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Resource ID Organiser Add-In for Visual C++ 5.0/6.0/.NET

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10 Jan 2005CPOL25 min read 539.2K   12.1K   201  
An application/add-in to organise and renumber resource symbol IDs
// CJListCtrl.cpp : implementation file
// Copyright � 1998-1999, All Rights Reserved.
// See ReadMe.txt for TERMS OF USE.
// Based on the CListView articles from
 * $Date: 15/12/02 18:01 $
 * $Revision: 6 $
 * $Archive: /Projects/Libraries/CJLibrary/CJLibrary/CJListCtrl.cpp $
 * $History: CJListCtrl.cpp $
 * *****************  Version 6  *****************
 * User: Anna         Date: 15/12/02   Time: 18:01
 * Updated in $/Projects/Libraries/CJLibrary/CJLibrary
 * Added support for native (ComCtl v6) sort images in header controls
 * *****************  Version 5  *****************
 * User: Andy         Date: 13/06/02   Time: 17:16
 * Updated in $/Projects/AddIns/ResOrg/CJLibrary/CJLibrary
 * Modified CCJListCtrl/CCJListViewl::AutoSizeColumn() to better handle
 * columns with sort images - still not perfect, but definitely an
 * improvement
 * *****************  Version 4  *****************
 * User: Andy         Date: 2/25/02    Time: 4:19p
 * Updated in $/Projects/Libraries/CJLibrary/CJLibrary
 * 1.  CCJListCtrl::OnCustomDraw() is now an ON_NOTIFY_REFLECT_EX() hander
 * which returns FALSE - allowing the parent dialog to handle the message
 * if necessary
 * 2.  CCJListCtrl::m_clrText and m_clrTextBk are now initialised to
 * CLR_DEFAULT instead of COLOR_WINDOWTEXT and COLOR_WINDOW respectively.
 * This allows the control to paint correctly if the system colour scheme
 * changes and the text/background colours haven't been explicitly set
 * *****************  Version 3  *****************
 * User: Andy         Date: 28/03/01   Time: 15:45
 * Updated in $/Projects/AddIns/ResOrg/CJLibrary/CJLibrary
 * Deactivated the OnPaint() handler - the client area of the list control
 * wasn't always painting correctly
 * *****************  Version 2  *****************
 * User: Andy         Date: 5/03/01    Time: 15:50
 * Updated in $/Projects/AddIns/ResOrg/CJLibrary/CJLibrary
 * Bug fixes
 * *****************  Version 10  *****************
 * User: Kirk Stowell Date: 10/30/99   Time: 1:52p
 * Updated in $/CodeJock/CJLibrary
 * Overrode OnEraseBkgnd(...) and OnPaint(...) to handle flicker free
 * drawing.
 * *****************  Version 9  *****************
 * User: Kirk Stowell Date: 10/25/99   Time: 10:52p
 * Updated in $/CodeJock/CJLibrary
 * Modified resource include for static builds.
 * *****************  Version 8  *****************
 * User: Kirk Stowell Date: 8/29/99    Time: 11:45p
 * Updated in $/CodeJockey/CJLibrary
 * Fixed memory lead with header  control allocation.
 * *****************  Version 7  *****************
 * User: Kirk Stowell Date: 8/29/99    Time: 9:14p
 * Updated in $/CodeJockey/CJLibrary
 * Added Unicode compliance, thanks to Barry Burton for his help with
 * this.
 * *****************  Version 6  *****************
 * User: Kirk Stowell Date: 7/25/99    Time: 12:30a
 * Updated in $/CodeJockey/CJLibrary
 * *****************  Version 5  *****************
 * User: Kirk Stowell Date: 6/23/99    Time: 12:33a
 * Updated in $/CodeJockey/CJLibrary
 * *****************  Version 4  *****************
 * User: Kirk Stowell Date: 6/12/99    Time: 2:29a
 * Updated in $/CodeJockey/CJ60Lib
 * Cleaned up initialization, sorting and column info saving. Removed sort
 * functions, which were replaced with the virtual function SortList(...).
 * Override this function in your derived class to perform custom sorting.
 * See CCJShellList for an implementation of this virtual function.
 * *****************  Version 3  *****************
 * User: Kirk Stowell Date: 4/03/99    Time: 8:38p
 * Updated in $/CodeJockey/CJ60Lib
 * Added comments and cleaned up code.
 * *****************  Version 2  *****************
 * User: Kirk Stowell Date: 3/03/99    Time: 8:37p
 * Updated in $/CodeJockey/CJ60Lib
 * Added InitializeFlatHeader() in order to initialize the list control
 * manually.
 * *****************  Version 1  *****************
 * User: Kirk Stowell Date: 1/16/99    Time: 8:37p
 * Created in $/CodeJockey/CJ60Lib
 * Initial release.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "CJListCtrl.h"
#include "CJFlatHeaderCtrl.h"
#include "CJResource.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;

