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Integer Factorization: Dreaded List of Primes

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20 Aug 2022CPOL5 min read 33.4K   315   9   22
Using a large list of primes with Trial Division algorithm and how to handle the list
This article is about the interest of having a large list of primes with Trial Division algorithm and how to compress the list.



  1. Background
  2. Introduction
  3. First Approach: Plain List of Prime Numbers
  4. Second Approach: Compress the List of Prime Numbers by Encoding in a Bitfield Array
    1. Bitfield of All Numbers
    2. Bitfield of All Odd Numbers
    3. Bitfield of All Numbers Filtered With the Wheel 30
  5. Encoding the List of Primes
  6. Benchmark
    1. 128 bits integers
  7. Accelerating IsPrime with the compressed list of primes
  8. Points of Interest
  9. Links
  10. History


This article is part of a set of articles. Each article highlights an aspect around Integer Factorization.


The Trial Division algorithm is about factorizing an integer by checking all possible factors, and all interesting factors are prime numbers. The problem is how to handle a large list of prime numbers.

First Approach: Plain List of Prime Numbers

When using a list of primes, the first approach is to use a simple array of integers containing the prime numbers.

Under 64K, a prime number fits in an int16 (2 bytes), beyond, a prime number rather fits in an int32 (4 bytes).

Figures for a simple list of primes:

Upper limit Number of primes Size of array
65,536 6,542 13,084
100,000 9,592 38,368
500,000 41,538 166,152
1,000,000 78,498 313,992
5,000,000 348,513 1,394,052
10,000,000 664,579 2,658,316
100,000,000 5,761,455 23,045,820,
203,280,221 813,120,884

As one can see, things get really ugly when the list is huge.

Sample code:

// Trial Division: Square Root + Prime list + Wheel
// Check all numbers until Square Root, start with a list of primes
// and Skip useless factors with a wheel
long long TD_SRPW(long long Cand) {
    long long SPrimes[] = { 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43,
            47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113,
            127, 131, 137, 139, 149, 151, 157, 163, 167, 173, 179, 181, 191,
            193, 197, 199, 211, 223, 227, 229, 233, 239, 241, 251, 257, 263,
            269, 271, 277, 281, 283, 293, 307, 311, 313, 317, 331, 337, 347,
            349, 353, 359, 367, 373, 379, 383, 389, 397, 401, 409, 419, 421,
            431, 433, 439, 443, 449, 457, 461, 463, 467, 479, 487, 491, 499,
            503, 509, 521, 523, 541, 547, 557, 563, 569, 571, 577, 587, 593,
            599, 601, 0 };
    long long Wheel[] = { 6, 4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 6, 2, 0 };
    long long Div;

    Count = 0;
    long long Top = sqrt(Cand);
    // Check small primes
    for (long long Ind = 0; SPrimes[Ind] != 0; Ind++) {
        Div = SPrimes[Ind]; // for debug purpose
        if (SPrimes[Ind] > Top) {
            return Cand;
        if (Cand % SPrimes[Ind] == 0) {
            return SPrimes[Ind];
    // Start the Wheel
    Div = 601;
    while (Div <= Top) {
        for (long long Ind = 0; Wheel[Ind] != 0; Ind++) {
            if (Div > Top) {
                return Cand;
            if (Cand % Div == 0) {
                return Div;
            Div += Wheel[Ind];
    return Cand;

TrialDivLP.cpp in

Second Approach: Compress the List of Prime Numbers by Encoding in a Bitfield Array

Rather than a list of primes, the principle is to encode if a number is a prime or not, it is boolean information and fits in a single bit.

With this approach, the same optimizations than in the classic variants of Trial Division algorithm can apply and the saving is huge.

Bitfield of All Numbers

Very simple minded, 1 bit per number, or 8 numbers encoded in a byte.

The figures are as follows:

Upper limit Number of primes Size of array
65,536 6,542 8,192
100,000 9,592 12,500
500,000 41,538 62,500
1,000,000 78,498 125,000
5,000,000 348,513 625,000
10,000,000 664,579 1,250,000
100,000,000 5,761,455 12,500,000,
203,280,221 536,870,912

Bitfield of All Odd Numbers

A little more optimized, 1 bit per odd number, or 16 numbers (8 odd numbers) encoded in a byte.

