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Articles by Nabil Droussi (Tip/Trick: 1)

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Database Development
SQL Server
24 Oct 2019   Updated: 24 Oct 2019   Rating: 5.00/5    Votes: 2   Popularity: 1.51
Licence: CPOL    Views: 5,790     Bookmarked: 8   Downloaded: 0
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This article will walk you with steps on how to install, configure and connect to SQL Server 15.x on,Linux Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS

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Architect Accellware LTD
Morocco Morocco
I am a senior/architect level engineer with more than 10 years of experience in developing and maintaining small and big applications. I am based in Paris, France and can align with your office hours, I worked with clients in the US and the rest of the world.

Sir, I can help you in architectural documentation, analysis and conception, environment setup and technology choice.

I work based on industry standards and excels in the following methodology:
- Domain Driven Design
- Distributed systems design especially with microservices
- Test Driven Development
- SOLID principle
- Unified process using UML
- Agile methodology
- Continuous delivery/Integration
- ... and more

Regarding technologies I master and sufficient but not limited to the following:
- MVC with .net Framework and Core
- Angular
- jQuery
- Bootstrap
- MSSql Server
- Mongo Db
- Cassandra
- Redis
- Docker
- Powershell
- Azure services

Developing an application is an easy task for some, they just code before they think. The client at the end pays a lot just to maintain the code base because it wasn't built with maintainability in mind. This is why I offer you my services and guarantee you that the code I ship is of high quality.