#ifndef HDF_SORTUP
	#define HDF_SORTUP              0x0400
	#define HDF_SORTDOWN            0x0200

// CCJListCtrl

	m_nMinSize		= 0;
	m_nMinColWidth	= 50;
	m_nMaxColWidth	= 500;
	m_nSortedCol	= -1;
	m_bAscending	= true;
	m_bAutoSave		= false;	
	m_bNoColSizing	= false;
	m_pHeaderCtrl	= NULL;
	m_clrText		= CLR_DEFAULT;
	m_clrTextBk 	= CLR_DEFAULT;

	_delete( m_pHeaderCtrl );



// CCJListCtrl message handlers

// Taken from: Copying/Moving Rows in CListCtrl by James Spibey []. 
bool CCJListCtrl::MoveRow(int nFrom, int nTo)
	//Can't move to the same place, or from or to a negative index
	if(nFrom == nTo || nFrom < 0 || nTo < 0)
		return false;
	//First Copy the row to the new location
	if(CopyRow(nFrom, nTo))
		//If we have just inserted a row before
		//this one in the list, we need to increment
		//our index.
		if(nFrom > nTo)
			DeleteItem(nFrom + 1);
		return true;
		return false;

// Taken from: Copying/Moving Rows in CListCtrl by James Spibey []. 
bool CCJListCtrl::CopyRow(int nFrom, int nTo)
	//Can't move to the same place, or from or to a negative index
	if(nFrom == nTo || nFrom < 0 || nTo < 0)
		return false;

	//Copy the row to the new index
	InsertItem(nTo, GetItemText(nFrom, 0));

	//If row has been inserted before original
	//increment the original
	if(nFrom > nTo)

	//Loop through subitems
	for(int i = 1; i < GetColumnCount(); i++)
		SetItemText(nTo, i, GetItemText(nFrom, i));

	return true;

// Taken from: Getting the number of columns in report view by Zafir Anjum.
int CCJListCtrl::GetColumnCount() const
	CHeaderCtrl* pHeader = (CHeaderCtrl*)GetDlgItem(0);
	return pHeader->GetItemCount();

// Taken from: Simpler way to do this (using new version of Comctl32.dll) by Vidas [].
BOOL CCJListCtrl::OnCustomDraw(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) 
		// Request prepaint notifications for each item.
    case CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT: // Requested notification
		if(lplvcd->nmcd.dwItemSpec >= 0)		// Was dwItemSpec % 2 before!
		{										// AJM 11.9.2000 []
			lplvcd->clrText   = m_clrText;

			// Only change the background colour if the window is enabled
			// Otherwise, use the system default
			// AJM 11.9.2000 []
			if (IsWindowEnabled() )
				lplvcd->clrTextBk = m_clrTextBk;
		*pResult = CDRF_DODEFAULT;
	return FALSE;								// Allow parent a crack at it (AJM 25.2.2002)

BOOL CCJListCtrl::OnNotify(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT* pResult) 
	HD_NOTIFY *pHDNotify = (HD_NOTIFY*)lParam;

	switch( pHDNotify->hdr.code )
	// Sorting the list when user clicks on column header by Zafir Anjum.
			if( pHDNotify->iButton == 0 )
				bool bAscending = m_bAscending;

				// set the sort order.
				if( pHDNotify->iItem == m_nSortedCol )
					bAscending = !bAscending;
					bAscending = true;

				// virtual call to sort list.
				SortList(pHDNotify->iItem, bAscending );

				// set the sort image in the header control.
				// Moved to SortList() AJM 3.3.2001
				//if( m_pHeaderCtrl && m_pHeaderCtrl->GetSafeHwnd( ))
				//	m_pHeaderCtrl->SetSortImage( m_nSortedCol, m_bAscending );

