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Custom Captions (Including Multi-line Captions)

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15 Jul 2000CPOL 241.7K   6.8K   63  
Simple customised Window captions, including multi-line captions
// class CCaption
// Generic caption painter. Handles WM_NCPAINT, WM_NCACTIVATE, etc. to
// handle drawing custom captions. To use it:
// - call Install from your frame's OnCreate function. 
// - Set a custom CaptionBackground if desired
// - Set custom TextAttributes if required
//	 Derive from this class for custom caption layouts.
//   If you are drawing custom caption buttons, you must handle WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN & co.
//   yourself. CCaption does not handle the mouse for custom caption buttons. 
//	Author: Dave Lorde	(
//          Copyright 1999
//			- based on a 1997 Microsoft Systems Journal
//            C++ Q&A article by Paul DiLascia. 

#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "Caption.h"
#include "CaptionBackground.h"
#include "CaptionTextAttributes.h"
#include "SuppressStyle.h"
#include "AutoSelector.h"
#include <algorithm>

using std::_cpp_max;
using std::_cpp_min;

#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;

const int		MinLuminosity	= 90;				   // good from trial & error
const COLORREF	ColorWhite		= RGB(255,255,255);

IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(CCaption, CSubclassWnd);

// Default Constructor 
	:m_pBackground(0), m_pTextAttributes(0)

	delete m_pBackground, m_pBackground = 0;
	delete m_pTextAttributes, m_pTextAttributes = 0;

// Install caption handler. 
BOOL CCaption::Install(CFrameWnd* pFrameWnd)
	ASSERT_KINDOF(CFrameWnd, pFrameWnd);

	return HookWindow(pFrameWnd);

// Replace default background painter. 
void CCaption::SetBackground(CCaptionBackground* pBackground)
	if (m_pBackground)
		delete m_pBackground;

	m_pBackground = pBackground;


// Replace default text attributes
void CCaption::SetTextAttributes(CCaptionTextAttributes* pTextAttributes)
	if (m_pTextAttributes)
		delete m_pTextAttributes;

	m_pTextAttributes = pTextAttributes;


// Regenerate and display caption
void CCaption::Refresh()

// Ensure caption bitmaps are repainted	next time through OnNcPaint()
void CCaption::Invalidate() 
	m_szCaption = CSize(0,0); 

// Message handler handles caption-related messages
LRESULT CCaption::WindowProc(UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp)
	switch (msg) 
		return 0;

		return OnNcActivate(wp);

		return 0;

		return 0;
	// We don't handle it: pass along
	return CSubclassWnd::WindowProc(msg, wp, lp);

// Handle WM_NCPAINT for main window
void CCaption::OnNcPaint(HRGN hRgn)
	CWnd& wnd = *m_pWndHooked;

	CRect rc = GetCaptionRect();	// caption rectangle in window coords
	CRect rcWin;					
	wnd.GetWindowRect(&rcWin);		// .. get window rect
	rc += rcWin.TopLeft();			// convert caption rect to screen coords

	// Don't bother painting if the caption doesn't lie within the region.
	if ((WORD)hRgn > 1 && !::RectInRegion(hRgn, &rc)) 
		Default();					// just do default thing
		return;						// and quit

	// Exclude caption from update region
	HRGN hRgnCaption = ::CreateRectRgnIndirect(&rc);
	HRGN hRgnNew     = ::CreateRectRgnIndirect(&rc);

	if ((WORD)hRgn > 1) 
		// wParam is a valid region: subtract caption from it
		::CombineRgn(hRgnNew, hRgn, hRgnCaption, RGN_DIFF);
		// wParam is not a valid region: create one that's the whole
		// window minus the caption bar
		HRGN hRgnAll = ::CreateRectRgnIndirect(&rcWin);
		CombineRgn(hRgnNew, hRgnAll, hRgnCaption, RGN_DIFF);

	// Call Windows to do WM_NCPAINT with altered update region
	MSG& msg = AfxGetThreadState()->m_lastSentMsg;
	WPARAM savewp = msg.wParam;		// save original wParam
	msg.wParam = (WPARAM)hRgnNew;	// set new region for DefWindowProc

	Default();						// Normal message handling

	DeleteObject(hRgnCaption);		// clean up
	DeleteObject(hRgnNew);			// ...
	msg.wParam = savewp;			// restore original wParam

	PaintCaption();					// Now paint our special caption

// Handle WM_NCACTIVATE for main window
BOOL CCaption::OnNcActivate(BOOL bActive)
	CFrameWnd& frame = *((CFrameWnd*)m_pWndHooked);
	ASSERT_KINDOF(CFrameWnd, &frame);

	// Mimic MFC kludge to stay active if WF_STAYACTIVE bit is on
	if (frame.m_nFlags & WF_STAYACTIVE)
		bActive = TRUE;

	if (!frame.IsWindowEnabled())			// but not if disabled
		bActive = FALSE;

	if (bActive == m_bActive)
		return TRUE;						// nothing to do

	// In case this is a MDI app, manually activate/paint active MDI child
	// window, because Windows won't do it if parent frame is invisible.
	// Must do this BEFORE calling Default, or it will not work.
	CFrameWnd* pActiveFrame = frame.GetActiveFrame();

	if (pActiveFrame != &frame) 
		pActiveFrame->SendMessage(WM_NCACTIVATE, bActive);

