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CPPToolTip v2.1

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4 Mar 2005CPOL23 min read 1.7M   33.2K   635   567
A class that allows you to display your data for a control as tooltip
Image 1

Image 2

Placing an anchor on any edge

Image 3

Tooltip for the menu item

Image 4

Tooltip for the toolbar item

Image 5

Tooltip for the map item

Image 6

Titletip for the different controls

Image 7

Tooltip with hyperlinks and hot areas



  • Standard and balloon tooltip
  • Built-in HTML-lite language for a tooltip
  • Built-in support for CSS styles
  • Built-in support for menus and toolbars
  • Support for any size icons (max. 256 colors)
  • Support for bitmaps
  • Support for ImageList
  • Load icons, bitmaps and strings from resources, DLLs or files
  • Support Fade-in and Fade-out effects
  • Support for gradient shadow for tooltip and images
  • Support for applies miscellaneous effects over the any images (lighten, darken, grayed)
  • Support for hyperlinks
  • Support for hot areas
  • Support for tables
  • Support for CScrollView
  • Extended <br> and <t> tags
  • Extended resource strings for the menu and toolbars items
  • Every size can be customized
  • Change runtime a tooltip's text
  • Implemented a Debug Mode (an idea from site with Vitaly Tomilov's permission)
  • Support for an animation - NEW in v2.1
  • Support a text wrapping - NEW in v2.1
  • Full source code included!

How to integrate CPPToolTip in your application

To integrate PPToolTip control in your application you should add next files to your project:

CPPTooltip class

PPHtmlDrawer.h PPHtmlDrawer.cpp

CPPHtmlDrawer class. It's need to drawing HTML string in tooltip body


CPPDrawManager class is a set of methods to work with graphics.
CCeXDib class thanks to Davide Pizzolato and Davide Calabro. This class use for extend background's effect.

Extend background effects by Davide Pizzolato and Davide Calabro become available if defined USE_SHADE:

in PPDrawManager.h
#define USE_SHADE

Create a CPPToolTip object

Include PPTooltip.h in the header file where you want to use the CPPToolTip window and create a member variable for the window:

CPPToolTip m_tooltip;

Now create the window. For dialog-based applications, in your OnInitDialog:

// Call the base-class method

// Create the CPPToolTip object

Now call AddTool function to register a tool with the tool tip control, so that the information stored in the tool tip is displayed when the cursor is on the tool:

m_tooltip.AddTool(GetDlgItem(IDC_BUTTON1), _T(
 "Tooltip to the control IDC_BUTTON1"));

or for rectangle area

m_tooltip.AddTool(this, _T("Tooltip for rectangle area"), 
 CRect (100, 100, 200, 200));

Now you must add RelayEvent function call to pass a mouse message to a tooltip control for processing.

BOOL ... ::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg)


Using a tooltip with a toolbar

1. Create CPPToolTip object in the header CMainFrame

CPPToolTip m_tooltip;

2. In CMainFrame::OnCreate() call a AddToolBar method.

int CMainFrame::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
    //Adds tooltip for toolbar
    return 0;

3. Add RelayEvent function call to pass a mouse message to a tooltip control for processing.
BOOL CMainFrame::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg)

Extended string from resources

Notice, that the text for tooltips are automatically loaded from resources.
The string format was expanded with the third parameter, used for disabled items of the the menu and the toolbar.

Format string in resource: Parameter1\nParameter2\nParameter3

,where :

  • Parameter1 - text for the normal menu items and status bar
  • Parameter2 - text for the normal toolbar items
  • Parameter3 - text for the disabled menu and toolbars items

Using a tooltip with a menu

1. Create CPPToolTip object in the header CMainFrame

CPPToolTip m_tooltip;

2. In CMainFrame::OnCreate() call a Create method.


3. Uncomments a line to enable a work with menus.

in PPTooltip.h 

4. Adds two handlers to CMainFrame.

void CMainFrame::OnMenuSelect(UINT nItemID, UINT nFlags, HMENU hSubMenu)
     m_tooltip.OnMenuSelect(nItemID, nFlags, hSubMenu);
     CFrameWnd::OnMenuSelect(nItemID, nFlags, hSubMenu);

void CMainFrame::OnEnterIdle(UINT nWhy, CWnd* pWho)
     m_tooltip.OnEnterIdle(nWhy, pWho);
5. Add RelayEvent function call to pass a mouse message to a tooltip control for processing.
BOOL CMainFrame::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg)


Class Members


CPPToolTip Constructs a CPPToolTip object.
Create Creates a tooltip control and attaches it to a CPPToolTip object.