	// How to force a minimum column width Cees Mechielsen.
			if( pHDNotify->pitem->mask & HDI_WIDTH &&
				pHDNotify->pitem->cxy < m_nMinSize &&
				pHDNotify->pitem->cxy >= 0 )
				pHDNotify->pitem->cxy = m_nMinSize;	// Set the column width

	// Prevent CListCtrl column resizing by Zafir Anjum.
				*pResult = TRUE;                // disable tracking
				return TRUE;                    // Processed message

	return CListCtrl::OnNotify(wParam, lParam, pResult);

bool CCJListCtrl::SortList(int nCol, bool bAscending)
#ifdef _DEBUG
	//TRACE2("Column sort on column index %d, ascending=%d\n", nCol, bAscending);

	// Set the sort image in the header control.
	// AJM 3.3.2001
	SetSortImage( nCol, bAscending );

	return true;

// Taken from: Adding a column by Zafir Anjum.

// AddColumn      - adds column after the right most column
// Returns        - the index of the new column if successful or -1 otherwise.
// lpszColHeading - the column's heading
// nWidth         - Width of the column, in pixels. If this parameter is -1, 
//                  the column width is the same as previous column
// nFormat        - the alignment of the column. Can be LVCFMT_LEFT,
//                  LVCFMT_RIGHT, or LVCFMT_CENTER.
int CCJListCtrl::AddColumn(LPCTSTR lpszColHeading, int nWidth/*=-1*/, int nFormat/*=LVCFMT_LEFT*/)
	CHeaderCtrl* pHeader = (CHeaderCtrl*)GetDlgItem(0);
	int nColumnCount = pHeader->GetItemCount();
	if( nWidth == -1 )
		// The line below return zero for ICON views
		//nWidth = GetColumnWidth( nColumnCount - 1 );
		// Get the column width of the previous column from header control
		HD_ITEM hd_item;
		hd_item.mask = HDI_WIDTH;               //indicate that we want the width
		pHeader->GetItem( nColumnCount - 1, &hd_item );
		nWidth = hd_item.cxy;
	return InsertColumn( nColumnCount, lpszColHeading, nFormat, nWidth, nColumnCount );

bool CCJListCtrl::BuildColumns(int nCols, int* nWidth, int* nColString)
	for( int i = 0; i < nCols; ++i ) {
		CString	strTemp; strTemp.LoadString( nColString[i] );
		if(AddColumn(strTemp, nWidth[i])==-1)
			return false;

	return true;

bool CCJListCtrl::BuildColumns(int nCols, int* nWidth, CString* strColString)
	for( int i = 0; i < nCols; ++i ) {
		if(AddColumn(strColString[i], nWidth[i])==-1)
			return false;

	return true;

// Taken from: Detecting column index of the item clicked by Zafir Anjum.

// HitTestEx	- Determine the row index and column index for a point
// Returns		- the row index or -1 if point is not over a row
// point		- point to be tested.
// nCol			- to hold the column index
int CCJListCtrl::HitTestEx(CPoint& point, int* nCol) const
	int colnum = 0;
	int row = HitTest( point, NULL );
	if( nCol ) *nCol = 0;

	// Make sure that the ListView is in LVS_REPORT
	if( (GetWindowLong(m_hWnd, GWL_STYLE) & LVS_TYPEMASK) != LVS_REPORT )
		return row;

	// Get the top and bottom row visible
	row = GetTopIndex();
	int bottom = row + GetCountPerPage();
	if( bottom > GetItemCount() )
		bottom = GetItemCount();
	// Get the number of columns
	CHeaderCtrl* pHeader = (CHeaderCtrl*)GetDlgItem(0);
	int nColumnCount = pHeader->GetItemCount();

	// Loop through the visible rows
	for( ;row <= bottom;row++)
		// Get bounding rect of item and check whether point falls in it.
		CRect rect;
		GetItemRect( row, &rect, LVIR_BOUNDS );
		if( rect.PtInRect(point) )
			// Now find the column
			for( colnum = 0; colnum < nColumnCount; colnum++ )
				int colwidth = GetColumnWidth(colnum);
				if( point.x >= rect.left 
					&& point.x <= (rect.left + colwidth ) )
					if( nCol ) *nCol = colnum;
					return row;
				rect.left += colwidth;
	return -1;

void CCJListCtrl::SetThemeHelper(CCJThemeHelper* pTheme)
	m_pTheme = pTheme;

int CCJListCtrl::SetSortImage(int nCol, bool bAsc)
	int nPrevCol = m_nSortedCol;

	m_nSortedCol	= nCol;
	m_bAscending	= bAsc;

	if (NULL != m_pHeaderCtrl)
		return m_pHeaderCtrl->SetSortImage( m_nSortedCol, m_bAscending );

