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Great Reads

by Saad_Mahmood
Magical MVVM using power of Expression Blend
by Peter T. Ringering
A program that makes editing code comments and XML comments easier.
by AnobikDey
A description of how images and other controls can be rotated and used to give 3d Effect in Windows Store Apps
by Prasanna Venkatesh . K
Writing a Windows store background app from the scratch

Latest Articles

by Saad_Mahmood
Magical MVVM using power of Expression Blend
by Peter T. Ringering
A program that makes editing code comments and XML comments easier.
by AnobikDey
A description of how images and other controls can be rotated and used to give 3d Effect in Windows Store Apps
by Prasanna Venkatesh . K
Writing a Windows store background app from the scratch

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by Saad_Mahmood
Magical MVVM using power of Expression Blend
by David Maw
A way to embed help pages within a Windows RT or Phone program
by Jeremy Falcon
Provides a base to use when programming OpenGL-enabled applications for the real world, rather than a simple hello world.
by Lộc Nguyễn
Example of data binding for nested tree structure, and MVVM pattern.
by Chris Maunder
Impressions on using a 3rd gen sensor-and touchscreen-equipped Intel Ultrabook prototype.
by Babu_Abdulsalam
A Simple Profiler for C++ apps on x64 platform
by Abhishek Nandy
simple example of Windows Embedded with Intel Galileo(Stage #2 Windows Embedded)
by Azim Zahir
This is a Text Editor App for Windows 8.
by slelong
A USB library to detect USB devices, and manage Attach and Detach events
by WhiskeyBeforeWater
An unbalanced basic recursive Binary Search Tree for Excel VBA with functions (insert, search, delete, in order, pre-order, post-order, minimum, and maximum)
by FrankSzendzielarz
Here I share the code of an R&D experiment to explore an alternative approach to data virtualization, using Rx and a XAML ListView in a Windows Store app, where I consider the IObservableVector as an "Observing" collection that reacts to UI event streams
by Member 11030029
Developer Serhiy Posokhin and his wife Antonina Posokhina, a designer by trade, recognized the potential of this technology in the world of jewelry and pursued its potential through the Intel® App Innovation Contest 2013 (AIC 2013).
by Juan Pablo G.C.
Using MVVM with Windows 8 Modern UI.
by Tim_Duncan
This article previews some in-development features of Audacity, which is a free, simple, multi-track audio editor and recorder for Windows*, Mac* OS X*, GNU/Linux*, and other operating systems.
by Kees van Spelde
This is an alternative for "AutoShut, my first program in C#"
by Dirk Bahle
How to integrate AvalonEdit into AvalonDock [2.0] using MVVM
by Dirk Bahle
Integrate AvalonEdit with text editing options into AvalonDock [2.0]
by Qwertie
The Lexical Macro Processor transforms your C# code with a LISP-inspired macro system. Nice substitute for T4 templates, with Visual Studio integration and a Linux-compatible editor.
by Member 10951710
A simple extension to the original TextBox, allowing simple calculations (+, /, *, -)
by Abhishek Nandy
Touch break and move the game objects
by Intel
This case study examines the process that game developer Marmalade followed as it created an electronic version of Hasbro’s classic board game, RISK: The Game of Global Domination.
by Antonio Petricca
Win32, compiler independent, and extensible passive debugger
by Shawn1Xu
Build a microservice with Service Fabric on Windows Server 2012 using ASP.NET 5 and Service Fabric SDK
by Jon Campbell
Using "thunk" technique to add this pointer as fifth parameter to WndProc call for x32 and x64
by Babu_Abdulsalam
Various features supporting Concurrency in C++11
by KarstenK
Interoperability: Calling C++ from C#
by Evgeny Pereguda
Simple lib for capturing live-video from web-camera by using Media Foundation
by Talha Naqvi
The best and most unconventional virtual carrom application optimized for AIO!