SetBehaviour Sets the behaviour's tooltip
GetBehaviour Gets the behaviour's tooltip


SetColorBk Specifies the color to use for the control.
SetEffectBk Sets the control colors to the default colors.


AddTool Adds the info of the tool.
AddToolBar Adds a toolbar to the tooltip control.
RemoveTool Removes specified tool.
RemoveAllTools Removes all tools.
ShowHelpTooltip Show the tooltip as help window
HideTooltip Hide the tooltip


SetImageList Sets the image list to tooltip.


SetBorder Sets the color and the width of the tooltip's border.
HideBorder Hides a border of the tooltip.


SetNotify Enable notification about changing the data or the view.
GetNotify Is enabled notification about changing the data or the view..

CSS Styles

SetCssStyles Sets the CSS styles of the HTML text
GetCssStyles Retrieves information about the CSS styles of the HTML text


SetDelayTime Sets the delay time for a tooltip control.
GetDelayTime Retrieves the initial, pop-up, and reshow durations currently set for a CPPToolTip control


SetDefaultSizes Sets all sizes as default.
SetSize Sets the tooltip's sizes.
GetSize Retrieves the size of the specified value.


SetDirection Sets a placement of the tooltip's anchor.
GetDirection Retrives a placement of the tooltip's anchor.


SetDebugMode Sets a debug mode for a tooltip control.
EnableEscapeSequences Enables or disables an escape sequences in the HTML string.
SetTransparency Sets a transparency of the tooltip.
GetTransparency Gets a transparency of the tooltip.
SetTooltipShadow Sets a tooltip's shadow.
SetImageShadow Sets a image's shadow.
SetMaxTipWidth Sets the maximum width for a tooltip window.
SetImageShadow Sets a image's shadow.


EnableHyperlink Associates name of resource with his ID.
SetCallbackHyperlink Search index of array by with specified name or ID resource.

Menus (availables if PPTOOLTIP_USE_MENU defined only)

MenuToolPosition Sets a position of the tooltip's anchor about menu item.
GetMenuToolPosition Gets a position of the tooltip's anchor about menu item..


RelayEvent Passes a mouse message to a tooltip control for processing.


GetVersionI Get CPPToolTip version
GetVersionC Get CPPToolTip version



CPPToolTip ();

Constructs a CPPToolTip object. You must call Create after that.

CPPToolTip Overview | Class Members



BOOL Create (CWnd* pParentWnd, BOOL bBalloonSize = TRUE);


  • pParentWnd - Points to the parent window of the tooltip control, usually a CDialog. It must not be NULL.
  • bBalloonSize - If TRUE CPPToolTip object will be sets to balloon size, otherwise to standard size.

Return Value

Nonzero if the CPPToolTip object is successfully created; otherwise 0.

You construct a CPPToolTip in two steps. First call the constructor to construct the CPPToolTip object; then call Create to create the tool tip control and attach it to the CPPToolTip object.

CPPToolTip Overview | Class Members


void SetBehaviour(DWORD dwBehaviour = 0)


  • dwBehaviour - The behaviour of the tooltip. This parameter can be one of the following values:
    • PPTOOLTIP_MULTIPLE_SHOW - This option sets multiple show of the tooltip for specified tool or all tools of tooltip object. With this option the tooltip will be shown for each stop of the mouse pointer.
    • PPTOOLTIP_CLOSE_LEAVEWND - If set this flag then tooltip will be hide when mouse pointer to leave the control.
    • PPTOOLTIP_NOCLOSE_OVER - If set this flag then tooltip will not hide if the mouse pointer over the tooltip
    • PPTOOLTIP_DISABLE_AUTOPOP - a tooltip with this flag will not hide from the autopop timer. This flag automatically adding for Help tooltip (see ShowHelpTooltip)


Calls the function to set the tooltip's behaviour.

CPPToolTip Overview | Class Members


DWORD GetBehaviour()

Return value

The behavior of the tooltip. See the SetBehaviour function for the list of the available flags


Retrieves the behavior of the tooltip.

