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Articles by Matt Perdeck (Articles: 34, Tip/Trick: 1)

Articles: 34, Tip/Trick: 1

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Average article rating: 4.80

Database Development
SQL Server
24 Mar 2015   Updated: 24 Mar 2015   Rating: 5.00/5    Votes: 2   Popularity: 1.51
Licence: CPOL    Views: 18,582     Bookmarked: 7   Downloaded: 0
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Add a database to your web site on AWS with automatic fail over using RDS
27 Nov 2011   Updated: 14 Dec 2011   Rating: 4.95/5    Votes: 24   Popularity: 6.83
Licence: CPOL    Views: 55,282     Bookmarked: 95   Downloaded: 0
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Part 1 of an 8 part series on improving database performance.
29 Nov 2011   Updated: 15 Dec 2011   Rating: 4.76/5    Votes: 14   Popularity: 5.46
Licence: CPOL    Views: 32,391     Bookmarked: 33   Downloaded: 0
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In part 2, we'll pinpoint a number of other bottlenecks, including locking issues, lack of execution plan reuse, fragmentation, and hardware issues.
30 Nov 2011   Updated: 16 Dec 2011   Rating: 4.91/5    Votes: 35   Popularity: 7.52
Licence: CPOL    Views: 58,593     Bookmarked: 63   Downloaded: 0
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In part 1, you saw how to identify missing indexes. In part 3, you'll see how to add those indexes.
1 Dec 2011   Updated: 17 Dec 2011   Rating: 4.91/5    Votes: 20   Popularity: 6.39
Licence: CPOL    Views: 39,521     Bookmarked: 41   Downloaded: 0
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Proven techniques to speed up expensive SQL queries.
4 Dec 2011   Updated: 18 Dec 2011   Rating: 4.77/5    Votes: 9   Popularity: 4.55
Licence: CPOL    Views: 29,482     Bookmarked: 32   Downloaded: 0
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Looks at fixing any locking issues you found in Part 2. You'll see how to determine which queries are involved in excessive locking delays, and how to prevent those delays from happening.
5 Dec 2011   Updated: 19 Dec 2011   Rating: 4.73/5    Votes: 10   Popularity: 4.73
Licence: CPOL    Views: 32,812     Bookmarked: 26   Downloaded: 0
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In part 2, we saw how to identify suboptimal reuse of execution plans. In this part 6, we'll look at improving this.
6 Dec 2011   Updated: 20 Dec 2011   Rating: 4.41/5    Votes: 8   Popularity: 3.98
Licence: CPOL    Views: 21,901     Bookmarked: 28   Downloaded: 0
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In Part 2, we looked at what fragmentation is and how to pinpoint excessive fragmentation. In this Part 7, we'll look at fixing excessive fragmentation.
7 Dec 2011   Updated: 21 Dec 2011   Rating: 4.96/5    Votes: 14   Popularity: 5.68
Licence: CPOL    Views: 28,411     Bookmarked: 37   Downloaded: 0
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In Part 2, we saw how to pinpoint bottlenecks related to the database server hardware - memory, disks, and CPU. In this last Part 8, we'll look at fixing those hardware issues.
Desktop Programming
8 Jun 2008   Updated: 8 Jun 2008   Rating: 3.89/5    Votes: 5   Popularity: 2.72
Licence: CPOL    Views: 57,013     Bookmarked: 27   Downloaded: 482
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Counterpart of HTML's ol and ul tags for Silverlight
Load Testing
12 Dec 2011   Updated: 12 Dec 2011   Rating: 4.88/5    Votes: 7   Popularity: 4.12
Licence: CPOL    Views: 31,591     Bookmarked: 14   Downloaded: 268
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Discusses the advanced features of StresStimulus, including parameterization and NTLM authorization
11 Dec 2011   Updated: 26 Aug 2014   Rating: 4.60/5    Votes: 6   Popularity: 3.58
Licence: CPOL    Views: 49,282     Bookmarked: 41   Downloaded: 563
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Learn how to load test your web site with StresStimulus, a load tester extension to Fiddler.
Programming Languages
3 Jul 2008   Updated: 3 Jul 2008   Rating: 4.73/5    Votes: 9   Popularity: 4.52
Licence: CPOL    Views: 43,561     Bookmarked: 68   Downloaded: 266
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Reusable code to do narrow data columns with navigation buttons, such as address lists.
10 Apr 2008   Updated: 10 Jan 2015   Rating: 4.97/5    Votes: 217   Popularity: 11.57
Licence: Apache    Views: 1,055,284     Bookmarked: 482   Downloaded: 7,351
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Easy to use library to use CSV and tab delimited files with LINQ queries.
C# 5.0
5 Jan 2015   Updated: 18 Jan 2015   Rating: 4.89/5    Votes: 105   Popularity: 9.86
Licence: Apache    Views: 136,550     Bookmarked: 114   Downloaded: 0
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Semantic Types help you reduce bugs and improve maintainability by letting the compiler ensure consistency in your code. This article shows how this works and how to create Semantic Types with minimal overhead.
6 Jun 2015   Updated: 6 Jun 2015   Rating: 5.00/5    Votes: 1   Popularity: 0.00
Licence: CPOL    Views: 14,652     Bookmarked: 1   Downloaded: 0
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Shows how to improve your ASP.NET MVC web site's performance through far future client side caching of RequireJS modules, while still forcing the browser to refresh its cache the moment you introduce a new version of your modules.
14 Sep 2013   Updated: 29 Apr 2014   Rating: 4.94/5    Votes: 21   Popularity: 6.53
Licence: CPOL    Views: 53,021     Bookmarked: 52   Downloaded: 0
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JSNLog lets you insert loggers in your client side JavaScript, configure them in your web.config, and store their messages in your server side logs.
