select' an item in the listbox is if you leave an area around the user control that the user can click on. That's not a good mechanism. In Fig. 1 above, you can see that the user selected an item but was also able to make changes to a different item.
So, here's the challenge:
- We need to somehow restrict the user's interaction to only the item being edited. And only one item can be editable at a time.
- We need to provide some form of intuitive selection mechanism so the user can select an item for editing.
- Once an item has been selected, we need some feedback to indicate to the user the item currently 'selected' for editing.
- We would also like to provide some visual cues to the user regarding the validity of the data entered.
- And, we'd like to implement most of this in XAML.
That's it as far as the listbox is concerned. Of course, we need additional functionality that will allow the user to save the changes or cancel the operation. But, that's external (to the listbox) functionality.
The Data
Let's start by defining the data that I'm using in the demo project. The following defines the data object that we're dealing with. Just something with a little variation in property types:

Fig. 3 Weebit Data
We have a WeebitData
object that has a name, description, physical dimensions, a color, and a type as properties. The class definition is a simple properties interface. The only interesting aspect of the class is that it also supports validation of the properties (data). By implementing IDataErrorInfo
, it can be hooked up directly to the UI and provide validation for the user entries. It's pretty interesting to see how much I get with very little work on my part. Granted, the validation presented here for the demo is pretty minimal. Here's a peek at that part of the implementation for the class:
#region IDataErrorInfo
string IDataErrorInfo.Error { get { return null; } }
string IDataErrorInfo.this[string propertyName]
get { return this.GetValidationError(propertyName); }
#region validations
string GetValidationError(string propertyName)
string error = null;
switch (propertyName)
case "Name":
error = this.ValidateName();
case "Description":
error = this.ValidateDescription();
case "Length":
error = this.ValidateFloat(this.Length,"Length");
case "Width":
error = this.ValidateFloat(this.Width,"Width");
case "Height":
error = this.ValidateFloat(this.Height,"Height");
return error;
string ValidateName()
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Name))
return "Enter Name";
return null;
string ValidateDescription()
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Description))
return "Enter Description";
return null;
string ValidateFloat(string value, string item)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
return "Enter "+item;
float temp = float.Parse(value);
return null;
return "Invalid entry.";
Pretty simple. The name of the property is used as an indexer, and after evaluating the validity of the property, return back null
if it's valid, or an error description otherwise. We'll see how it gets hooked up when we look at the UI. The WeebitService
class provides access to the repository, and has your typical access methods. There is really nothing particularly interesting going on in there, so we'll move on (the downloadable project has the complete source).
Weebit Item UserControl
The user control used to render the Weebit data is depicted in Fig. 2 above, and the XAML for it is shown below. It's a pretty simple control comprised of a few textboxes, a combobox, and a button.
<UserControl x:Class="EditableListboxApp.Modules.Weebit.Views.WeebitItemCtl"
Height="Auto" Width="Auto">
x:Key="colorToSolidColorBrushConverter" />
<Style x:Key="tbWithValidation" TargetType="{x:Type TextBox}">
<Trigger Property="Validation.HasError" Value="true">
<Setter Property="ToolTip"
Value="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self},
<Grid x:Name="ctlWnd" Height="Auto" Width="Auto">
<ColumnDefinition Width="60"></ColumnDefinition>
<ColumnDefinition Width="100"></ColumnDefinition>
<ColumnDefinition Width="40"></ColumnDefinition>
<ColumnDefinition Width="40"></ColumnDefinition>
<ColumnDefinition Width="40"></ColumnDefinition>
<ColumnDefinition Width="80"></ColumnDefinition>
<ColumnDefinition Width="50"></ColumnDefinition>
<TextBox Name="textName" IsEnabled="{Binding Path=IsNameEnabled}"
Style="{StaticResource tbWithValidation}"
Text="{Binding Path=Name, ValidatesOnDataErrors=True,
UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" />