CPPToolTip Overview | Class Members


void SetColorBk(COLORREF color)
void SetColorBk(COLORREF crBegin, COLORREF crEnd)
void SetColorBk(COLORREF crBegin, COLORREF crMid, COLORREF crEnd)


  • color - A COLORREF value that contains RGB information for the solid background
  • crBegin - A COLORREF value that contains RGB information for the first color.
  • crMid - A COLORREF value that contains RGB information for the middle color.
    Used with a following effects:

    CPPDrawManager::EFFECT_HGRADIENT <br>
            CPPDrawManager::EFFECT_VGRADIENT <br>
            CPPDrawManager::EFFECT_HCGRADIENT <br>
            CPPDrawManager::EFFECT_VCGRADIENT <br>
            CPPDrawManager::EFFECT_3HGRADIENT <br>
            CPPDrawManager::EFFECT_3VGRADIENT <br>
            CPPDrawManager::EFFECT_NOISE <br>
            CPPDrawManager::EFFECT_DIAGSHADE <br>
            CPPDrawManager::EFFECT_HSHADE <br>
            CPPDrawManager::EFFECT_VSHADE <br>
            CPPDrawManager::EFFECT_HBUMP <br>
            CPPDrawManager::EFFECT_VBUMP <br>
            CPPDrawManager::EFFECT_SOFTBUMP <br>
            CPPDrawManager::EFFECT_HARDBUMP <br>

  • crEnd - A COLORREF value that contains RGB information for the end color.


Function sets the colors for gradient filling of background.

CPPToolTip Overview | Class Members


void SetEffectBk(UINT nEffect, BYTE nGranularity = 5)


  • nEffect - This value sets the effect of the background bitmap. Can be one of the following values:

            CPPDrawManager::EFFECT_HGRADIENT <br>
            CPPDrawManager::EFFECT_VGRADIENT <br>
            CPPDrawManager::EFFECT_HCGRADIENT <br>
            CPPDrawManager::EFFECT_VCGRADIENT <br>
            CPPDrawManager::EFFECT_3HGRADIENT <br>
            CPPDrawManager::EFFECT_3VGRADIENT <br>
            CPPDrawManager::EFFECT_NOISE <br>
            CPPDrawManager::EFFECT_DIAGSHADE <br>
            CPPDrawManager::EFFECT_HSHADE <br>
            CPPDrawManager::EFFECT_VSHADE <br>
            CPPDrawManager::EFFECT_HBUMP <br>
            CPPDrawManager::EFFECT_VBUMP <br>
            CPPDrawManager::EFFECT_SOFTBUMP <br>
            CPPDrawManager::EFFECT_HARDBUMP <br>

  • nGranularity - this parameter add an uniform noise to the background bitmap. A good value is from 5 to 20; 0 to disable the effect. The noise has a positive effect because it hides the palette steps. This parameter has no effect if the nEffect value is from CPPDrawManager::EFFECT_SOLID to CPPDrawManager::EFFECT_3VGRADIENT.


Sets an effect for the background bitmap. Note that effect value from CPPDrawManager::EFFECT_NOISE to CPPDrawManager::EFFECT_METAL is available when

#define USE_SHADE //in PPDrawManager.h


CPPToolTip Overview | Class Members


void AddTool(CWnd * pWnd, DWORD dwIdString, LPCRECT lpRectBounds = NULL, DWORD dwIDTool = 0);<br>
	void AddTool(CWnd * pWnd, LPCTSTR lpszString = NULL, LPCRECT lpRectBounds = NULL, DWORD dwIDTool = 0);<br>
	void AddTool(CWnd * pWnd, PPTOOLTIP_INFO & ti);<br>
To be compatible with old version of CPPToolTip ...
void AddTool(CWnd * pWnd, DWORD dwIdString, HICON hIcon, LPCRECT lpRectBounds = NULL, DWORD dwIDTool = 0);<br>
	void AddTool(CWnd * pWnd, DWORD dwIdString, DWORD dwIdIcon, CSize & szIcon = CSize(0, 0), LPCRECT lpRectBounds = NULL, DWORD dwIDTool = 0);<br>
	void AddTool(CWnd * pWnd, LPCTSTR lpszString, HICON hIcon, LPCRECT lpRectBounds = NULL, DWORD dwIDTool = 0);<br>
  void AddTool(CWnd * pWnd, LPCTSTR lpszString, DWORD dwIdIcon, CSize & szIcon = CSize(0, 0), LPCRECT lpRectBounds = NULL, DWORD dwIDTool = 0);


  • pWnd - Pointer to the window that contains the tool.
  • lpszString - Pointer to the text for the tool.
  • dwIdString - ID of string resource
  • hIcon - Handle of the icon
  • dwIdIcon - ID of icon resource
  • szIcon - Specifies the width and the height, in pixels, of the icon to load.
  • lpRectBounds - Pointer to a RECT structure containing coordinates of the tool's bounding rectangle.
    The coordinates are relative to the upper-left corner of the client area of the window identified by pWnd.
    NULL if bounding rectangle don't uses for specified window
  • dwIdTool - ID of the tool
  • ti - Reference to PPTOOLTIP_INFO structure containing the parameters of the tooltip

A tooltip control can be associated with more than one tool. Call this function to register a tool with the tooltip control, so that the information stored in the tooltip is displayed when the cursor is on the tool.

