WPF documentation can be very minimalistic and confusing, especially when it comes to how layouting and rendering really work and what you need to do in your code to make best use of it. This article is for you if you are interested in technical details.
WPF Control Inheritance
Before we go into the details of the layouting (i.e., measuring how much screen space a control needs and placing it on the screen), we need to briefly discuss the objects which get layouted. In this article, I will call them control, which can be anything that inherits from FrameworkElement
like Control
or TextBox
or ...
Object -> DispatcherObject -> DependencyObject -> Visual -> UIElement -> FrameworkElement -> Control -> TextBoxBase -> TextBox
The following classes are important for the layouting discussion:
: is very simple and has only the property Dispatcher
, which controls the execution of the WPF UI thread. The Dispatcher
also manages in which sequence controls get measured, arranged and rendered. DependencyObject
: an object that can own WPF dependency properties Visual
: is an abstract
class holding the properties needed to render (paint) a control to the screen UIElement
: contains among other stuff the properties deciding if layouting and rendering is needed for this control. Some layout related properties: DesiredSize
, IsArrangeValid
, IsMeasureValid
, RenderSize
: contains among other stuff logical tree (Parent
, LogicalChildren
) and visual tree information (VisualChildrenCount
, GetVisualChild()
) and some sizing information (ActualHeight
, Height
, VerticalAlignment
, Margin
, Padding
Overview WPF Layouting Process
WPF uses two threads, one for rendering and one for managing the UI. The WPF code you write runs on the UI thread. The rendering thread runs behind the scene, filling the GPU (graphics processing unit) with rendering instructions. There is hardly any documentation about the rendering thread, but luckily we don't need to know any details about it.
WPF using only one thread for all our code has the huge advantage that there are no multithreading problems, i.e., two threads trying to change the same data at the same time.
The execution of the UI code is not linear but runs in three phases, which get repeated again and again:
Phase 1
At the beginning of a Window lifetime, code calling its constructors or executing XAML creates a tree consisting of Visuals
, where a Window
might be the root of everything else the user can see in the window. Once construction has completed, phase 2 starts. At a later time, phase 1 might run again due to some events raised because a property has changed, the mouse was clicked, the window size changed and for many other reasons. The advantage of finishing all phase 1 code before phase 2 starts is that if different code parts require that a control gets layouted again, that layouting gets performed only once instead immediately each time it gets requested.
Phase 2
Once WPF has done everything that wants to run in phase 1, it measures all controls by travelling the tree and asking every child in the tree to measure itself.
Phase 3
- Once the children are measured, they get arranged, i.e., each parent tells its children where they should get painted and how much space they get.
- If necessary, once the child is arranged, it gets a
, which it can use to write drawing instructions (= rendering).

The UI thread is controlled by the Dispatcher
. The Dispatcher
selects activities based on their priority. Activities from phase 1 have the highest priority (Normal
). Even if a method running in phase 1 marks a Visual
for layouting, this doesn’t happen immediately. Instead, that Visual
gets assigned to the MeasureQueue
in the ContextLayoutManager
. Once the Dispatcher
has processed all activities with Normal
priority, it tells its ContextLayoutManager
to process the Visuals
in the MeasureQueue
(phase 2). Once all of them are processed, the Dispatcher
tells its ContextLayoutManager
to process all the Visuals
in the ArrangeQueue
(phase 3, DispatcherPriority.Render
Initiating Layouting From Your Own Code
WPF often knows when a control needs to be layouted again, for example, if the user changes the size of the Window
in which that control is located. But sometimes, only your code knows that your control needs to be layouted again, for example, because the user clicked on a Button or a timer ticked. Your control might still have the same size, so strictly speaking no new measurement and arranging is needed, just a rendering, alas, WPF does not let you request only rendering.
