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6 Jul 2021mikeperetz 4 alternatives  
I have posted my article on the code project How to create scalable services with WCF 4.0 Router and Discovery services[^]And found it on the internet copied word for word at this link (without reference to the original site, or...
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22 Mar 2011#realJSOP
Nope, not legal. You should post this in the Site Bugs and uggestions Forum[^].
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25 Nov 2009blackjack2150
Why not both? If I really have to pick one over the other, I'd vote for the oink. All these codez make me dizzy...
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27 Apr 2011R. Giskard Reventlov
Write articles, respond to questions (like I'm doing now), participate in the user forums. It's taken me nearly 9 years to amass 54700 rep points. Others have done it sooner.However, it really doesn't mean anything: it won't help you get a better job or make more money - it's just for fun.
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22 May 200973Zeppelin
A singular matrix has a determinant of zero. That means you can't invert it.That's probably happening when you're inverting your covariance matrix: covariance.Inverse()It also means that your covariance matrix isn't positive semi-definite and...
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22 Mar 2011Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Please report to CodeProject administration; use Main menu -> Help!It may not help, but better do it. What happened could be considered as a crime.—SA
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22 Mar 2011Wendelius
Hi,I guess Site bugs / suggestions could be a better place to ask this, since it's more closely monitored by the staff.
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9 Dec 2011OriginalGriff
Ignore the points. They are irrelevant - my Enquirer status is 86, the lowest score I have!Rep points are pretty much irrelevant for anything, except where they allow you do do more with the site. They don't affect how your question is answered! If you ask a good question, you get a good...
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21 May 2009FatMooseHenry 1 alternative  
HelloIm doing K-means clustering and am about to implement the Mahalanobis distance. I have a problem with sometimes the matrix is singular. Im not really sure what it means in this case and what to do about it? Im fairly sure that my code is...
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18 Nov 2009ScottM1
Definitely useful but not really interesting.Pig farming sounds interesting but not really useful so I don't know.
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9 Dec 2011Eduard Lu
Ok then, being a Programmer/Developer, you must know how to search using Google at first before posting a question. We programmers/developers will get a better and quick response thru Google. Treat google as your bestfriend :) Then if it still didn't fix your problems, you can post it here...
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23 Nov 2009PJ Arends
I would like to see that article on pig farming. I tried it once on a very small scale, but the returns were below my costs so I quit that venture. Would like to try it again some day.
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9 Dec 2011Pranit Kothari
If you got stuck with any problem, instead of just thinking and worrying about it, write it down. Many times when you actually write your problem you will get your solution there only. Because to write down anything you need to properly organize it. And believe me if you really able to...
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13 Dec 2011Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Well, do you have a hobby? Anything not related to programming but where a program or a Web resource could help. Music, arts, crafts? Sports, books, video, collections, playing with children or teaching them? Are you learning yourself — drawing, painting, playing a musical...
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22 Nov 2014Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
HeyThis is a quick question and answer forum. So, when you post something, you need to make sure that the question statement is clear with some proper code snippets to support that. If you don't provide that, members might report it, resulting closure of the question.Please don't take...
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9 Dec 2011Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
All the advice on this page should be taken into account as none of them are comprehensive.I would start with reading the rules.First, I want to add some ideas to a vise advice by Pranit.I would add, don't rush and don't jump to the solution. Think around related problems some more...
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1 Jun 2009Alan Balkany
Your question isn't very clear, but it appears you want some way to group enemies into clouds to surround them.One approach is Cluster Analysis. Start with a list of all enemies and a table of the distances among them. Group the two closest...
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4 Aug 2009Luc Pattyn
Hi,your code is wrong, it has two nested loops but acts as if there were only one loop.Here is a very simple snippet with the same problem, it should help you in understanding what goes wrong:int i1=0;int i2=0;for (; i1 for (; i2 ...
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22 Aug 2008Paul Conrad
Yes, it would be interesting and I was planning on doing one. "The clue train passed his station without stopping." - John Simmons / outlaw programmer"Real programmers just throw a bunch of 1s and 0s at the computer to see what sticks" - Pete...
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26 Aug 2008Syed Mehroz Alam
Pete O'Hanlon wrote:do you think this would be useful/interesting?Why not, Pete. I look forward to reading this. Please take this rose as a compliment in advance.Cheers,Syed Mehroz Alam My BlogMy Articles