CPPToolTip Overview | Class Members


void RemoveTool(CToolBar * pBar)


  • pBar - Pointer to the toolbar window.


Call this function to register a toolbar in the collection of toolbars supported by a tooltip control. This method automatically remove CBRS_TOOLTIPS style from toolbar's style to disable standard tooltip.

CPPToolTip Overview | Class Members


void RemoveTool(CWnd * pWnd, LPCRECT lpRectBounds = NULL)


  • pWnd - Pointer to the window that contains the tool.
  • lpRectBounds - Pointer to a RECT structure containing coordinates of the tool's bounding rectangle.
    The coordinates are relative to the upper-left corner of the client area of the window identified by pWnd.
    NULL if bounding rectangle don't uses for specified window.


Call this function to removes the tool specified by pWnd and lpRectBounds from the collection of tools supported by a tooltip control.

CPPToolTip Overview | Class Members


void RemoveAllTools()


Call this function to remove all tools from the collection of tools supported by a tooltip control.

CPPToolTip Overview | Class Members


void ShowHelpTooltip (LPPOINT pt, DWORD dwIdText, HICON hIcon = NULL);
  void ShowHelpTooltip (LPPOINT pt, DWORD dwIdText, DWORD dwIdIcon, CSize & szIcon = CSize(0, 0));
  void ShowHelpTooltip (LPPOINT pt, LPCTSTR lpszString, HICON hIcon = NULL);
  void ShowHelpTooltip (LPPOINT pt, LPCTSTR lpszString, DWORD dwIdIcon, CSize & szIcon = CSize(0, 0));
  void ShowHelpTooltip (LPPOINT pt, PPTOOLTIP_INFO & ti);


  • pt - Pointer to a POINT structure that receives the screen coordinates of the tooltip's anchor
  • lpszString - Pointer to the text for the help tooltip.
  • dwIdString - ID of string resource
  • hIcon - Handle of the icon
  • dwIdIcon - ID of icon resource
  • szIcon - Specifies the width and the height, in pixels, of the icon to load.
  • ti - Reference to PPTOOLTIP_INFO structure containing the parameters of the tooltip


Shows the help tooltip in any place of screen.

CPPToolTip Overview | Class Members


void HideTooltip ();


Hides the tooltip.

CPPToolTip Overview | Class Members


void SetImageList(UINT nIdBitmap, int cx, int cy, int nCount, COLORREF crMask /* = RGB(255, 0, 255) */)<br>
  void SetImageList(HBITMAP hBitmap, int cx, int cy, int nCount, COLORREF crMask /* = RGB(255, 0, 255) */)


  • nIdBitmap - Resource IDs of the bitmap to be associated with the image list
  • hBitmap - Handle of the bitmap to be associated with the image list
  • cx - Dimensions of each image, in pixels.
  • cy - Dimensions of each image, in pixels.
  • nCount - Number of images that the image list initially contains.
  • crMask - Color used to generate a mask. Each pixel of this color in the specified bitmap is changed to black, and the corresponding bit in the mask is set to one.


This function sets the image list to tooltip. After this function in body of the tooltip string you can to use the <ilst> tag which will be draw the image from image list in specified place.

CPPToolTip Overview | Class Members



void SetBorder(COLORREF color, int nWidth = 1, int nHeight = 1);
void SetBorder(HBRUSH hbr, int nWidth = 1, int nHeight = 1);


  • color - A COLORREF value that contains RGB information to create a solid brush to be used to draw the border.
  • hbr - Brush handle that identifies the brush to be used to draw the border.
  • nWidth - Specifies the width of the border in vertical brush strokes in device units.
  • nHeight - Specifies the height of the border in horizontal brush strokes in device units.


Call this member function to draws a border around the tooltip's region by using the specified brush.

CPPToolTip Overview | Class Members


void HideBorder()


The function hides the border around the tooltip's region.