The figures are as shown below:

Upper limit Number of primes Size of array
65,536 6,542 4,096
100,000 9,592 6,250
500,000 41,538 31,250
1,000,000 78,498 62,500
5,000,000 348,513 312,500
10,000,000 664,579 ,625,000
100,000,000 5,761,455 6,250,000,
203,280,221 268,435,456

Bitfield of All Numbers Filtered With the Wheel 30

Then really more optimized, with the wheel, only 8 possible primes per slice of 30, or 30 numbers (8 possible primes) encoded in a byte.

The figures are:

Upper limit Number of primes Size of array
65,536 6,542 2,188
100,000 9,592 3,333
500,000 41,538 16,667
1,000,000 78,498 33,333
5,000,000 348,513 166,667
10,000,000 664,579 333,334
100,000,000 5,761,455 3,333,334,
203,280,221 143,165,577

Code exploiting the list of primes (stored in header file).

// Trial Division: Square Root + Long Prime list + Wheel
// Check all numbers until Square Root, start with a list of primes
// and Skip useless factors with a wheel
long long TD_SRLPW(long long Cand) {
	long long WPrimes[] = { 2, 3, 5, 0 };
	long long Wheel[] = { 6, 4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 6, 2, 0 };
	// unsigned char EPrimes[] = { 0xfe, 0xdf, 0xef, 0x7e, 0xb6, 0xdb, 0x3d, ...
	// Encoded list moved to header file

	long long Div;

	Count = 0;
	long long Top = sqrt(Cand);
	// Check small primes
	for (long long Ind = 0; WPrimes[Ind] != 0; Ind++) {
		Div = WPrimes[Ind]; // for debug purpose
		if (WPrimes[Ind] > Top) {
			return Cand;
		if (Cand % WPrimes[Ind] == 0) {
			return WPrimes[Ind];
	// start the wheel with encoded primes
	Div = 1;
	int EInd = 0;
	while (Div <= Top) {
		unsigned char Flag = EPrimes[EInd];
		unsigned char Mask = 1;
		// if (Flag == 0) {
		if (EInd >= EPrimesLen) {
		for (long long Ind = 0; Wheel[Ind] != 0; Ind++) {
			if (Div > Top) {
			if (Flag & Mask) {
				if (Cand % Div == 0) {
					return Div;
			Div += Wheel[Ind];
			Mask = Mask << 1;

	// Start the Wheel after encoded primes
	while (Div <= Top) {
		for (long long Ind = 0; Wheel[Ind] != 0; Ind++) {
			if (Div > Top) {
				return Cand;
			if (Cand % Div == 0) {
				return Div;
			Div += Wheel[Ind];
	return Cand;

TrialDivLP.cpp in

Encoding the List of Primes

The Wheel of 30 have 8 slots, a char have 8 bits, so both are in synch, it simplify its usage. Each slot is assigned a bit. The value of a char is the sum of bits of slots which are Primes.

Here is how the list is encoded:

0x01    0x02    0x04    0x08    0x10    0x20    0x40    0x80    code
        7       11      13      17      19      23      29      0xfe
31      37      41      43      47              53      59      0xdf
61      67      71      73              79      83      89      0xef
        97      101     103     107     109     113             0x7e
        127     131             137     139             149     0xb6
151     157             163     167             173     179     0xdb
181             191     193     197     199                     0x3d
211                     223     227     229     233     239     0xf9
241             251             257             263     269     0xd5
271     277     281     283                     293             0x4f
        307     311     313     317                             0x1e
331     337                     347     349     353     359     0xf3
        367             373             379     383     389     0xea
        397     401                     409             419     0xa6
421             431     433             439     443     449     0xed
        457     461     463     467                     479     0x9e
        487     491                     499     503     509     0xe6
                521     523                                     0x0c
541     547                     557             563     569     0xd3
571     577                     587             593     599     0xd3

The code showing how the list is encoded is as given below:

void TD_EncodeDtl(int Max) {
	long long Wheel[] = { 6, 4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 6, 2, 0 };
	long long Cand = 1;
	cout << "0x01\t0x02\t0x04\t0x08\t0x10\t0x20\t0x40\t0x80\tcode" << endl;
	while (Cand < Max) {
		int Code = 0;
		int Index = 1;
		int Ind = 0;
		do {
			if ((TD_SRW(Cand) == Cand) && (Cand != 1)) {
				Code |= Index;
				cout << dec << Cand;
			cout << "\t";
			Cand += Wheel[Ind];
			Index = Index << 1;
		} while (Wheel[Ind] != 0);
		cout << "0x" << setfill('0') << setw(2) << hex << Code << dec << endl;