10 May 2014   Updated: 10 May 2014   Rating: 5.00/5    Votes: 1   Popularity: 0.00
Licence: CPOL    Views: 9,482     Bookmarked: 6   Downloaded: 0
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This is an alternative for "JavaScript Logging"
20 May 2015   Updated: 20 May 2015   Rating: 5.00/5    Votes: 2   Popularity: 1.51
Licence: CPOL    Views: 23,360     Bookmarked: 6   Downloaded: 0
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A fully functional sample Cloudformation template that generates a load balanced IIS/SQL Server based web site, plus PowerShell scripts to automatically deploy the web site on your EC2 instances
Web Development
16 Nov 2014   Updated: 13 Dec 2014   Rating: 4.87/5    Votes: 34   Popularity: 7.45
Licence: CPOL    Views: 166,127     Bookmarked: 60   Downloaded: 0
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Co-locate HTML, CSS, JavaScript and image files that make up a page or component. Auto generate your MVC bundles to ensure the right files are loaded in the right order.
17 Jul 2007   Updated: 17 Jul 2007   Rating: 4.74/5    Votes: 20   Popularity: 6.16
Licence: CPOL    Views: 131,115     Bookmarked: 145   Downloaded: 2,265
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Shows how to add a Crystal Reports report to an ASP.NET page, with grouping, filtering, and drill down.
14 Jun 2011   Updated: 14 Jun 2011   Rating: 4.90/5    Votes: 46   Popularity: 8.16
Licence: CPOL    Views: 318,606     Bookmarked: 61   Downloaded: 7,930
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Describes a fast algorithm to pack a series of rectangles of varying widths and heights into an enclosing rectangle of minimum size
28 Nov 2012   Updated: 4 Apr 2014   Rating: 4.80/5    Votes: 7   Popularity: 4.06
Licence: CPOL    Views: 46,744     Bookmarked: 28   Downloaded: 0
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JSNLog lets you put loggers in your JavaScript code, configure them in your web.config, and capture their output on your server.
28 Nov 2012   Updated: 4 Apr 2014   Rating: 4.93/5    Votes: 9   Popularity: 4.70
Licence: CPOL    Views: 28,753     Bookmarked: 21   Downloaded: 0
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Shows how to insert loggers in your JavaScript with JSNLog, a JavaScript logging library that integrates well with your .Net site
28 Nov 2012   Updated: 4 Apr 2014   Rating: 4.93/5    Votes: 15   Popularity: 5.80
Licence: CPOL    Views: 47,279     Bookmarked: 31   Downloaded: 0
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Shows how to configure your JavaScript loggers with JSNLog, a JavaScript logging library that integrates well with your .Net site
10 Jan 2015   Updated: 10 Jan 2015   Rating: 4.92/5    Votes: 8   Popularity: 4.45
Licence: Apache    Views: 44,203     Bookmarked: 31   Downloaded: 0
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Introduces JSNLog, an open source project to improve client side logging in ASP.NET and MVC based sites
7 Aug 2007   Updated: 7 Aug 2007   Rating: 4.77/5    Votes: 23   Popularity: 6.40
Licence: CPOL    Views: 287,647     Bookmarked: 69   Downloaded: 3,263
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Sometimes you need to compute the name of a method into a string. This article shows how to call a method given a string with the method's name and class.
5 Nov 2010   Updated: 29 Mar 2012   Rating: 4.95/5    Votes: 114   Popularity: 10.14
Licence: CPOL    Views: 906,487     Bookmarked: 260   Downloaded: 4,450
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Improves web site performance by combining and minifying JavaScript and CSS files on the fly. Processes ASP.NET AJAX toolkit .axd files too. Improves image caching and loading. Very easy to add to any ASP.NET web site.
3 Aug 2011   Updated: 9 Jun 2012   Rating: 4.82/5    Votes: 40   Popularity: 7.72
Licence: CPOL    Views: 119,986     Bookmarked: 85   Downloaded: 2,828
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Reduces page load times of ASP.NET web sites by combining page images and CSS background images into CSS sprites. Compresses and physically resizes images to make thumbnails. Caters for repeating background images.
21 Mar 2009   Updated: 21 Mar 2009   Rating: 4.43/5    Votes: 4   Popularity: 2.67
Licence: CPOL    Views: 30,421     Bookmarked: 27   Downloaded: 115
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Save screen real estate with easy to use script. Fade photos, news items, etc. into the same location.
24 Aug 2011   Updated: 24 Aug 2011   Rating: 4.69/5    Votes: 7   Popularity: 3.97
Licence: CPOL    Views: 29,750     Bookmarked: 9   Downloaded: 0
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This two part series shows how to get the most out of the compression features built into IIS 7 and IIS 6. This second article focuses specifically on IIS 6 compression.
17 Aug 2011   Updated: 24 Aug 2011   Rating: 4.86/5    Votes: 29   Popularity: 7.11
Licence: CPOL    Views: 156,589     Bookmarked: 42   Downloaded: 0
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In this two part series, I'll show how to get the most out of the compression features built into IIS 7 and IIS 6. This first article focuses specifically on IIS 7.
23 Mar 2015   Updated: 23 Mar 2015   Rating: 5.00/5    Votes: 11   Popularity: 5.21
Licence: CPOL    Views: 36,811     Bookmarked: 23   Downloaded: 0
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Quickly create a load balanced web site in the cloud with AWS Elastic Beanstalk
28 Mar 2015   Updated: 28 Mar 2015   Rating: 4.40/5    Votes: 3   Popularity: 2.10
Licence: CPOL    Views: 17,330     Bookmarked: 10   Downloaded: 0
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Point your domain to your AWS hosted site using Route 53