CPPToolTip Overview | Class Members


void SetTooltipShadow(int nOffsetX, int nOffsetY, BYTE nDarkenPercent /* = 50 */, BOOL bGradient /* = TRUE */, int nDepthX /* = 7 */, int nDepthY /* = 7 */)


void SetImageShadow(int nOffsetX, int nOffsetY, BYTE nDarkenPercent /* = 50 */, BOOL bGradient /* = TRUE */, int nDepthX /* = 7 */, int nDepthY /* = 7 */)


  • nOffsetX, nOffsetY - The offsets of the shadow from the object.
  • nDarkenPercent - So far as colors under the shadow will be darken (0 - 100). For gradient shadow the best value is a 50 percent, for original - 25.
  • bGradient - TRUE to use a gradient shadow.
  • nDepthX, nDepthY - The gradient depths of the gradient shadow. For better result use odd value (3, 5, 7 ...).


This function sets the shadow to the tooltip or the images on him.

CPPToolTip Overview | Class Members


void SetNotify(BOOL bParentNotify = TRUE)
void SetNotify(HWND hWnd)


  • bParentNotify - If TRUE the control will send the notification to parent window. Otherwise the notification will not send.
  • hWnd - If non-NULL the control will send the notification to specified window. Otherwise the notification will not send.


This function enables or disables the ability to send notification messages to destination window from the control. If user enabled notify message passing from tooltip to owner class then tooltip object sends the UDM_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY notification before displaying. In a handler of this notify owner class can change any parameters of tooltip displaying. With UDM_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY notification NM_PPTOOLTIP_DISPLAY structure is transferred, contained all necessary information.

Structure NM_PPTOOLTIP_DISPLAY looks as follows:

typedef struct tagNM_PPTOOLTIP_DISPLAY
    NMHDR hdr;
	   HWND hwndTool;       //HWND of the window to display a tooltip
    LPPOINT pt;          //The current screen coordinates of 
                          //the tooltip's anchor
    PPTOOLTIP_INFO * ti; //The pointer to the <a href="#PPTOOLTIP_INFO">PPTOOLTIP_INFO</a> 
                          //structure which contains parameters for 
                          //displaying tooltip

Owner object should process notification messages to have the ability to change tooltip appearance and placement by changing approppriate members of this structure.

Here example:

Add next lines to header and implementation files accordingly.

afx_msg void NotifyDisplayTooltip(NMHDR * pNMHDR, LRESULT * result);
void CParentDlg::NotifyDisplayTooltip(NMHDR * pNMHDR, 
 LRESULT * result)
    *result = 0;<br>	NM_PPTOOLTIP_DISPLAY * pNotify = 
     switch (CWnd::FromHandle(pNotify->hwndTool)
    case IDC_BUTTON1:
        //Changes the tooltip's text
        pNotify->ti->sTooltip = _T("Dynamically 
            changed text for BUTTON1");
    case IDC_BUTTON2:
        //Changes background color of the tooltip as RED
        pNotify->ti->crBegin = RGB (255, 0, 0); 

CPPToolTip Overview | Class Members


BOOL GetNotify()

Return value

TRUE if the control notified the specified window.


This function determines if  notification messages are passed to destination window from the control or not.

CPPToolTip Overview | Class Members


void SetCssStyles(LPCTSTR lpszCssString /* = NULL */);


  • lpszCssString - Pointer to the string with CSS styles or NULL if sets the default CSS styles (like Codeproject).

Call this method to customize the CSS styles used on HTML page. For more information look the description on CPPHtmlDrawer class.

CPPToolTip Overview | Class Members



LPCTSTR GetCssStyles();

Return Value

A const pointer to the string that contains the CSS styles.

Call this method to retrive the CSS styles used on HTML page. For more information look the description on CPPHtmlDrawer class.

CPPToolTip Overview | Class Members


void SetDelayTime(DWORD dwDuration, DWORD dwTime)


  • dwDuration - Flag that specifies which duration value will be retrieved. This parameter can be one of the following values:


    Retrieve the length of time the tooltip window remains visible if the pointer is stationary within a tool's bounding rectangle.



    Retrieve the length of time the pointer must remain stationary within a tool's bounding rectangle before the tool tip window appears.



    Retrieve the length of time for each step of fade-in effect.



    Retrieve the length of time for each step of fade-out effect.



    Retrieve the length of time for each step of animation.

      For compatibility with 1.x versions of CPPToolTip a following values are available also:






    dwTime - The specified delay time, in milliseconds.


Call this function to set the delay time for a tooltip control. The delay time is the length of time the cursor must remain on a tool before the tooltip window appears. The default delay time is 500 milliseconds.