TrialDivLP.cpp in

And the code to generate the array is as follows :

// encode Prime Numbers as C array
void TD_EncodeArray(int Max) {
	long long Wheel[] = { 6, 4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 6, 2, 0 };
	long long Cand = 1;
	cout << "Encodage liste nombres premiers compressée" << endl;
	cout << "{";
	while (Cand < Max) {
		int Code = 0;
		int Index = 1;
		int Ind = 0;
		do {
			if ((TD_SRW(Cand) == Cand) && (Cand != 1)) {
				Code |= Index;
			Cand += Wheel[Ind];
			Index = Index << 1;
		} while (Wheel[Ind] != 0);
		cout << "0x";
		cout << setfill('0') << setw(2) << hex << Code << ",";
	cout << "0}" << dec << endl;

TrialDivLP.cpp in


We are counting divisions/modulos to measure the efficiency of the variantes. The encoded list of Primes goes up to 1,000,000 and is stored in a 33kB array.

1,009				30		16		11		11			0
2,003				43		22		14		14			0
3,001				53		27		17		16			1
4,001				62		32		19		18			1
5,003				69		35		20		19			1
6,007				76		39		23		21			2
7,001				82		42		25		23			2
8,009				88		45		26		24			2
9,001				93		47		27		24			3
10,007				99		50		28		25			3
20,011				140		71		40		34			6
30,011				172		87		49		40			9
40,009				199		100		56		46			10
49,999				222		112		62		48			14
1,000,003			999		500		268		168			100
4,000,021			1,800	901		483		279			204
9,000,011			2,999	1,500	802		430			372
16,000,057			3,999	2,000	1,068	550			518
25,000,009			4,999	2,500	1,336	669			667
36,000,007			5,999	3,000	1,602	783			819
49,000,027			6,999	3,500	1,868	900			968
64,000,031			7,999	4,000	2,136	1,007		1,129
81,000,001			8,999	4,500	2,402	1,117		1,285
100,000,007			9,999	5,000	2,668	1,229		1,439
121,000,003			10,999	5,500	2,936	1,335		1,601
144,000,001			11,999	6,000	3,202	1,438		1,764
169,000,033			12,999	6,500	3,468	1,547		1,921
196,000,001			13,999	7,000	3,736	1,652		2,084
225,000,011			14,999	7,500	4,002	1,754		2,248
256,000,001			15,999	8,000	4,268	1,862		2,406
289,000,001			16,999	8,500	4,536	1,960		2,576
10,000,000,019		99,999	50,000	26,668	9,592		17,076
1,000,000,000,039	999,999	500,000	266,668	78,498		188,170

Delta is here to highlight the savings of the huge list of primes.

long long Test[] = { 101, 1009, 2003, 3001, 4001, 5003, 6007, 7001, 8009,
        9001, 10007, 20011, 30011, 40009, 49999, 1000003, 4000021, 9000011,
        16000057, 25000009, 36000007, 49000027, 64000031, 81000001,
        100000007, 121000003, 144000001, 169000033, 196000001, 225000011,
        256000001, 289000001, 10000000019, 1000000000039, 0 };
cout << "Comparaison Variantes" << endl;
cout << "Number\tTD_SR\tTD_SREF\tTD_SRW\tTD_SRLPW\tDelta" << endl;
// test after first 0
for (Ind = 0; Test[Ind] != 0; Ind++) {
    cout << Test[Ind] << "\t";
    cout << Count << "\t";
    cout << Count << "\t";
    int C1 = Count;
    cout << Count << "\t";
    cout << Count << "\t";
    cout << C1 - Count << endl;
cout << endl;

TrialDivLP.cpp in

128 bits integers

GCC have provisions for 128 bits variables by using 2 64 bits registers, it is ok for calculations, but is not supported as constants in source code nor for IO operations. A little programming is needed to circonvant those limitations.