<TextBox Name="textDescription"
Style="{StaticResource tbWithValidation}" Grid.Column="1"
Text="{Binding Path=Description, ValidatesOnDataErrors=True,
<TextBox Grid.Column="2" Name="textLength"
Style="{StaticResource tbWithValidation}"
Text="{Binding Path=Length, ValidatesOnDataErrors=True,
<TextBox Grid.Column="3" Name="textWidth"
Style="{StaticResource tbWithValidation}"
Text="{Binding Path=Width, ValidatesOnDataErrors=True,
<TextBox Grid.Column="4" Name="textHeight"
Style="{StaticResource tbWithValidation}"
Text="{Binding Path=Height, ValidatesOnDataErrors=True,
<Button Grid.Column="6" Name="buttonColor"
Background="{Binding Converter={StaticResource
colorToSolidColorBrushConverter}, Path=WeebitColor}"
Command="{Binding Path=ColorButtonCommand}">
<ComboBox Grid.Column="5"
ItemsSource="{Binding Path=WeebitTypes, Mode=OneTime}"
Name="comboType" SelectedItem="{Binding Path=GSWeebitType}" />
There're a couple of items above that probably require some explanation. First, the need for the Converter. The color information stored for the Weebit is stored as a color, but to render the background of the button, we need a brush. The Converter provides the necessary 'conversion' from value to visual (the conversion could also have been implemented in the Presentation Model, but it was cleaner for me this way). Second, 'tbWithValidation
' defines a trigger for the TextBox
es that indicates how we want to display validation errors. When there is a validation error, we want to display the validation error as a tooltip text. And thirdly, you might wonder why the name field is singled out for disabling. The name is the key field for the data. When the user is editing an existing item, we definitely don't want them to change that field. But when the user is creating a new entry, we have to allow access. So here is an area where validation could be expanded. The name could be checked as it's being entered, and if it's not unique, an appropriate error message could be returned for the validation error.
Each of the items above has the ValidatesOnDataErrors
set to 'true
' in order to hook in the validation check. And, we want to evaluate every time on the PropertyChanged
event (yeah, I took a shortcut, I am not validating the type or color, it would only be necessary for new entries anyway). Finally, all of the items are bound to the WeebitPresentationModel
, which we'll look at next.
The WeebitPresentationModel
class is the enabler for the View (user control). It is the source for the bindings defined in the View. So, it must, at a minimum, provide the endpoints for the data bindings. And, in order for it to provide all the UI magic that takes place underneath, it has to implement INotifyPropertyChanged
to keep the UI synchronized with the data by initiating UI updates. To me, this is pretty neat. It's like blind communication, since you really don't know who your talking to. Finally, to provide the data validation, it needs to implement IDataErrorInfo
, even though, in this case, it is just a pass through.
public class WeebitPresentationModel : INotifyPropertyChanged, IDataErrorInfo
WeebitData weebitData;
readonly ICommand colorButtonCommand;
bool isEnabled = false;
bool isNameEnabled = true;
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged = delegate { };
public WeebitPresentationModel(WeebitData weebitData)
if (weebitData == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("WeebitData");
this.weebitData = weebitData;
colorButtonCommand = new DelegateCommand<string>(OnColor);
#region weebit properties
public string Name
weebitData.Name = value;
get { return weebitData.Name; }
The class is initialized with a reference to a WeebitData
object so that it can support the View. For this application, I think this is the simplest way since each listbox item is really a View with its supporting Presentation Model. WeebitPresentationModel
passes all responsibility relating to the data to the WeebitData
object. Its concern is mainly with supporting the View requirements. In the constructor, we also initialize a DelegateCommand
for the Weebit color button. As I mentioned previously, this is one of the facilities that I am utilizing from CAL. The DelegateCommand
takes two parameters, both methods. One is the method to be called to determine the state of the UI control. And, the second is the method to call when executing the command. In the instance we are looking at, the color button, it only requires one parameter since the button will always be enabled.
