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CHoverButton - A Simple hoverbutton with One Bitmap and a tooltip

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12 Oct 2000 425.1K   6.2K   103   60
A simple drop-in class that provides a 'hot' look button using the _TrackMouseEvent function

Sample Image - hoverbutton.gif


Looking around for some nice bitmap hover buttons, I just couldn't find what I was looking for. In this case, there are a couple of things you can do:

  1. Leave it.
  2. Buy it.
  3. Steal it.
  4. Get it for free.
  5. Start crying.
  6. Do it yourself (and possibly share it).

I'll share!

I found another hoverbutton class that uses SetCapture() and ReleaseCapture(). Using this method gave me some problems. I can't remember why, but it did to me. So I thought why do it so difficult? MS has a nice API to handle hover states: _TrackMouseEvent().

So here it is... the class. After a long thought, I decided to call it: CHoverButton. I used some classes and information found elsewhere (thanks to the people for that).

How to Use It?

  1. In your resource editor, create a button and set the 'owner draw' property.
  2. Use classwizard to create a CButton object in your dialog.
  3. Include the "hoverbutton.h" file in your dialog class file.
  4. Rename the CButton object type to CHoverButton.
  5. Create a bitmap with three buttonstates: Up/Down/Hover. The pictures need to be right next to each other.
    The button will calculate its own size = (the width of the bitmap)/3.
    You can use true color bitmaps here. See below for an example image.

  6. In the OnInitDialog(), load the bitmap with mybutton.LoadBitmap(IDC_MYBUTTON);
  7. Set a tooltip with mybutton.SetToolTipText();
  8. Compile and enjoy.

Have fun!


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Written By
Web Developer
Netherlands Netherlands
Niek is the founder and programmer of and is working on many projects all the time. He makes a living by doing contractwork for others.

Comments and Discussions

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GeneralText "Click me" not shown Pin
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Generalplz help me to solve tis problem with getting Front Page 98’s hover buttons to function. Pin
ac sakura7-Jul-06 1:59
ac sakura7-Jul-06 1:59 
Generalu r experiencing problem with getting Front Page 98's Hover buttons to fuction Pin
ac sakura7-Jul-06 1:53
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GeneralSlightly Off Topic Pin
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mentorHans Dietrich5-Sep-04 9:11 
GeneralRe: Minor improvement - transparent background Pin
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GeneralSomething maybe better! Pin
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GeneralRe: TrackMouseEvent Pin
Anonymous25-Aug-03 22:04
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