//#define int64
// GCC have provisions to handle 128 bits integers, but not for constants in source code
// and not IO
#ifdef int64
// 64 bits integer
typedef long long MyBigInt;

void output(MyBigInt Num, int Size) {
	cout << setfill(' ') << setw(Size);
// 128 bits integer
typedef __int128 MyBigInt;

void output(MyBigInt Num, int Size) {
	if (Num <= (long long) 0x7fffffffffffffff) {
		if (Size > 0) {
			cout << setfill(' ') << setw(Size);
		cout << (long long) Num;
	} else {
		output(Num / 1000, Size - 4);
		long long Tmp = Num % 1000;
		cout << "," << setfill('0') << setw(3) << Tmp;

TrialDivLP.cpp in

   Number                      Fartor Timing
       10,000,000,000,000,061  1    365 ms
      100,000,000,000,000,003  1    1,173 ms
    1,000,000,000,000,000,003  1    3,866 ms
   10,000,000,000,000,000,051  1    11,988 ms
  100,000,000,000,000,000,039  1    82,326 ms
1,000,000,000,000,000,000,117  1    272,376 ms

Each time the number is multiplied by 10, runtime is roughly multiplied by 3 (sqrt(10)). Note the runtime gap when number cross the 64 bits boundary.

#ifndef int64
	long long Test2[][3] = { { 10, 16, 61 }, { 10, 17, 3 }, { 10, 18, 3 }, { 10,
			19, 51 }, { 10, 20, 39 }, { 10, 21, 117 }, { 0, 0, 0 } };
	// for each triplet A B C, the number is
	// Cand= A ^ B + C
	cout.imbue(locale(cout.getloc(), new gr3));
	for (Ind = 0; Test2[Ind][0] > 0; Ind++) {
		for (int Offset = 0; Offset < 1000; Offset += 2) {
			MyBigInt Cand = 1;
			for (int Scan = 0; Scan < Test2[Ind][1]; Scan++) {
				Cand *= Test2[Ind][0];
			Cand += Test2[Ind][2] + Offset;
			output(Cand, 30);
			cout << "\t";
			auto start2 = high_resolution_clock::now();
			long long Tmp = TD_SRLPW(Cand);
			auto stop2 = high_resolution_clock::now();
			if (Tmp == 1) {
				output(Tmp, 0);
			} else {
				cout << Tmp;
				cout << "\t";
				output((Cand / Tmp) * Tmp, 0);
			cout << "\t";
			auto duration = duration_cast<milliseconds>(stop2 - start2);
			cout << " " << duration.count() << " ms";
			cout << endl;
			if (Tmp == 1) {
	cout.imbue(locale(cout.getloc(), new gr0));

TrialDivLP.cpp in

Accelerating IsPrime with the compressed list of primes

We can take advantage of huge list of Primes and use it as a loopup table.

With a plain list, we need to do a dichotomy search.

With an encoded list, an almost direct reading is possible.

// IsPrime taking advantage of long list of primes table
// returns 1 if prime, returns 0 otherwise
int IsPrimeLP(MyBigInt Cand) {
	const unsigned long long Wheel[] = { 6, 4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 6, 2, 0 };
	const unsigned long long WOffset[] = { 1, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 0 };
	if (Cand <= EPrimesMax) {
		Count = 1;
		// Cand is within list of primes
		long long x = Cand / WSize; // position in wheel list
		long long y = Cand % WSize; // offset in wheel
		for (int Index = 0; WOffset[Index] != 0; Index++) {
			if (WOffset[Index] == y) {
				return ((EPrimes[x] >> Index) & 0x01);
		if (Cand == 2)
			return 1;
		else if (Cand == 3)
			return 1;
		else if (Cand == 5)
			return 1;
			return 0; // multiple of 2, 3 or 5
	// Search a Factor
	return (TD_SRLPW(Cand) == 1);

TrialDivLP.cpp in

Points of Interest

Trial Division algorithm improves as the list of primes get bigger, and the compression helps a lot.

This work is original. If you know something similar, please drop a link in the forum below.


  • 18th December, 2020: First version
  • 25th December, 2020: Second version - Corrections with improvements
  • 6th February, 2021: Added IsPrime code + Corrections
  • 7th August, 2022: Added Content Table
  • 20th August, 2022: typos in source code


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
Database Developer
France France
I am a professional programmer.
Problem analyse is certainly what I am best at.
My main programming expertise is in the xBase languages (dBase, Clipper, FoxPro, Harbour, xHarbour), then VBA for Excel and advanced Excel WorkBooks.