A list of UIElement
methods your code can call to force layouting and rendering:
: Adds the Visual
to the MeasurementQueue
and sets its MeasureDirty
flag. The measurement executes at a later time (Phase 2). If then the DesiredSize
of that Visual changes, that Visual's Arrange()
will be called after all Visuals
are measured. InvalidateArrange()
: Adds the Visual
to the ArrangeQueue
and sets its ArrangeDirty
flag. The arranging executes at a later time (Phase 3). If then the RenderSize
of that Visual
changes, UIElement.Arrange()
calls immediately OnRender()
as part of its code. Note that when using InvalidateArrange()
, no rendering is performed if your control's size doesn't change, even your control's content might have changed. InvalidateVisual()
: One would expect that your code could tell WPF that only rendering of your Visual is needed, but no layouting. Alas, WPF doesn't allow you to do that. OnRender()
only gets called from within UIElement.Arrange()
. Therefore InvalidateVisual()
has to add the Visual
to the ArrangeQueue
and also sets the RenderingInvalidated
DependencyProperty and Layouting
WPF uses its own property system. When defining a WPF property, one can indicate if changing that property's value requires a new layouting of that FrameworkElement
. For example, the Width
property of a FrameworkElement
is defined like this:
public static readonly DependencyProperty WidthProperty =
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(
new PropertyChangedCallback(OnTransformDirty)),
new ValidateValueCallback(IsWidthHeightValid));
For our discussion, interesting is FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsMeasure
, which indicates that if the property value changes, the FrameworkElement
needs to get measured. That FrameworkElement
gets added automatically to the MeasureQueue
and its MeasureDirty
flag set.
There are actually five different FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsXxx
Interestingly, a property value change cannot only force a new layout of the control it belongs to, but also a new layouting of the control's Parent
. Another interesting point is that a property value change can signal that just rendering is needed, which is impossible with the InvalidateXxx()
Who Calls UIElement.Measure() and UIElement.Arrange()?
A WPF container like Window
or Grid
are the parents of other WPF controls. It is the parent who calls Measure()
and Arrange()
of its child or children, because only the parent knows how much screen space is available for a child. Therefore, it doesn't make sense to measure or arrange a child before its parent. When layouting is needed, WPF has to start at the root of the tree, for example, with Window
and traverse from there through the complete tree, or, if only a part of the tree needs layouting, start at the root of that part tree. Finding the right controls for layouting is the job of the ContextLayoutManager
I discovered the ContextLayoutManager
only while writing this article, meaning my following description might not be 100% accurate. On the other hand, the ContextLayoutManager
does its job behind the scene and we don’t really need to know all the details.
The Dispatcher
has a queue of all activities the UI thread might need to execute, like reacting to a mouse click or timer tick or opening a window or doing layouting or… These activities are sorted by priority, one reason being to ensure that all normal UI activities are completed before the layouting starts. The Dispatcher
also owns a ContextLayoutManager
, which basically maintains a queue for all Visuals
needing to be measured and a queue for all Visuals
needing to be arranged. Once the time has come for measurement (=Phase 2, all higher priority actions have been completed and at least part of the tree needs layouting), the ContextLayoutManager
searches the Visual
closest to the root which needs measuring and calls its Measure()
, which then calls all the Measure()
of its children, which do the same thing for all their children and so on. Each Visual
which gets measured removes itself from the MeasureQueue
. Once that subtree is completely measured, some Visuals
might be left in the MeasureQueue
, because they belong to another subtree and ContextLayoutManager
starts to process that tree, until MeasureQueue
is empty. Upon which the same thing happens again for the ArrangeQueue
It can happen that only measurement gets executed, but no arranging, if no size has changed and no arranging is explicitly required by setting the ArrangeDirty
It can happen that only arranging gets executed, but no measurement, if measurement had been executed earlier on and no new measurement is required.
Phase 2: Measurement
virtual FrameworkElement.MeasureOverride()
override YourControl.MeasureOverride()
A parent calls YourControl.Measure()
which is actually a call of UIElement.Measure()
which later calls FrameworkElement.MeasureCore()
which later calls FrameworkElement.MeasureOverride()
which is overridden by your YourControl.MeasureOverride()
where your control has the code measuring itself.
