Hello everyone!
I have a table in sqlserver, my table has a field as string, for example FirstName (it's just example!). This field "EncryptByPassPhrase" before insert on database.
Before encode: Ali
After encode: 0x010000001D905174BB7947AE1C600A4AB564A123310F92C21C9A4221
Now i would search on this field for example i would get all fields that contains charcters 'Al'.
I can decode this field and search on such as:
select * from EncodeTest e
where dbo.Decoder(e.FirstName) like '%Al%'
But this way very slow on many numbers of record.
Please help me for best solution.
What I have tried:
declare @EncodedName varbinary(max)
select @EncodedName =EncryptByPassPhrase('key', cast( @Name as varbinary(max)) )
declare @DecodedName nvarchar(max)
select @DecodedName=convert(varchar(100),DecryptByPassPhrase('key',cast( @EncodedName as varbinary(max)) ))
select * from EncodeTest e
where dbo.Decoder(e.FirstName) like '%Al%'