by Intel
Case Study: 4tiitoo Constructs a Modern User Interface with Voice, Gesture, and Eye Tracking Input
by Intel
Case Study: Sesame Factory Engages Sensor Functionality on Ultrabook™ Systems for an Enhanced Diary Application
by Intel
Case Study: Soma Games Develops Graphics-rich Game for Ultrabook™ in the Intel® Ultimate Coder Challenge
by UmarSiddiqui
Help us help you improve community health
by Colin Eberhardt
This article describes my experiences of porting a novel gesture-driven Windows Phone app to Windows 8.
by ljw1004
VB code to convert MP3 to WAV in Windows 8 using MediaFoundation
by JL Doty
Fully exploit features of OpenHardwareMonitorLib.dll
by Juan Davel
This article is an updated one discussing the configuration of IIS, ASP.NET and SQL Server.
by Lewis Benge
Leverage new device APIs in Win8.1.
by Gaurav Aroraa
In this article, we will learn how to consume ASP.NET WEB API hosted on another server (as a REST services only) using ASP.NET MVC4 (as a client) with RESTSHARP.
by Mubin M. Shaikh
This Article will give you a good start for Creating SSRS Report First time with SQL Server Analysis Services OLAP Cube
by Saad_Mahmood
Creating custom control for Windows Phone and Store Using Expressions Blend
by Chris_Bowen
We’ll be using HTML5, JavaScript, WinJS, and some helpful libraries from CreateJS along the way.
by Chris_Bowen
This is the third in a series of posts that will show you to create a (very) simple Windows 8 game.
by Chris_Bowen
This is the fourth in a series of posts that will show you to create a (very) simple Windows 8 game.
In this tutorial how to create a simple game using the Cocos2d-x framework in a Windows development environment and how to compile it to run on Windows 8 and Android.
by Marius Bancila
Shows how to easily create live tiles using the TileNotifications pack
by Karthik. A
An introduction to custom role providers in an ASP.NET MVC 3 application using the Entity Framework for ORM.
by Dominic Milano
CyberLink MediaStory* software greatly streamlines the process of organizing and accessing the mountains of pictures and videos stored across phones, cameras, tablets, PCs, and the cloud to assemble professional-looking videos that can be shared in minutes.
by dpalash
Through this article, you will learn how to deploy the sideloaded Windows 8 app to production easily and maintain/provide regular upgrade version of the app.
by nuclear_sun
You can share a peer's desktop with any others using this software, designate the sharer and viewers in any way you can imagine. Detailed development document and user manual can be found in the Download.
by rbrunton
How to determine whether the monitor is on or off as a result of a Windows Power Scheme action
by Prasanna Venkatesh . K
Simple C# functions to access SkyDrive folders and files using Live Connect SDK
by Bruno Sonnino
In this article, I show you how to develop a soccer penalties shootout game.
by CMalcheski
A Full DirectX Sample Application Created in Pure Assembly Language
by Dr Gadgit
Covers SSDP messages and XML replies plus how to stream a play-list
by Adrian Akison
App Innovation Game for Lenovo Horizon All-In-One
by Gerald Degeneve
Draw or render a Windows Form directly over the Wallpaper, behind the Desktop Icons in Windows 8+10
by Farhan Ghumra
How to draw a driving route direction with Bing Maps in C#/XAML in a Windows 8 app.
Engineering Calculator VOLTA-814 (Productivity Software contest submission) was originally developed as HTML5 web application and later converted into desktop app using Intel’s AppUp encapsulator. The latest version for Win 7/8 released in 2014 is built on .NET/WPF.
by Geoff Arnold
fter participating in an earlier Intel contest, developer Dave Gannon took on these challenges, coming back with a vengeance with Wormhole Pinball, the winning app in the games category in the Intel App Innovation Contest 2013 in partnership with the Intel® Developer Zone.
by Chris Boss
OpenGL based 3D learning software
by Magnus Johansson
In this review of the 2013 v13.2 release, I will highlight what is new in the respective areas. But first, let’s install the suite.
by Saad_Mahmood
Expression Blend - Playing with Sample Data (WPF , Windows Phone)
by Antonio Petricca
.NET ServiceController class extension
by Vladimir Misovsky
Overriding CMFCShellTreeCtrl and CMFCShellListCtrl classes
by Edgar Maass
Open and display point clouds using a simple user control. Technology used: C# and the OpenGL library via the OpenTK port to .NET.
by sbarnes
WPF and Form utilities that do a better job copying and comparing large files on cranky hardware. Plea for software manufacturers to consider fault tolerance.
