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Classic ASP Integration with Facebook Websites Feature

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2 Jul 2014CDDL8 min read 1.2M   7.3K   48   229
Add Facebook Website Tools integration to your ASP based authentication


This code is fairly old and not maintained anymore, but there are good examples of coding practices and tricks that you can learn from so I'll keep the article alive. However if you are looking to connect your classic ASP page to Facebook please see my article:


When integrating with Facebook, I've always had to resort to PHP or .NET to get the job done. The new Facebook for Websites tool set combined with a few open source solutions makes this a snap with ASP. In this article, I hope to show you how it works, what tools you need to pull together and finally a suggestion for how to integrate with your website's existing login framework.

NOTICE: This code was revised for Facebook oAuth 2.0. It no longer uses the javascript components for logging in. If you have used this library in the past please read through the article you'll see the process is much easier than before but requires a slightly different setup. Read the section at the end titled "Converting Pre 2012 Code" for tips on converting existing code.


There are two really slick tools I found to help solve the problem of translating Facebook's article from PHP to VBScript (the Facebook article can be found here).

First is the json2.asp library by Troy Foster and Doug Crawford. What is slick about this solution is that it takes advantage of an often forgotten feature of Classic ASP: you can run JScript and VBscript together as long as they are isolated in <script runat="server"></script> blocks. Usually, an IIS server is configured for vbscript so you only need the special runat tags when you want to specify a language other than the server default. For VBScript, <% %> tags should still work fine on most IIS servers.

The second cool tool I found is Flangy Development's implementation of URLDecode (found here). I'll go into the details later, but trust me, this is really slick!

A third library is also very useful MD5 encryption from I wrapped this into a class "encrypt".

To round out the tools I pulled together for this solution is Microsoft's KB246067 which provides a way to sort a dictionary object by key to emulate PHP's ksort.

Using the Code

Part of Facebook's validation requires MD5 to operate, it also requires that the list of cookie values is sorted first and assembled in a long string of variable=data sets called the payload. The values themselves are URLEncoded thus the need for an URLDecode function. There are many scripts available to do this; I was enamored by the elegance of the one I use in this example.

To leverage Facebook authentication, you need to first register your website on Facebook at Once registered, you'll get an API Key and an Application Secret. Open fb_app.asp from the source code and populate the variables FACEBOOK_APP_ID with the API Key and FACEBOOK_SECRET with the application secret.

You also need to include two libraries in your pages that utilize Facebook authentication: The JSON2 library and the fb_app.asp library.

You include the JSON2 library using this tag:

<script language="JavaScript" runat="server" src="json2.asp"></script>

This is the script tag equivalent to a #INCLUDE FILE as used for server side includes. The fb_app.asp library is included using a standard include as follows:

<!-- #INCLUDE FILE="fb_app.asp" -->

If you want to integrate the Facebook authentication mechanism with your existing authentication mechanism, you need to include code in the fb_main function of fb_app.asp that updates/adds the user information in your database and authenticates based on FB userid.

That takes care of the server side. In your HTML markup, you need to include the Facebook JavaScript library along with an anchor tag for your login button.

<a href="myfacebookauthpage.asp">Login using Facebook</a>

The anchor tag above should be placed where you want it to display in your HTML.

In your login code, include the following two lines to perform the authentication:

strJSON = get_json_cookie( cookies(<span lang="en-us">"</span>access_token") ) ' this is a function in fb_app.asp
Set user = JSON.parse( strJSON ) ' this is the JSON object from JSON2.ASP

The user object will now have name, id and email properties that you can access (

Your login page is now FB enabled!

A Closer Look at Facebook Interaction

The FACEBOOK_SCOPE value (found in facebook_app.asp) includes a request for permission to access the visitors' email address and stream by default. This is done because only the name and hometown information in the default dataset is otherwise available when a Facebook user allows your application. The Facebook user is told what fields you wish to access before approving your request. The example below shows the prompt for this login link.

This file is the “front end" and represents your login page. It includes the key server side libraries. Any libraries you need to add and the code necessary to support the Facebook login button as shown below:

Image 1

When the user allows your application, Facebook creates a cookie for your website that grants you access to the FB userid and an access token. The access token is the key that enables you to retrieve the full set of allowed information. This requires a server-side call to Facebook. The challenge here is that Facebook returns JSON notation rather than XML. As such, you need to convert the JSON into something that can be manipulated by VBScript. Enter the first groovy tool: JSON2.ASP. The code below is an example of JSON returned by Facebook.

