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Articles by deisenbe (Article: 1)

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18 Sep 2009   Updated: 18 Sep 2009   Rating: 0.00/5    Votes: 0   Popularity: 0.00
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This article describes a way to find, create and update service connection points in the active directory based on the .NET Framework.

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Germany Germany
Dirk Eisenberg is born in a little town in eastern germany: Eisleben. After his university entrance dimploma he went to the Swabian metropolis Stuttgart. The studies of Information Technologies at th BA Stuttgart started at October 1999 and ended with the degree of information technology engineer in 2002. Since this time he is salaried at a software manufacturer in the system management area. At his job he developed system components in C, C++ and C# on the Microsoft Windows platforms for one of the largest Software Management Suites. Currently Dirk is working as an IT Architect for a leading consulting company in Munich.