Asynchronous, "crash safe" logging with dynamic logging sinks
by Lee Bamber
In this article you will learn how to improve the speed of your 3D game and understand what to look out for when porting your application to Ultrabook systems.
by Erik Niemeyer, Chris Kirkpatrick
Ideum’s collaboration with Intel gave them access to technology and engineering resources to make the touch overlay and 2-in-1 awareness in Gameplay possible.
by Erik Niemeyer
An overview of gameplay software for Windows 8 lets gamers use and build their own Virtual Controllers for touch, which are overlaid on top of existing PC games
by tumbledDown2earth
Browse your Google Drive and integrate your windows explorer with a Google's storage Cloud
by hasan bozkurt
How to obtain HDD information with C#
by Jalapeno Bob
A VB.NET version of Ray Koopa's 21 Mar 2016 article, Getting All "Special Folders" in .NET
by Gaurav Aroraa
In this article, we will discuss basics of Azure API Management to manage our Web API.
by Ashwin. Shetty
Writing your first app using Mean Stack (M = MongoDB, E = Express.JS, A = Angular.JS and N = Node.js)
by Anele 'Mashy' Mbanga
Using Basic4Android, develop your first Android Native App
by Fandango68
Use JavaScript to manage control layouts, formatting and highlights, without the need for Postback which is not so clean.
by William Van Winkle
Recently, the Intel® App Innovation Contest in partnership with the Intel® Developer Zone sent developers a challenge to find the next big target in touch, and >Adam Hill may have blasted it with his award-winning Hot Shots* spaceship game.
by lepipele
Enjoy watching your videos on the big screen by building your own Home Theater PC and using XBMC / Kodi. Article also touches on other Media Players like Roku 3, Apple TV, Android TV Boxes...
In this article we are going to build a UserControl in WPF which is intended to make the user choose a directory in his FIleSystem
by HTML5 Partners
The increasing power and complexity of these apps means developers need better tools like Error.stack for handling errors and diagnosing bugs. In this article, I’ll show you some simple debugging techniques to help save you time.
by David Fahlander
Discover the hidden features of indexedDB!
by Chris Moutsos
How to connect to Amazon S3 with gSOAP to store and retrieve data
by Stevan Rogers
Dynamically adapting your UI to 2 in 1 configuration changes
by zapsolution
DWM composition
Image cryptography using RSA algorithm in C#
by LEADTOOLS Support
The advanced WinRT imaging technology in LEADTOOLS will include everything developers need to build imaging enabled Windows Store applications including support for loading and saving over 100 file formats, PDF and PDF/A, touch screen enabled viewer controls, annotations and image processing.
by wim4you
Demo Program WarpImage, Creating and Dragging linked points(Thumbnails,MVVM), access all pixels from/to WPF image, rigid MLS algorithm
by meghana-rao
In this paper we walk through a sample application (in this case a game that quizzes people on the Periodic Table) that enables multi-user, multi-touch capability and is optimized for large touchscreen displays.
by orouit
This article demonstrates how to implement interfaces defined for a WinRT component using WRL and C++.
by marcofranssen
In a previous blog post I explained to you how to install Windows 8 in a virtual machine in VirtualBox. In VirtualBox I used 1 gig of memory and 2 of my cores and it performed quite good. However in the metro interface I had some issues with my mouse (scrolling, delays etc.) So yesterday [...]
by Nathaniel_Chen
This article show how to integrate Arduino, RaspberryPi, Azure EventHubs, WorkRole, WebService, WCF with Restful API to build a simple IoT information service backend connect by Universal App.
by LEADTOOLS Support
Introduce you to the key features of the new .NET OCR classes, provide you with a step-by-step approach for creating an OCR application, and provide you with sample code.