I also have knowledge on C/C++, d language, HTML, SVG, XML, XSLT, Javascript, PHP, BASICs, Python, COBOL, Assembly.
My personal interests goes to algorithm optimization and puzzles.

Comments and Discussions

QuestionNice article, but Isaac Asimov was there first Pin
Daniel Pfeffer6-Aug-22 22:34
professionalDaniel Pfeffer6-Aug-22 22:34 
AnswerRe: Nice article, but Isaac Asimov was there first Pin
Patrice T6-Aug-22 23:02
mvePatrice T6-Aug-22 23:02 
QuestionWhat about quickly *calculating* whether a number > 2^48 is prime? Pin
Visual Herbert2-Apr-21 4:08
Visual Herbert2-Apr-21 4:08 
AnswerRe: What about quickly *calculating* whether a number > 2^48 is prime? Pin
Patrice T2-Apr-21 7:20
mvePatrice T2-Apr-21 7:20 
GeneralRe: What about quickly *calculating* whether a number > 2^48 is prime? Pin
Lee Carpenter5-Apr-21 9:17
Lee Carpenter5-Apr-21 9:17 
GeneralRe: What about quickly *calculating* whether a number > 2^48 is prime? Pin
Patrice T5-Apr-21 10:22
mvePatrice T5-Apr-21 10:22 
QuestionQuestion re fcn SRLPW ( ) Pin
Member 117206811-Jan-21 13:42
Member 117206811-Jan-21 13:42 
AnswerRe: Question re fcn SRLPW ( ) Pin
Patrice T1-Jan-21 14:43
mvePatrice T1-Jan-21 14:43 
SuggestionGone too far - or not far enough? Pin
Stefan_Lang22-Dec-20 8:54
Stefan_Lang22-Dec-20 8:54 
GeneralRe: Gone too far - or not far enough? Pin
Patrice T26-Dec-20 19:26
mvePatrice T26-Dec-20 19:26 
Questionfunctions TD_EncodeDtl ( ) and TD_EncodeArray() are 99% identical..Why do you need two functions ?? Pin
Member 1172068122-Dec-20 8:41
Member 1172068122-Dec-20 8:41 
AnswerRe: functions TD_EncodeDtl ( ) and TD_EncodeArray() are 99% identical..Why do you need two functions ?? Pin
Patrice T22-Dec-20 10:56
mvePatrice T22-Dec-20 10:56 
GeneralRe: functions TD_EncodeDtl ( ) and TD_EncodeArray() are 99% identical..Why do you need two functions ?? Pin
Member 1172068123-Dec-20 5:20
Member 1172068123-Dec-20 5:20 
GeneralRe: functions TD_EncodeDtl ( ) and TD_EncodeArray() are 99% identical..Why do you need two functions ?? Pin
Patrice T23-Dec-20 5:50
mvePatrice T23-Dec-20 5:50 
GeneralRe: functions TD_EncodeDtl ( ) and TD_EncodeArray() are 99% identical..Why do you need two functions ?? Pin
Member 1172068123-Dec-20 6:45
Member 1172068123-Dec-20 6:45 
GeneralRe: functions TD_EncodeDtl ( ) and TD_EncodeArray() are 99% identical..Why do you need two functions ?? Pin
Patrice T23-Dec-20 7:16
mvePatrice T23-Dec-20 7:16 
GeneralMy vote of 4 Pin
Michael Thompson 12321-Dec-20 16:25
Michael Thompson 12321-Dec-20 16:25 
GeneralRe: My vote of 4 Pin
Patrice T21-Dec-20 17:01
mvePatrice T21-Dec-20 17:01 
GeneralRe: My vote of 4 Pin
Patrice T28-Dec-20 9:52
mvePatrice T28-Dec-20 9:52 
GeneralRe: My vote of 4 Pin
Michael Thompson 12328-Dec-20 16:11
Michael Thompson 12328-Dec-20 16:11 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
PhilipOakley21-Dec-20 4:38
professionalPhilipOakley21-Dec-20 4:38 
GeneralRe: My vote of 5 Pin
Patrice T21-Dec-20 5:14
mvePatrice T21-Dec-20 5:14 

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