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Articles by Alexander Ruscle (Article: 1)

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Desktop Programming
18 Aug 2003   Updated: 18 Aug 2003   Rating: 4.82/5    Votes: 12   Popularity: 5.02
Licence: Not specified    Views: 66,096     Bookmarked: 26   Downloaded: 1,268
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Uses Windows hooks to monitor the OS for user-specified hotkeys or keywords, uses Windows messages and mapped memory for IPC.

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Web Developer
United States United States
Alex started coding (in BASIC... shhhh!) when he was 12 in order to play his tank game on his Commodore Vic20. In High School he learned more on the Apple IIe in the Math classroom. His then-girlfriend (now wife) used to wait at the door while he finished "just one more function!" before joining her for lunch. 14 years and four kids later, he's still writing code (although he's since graduated to C/C++, etc.), and is now (Q1 2006) working in the .NET world with C#. "What a ride!"

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