by Abhishek Nandy
An Overview of IOT
by BjutCS
Here ,we provide simple and practical keyword extraction software and dll for long text
by Edgar Maass
Display a Point Cloud grabbed by the Microsoft Kinect v2 in a OpenGL control
by Abhishek Nandy
Every Possible solution at one place
by Tim_Duncan
This article will discuss how the Krita developers added 2 in 1 mode-awareness - including implementation of both automatic and user-selected mode switching and some of the areas developers should consider when creating applications for the 2 in 1 experience to their applications.
by meghana-rao
Learn cutting edge UX from our world-class, featured expert, Luke Wroblewski and unlock the incredible capabilities, opportunities and user experiences that 2 in 1 devices can deliver.
by Gaurav Aroraa
In this article, we will discuss all about TDD Katas and how we can get hands-on with Test Driven Development (TDD).
by Shao Voon Wong
Lee Algorithm Mazesolver in MFC and Direct2D
by Paul Lindberg
This case study illustrates how, working with Intel engineers, Tencent optimized Xuan Yuan added touch, and updated the UI to provide a high quality gaming experience on 2 in 1 systems and Ultrabooks running Windows* 8.
by Tim Corey
A smart task list that is as portable and compact as the Ultrabook it is designed to run on.
by Evgeny Pereguda
Simple imitation of direct streaming of live video from web cam on YouTube service on Windows 8 and Windows 10
by Pooja Baraskar
Making the App World-Ready by adapting it for a specific culture and language.
by Intel
Loclville is a free Windows* 8 app that provides an easy-to-use virtual community notice board. This article covers that app's journey.
by Winfried Wille
M3U-Copy copies the entries of a playlist in the M3U format to a target directory or rewrites the playlist
by webmaster442
A mini howto on using bass.dll & wrapper.
by Fun@learn
This article provides Attached Behavior based approach to manage Multiple Selection in Collection Based UI control from the View Model. All the code in this article is strictly applicable to Win 8 metro style apps. Though the Behaviors can be easily adapted to WPF/Silverlight.
by Farhan Ghumra
A Metro style app for basic drawing feature.
by Meshack Musundi
A Metro tile puzzle game
by aljodav
A very easy way to drive PowerShell console application through MFC
by Arpankumar Rank
MixUp Puzzle! Is a Memory Power Game. It can be played by anybody especially kids.
by Dave Clemmer
Mo+ is the first technology that fully supports model oriented development, allowing software developers to powerfully scale the work they already do.
by apmyhr
Touch enabled application for creating scrapbooks from social service hosted pictures.
by Variya karan
Navigation in Windows 8 with data
by Dominic Milano
When Dmitriy Golonanov, the CEO of the international company, Maestro Music Software, learned that many musicians would rather use a lightweight tablet than carry a laptop to gigs or a classroom, he decided to enlist a small team of developers, which included Sergey Samokhin, to create music notatio
by Ted_Johnson
Optical Zooming: How to Correct Legacy Document Modes Problems with Fonts.
by Tiago Conceição
Library for handling and retrieving system icons
by meghana-rao
In this article, you can explore the hardware capabilities of 2 in 1 devices, opportunities that Windows* 8/8.1-based 2 in 1 devices provide to both consumer and enterprise applications, and recommendations for developing apps for the best user experience on each mode.
by Dominic Milano
TheBestSync, a China-based software company focused on integrated software and hardware solutions, entered the Intel App Innovation Contest 2013 (Intel AIC 2013) in partnership with Intel® Developer Zone with the idea of combining game and music technology with an AIO device to create an exciting n
by Ched1980
A four-player soap-box time-trial game with a twist.
by abhichak
Describing use of Parallel.Invoke and Tasks
by Abhishek Nandy
An app that contains heavy dosage of perceptual games
by Gazmend Jakupi
Tutorial for developing in PHP
by Rahul Lalmalani
This articles shows you how to put your site logo right next to apps on the Windows 8 Start Screen.
by Edgar Maass
Different methods to align (aka stich, register) point clouds via the ICP (Iterative Closest Point) method
by stevemk14ebr
A modern, universal, c++ hooking library.
