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I write four VHDL file

1) 1 bit full adder
2) 8 bit full adder
3) 1 bit flip flop
4) accumulator

1 and 2 and 3 is correct and I tested those , but I have a really big problem in accumulator!

this is picture of accumulator that I want build by 1,2 and 3 :[^]

I'm new in VHTL . I try to write a accumulator but it's full of error and logical problems. you can see for above code blow :

1) 1 bit full adder

Library ieee;
Use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;


Entity fullAdder is
		Cin : in std_logic;
		x : in std_logic;
		y : in std_logic;
		s :  out std_logic;
		Cout :  out std_logic
end fullAdder;

Architecture fullAdder_logic of fullAdder is
	s <= x xor y xor Cin;
	Cout <= (x and y) or (x and Cin) or (y and Cin);
end Architecture;

2) eight bit adder

Library ieee;
Use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
Use work.all;


Entity eightBitAdder is
		Cin : in std_logic;
		x   : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
		y   : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
		s   : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
		Cout: out std_logic
end eightBitAdder;

Architecture eightBitAdder_logic of eightBitAdder is

	component fullAdder
		Cin,x,y : in std_logic;
		s,Cout :    out std_logic
	end component;
	signal carry : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
	carry(0) <= Cin;
	gen_add: for i in 0 to 7 generate
		lebel_fulladd: fullAdder port map (carry(i), x(i), y(i), s(i), carry(i + 1)); 
	end generate gen_add;
	Cout <= carry(8);

end Architecture;

3 ) 1 bit D_FF

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity D_ff is
  port (
    D:    in  std_logic;
    CLK:  in  std_logic;
    RST:  in  std_logic;
    Q:    out std_logic
end D_ff;

architecture D_ff_logic of D_ff is

  signal ff_state: std_logic; -- This will hold flip flop state


  if rising_edge(CLK) then
    if RST='1' then
    	ff_state <= '0'; -- Reset, change state to 0.
    	ff_state <= D; -- 'clock' in input.
    end if;
  end if;
end process;

-- Output current flip flop state

Q <= ff_state;

end architecture;

4) accumulator !!

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

entity accumulator is
  port (
    Input:    in  std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
    CLK:	  in  std_logic;
    Output:   out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)
end entity accumulator;

architecture accumulator_logic of accumulator is

	component D_ff is
	port (
		D:    in  std_logic;
		CLK:  in  std_logic;
		RST:  in  std_logic;
		Q:    out std_logic
	end component; 
	component eightBitAdder is
		Cin : in std_logic;
		x   : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
		y   : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
		s   : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
		Cout: out std_logic
	end component;

    signal DFF_AC: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
	signal overFlow: std_logic;
	signal cout: std_logic;

	DFF_Ac0: D_ff port map ( '0', CLK, '1', DFF_AC(0));
	DFF_Ac1: D_ff port map ( '0', CLK, '1', DFF_AC(1));
	DFF_Ac2: D_ff port map ( '0', CLK, '1', DFF_AC(2));
	DFF_Ac3: D_ff port map ( '0', CLK, '1', DFF_AC(3));
	DFF_Ac4: D_ff port map ( '0', CLK, '1', DFF_AC(4));
	DFF_Ac5: D_ff port map ( '0', CLK, '1', DFF_AC(5));
	DFF_Ac6: D_ff port map ( '0', CLK, '1', DFF_AC(6));
	DFF_Ac7: D_ff port map ( '0', CLK, '1', DFF_AC(7));

    if rising_edge(CLK) then
      if overFlow = '0' then
		DFF0: D_ff port map ( DFF_AC(0), CLK, '0', DFF_AC(0));
		DFF1: D_ff port map ( DFF_AC(1), CLK, '0', DFF_AC(1));
		DFF2: D_ff port map ( DFF_AC(2), CLK, '0', DFF_AC(2));
		DFF3: D_ff port map ( DFF_AC(3), CLK, '0', DFF_AC(3));
		DFF4: D_ff port map ( DFF_AC(4), CLK, '0', DFF_AC(4));
		DFF5: D_ff port map ( DFF_AC(5), CLK, '0', DFF_AC(5));
		DFF6: D_ff port map ( DFF_AC(6), CLK, '0', DFF_AC(6));
		DFF7: D_ff port map ( DFF_AC(7), CLK, '0', DFF_AC(7));
		adder: eightBitAdder( '0', std_logic_vector(Input), std_logic_vector(DFF_AC), std_logic_vector(DFF_AC),cout);
		overFlow <= cout xor DFF_AC(7);
      end if;
    end if;
  end process;

  -- Assign output
  --DOUT <= our_ffs;

end architecture;

I can't fix this with out help!
Updated 15-Jul-15 12:41pm
Andreas Gieriet 19-Jul-15 12:22pm    
What exactly are the problems?
We do not do your work, we might help on specific problems.
PS: What is the meaning of overflow in your case? *Signed* logic overflow or *unsigned* logic carry out?

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