CPPToolTip Overview | Class Members


DWORD GetDelayTime(DWORD dwDuration) const

Return Value

The specified delay time, in milliseconds


  • dwDuration - Flag that specifies which duration value will be retrieved. See CPPToolTip::SetDelayTime for a description of the valid values.


Retrieves the initial, pop-up, and reshow durations currently set for a CPPToolTip control

CPPToolTip Overview | Class Members


void SetDefaultSizes(BOOL bBalloonSize = TRUE)


  • bBalloonSize - If TRUE CPPToolTip object will be sets to balloon size, otherwise to standard size.


This function sets all sizes as default.

CPPToolTip Overview | Class Members


void SetSize(DWORD dwSizeIndex, DWORD dwValue)


  • dwSizeIndex - Index of the size. This parameter can be one of the following values:


    The width and the height of the ellipse used to draw the rounded corners.



    The left, right and top, bottom margins of the tooltip's text from the tooltip's edges.



    The width of the tooltip's anchor.



    The height of the tooltip's anchor.



    The margin of the tooltip's anchor from his edge.



    The horizontal and vertical offset of the tooltip's anchor from the hot spot of a cursor

  • dwValue - The size in pixels.


Call this member function to set the tooltip's sizes. For addition information see following picture:

Image 8

CPPToolTip Overview | Class Members


DWORD GetSize(DWORD nSizeIndex)

Return value

The size of the specified value.


  • dwSizeIndex - Index of the size. See CPPToolTip::SetSize for a description of the valid values.


This method returns the size of the specified value. See CPPToolTip::SetSize for addition information.

CPPToolTip Overview | Class Members


void SetDirection(DWORD dwDirection = PPTOOLTIP_BOTTOMEDGE_LEFT)


  • dwDirection - mouse-pointer relative placement direction of the tooltip. This parameter can be one of the following values:


    A left corner of the top edge



    A right corner of the top edge.



    By center of the top edge.



    A left corner of the bottom edge



    A right corner of the bottom edge.



    By center of the bottom edge.



    A top corner of the left edge



    A bottom corner of the left edge.



    By center of the left edge.



    A top corner of the right edge



    A bottom corner of the right edge.



    By center of the right edge.

      For compatibility with 1.x versions of CPPToolTip a following values are available also:













Sets a placement of the tooltip's anchor. For additional information above on this page.

CPPToolTip Overview | Class Members


DWORD GetDirection()

Return value

A placement of the tooltip's anchor. See CPPToolTip::SetDirection for a description of the valid values.


Gets a placement of the tooltip's anchor.

CPPToolTip Overview | Class Members


void SetTransparency(BYTE nTransparency = 0)


  • nTransparency - A transparency value to be used on the tooltip. The default 0 assumes that your tooltip is opaque and 0xFF (255) for full transparency of the tooltip.


Sets a transparency of the tooltip.

CPPToolTip Overview | Class Members


BYTE GetTransparency()

Return value

A transparency value to be used on the tooltip.

CPPToolTip Overview | Class Members


void SetDebugMode(BOOL bDebug /*= TRUE*/)


  • bDebug - Enables or disables a debug mode for the tooltip.


Call this function to set a debug mode for a tooltip. In this mode tooltip will be displaying for any control of the parent window even if tool for this window not availabled in the tool's collection of the tooltip. Tooltip in a debug mode is a information about window under the mouse (owner, title, bounding rectangle, ID etc.).

CPPToolTip Overview | Class Members





  • nPos - A tooltip's position. This parameter can be any combination of single horizontal value and single vertical value of CPPToolTip:
      Horizontal position






      Vertical position








Sets a position of the tooltip's anchor about menu item.

CPPToolTip Overview | Class Members



void EnableEscapeSequences(BOOL bEnable)


  • bEnable - nables the escape sequences. If the escape sequences was disabled HTML-lite compiler will ignore the codes less then 0x20 (such \n, \r, \t).


Call this function to enable or disable escape sequences in the HTML string.

CPPToolTip Overview | Class Members



void SetMaxTipWidth(int nWidth);


  • nWidth - The maximum tool tip window width to be set.


Sets the maximum width for a tool tip window.

CPPToolTip Overview | Class Members



void RelayEvent(MSG* pMsg)


  • pMsg - Pointer to a MSG structure that contains the message to relay.


Call this function to pass a mouse message to a tooltip control for processing. A tooltip control processes only the following messages, which are sent to it by RelayEvent:


CPPToolTip Overview | Class Members



short GetVersionI()

Return Value

Number version of CPPToolTip.