Note: The following is pseudo code, which tries to show only the essentials. The actual code is much more complicated. The pseudo code includes code from different classes, like when the UI code calls MeasureCore()
which is overridden by FrameworkElement.MeasurementCore()
You can find the actual source code here:
void UIElement.Measure(avialableSize){
if (IsNaN(availableSize) throw Exception
if (Visibility==Collapsed) return;
if (avialableSize==previousAvialableSize && !isMeasureDirty) return;
ArrangeDirty = true;
desiredSize = MeasureCore(availableSize);
virtual Size UIElement.MeasureCore(Size availableSize) {}
override Size FrameworkElement.MeasureCore(availableSize){
frameworkAvailableSize = availableSize - Margin;
if (frameworkAvailableSize>UIElement.MaxSize)
frameworkAvailableSize = UIElement.MaxSize;
if (frameworkAvailableSize<UIElement.MinSize)
frameworkAvailableSize = UIElement.MinSize;
desiredSize = MeasureOverride(frameworkAvailableSize);
virtual Size FrameworkElement.MeasureOverride(Size availableSize){}
override Size YourControl.MeasureOverride(Size constraint){
return desiredSize;
desiredSize += Margin
if (desiredSize<UIElement.MinSize)
desiredSize = UIElement.MinSize;
if (desiredSize>UIElement.MaxSize)
desiredSize = UIElement.MaxSize;
return desiredSize;
if (IsNaN(desiredSize) throw Exception
if (IsPositiveInfinity(desiredSize) throw Exception
MeasureDirty = false;
The pseudo code might look a bit confusing. The important points are:
- If your control is collapsed or the available space has not changed since the last
call, the code returns immediately. Measure()
will not force to run Arrange()
later, if the available space has not changed. - If the available size has changed,
will later get executed, even if desiredSize
does not change ! -
subtracts Margin from availableSize
. The FrameworkElement
makes sure that the availableSize
is smaller equal than your control’s MaxSize.
is not really a WPF property. I use it as shorthand for MaxWidth
and MaxHeight
. The FrameworkElement
makes sure that the availableSize
is greater equal than your control's MinSize
. - To do your own measurement of your control, override
in your control. - Once your code has returned the
, FrameworkElement
adds Margin to desiredSize
. FrameworkElement
makes sure that desiredSize
is greater equal MinSize
and smaller equal MaxSize
. If Width
or Height
are defined, they overrule MinSize
and desiredSize
becomes whatever Width
or Height
dictate. - Finally,
throws exceptions when desiredSize
is not a number or infinite.
Interesting here is that the input availableSize
can be infinite, but the output desiredSize
cannot be infinite. Infinite size as input makes sense for example when the parent is a ScrollViewer
. In a ScrollViewer
, every child can use as much space as it wants. Basically, when the parent gives the child infinite space, it asks the child how much space it wants, without any limitation.
If the child doesn’t know how much space it should use, it could just return constraint
, but it is also possible to return new Size(0,0)
. During Arrangement, the parent might not care about how much space the child asked for and give it even more space than required. An example would be when the child's Alignment
is set to Stretch
, in which case the parent gives all available space, even the child asked for less.
Note that FrameworkElement
takes care of Margin
, MaxSize
and MinSize
, but does nothing for Border
and Padding
, which means you have to handle Padding
in your code, if your control should support it.
Phase 3: Arrangement (Including Rendering)
virtual FrameworkElement.ArrangeOverride()
override YourControl.ArrangeOverride()
virtual UIElement.OnRender()
override YourControl.OnRender ()
A parent calls YourControl.Arrange()
which is actually a call of UIElement.Arrange()
which later calls FrameworkElement.ArrangeCore()
which later calls FrameworkElement.ArrangeOverride()
which is overridden by your YourControl.ArrangeOverride()
where your control has the code measuring itself.