	// Turn WS_VISIBLE off before calling DefWindowProc,
	// so DefWindowProc won't paint and thereby cause flicker.
		SuppressStyle ss(frame.GetSafeHwnd(), WS_VISIBLE);

		MSG& msg = AfxGetThreadState()->m_lastSentMsg;
		msg.wParam = bActive;

		Default();						// Normal message handling
	// At this point, nothing has happened (since WS_VISIBLE was off).
	// Now it's time to paint.
	m_bActive = bActive;				// update state
	frame.SendMessage(WM_NCPAINT);		// paint non-client area (frame too)

	return TRUE;						// done OK

// Handle WM_SETTEXT for main window
void CCaption::OnSetText(LPCTSTR)
	CWnd& wnd = *m_pWndHooked;

	// Turn WS_VISIBLE style off before calling Windows to
	// set the text. Reset to visible afterwards
		SuppressStyle ss(wnd.GetSafeHwnd(), WS_VISIBLE);

		Default();						// Normal message handling

// Ensure caption is repainted when system colors change
void CCaption::OnColorChange()
	Default();							 // Normal message handling

// Paint custom caption. m_bActive flag tells whether frame is active or not. 
// Just blast the bitmap to the title bar.
void CCaption::PaintCaption()
	CWnd& wnd = *m_pWndHooked;

	// Get caption DC and rectangle
	CWindowDC dcWin(&wnd);					// window DC
	CDC dc;									// memory DC
	dc.CreateCompatibleDC(&dcWin);			// ...create it

	CRect rc = GetCaptionRect();			// get caption rectangle
	if (rc.Size() != m_szCaption) 			// if size changed:
		m_bmCaption[0].DeleteObject();		// invalidate bitmaps
		m_bmCaption[1].DeleteObject();		// ...
		m_szCaption = rc.Size();			// update new size

	// Get active/inactive bitmap & determine if needs to be regenerated
	CBitmap& bm = m_bmCaption[m_bActive != 0];	// get bitmap

	BOOL bPaintIt = FALSE;						// paint new bitmap?

	if (!HBITMAP(bm)) 
	{											// no bitmap, so create one	  :
		bm.CreateCompatibleBitmap(&dcWin, rc.Width(), rc.Height()); 
		bPaintIt = TRUE;						// and paint it
	CBitmap* pOldBitmap = dc.SelectObject(&bm);	// select bitmap into memory DC

	// If bitmap needs painting, do it
	if (bPaintIt) 

	// blast bits to screen
	dcWin.BitBlt(rc.left,, rc.Width(), rc.Height(), &dc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);

	dc.SelectObject(pOldBitmap);				// restore DC

// Paint the caption bitmap. Override for custom caption painters.
// Note: SDK DrawCaption() method not used, so as to provide useful 
// virtual functions for derived caption painters
void CCaption::PaintBitmap(CDC* pDC)





// Delegate background painting to CCaptionBackground class
void CCaption::PaintBackground(CDC* pDC)
	GetBackground()->Paint(pDC, m_szCaption, m_bActive);

// Paint the border between the bottom of the caption rectangle and the 
// shadow on the top of the client rectangle 
void CCaption::PaintLowerBorder(CDC* pDC)
	int x = 0;
	int y = - GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYBORDER);
	int h =;
	int w =;

	CCaptionBackground::PaintRect(pDC, x, y, w, h, GetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE));

// Calculate the caption text clipping rect
CRect CCaption::GetTextRect()
	CRect textRect = GetCaptionRect();
	textRect.left += GetIconWidth();
	textRect.right -= GetButtonsWidth() + 4; -= 2;
	return textRect;

// Draw the caption text onto the bitmap
void CCaption::PaintText(CDC* pDC)
	pDC->SetBkMode(TRANSPARENT);			// draw on top of our background

	CString text;
	CWnd& wnd = *m_pWndHooked;


	// Set text color
	COLORREF textColor = GetTextColor(m_bActive);


	// Get caption font	and select into DC
	AutoSelector a(pDC, GetFont(m_bActive));

	CRect textRect = GetTextRect();

	pDC->DrawText(text, textRect, DT_LEFT|DT_END_ELLIPSIS);

// Draw caption icon if valid DC is provided. Returns effective width of icon.
int CCaption::PaintIcon(CDC* pDC)
	CWnd& wnd = *m_pWndHooked;

	// If there's no icon or system menu, don't draw one
	if (!(wnd.GetStyle() & WS_SYSMENU))
		return 0;