   "id": "9",
   "name": "FirstName LastName",
   "first_name": "FirstName",
   "last_name": "LastName",
   "link": "",
   "about": "Rugby and Brats, enough said.",
   "birthday": "12/02",
   "hometown": {
      "id": 9999999999999999,
      "name": "Chicago, Illinois"
   "location": {
      "id": 9999999999999999,
      "name": "Chicago, Illinois"
   "bio": "I like cheese",
   "quotes": "Bears, Beats, Battlestar Galactica.",
   "gender": "female",
   "timezone": -6,
   "locale": "en_US",
   "verified": true,
   "email": "",
   "updated_time": "2010-06-05T16:22:56+0000"

The JSON2.ASP library cleverly utilizes Jscript on the server side to parse the JSON into an object that can then be referenced in VBScript. This is all made possible because ASP enables Jscript objects and VBScript to interact (albeit at a somewhat primitive level).

So all we have to do is get the page data as a string from Facebook and pass it as a string to the JSON object with the following code:

strJSON = get_json_cookie( cookies("access_token") ) ' this is a function in fb_app.asp
Set user = JSON.parse( strJSON ) ' this is the JSON object from JSON2.ASP

The user object is now populated. You can access the data from the user to register/update your database. In the code example, I write (response.write) a list of variables common to registration to get you started.

You can now integrate with your DB (see suggestions below).

Suggestions for DB Integration

Since everybody's login routine is a little different, I'll provide the most basic framework of a login mechanism and show how FB_APP can be added. In a classic database-driven authentication scenario, a user would visit a login page and type username and password into textboxes, then click a button to login. On submission of the login, the ASP page would look up the user record based on login and password if the login is invalid (recordset is empty) the user is prompted to try again. If the login is valid, the script would set a cookie or a session variable to indicate a login, then proceed to the homepage. The code would look something like this.

Function do_login()
    sUser = request.form("login")
    sPass = request.form("pass")
    Set conn = createobject("adodb.connection") 
    Conn.connectionstring="your connection string"
    Set rs = conn.execute( "SELECT * FROM users WHERE login='" _
	& sUser & "' and password='" & sPass & "';")    If rs.eof then
        Response.write "invalid login try again"
    End If
End function  

The first thing to do is add a field to your user table “fb_userid" as a bigint. This will be used to store the Facebook userid and correlate it back to a userid in your database. Then modify your login process to first try and lookup the user based on Facebook UserID, if a user is found set the session, if the user is not found register them and get their user record by Facebook UserID. Here is a modified version of the basic function above that does just that. Study it and work it into your own login code.

Function do_login()
    dim conn
    dim rs
    dim sUser
    dim sPass
    dim sFBID
    dim user
    dim strJSON
    dim fbcookie
    dim SQL
    Set conn = createobject("adodb.connection") 
    Conn.connectionstring="your connection string"
    if request.servervariables("request_method")="POST" then
        ' it's a post/standard login
        sUser = request.form("login")
        sPass = request.form("pass")
        Set rs = conn.execute( "SELECT userid FROM users WHERE login='" & sUser & _
                 "' and password='" & sPass & "';")
        If rs.eof then
            Response.write "invalid login try again"
            set conn = nothing
        End If
        ' attempt a Facebook style login
        ' do we have an FB Cookie
        if request.cookies("fbs_" & FACEBOOK_APP_ID)="" then 
            ' No Facebook login
            ' We have Facebook info create a dictionary to contain the cookie info
            set fbcookie = get_facebook_cookie( FACEBOOK_APP_ID, FACEBOOK_SECRET )
            if fbcookie.count > 0 then 
                '' Use the access token to get the userinfo
                '' as a JSON a string from Facebook
                sToken = fbcookie("access_token")
                url = "" & sToken
                strJSON = get_page_contents( URL ) 
                set user = JSON.parse( strJSON )
                set rs = conn.execute("SELECT userid FROM users _
				WHERE fb_userid=" & )
                if rs.eof then 
                    ' record is empty add user
                    set rs = nothing
                    SQL = "INSERT INTO users (first_name,last_name,email,fb_userid) " & _
                        "VALUES( " & _
                        " '" & replace( user.first_name, "'", "''" ) & "', " & _
                        " '" & replace( user.last_name, "'", "''" ) & "', " & _
                        " '" & replace(, "'", "''" ) & "' " & _
               & ");"
                    conn.execute( SQL )    
                    set rs = conn.execute("SELECT userid FROM users _
					WHERE fb_userid=" & )
                    set rs = nothing
                    set rs = nothing
                end if
                response.write "Facebook Authentication Failed"
            end if
        end if    
    end if
    set conn = nothing
End function  

