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Articles by M Mohammed Afsal (Article: 1)

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9 Nov 2023   Updated: 9 Nov 2023   Rating: 5.00/5    Votes: 1   Popularity: 0.00
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This post will discuss Selenium, how to set it up, and how to use Java to create an automated test script.

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I'm M Mohammed Afsal(Afzal), a results-driven hustler with a strong focus on growth, product strategy, and marketing. My expertise lies in driving impactful initiatives, creating SEO-optimized content, and fostering engaging experiences to reach and engage with audiences effectively.

Currently, I am working on the Product Led Growth (PLG) initiative at LambdaTest. I am deeply involved in creating SEO-optimized content around automation testing, ensuring that LambdaTest is at the forefront of industry discussions and providing valuable insights to our target audience.