Average blogs rating:

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Average tips rating: 4.71

Programming Languages
4 Jun 2015   Updated: 4 Jun 2015   Rating: 4.71/5    Votes: 5   Popularity: 3.29
Licence: CPOL    Views: 26,965     Bookmarked: 8   Downloaded: 0
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Sometimes we need to share JavaScript, CSS or images files amongst several web applications. This post shows how to do this using Visual Studio's linked files feature, combined with a simple MSBuild target to ensure the shared content files can be found by the browser.

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Australia Australia
Twitter: @MattPerdeck
Current project: JSNLog JavaScript Logging Package

Matt has over 9 years .NET and SQL Server development experience. Before getting into .Net, he worked on a number of systems, ranging from the largest ATM network in The Netherlands to embedded software in advanced Wide Area Networks and the largest ticketing web site in Australia. He has lived and worked in Australia, The Netherlands, Slovakia and Thailand.

He is the author of the book ASP.NET Performance Secrets ( in which he shows in clear and practical terms how to quickly find the biggest bottlenecks holding back the performance of your web site, and how to then remove those bottlenecks. The book deals with all environments affecting a web site - the web server, the database server and the browser.

Matt currently lives in Sydney, Australia. He recently worked at Readify and the global professional services company PwC. He now works at SP Health, a global provider of weight loss web sites such at CSIRO's and