All the properties are handled in much the same way as the Name
property shown above. The data is passed through to the WeebitData
object and retrieved from the WeebitData
object. Any time the data changes, notification is propagated up to the UI through the OnPropertyChanged
event. The use of the CommandManager
here requires a little explanation. It's actually something that is not supported with the DelegateCommand
implementation provided with CAL. Here's what I needed. Since we are validating the input from the user, we need to be able to check and change the state of the UI (buttons) as each property is being changed, essentially each keystroke. Specifically, I want to disallow saving the data if any of the properties are invalid. What the InvalidateRequerySuggested
call is doing is telling the CommandManager
to invalidate the state of the commanding controls that it is monitoring. That will trigger a call to the methods, which we will describe later, that determine the state of our buttons. Clear as mud? In any case, I had to make a modification to the CommandDelegate
class in order to get this to work. As I mentioned previously, you don't have to use CAL, the Reference section provides alternatives to the CommandDelegate
#region UI
public bool IsItemEnabled
get { return isEnabled; }
isEnabled = value;
public bool IsNameEnabled
get { return isNameEnabled; }
isNameEnabled = value;
public ICommand ColorButtonCommand
get { return colorButtonCommand; }
public string[] WeebitTypes
get { return Enum.GetNames(typeof(WeebitType)); }
public void OnColor(string notused)
ColorDialog dlg = new ColorDialog();
if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
weebitData.WeebitColor = dlg.Color;
I'll describe the IsItemEnabled
property later when we get to the listbox itself. For now, it's just a property that is settable, but it is not tied to the IsEnabled
property of the user control. The IsNameEnabled
I did describe briefly before, and it does represent the UI state. Both of these will become clearer once we see how they are used.
The WeebitTypes
property is used by the ComboBox to get the available options for the user. And, the OnColor
method is called when the user selects the color button. The unused parameter is also a consequence of using the CommandDelegate
#region operations
public bool IsValid()
return weebitData.IsValid();
public bool Save(bool isNew)
if (isNew)
return weebitService.NewWeebit(weebitData);
return weebitService.UpdateWeebit(weebitData);
public bool Cancel()
bool returnVal = false;
WeebitData temp = weebitData; weebitData = weebitService.GetWeebit(weebitData.Name);
if (weebitData != null)
if (temp.Description != weebitData.Description)
if (temp.Length != weebitData.Length)
if (temp.Width != weebitData.Width)
if (temp.Height != weebitData.Height)
if (temp.WeebitType != weebitData.WeebitType)
if (temp.WeebitColor != weebitData.WeebitColor)
returnVal = true;
weebitData = temp;
MessageBox.Show("Failed retrieveing data for:" + weebitData.Name);
isEnabled = false;
isNameEnabled = true;
return returnVal;
The remaining functions are there to support the editing operations. And, they'll make more sense once we see how they are used. But, you can readily tell what they are intended to do, and you can also see that each simply relegates responsibility to somebody else. The Cancel
method is used to re-load the data since it might have become dirty during editing. And, if data is re-loaded, each property is checked for changes, simply to minimize the events that will be generated.
Note that nothing so far has anything specifically related to the listbox. The WeebitData
class, the WeebitService
, and the WeebitPresentationModel
could be used in a totally different environment (that's a good thing). Now, let's see about that editable listbox.
Selecting an Item
One of the problems we saw above is that the user control being used for the rendering essentially hides the listbox because it receives the attention. There are mechanisms for the listbox to detect user action using the different routing mechanisms available. But, I don't think it will produce a simpler solution. The approach presented here makes use of a combination of easily obtainable information. First, we define a trigger for the IsMouseOver
property and use it to set the listbox's IsSelected
property. This gives us some control over the selection and the user's actions.