If the control’s RenderSize
has changed or its RenderingInvalidated
flag is set, UIElement
also calls UIElement.OnRender()
which is overridden by your YourControl.OnRender()
where your control has the code creating the rendering instructions.
void UIElement.Arrange(Rect finalRect) {
if (IsNaN(finalRect) throw Exception
if (IsPositiveInfinity(finalRect) throw Exception
if (Visibility==Collapsed) return;
if (MeasureDirty){
if (finalRect==previousFinalRect && !isArrangeDirty) return;
virtual void UIElement.ArrangeCore(Rect finalRect){}
override void FrameworkElement.ArrangeCore(Rect finalRect){
Size arrangeSize = finalRect.Size;
arrangeSize = Math.Max(arrangeSize - Margin, 0);
if (Alignment!= Stretch) arrangeSize = desiredSize;
if (arrangeSize>MaxSize) arrangeSize = MaxSize;
RenderSize = ArrangeOverride(arrangeSize);
virtual Size UIElement.ArrangeOverride(Size finalSize){}
override Size YourControl.ArrangeOverride(Size arrangeBounds) {
ArrangeDirty = false;
if ((sizeChanged || RenderingInvalidated || firstArrange){
DrawingContext dc = RenderOpen();
virtual void UIElement.OnRender(DrawingContext drawingContext)
override void YourControl.OnRender(DrawingContext drawingContext) {
- For measurement, it is ok if the parent gives infinite space. But if the parent passes infinite space for arrangement, an
is thrown. If your control is collapsed, Arrange()
just returns. - In theory, a control should always be measured before arranged. But when
notices that Measure()
was not properly called before, i.e., the MeasureDirty
is still set, Arrange()
calls Measure()
immediately. - If the available space has not changed and
is not set, Arrange()
returns. arrangeSize
might also be adjusted because of clipping, which is not shown in the pseudo code. arrangeSize
might also be adjusted because of LayoutTransform
, which is not shown in the pseudo code. Arrange(Rect finalRect)
receives a Rect
, which contains the coordinates X
, Y
and a Size
, whereas ArrangeOverride(Size finalSize)
receives only finalRect.Size
. When the child arranges itself, it doesn't know its own X
and Y
coordinates within its Parent
. To do your own arrangement and rendering of your control, override ArrangeOverride()
in your control. - Once your control has finished arranging and writing rendering instructions,
continues with some clipping and layout transformation calculations. - If the rendering size has changed or the
flag is set, UIElement.Arrange()
calls UIElement.OnRender()
which is overridden in your control. There, you place your rendering instructions.
Note that if alignment is set to stretch, the parent gives the child all available space and not just the desiredSize
required by the child.
Meaning of Different Size Properties
When I started with WPF, I often wrongly assumed that Control.Width
will tell me what is the width of the control on the screen, which not true at all:
: A property that can be used to suggest what width your control should have, could be set in XAML, default is double.Nan
(i.e., not used). Height
: A property that can be used to suggest what height your control should have, could be set in XAML, default is double.Nan
(i.e., not used). DesiredSize
: The size your control requested at the end of MeasureOverride(),
plus Margin
gets added and Width
, MinWidth
and MaxWidth
get enforced, if they are defined. DesiredSize
is used by parents for arrangement. RenderSize
: The size the parent gives your control for rendering. RenderSize
is different from DesiredSize
because a) DesiredSize
is with Margin
while RenderSize
is without and b) parent might decide to give child a different size than requested. ActualWidth
: is actually RenderSize.Width
: is actually RenderSize.Height
Future Articles
I was writing a new article explaining how you can write your own user control from code behind, hosting other controls and writing directly to the screen, when I realised that explaining how layouting and rendering work in WPF requires its own article, which is the one you are presently reading. However, this article does not explain how to write the code for layouting and rendering in your control, for that, you have to wait for my next article. Which will be followed by a third explaining how to test and debug your control, which is rather complex.
Update: I published the "third" article (testing) already and the "second" comes later:
Must Read for WPF Developers: WPF Control Test Bench
Writing the last article might take a while. In the meantime, I recommend you to read some other highly rated WPF articles I wrote here on CodeProject:
- 13th February, 2022: Initial version
- 4th March, 2022: Improved description of
and RenderedSize
- 8th March, 2022: Corrected error in Layouting.png