MixUp Puzzle! is a Memory Power Game. It can be played by anybody especially kids. It is specially designed for Windows 8 Metro & Desktop using Touch Screen and GPS Technology. It is multi-touch game so that children can play in a group.
How It Was Born?
It was born in Venture Studio when I was sitting alone in a room and suddenly I thought of making this simple puzzle game so that everyone can play and have fun with the MixUp Puzzle! Game.
- Choose Category as per your requirement and interest, and play.
- Can be played with Keyboard-Mouse or Touch Screen devices running Windows 8.
- Uses Accelerometer so that user can't get bored while playing the game. (I am working on this feature.)

Features Related to Lenovo* IdeaCentreā¢ Horizon Table PC
- Touch Screen
- Accelerometer
How It Works?
- First, we collect the name of the player.

Log In ScreenShot

- Now, user will tap the "Start Game" button and the location of user will be retrieved using GPS of Lenovo* IdeaCentreā¢ Horizon All-in-One (AIO).
Getting Location:
Geolocator loc = new Geolocator();
loc.DesiredAccuracy = PositionAccuracy.High;
Geoposition pos = await loc.GetGeopositionAsync();
- Categories: Colors name, Birds name, Animals name, Instruments name, etc. User can select any category.
- Now the main screen of MixUp Puzzle Game opens, where some alphabets are randomly moving here and there.

- User has to keep up with those alphabets and put them in the right place to complete level.
- Here Timer counts time in seconds.
- Once the user places alphabets in the right position, for example, suppose there are 6 blank boxes and user placed alphabet "O" "R" "A" "N" "G" "E" in order, Big Box turns to orange colour according to object name.

- Used metro UI of Windows 8 to show dialog boxes.

- And finished game? Then share your score on your social networking site, using Windows 8 social networking tools...
Dim dataTransferM As Windows.ApplicationModel.DataTransfer.DataTransferManager =
AddHandler dataTransferM.DataRequested, AddressOf dataTransferM_DataRequested
Private Sub dataTransferM_DataRequested_
(sender As DataTransfer.DataTransferManager, args As DataTransfer.DataRequestedEventArgs)
args.Request.Data.Properties.Title = "MixUp Puzzle!"
args.Request.Data.Properties.Description = "My Score in MixUp Puzzle!"
args.Request.Data.SetText("Yippee!" & Environment.NewLine & _
"I have scored " & Amount & _
" points in MixUp Puzzle!" & Environment.NewLine & _
"And What about you?" & Environment.NewLine & _
"Get in the game and gamble on yourself.")
End Sub

- Time to replay or give feedback...