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type ListBoxItem}">
<Trigger Property="IsMouseOver" Value="True">
<Setter Property="IsSelected" Value="True"/>
Next, we want to provide some feedback to the user indicating which item 'would' be selected (like the focus feedback) as well as some kind of 'selector' mechanism. This could be a checkbox with some focus feedback, or a radio button. I didn't choose either of those because I wanted something that would be visible only when valid. Or perhaps, I just wanted the road less traveled. In any case, what I wanted was an arrow indicator that would point to the listboxitem and would move as the mouse moved over the listbox. The arrow would also be the selector through which the user would select an item for editing. And, once an item is selected for editing, I do not want the arrow to be displayed on any other item except the one being edited. So, where can we put this selector that is part of the listbox but outside of the user control?
You can define a template for the ListBoxItem
to have any configuration as long as it has a ContentPresenter
(because it's a ContentControl
). We'll define a template for the ListBoxItem
that will display a button on the left of the ContentPresenter
which will contain our user control. And the selector button will be a blue arrow that will be invisible except when the mouse is over the listbox item. Here's the XAML for that, and Fig. 4 shows what it would look like:
<Style x:Key="selectorButton" TargetType="{x:Type Button}">
<Setter Property="Template">
<Grid VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Center">
<Path Fill="Blue" Data="M 3,3 l 9,9 l -9,9 Z"></Path>
<Style TargetType="{x:Type ListBoxItem}">
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type ListBoxItem}">
<Border x:Name="itemBorder"
BorderBrush="{Binding Converter={StaticResource
<DockPanel x:Name="listItem" Background="Transparent">
<Button x:Name="sideButton"
Style="{StaticResource selectorButton}"
Command="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor,
AncestorType={x:Type ListBox}},
<ContentPresenter x:Name="contentPresenter">

Fig. 4 ListBox Item Selector
OK, almost there. So, as the user moves the cursor over the listbox items, the blue arrow will follow indicating which item will be selected. Then, if the user clicks on the blue arrow, we generate an event that will make the actual edit selection. But, there's one more point to cover before we go there. We still have all of the listbox items as editable. Which means that the user can select one with the arrow, and we can do whatever we want by hiding the arrow so s/he can't select any other one, but they can still move the cursor over to another item and start typing away. The answer is to make use of the IsHitTestVisible
property for the ContentPresenter
. That's the source for the IsItemEnable
property that we saw exposed by the WeebitPresentationModel
. It will be set to false
by default, and will be set to true
when the user selects an item. When the editing operation is completed, either with a save or a cancel, the property will be reset back to false
. Now, the user can move the cursor all they want, and it won't bother us.
One more detail. We also defined a border above that will be displayed around the selected item. If an item is not selected for editing, the border will be transparent. This will give a good feedback to the user as to which item is currently selected for editing. The source for the border is the same property that sets IsHitTestVisible
, IsItemEnable
. So, if IsItemEnable
is true
, then we show the border and allow editing. A Converter translates the boolean value to a brush. Here's the XAML which is the key for the editable listbox:
<Trigger Property="IsMouseOver" Value="True">
<Setter Property="IsSelected" Value="True"/>
<Setter Property="Visibility"
Value="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor,
AncestorType={x:Type ListBox}},
Path=DataContext.SelectorVisibility }"/>
<Setter Property="IsHitTestVisible"
Value="{Binding Path=IsItemEnabled }"
There's a little bit of magic that the listbox is doing for us. For each item in the listbox, we need an instance of the user control. The listbox handles that creation. Then, there needs to be a contextual relationship set up between the listboxitem View and the listboxitem data (source). The listbox is doing that. So, the above binding is done magically relative to the listboxitem. The visibility of the selector button, however, needs to be determined from a higher viewpoint. The EditorPresentationModel
is the one that knows if there is any item selected for editing or not, which is part of what's needed to determine the visibility. So, to find the source of the Visibility
value, we need to travel up the visual tree and find the listbox. Then, we can borrow the DataContext
to get to the EditorPresentationModel
. That's the binding that's defined above for the Visibility
. There's nothing else of interest in the WeebitEditor View, so here's what it looks like, already cooked, and performing an edit operation. Now, let's continue with the EditorPresentationModel
so we can wrap this up.