Returns the CPPToolTip version as a short number. Divide by 10 to get actual version.

CPPToolTip Overview | Class Members



LPCTSTR GetVersionC()

Return Value

Number version of CPPToolTip as string.


Returns the CPPToolTip version as a string.

CPPToolTip Overview | Class Members



    UINT nIDTool; 
    CRect rectBounds;
    CString sTooltip;
    UINT nMask;
    UINT nStyles;
    UINT nDirection;
    UINT nEffect;
    UINT nBehaviour;
    BYTE nGranularity;
    BYTE nTransparency;
    COLORREF crBegin;
    COLORREF crMid;
    COLORREF crEnd;


ID of the tool


Pointer to a RECT structure containing coordinates of the tool's bounding rectangle.
The coordinates are relative to the upper-left corner of the client area of the window identified by pWnd.
NULL if bounding rectangle don't uses for specified window


String containing the text for the tool


Mask of parameters not by default. This parameter can be any combination of following values:




    This value sets a placement of the tooltip's anchor. See CPPToolTip::SetDirection for a description of the valid values.


    This value sets an effect of the background bitmap. See CPPToolTip::SetEffectBk for a description of the valid values.


    This value sets a behavior of the tooltip. See the CPPToolTip::SetBehaviour function for the list of the available flags .


    This parameter add an uniform noise to the background bitmap. See CPPToolTip::SetEffectBk for a description of the valid values.



    crBegin, crMid, crEnd

    The values sets the colors for gradient filling of background. See CPPToolTip::SetColorBk for a description of the valid values.


     14 Feb 2003 First release
     17 Feb 2003

    Released version 1.1
    - Added new feature to Create() and SetDefaultSizes() methods for set the type of the tooltip's size.
    - Fixed bug with 0 TTDT_AUTOPOP value.
    - Fixed bug shows the tooltip after switch application on Alt+Tab

     19 Feb 2003

    Released version 1.2
    - Added support the tooltip for rectangles
    - Added new FindTool, IsExistTool and SetAtTool methods.
    - Many methods was updated.
    - New tool's collection basis on CArray instead CMap
    - Added three members to PPTOOLTIP_INFO structures
    - Removed the pointer to the window from NM_PPTOOLTIP_DISPLAY structure
    - Added new demo for implementation the tooltip with toolbars

     02 Apr 2003

    Released version 1.3
    - Added support the tooltip as help window (see ShowHelpTooltip)
    - Added the vertical aligns for the icon (see Styles)
    - Added support the icons with difference sizes (16x16, 32x32, 48x48 etc.)
    - Added new behaviours
    - Now the tooltip is not show if the PPTOOLTIP_INFO members as sTooltip is empty and hIcon is NULL.
    - Added two tags <img>, <ilst> to support draw a bitmaps and an icons inside a tooltip's text
    - A few minor update

     13 Apr 2003

    Released version 1.4
    - Added two tags <bmp> and <icon> to support draw a bitmaps and an icons inside a tooltip's text
    - Scales images which drawn with <img>, <bmp> and <icon> tags.
    - Added new behaviour (PPTOOLTIP_DISABLE_AUTOPOP)
    - A few minor update

     17 Apr 2003

    Released version 1.5
    - A few versions of the AddTool methods extended a new szIcon parameter
    - Added a feature to show a tooltip for child window (Thanks to Michael Ushakov).
    - A few minor update

     12 Mar 2004

    Released version 2.0
    - New core of a tooltip. More changes and new features. But so there are complexities at updating the programs using the version 1.х to version 2.0. Sorry!!! :(

     21 Nov 2004

    Released version 2.1
    - Added a support of animation in the tooltip (Look up SetDelayTime method and parameter "speed" of <ilst> tag)
    - Fixed some problems with UNICODE
    - Corrected a drawing for the some tooltip's directions and for the large tooltips
    - Changes a GetWndFromPoint mechanism
    - SetMaxTipWidth method was added

    Thanks to ...

    • Yaroslav Petrikevich for your help with writing this file.
    • Davide Calabro for his class CButtonST in which decisions of some questions have been found.
    • Chris Maunder for his articles devoted subclassing of the control.
    • Tomasz Sowinski for his help with Tooltip.
    • Michael Ushakov his help and advices on work with rectangles and toolbars.
    • Many people assisting to me the answers on CodeProject's forum.

    Known Problems

    • If you can help me, please let me know so that I can incorporate them into the next release.