	// Within the basic button rectangle, Windows 95 uses a 1 or 2 pixel border
	// Icon has 2 pixel border on left, 1 pixel on top/bottom, 0 right
	int cxIcon = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSIZE);
	CRect rc(0, 0, cxIcon, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSIZE));
	rc.left += 2;
	if (pDC != 0)
		DrawIconEx(pDC->m_hDC, rc.left,, 
			(HICON)GetClassLong(wnd.m_hWnd, GCL_HICONSM),
			rc.Width(), rc.Height(), 0, NULL, DI_NORMAL);
	return cxIcon;

// Helper
int CCaption::GetIconWidth()
	return PaintIcon();

// Draw min, max/restore, close buttons.
// Returns total width of buttons drawn.
int CCaption::PaintButtons(CDC* pDC)
	CWnd& wnd = *m_pWndHooked;
	DWORD dwStyle = wnd.GetStyle();
	if (!(dwStyle & WS_CAPTION))
		return 0;

	int cxIcon = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSIZE);
	int cyIcon = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSIZE);

	// Draw caption buttons. These are all drawn inside a rectangle
	// of dimensions SM_CXSIZE by SM_CYSIZE
	CRect captRect = GetCaptionRect();
	CRect rc(0, 0, cxIcon, cyIcon);
	rc += CPoint(captRect.Width() - cxIcon, 0);	// move right

	// Close box has a 2 pixel border on all sides but left, which is zero
	rc.right -= 2;

	if (pDC)

	// Max/restore button is like close box; just shift rectangle left
	// Also does help button, if any.
	BOOL bMaxBox = dwStyle & WS_MAXIMIZEBOX;
	if (bMaxBox || (wnd.GetExStyle() & WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP)) 
		rc -= CPoint(cxIcon, 0);
		if (pDC)
			pDC->DrawFrameControl(&rc, DFC_CAPTION,
				bMaxBox ? (wnd.IsZoomed() ? DFCS_CAPTIONRESTORE : DFCS_CAPTIONMAX) :

	// Minimize button has 2 pixel border on all sides but right.
	if (dwStyle & WS_MINIMIZEBOX) 
		rc -= CPoint(cxIcon - 2,0);
		if (pDC)
			pDC->DrawFrameControl(&rc, DFC_CAPTION, 
	return captRect.Width() - (rc.left - 2);

int CCaption::GetButtonsWidth()
	return PaintButtons();

// Calculate the caption rectangle relative to the window frame
CRect CCaption::GetCaptionRect()
	CWnd& wnd = *m_pWndHooked;

	// Get window rect as window-relative
	CRect captionRect;
	captionRect -= captionRect.TopLeft();	// shift origin to (0,0)

	// Shrink to caption size
	CSize szFrame = GetFrameSize();
	captionRect.bottom = + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION);	// height of caption

	// Iconic captions move 1 pixel up. They just do, OK?
	if (wnd.IsIconic())
		captionRect.OffsetRect(0, -1);
	return captionRect;

// Return width and height of window frame elements
CSize CCaption::GetFrameSize() const
	CWnd& wnd = *m_pWndHooked;

	// Get size of frame around window
	DWORD dwStyle = wnd.GetStyle();
	CSize szFrame = (dwStyle & WS_THICKFRAME) ?
			   GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSIZEFRAME)) :
	return szFrame;

COLORREF CCaption::GetTextColor(BOOL bActive)
	COLORREF textColor = bActive ? GetTextAttributes()->GetActiveColor() :
// Uncomment these lines to automatically set the text colour to white
// when the background is too dark
//	if (GetLuminosity(textColor) < MinLuminosity)		
//		textColor = ColorWhite;

	return textColor;

// Delegate to CCaptionTextAttributes for appropriate font
CFont* CCaption::GetFont(BOOL m_bActive)
	CWnd& wnd = *m_pWndHooked;

	if (!wnd.IsIconic())
		return m_bActive ? GetTextAttributes()->GetActiveFont() : 
		return CCaptionTextAttributes::GetSystemFont();

// Lazy construction of text attributes	object
CCaptionTextAttributes* CCaption::GetTextAttributes()
	if (!m_pTextAttributes)
		m_pTextAttributes = new CCaptionTextAttributes();
	return m_pTextAttributes;

// Lazy construction of background object
CCaptionBackground* CCaption::GetBackground()
	if (!m_pBackground)
		m_pBackground = new CCaptionBackground();

	return m_pBackground;

// Helper function to compute the luminosity for an RGB color.
// Measures how bright the color is. I use this so I can draw the caption
// text using the user's chosen color, unless it's too dark. See MSDN for
// definition of luminosity and how to compute it.
int CCaption::GetLuminosity(COLORREF color) const
	const int HlsMax = 240;	// This is what Display Properties uses
	const int RgbMax = 255;	// max r/g/b value is 255
	int r = GetRValue(color);
	int g = GetGValue(color);
	int b = GetBValue(color);
	int rgbMax = _MAX( _MAX(r, g), b);
	int rgbMin = _MIN( _MIN(r, g), b);
	return (((rgbMax + rgbMin) * HlsMax) + RgbMax ) / (2 * RgbMax);

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