Fig. 5 An Editable ListBox
The Home Stretch
As with the WeebitPresentationModel
, the EditorPresentationModel
is the enabler for the Editor View. So, it has to at least provide the endpoints for the bindings defined in the View. And likewise, in order for it to synchronize with the UI, it has to implement INotifyPropertyChanged
public class EditorPresentationModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
enum ViewStates
ViewStates currentState = ViewStates.NoSelect;
ObservableCollection<WeebitPresentationModel> weebitListItems;
IWeebitService weebitService;
readonly DelegateCommand<string> newButtonCommand;
readonly DelegateCommand<string> saveButtonCommand;
readonly DelegateCommand<string> cancelButtonCommand;
readonly DelegateCommand<string> selectButtonCommand;
WeebitPresentationModel focusWeebit = null;
WeebitPresentationModel editWeebit = null;
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged = delegate { };
public EditorPresentationModel(IWeebitEditor view, IWeebitService weebitService)
this.View = view;
this.weebitService = weebitService;
weebitListItems = new ObservableCollection<WeebitPresentationModel>();
foreach (WeebitData wd in weebitService.GetWeebits())
weebitListItems.Add(new WeebitPresentationModel(wd,weebitService));
newButtonCommand = new DelegateCommand<string>(OnNew, CanNew);
saveButtonCommand = new DelegateCommand<string>(OnSave, CanSave);
cancelButtonCommand = new DelegateCommand<string>(OnCancel, CanCancel);
selectButtonCommand = new DelegateCommand<string>(OnSelect, CanSelect);
This is the second piece of functionality that I'm utilizing from CAL. As you can see, the constructor for EditorPresentationModel
requires two references to be passed in: one for the associated View which it is supporting, and the other is the repository service. The CAL container determines those dependencies, and takes care of the instantiation so it can pass in the appropriate references. As I mentioned previously, CAL in not mandatory to implement an editable listbox. The connection between the View and the PresentationModel can be made in other ways (see References below). And as far as the repository service, the EditorPresentationModel
could easily create an instance of the repository service as a class member. The power of dependency injection, though, really comes through when there are multiple dependencies on the same service. For example, suppose there are two editors that need to have access to the WeebitService
. Creating a local instance would not work in that case.
So, the first thing that gets done in the constructor is to set the DataContext
for the View so that the bindings can take place. Next, we need to provide the listbox with a list of items, so we make use of the repository service to get the data, and we initialize an ObservableCollection
of WeebitPresentationModel
s. The rest of the constructor deals with initializing the DelegateCommand
s for each of the buttons.
I suppose the best way to proceed from here is to describe the operations. Recall from above that we set up a trigger so that when the mouse is over a listbox item, the item is set to 'selected' (as far as the listbox is concerned). We have also bound the listbox's SelectedItem
property to the FocusWeebitItem
property, which is shown below:
public WeebitPresentationModel FocusWeebitItem
get { return focusWeebit; }
if (value != null && focusWeebit != value)
focusWeebit = value;
public Visibility SelectorVisibility
if (currentState == ViewStates.NoSelect)
return Visibility.Visible;
if (focusWeebit == editWeebit)
return Visibility.Visible;
return Visibility.Hidden;
Each time the SelectedItem
changes, we'll set the internal variable focusWeebit
to the selected item. This allows us to keep track of what the user is doing. At the same time, we also fire the PropertyChanged
event for the SelectorVisibility
property. The SelectorVisibility
property is what controls our blue arrow visibility. We don't want it to be visible if there is a current selection and the mouse is over a different listbox item.