by Giannakakis Kostas
Port your libgdx games to run in Windows Phone and Windows 8 platforms
by InvisibleMedia
Specify grammatical contexts
by Jason Gleim
An application to help QA inspectors in the field
by Florian Rappl
Architecture, design and implementation of a cross-platform Windows Desktop / Windows Store space shoot-em-up game.
by Ben Thorner
A tutorial on RadialControls - a library of circular controls for Windows 8 Apps.
by SergeiR[MCTS]
First of a kind radiation counter directly connected to ARM processor on Windows RT
by Yvan Rodrigues
A head start for App Innovation contestants
by ljw1004
How to record and play PCM audio on Windows 8 in .NET.
by S.Prateek
This is a basic how-to guideline to record audio in Windows Phone 8.1
by Kirill__
Reminder: simple Windows Store App. In this App I try to use some specific features for Windows 8 app. As result - i got good experience and now i want to show what was done.
by Abhishek Nandy
A must app for Tablet Guys!!
by bssrini
Browser control plays an important role in hybrid application development, when browser controls are used for a prolonged time its memory foot print starts to increase gradually. This article explains a way to host the browser control in a separate process which can be loaded/unloaded as needed.
by linkedPIXEL
Unleash your wildest creativity with this unique doodle app for all ages.
by Fredrik Bornander
Showing how to prune nodes of a TreeView as a means of searching
by Md. Faroque Hossain
Sending Faxes with fax-modem and telephone line in C#
by Geoff Arnold
Built for the Lenovo ThinkPad* Tablet 2 and Ultrabook™ 2 in 1, running Windows* 8.1, SensiGator thoroughly takes advantage of the various sensors and input modalities of the tablet platfor
by Adil Mughal
This article explains how developers can leverage Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) pattern and .NET Portable Class Libraries (PCL) to create a shared/reusable code for developing apps on Windows Phone and Windows Store platforms.
by Intel
This tutorial demonstrates how to share surfaces between OpenCL™ and DirectX 11 with Intel ® Processor Graphics on Microsoft Windows, using the surface sharing extension in OpenCL.
by Oleg Shilo
This article describes the CS-Script C# Intellisense plugin for Notepad++ (CSScriptNpp).
by Pritesh Dhokchaule
by Khademul Basher
Single Page Application development using Backbone and performing database operations using Web API services.
by Tim_Duncan
This article highlights a few of the advances in Corel Painter* 2015.
by DotNetMastermind
Login Overlay for WPF applications with a styling similar to the Windows 8 Login Screen.
by Joe Dufresne
A small utility app which uses the excellent NAudio library to help organize backing tracks (audio files for band minus one situations), chord / lead sheets, lyrics, etc. Intended for Windows tablets running a full version of Windows 8.1.
by Brad_Hill
Upgrading to Windows 8.1 further refines the Windows 8 user experience. Many of the changes are subtle, but there are some significant points that showcase the performance and power of Intel architecture.
by Abhishek Nandy
an app that provides 3D models of Human SpaceFlights
by Michael Chourdakis
The ability to compress/decompress data in Win32
by Alvin Ashcraft
This year I have been looking at and starting to use several components from the Universal 14.2.4 release.
by Alvin Ashcraft
This is my third and final review of the Intel Ultrabook.
by Colleen Culbertson
This article, aimed at developers, will provide a glimpse into this 64-bit, multi-core SOC processor, and gives an overview of the available Intel® technologies, including Intel® HD Graphics 5300.
by Qwertie
Lots of new stuff this time, including an (almost) complete C# parser demo
by Qwertie
The ambivalent world of ambiguity, the slash, greedy and nongreedy. At the end, in lieu of refreshments, there will be an API reference.
by Ched1980
Four player sci-fi maze game with traps and looting and that
by Manning
Chapter excerpt from Windows 8 Apps with HTML5 and JavaScript
by Santhoshpettacode
Make to Cook any one with health care service to the user
by Mark Kruger
To And From Binary Literals for all standard .net numeric value types.