    Planned Enhancements

    • If you have any other suggested improvements, please let me know so that I can incorporate them into the next release.

    Contacting the Author

    You are encouraged to use this class everywhere you want; there is no fee required for CPPTooltip. Freely add modifications and/or fix bugs, but please, send any of these to me!


    This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

    Written By
    Software Developer SvyazInvest
    Belarus Belarus
    This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.

    Comments and Discussions

    GeneralRe: Odd behavior with 2 right clicks (context menu) on control with this tooltip Pin
    Eugene Pustovoyt5-Oct-05 18:36
    Eugene Pustovoyt5-Oct-05 18:36 
    GeneralRe: Odd behavior with 2 right clicks (context menu) on control with this tooltip Pin
    Crius7-Oct-05 9:01
    Crius7-Oct-05 9:01 
    GeneralRe: Odd behavior with 2 right clicks (context menu) on control with this tooltip Pin
    Eugene Pustovoyt8-Oct-05 3:56
    Eugene Pustovoyt8-Oct-05 3:56 
    GeneralThank you! Pin
    Crius5-Oct-05 7:23
    Crius5-Oct-05 7:23 
    GeneralIf you get warning C4786 and are using VC++ 6.0, it is Microsoft Bug - Here is a solution Pin
    Crius4-Oct-05 9:29
    Crius4-Oct-05 9:29 
    GeneralRe: If you get warning C4786 and are using VC++ 6.0, it is Microsoft Bug - Here is a solution Pin
    Crius4-Oct-05 11:02
    Crius4-Oct-05 11:02 
    GeneralRe: If you get warning C4786 and are using VC++ 6.0, it is Microsoft Bug - Here is a solution Pin
    Eugene Pustovoyt4-Oct-05 20:06
    Eugene Pustovoyt4-Oct-05 20:06 
    QuestionWhere is pphtmldrawer.htm? Pin
    cschmidt25-Aug-05 5:08
    cschmidt25-Aug-05 5:08 
    AnswerRe: Where is pphtmldrawer.htm? Pin
    Eugene Pustovoyt25-Aug-05 6:08
    Eugene Pustovoyt25-Aug-05 6:08 
    QuestionRe: Where is pphtmldrawer.htm? Pin
    cschmidt25-Aug-05 11:24
    cschmidt25-Aug-05 11:24 
    AnswerRe: Where is pphtmldrawer.htm? Pin
    Eugene Pustovoyt25-Aug-05 18:07
    Eugene Pustovoyt25-Aug-05 18:07 
    QuestionRe: Where is pphtmldrawer.htm? Pin
    cschmidt26-Aug-05 5:34
    cschmidt26-Aug-05 5:34 
    GeneralRe: Where is pphtmldrawer.htm? Pin
    SergueiP2-Nov-05 9:53
    SergueiP2-Nov-05 9:53 
    GeneralASM implementation for AlphaBlend Pin
    infal18-Aug-05 12:24
    infal18-Aug-05 12:24 
    GeneralPlease help. Pin
    tibmark11-Aug-05 7:57
    tibmark11-Aug-05 7:57 
    GeneralProblems with CTreeCtrl Pin
    Sef Tarbell27-Jul-05 10:21
    Sef Tarbell27-Jul-05 10:21 
    GeneralIncredible! Pin
    Rajesh R Subramanian25-Jul-05 21:25
    professionalRajesh R Subramanian25-Jul-05 21:25 
    GeneralHELP Pin
    snowfly13-Jul-05 8:54
    snowfly13-Jul-05 8:54 
    GeneralRectangle Area doesn't work for me Pin
    jouwpaard21-Jun-05 5:26
    jouwpaard21-Jun-05 5:26 
    GeneralRe: Rectangle Area doesn't work for me Pin
    victchan6-Oct-05 15:02
    victchan6-Oct-05 15:02 
    QuestionRe: Rectangle Area doesn't work for me Pin
    danber6-Dec-05 14:03
    danber6-Dec-05 14:03 
    AnswerRe: Rectangle Area doesn't work for me Pin
    UKSonics23-Dec-08 10:55
    UKSonics23-Dec-08 10:55 
    Generalcompile error Pin
    teli198217-Jun-05 19:19
    teli198217-Jun-05 19:19 
    GeneralExcellent Work And Feature Request Pin
    bevpet17-Jun-05 9:04
    bevpet17-Jun-05 9:04 
    GeneralReplace MessageBoxes with CPPToolTip Pin
    profix89815-Jun-05 4:23
    profix89815-Jun-05 4:23 

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