I guess it's time to explain a couple of class variables that I have not described. I'm maintaining a currentState
variable which keeps track of what state the editor is in. There're only three states: nothing selected, editing an existing item, or editing a new item. This facilitates controlling the available user options (UI state). As we just saw, there is a class variable to keep track of which item the user is 'focusing on'. So, when the user makes the selection by clicking on the blue arrow, we know which item s/he intended. At that point, we then assign another variable, editWeebit
, to remember the selection. Here's the code for that:
void OnSelect(string notused)
editWeebit = focusWeebit;
currentState = ViewStates.EditingExisting;
editWeebit.IsItemEnabled = true;
editWeebit.IsNameEnabled = false;
bool CanSelect(string notused)
if (currentState == ViewStates.NoSelect)
return true;
return false;
As we just mentioned, when the user clicks on the selector button, we assign the editWeebit
variable to focusWeebit
so we can remember the selection. And, since we know the user selected an existing item in the listbox, we set currentState
to EditingExisting
. We'll use this information later when saving so we know if it's an update or a create. Next are the two properties that control how the listboxitem will display itself. Remember that from this position (this class), the only thing that is known is which listbox item the mouse is over. And, that is dynamic. And, each listbox item controls its own rendering. We described the IsNameEnabled
property previously. Since the user selected an existing item, we set the property to false
so that the Name
field will be disabled. And the IsItemEnabled
is what controls the IsHitTestVisible
(and the border) for the ContentPresenter
. Here, we're setting it to true
so that the user can make changes to the item.
That's essentially it. The only things left are the three buttons that support the Save, Cancel, and New operations.
void OnNew(string notused)
currentState = ViewStates.EditingNew;
editWeebit = new WeebitPresentationModel(new WeebitData());
editWeebit.IsItemEnabled = true;
bool CanNew(string notused)
bool returnVal = false;
if (currentState == ViewStates.NoSelect)
returnVal = true;
return returnVal;
void OnSave(string notused)
if (currentState == ViewStates.EditingNew)
currentState = ViewStates.NoSelect;
editWeebit = null;
bool CanSave(string notused)
bool returnVal = false;
if (currentState == ViewStates.EditingExisting ||
currentState == ViewStates.EditingNew)
returnVal = editWeebit.IsValid();
return returnVal;
void OnCancel(string notused)
if (currentState == ViewStates.EditingNew)
editWeebit = null;
currentState = ViewStates.NoSelect;
bool CanCancel(string notused)
bool returnVal = false;
if (currentState == ViewStates.EditingExisting ||
currentState == ViewStates.EditingNew)
returnVal = true;
return returnVal;
The New button is only enabled when there is nothing selected for editing. When the user selects the New button, we first set currentState
to EditingNew
so we know how to save the edits. Then, we create a new WeebitPresentationModel
, initializing it with a new WeebitData
object. We set IsItemEnabled
to true
since the data needs to be filled in, and we add the new item to the ObservableCollection
so the listbox will update itself. There is a little room for improvement here. When an item is added, it gets placed at the bottom of the list. I tried a couple of options to see if the listbox would automatically scroll the item to a visible position, but I didn't spend too much time on it. As it is, the user has to scroll to reveal the new item.
The Save button is enabled only when an editing operation is in process and all the data fields have valid data. The WeebitData
object is the one that determines if all the data is valid, as you can see from the call to IsValid
. If the user cancels while editing a new item, the item can be simply deleted. Otherwise, the WeebitData
object needs to re-initialize its data, and that's the Cancel
method we saw previously.
I've left out the Delete functionality, but that can be easily implemented. The main thing is to add that function to WeebitService
. The View just needs another button, and EditorPresentationModel
needs to process it similar to the Save operation. The item would then be simply removed from the ObservableCollection
That's a Wrap
Well, I learned a few things, and I hope this was of some use to you as well. I think the separated presentation pattern provides a much cleaner approach than what we've done in the past, so I wanted to explore that in more detail. And, I also exposed a little bit of the Composite Application Library in this article. It does offer a lot more, and I'll be expounding on those in the future. If you find anything in the article that could be done better, or need additional information on the areas I left out, please send in a comment, or write an article so we can all benefit.
- Jammer wrote an article which gave me some initial ideas.
- Josh Smith has written several articles that describe alternate approaches to commanding and view injection to those used above. In this article, he provides a complete description. He also wrote an article that allowed to me to address the