Points of Interest

I think the key point of interest is the routine for URLDecode from Flangy Development.

' An inverse to Server.URLEncode
function URLDecode(str)
    dim re
    set re = new RegExp

    str = Replace(str, "+", " ")
    re.Pattern = "%([0-9a-fA-F]{2})"
    re.Global = True
    URLDecode = re.Replace(str, GetRef("URLDecodeHex"))
end function

' Replacement function for the above
function URLDecodeHex(match, hex_digits, pos, source)
    URLDecodeHex = chr("&H" & hex_digits)
end function

I thought the use of GetRef to pass a function pointer to a regular expression was particularly clever.

Converting Pre 2012 Code

If you used this library before you know that 2012 update for facebook broke the library. As of Jan 16, 2012 I have updated the code to function with the new Facebook. In addition to fixing the code I took advantage of oAuth 2.0 which simplifies the setup somewhat. The tips below will outline the areas that need to change.

  1. Elimination of Facebook's Javascript Library
    You no longer need to reference the facebook library. Authentication is all handled with server-side code.
  2. Elimination of FB Markup
    The FB markup tag to enable Facebook has been replaced with a link to your authentication page. Be sure to include the FB_APP.ASP library in your login page. Now you create a link: <a href="/KB/asp/myfbloginpage.asp">Use Facebook to Login</a> instead of the FB markup.
  3. oAuth 2.0
    To avoid future breakage of the code, I incorporated oAuth 2.0 mechanism of authentication. The above two changes are specifically part of this change.
  4. Scope moved to Server Side Variable
    The scope was moved to a server side variable (as a result of removing the FB markup). So you now need to set the scope in the FACEBOOK_SCOPE variable of the FB_APP.ASP page. In addition you need to set the FACEBOOK_REDIR_URL to the page on your website that handles facebook authentication. FACEBOOK_REDIR_URL is automatically created in V3.1 using the GetRedirURL() function. This allows any page with Facebook interaction to automatically login.

That should do the trick. I tested this out on a couple of my own sites and it worked well. However I can't test for every possible scenario. As such let me know if you experience problems with your site and I'll do my best to provide advice.

Related Articles

Classic ASP and Facebook Graph API




  • 16th July, 2010: Initial post
  • 16th January 2012: Revised for oAuth 2.0 (V3.0)
  • 16th January 2012: Posted bug fix (V3.0.1)
  • 25th January 2012: Version 3.1 - Several bug fixes, no longer need to set redirection URL. Cookie authentication token expires hourly forcing the fb_app.asp to request a new token.
  • 1st March 2012: Added a link to the new article.


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL)

Written By
Software Developer (Senior)
United States United States
I've been in development since the late eighties. Although I've picked up many languages over the years and will likely pick up many more I have been a Microsoft BASIC programmer the whole time. Back in the early days it was on a Color Computer 3 writing articles for an enthusiast's magazine and developing solutions for color computer users. Now it is C#, VB.NET and (still) VBScript with all the fixins (ADO,XML,JSON,SQL etc...). Around 1996 I decided the internet was the way to go and dedicated myself to web development. I've been doing it ever since.

Two of my favorite projects are working for a little company called Nigrelli Systems and working with a team of brilliant Engineers to develop fully automated packaging systems for the food and beverage industry. The second is working on a "Burn Room" Nemschoff Chairs, again I was blessed with a team of people who knew their stuff. The burn room remains unique to this day because there are only a handfull of certified rooms in the US.

Bears, Beats, Battlestar Galactica

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AnswerRe: Error on '' fb_app.asp Pin
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