by zapsolution
Self contained EXE animation
by Intel
Ultrabook Convertible Application Design Considerations.
by kishore Gaddam
Internals of how the application is installed and run – WinRT, Windows 8, C++, C#.NET, Metro
by Timo Kunze
Use undocumented parts of the Windows Vista list view API to enhance your application.
by Vahe Karamian
The tenth article in a series to discuss Unity 3D and how to get started with your own 3D projects.
by Vahe Karamian
The third article in a series to discuss Unity 3D and how to get started with your own 3D projects.
by Vahe Karamian
The fourth article in a series to discuss Unity 3D and how to get started with your own 3D projects.
by Vahe Karamian
The fifth article in a series to discuss Unity 3D and how to get started with your own 3D projects.
by Vahe Karamian
The sixth article in a series to discuss Unity 3D and how to get started with your own 3D projects.
by Vahe Karamian
The seventh article in a series to discuss Unity 3D and how to get started with your own 3D projects.
by Vahe Karamian
The eighth article in a series to discuss Unity 3D and how to get started with your own 3D projects.
by Vahe Karamian
The ninth article in a series to discuss Unity 3D and how to get started with your own 3D projects.
by Vahe Karamian
The first article in a series to discuss Unity 3D and how to get started with your own 3D projects.
by Vahe Karamian
This article will cover the basics of Leap Motion integration into your Unity 3D project. We will look at the basic setup and implementation of the basics to get you started. In order for you to try the code, you will need to have the Leap Motion hardware.
by Vahe Karamian
This article will cover the basics of network programming using Network View in Unity 3D. We will be creating an Authoritative Server based networking environment showcasing the basics functions of network programming using Unity 3D and C#.
by Saad_Mahmood
Unleashing Grids in Expression Blend and it's Major Role in Responsive Design
by William Costa Rodrigues
This article explains an easy method to download and update your WinForms application
by ljw1004
How to use UPnP on Windows 8
by Douglas M. Weems
Easily import Excel Sheets into PowerShell as PS Objects
by Pablo Fernandez Duran
This article will show you how to use the CodeFluent Entities UI producers. From the same and unique model you can generate screens that will be rendered in the targeted platforms of your choice. You will see how CodeFluent Entities is totally UI-agnostic.
by orouit
This article describes a solution to access API and resources that are not available with WinRT.
by Peter Moore - Chicago
By writing your own Virtual File System with a little C++, you can escape ApplicationData.LocalFolder and read and write databases in any folder your app has access to.
by rerhart585
Using SQLite, leverage the create_aggregate(), and SQL's Between Operator to create a Normal Probability Distribution Histogram, or what is more commonly referred to as a Bell Curve.
by netfed
A Winforms application for configuring EC2 security groups - a future winforms ec2 console
by Steve Grundy
This article describes using the Windows MIDI API functions in a managed environment.
by Andrey Dryazgov
Introduces a managed wrapper for the Interaction Context API and provides a consistent way for processing touch input in a managed desktop app for WinForms.
by Petr Alexeev
Version Helper API for .NET – checking version of Windows 8.1 or Windows Server 2012 R2 without Environment.OSVersion or application manifest
by KillBot Project
A make-over of one of the most popular family games, Monopoly.
by ambilykk
Article explain the importance of background processing in Windows 8 Store App development and how to create a background process in Windows 8 Store App
by Steve Chippy Paine
Harris Beach Developer Ultrabook unboxing and first impressions
by Florian Rappl
Exploring WPF capabilities, limitations and work-arounds to create state-of-the-art applications with multi-touch features.
by Nayan Choudhary
WPF DataGrid with columns having drop down filter option (Excel style)
by Khaled Abdelhamid
Core utility components - Localization, Configuration, Logging, and Exception Handling.
by 65Goat
This contest submission is for a home monitoring solution that reads temperature, humidity and states from various sensors around a home. The data is stored in Azure and can be accessed via mobile devices.
by Petrov Vladimir
The alternative way of recent files handling with the direct access to the list of the files notepad edit including.