	// Set the sort image
	HWND hWnd = GetDlgItem(0)->GetSafeHwnd();
	ASSERT(NULL != hWnd);

	HDITEM hditem;

	// Remove the sort image from the previous column (if any)
	if (nPrevCol >= 0)
		hditem.mask = HDI_FORMAT;
		VERIFY( Header_GetItem(hWnd, nPrevCol, &hditem) );

		hditem.fmt = hditem.fmt & ~HDF_SORTDOWN & ~HDF_SORTUP;

		Header_SetItem(hWnd, nPrevCol, &hditem);

	// Now set the sort image on the new column
	hditem.mask = HDI_FORMAT;
	VERIFY( Header_GetItem(hWnd, m_nSortedCol, &hditem) );

	hditem.fmt = hditem.fmt & ~HDF_SORTDOWN & ~HDF_SORTUP;

	hditem.fmt |= m_bAscending ? HDF_SORTUP : HDF_SORTDOWN;

	Header_SetItem(hWnd, m_nSortedCol, &hditem);

	return nPrevCol;

bool CCJListCtrl::SubclassHeader(bool bBoldFont/*=false*/)
	// allocate memory for the flat header.
	m_pHeaderCtrl = new CCJFlatHeaderCtrl;
	ASSERT( m_pHeaderCtrl );

	// get the window handle to the existing header
	// control.
	HWND hWnd = GetDlgItem(0)->GetSafeHwnd();
	ASSERT( hWnd );

	// subclass the flat header control.
	if( !m_pHeaderCtrl->SubclassWindow( hWnd ))
		return false;

	// finish header initialization.
	m_pHeaderCtrl->InitializeHeader( bBoldFont );
	return true;

void CCJListCtrl::AutoSaveColumns(LPCTSTR lpszSection, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPCTSTR lpszDefault)
	m_bAutoSave = true;

	// initialize registry strings.
	if( lpszSection == NULL ) m_strSection = _T("Settings");
	else m_strSection = lpszSection;

	if( lpszEntry == NULL ) m_strEntry = _T("Column Info");
	else m_strEntry = lpszEntry;

	if( lpszDefault == NULL ) m_strDefault = _T("");
	else m_strDefault = lpszDefault;


void CCJListCtrl::SaveColumnWidths()
	// get a pointer to the header control.
	CHeaderCtrl* pHeader = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST(CHeaderCtrl, GetDlgItem(0));
	ASSERT_KINDOF( CHeaderCtrl, pHeader );

	CString strValue;
	for( int i = 0; i < pHeader->GetItemCount(); ++i )
		CString strTemp;
		strTemp.Format(_T("%d,"), GetColumnWidth( i ));
		strValue += strTemp;

	AfxGetApp()->WriteProfileString( m_strSection, m_strEntry, strValue );

void CCJListCtrl::LoadColumnWidths()
	// get a pointer to the header control.
	CHeaderCtrl* pHeader = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST(CHeaderCtrl, GetDlgItem(0));
	ASSERT_KINDOF( CHeaderCtrl, pHeader );

	for( int i = 0; i < pHeader->GetItemCount(); ++i )

void CCJListCtrl::SetColumnWidth(int nCol)
	int nWidth = GetStoredWidth( nCol );
	if( nWidth > m_nMinColWidth )
		CListCtrl::SetColumnWidth( nCol, nWidth );
		AutoSizeColumn( nCol );

int CCJListCtrl::GetStoredWidth(int nCol)
	// get the value from the registry.
	CString strValue = AfxGetApp()->GetProfileString(
		m_strSection, m_strEntry, m_strDefault );

	// extract the sub string to get the column width.
	CString strSubString;
	AfxExtractSubString( strSubString, strValue, nCol, _T(','));

	// return the width from the registry.
	return _ttoi( strSubString );

void CCJListCtrl::OnDestroy() 
	if( m_bAutoSave ) SaveColumnWidths();

// Taken from: Autosize a column to fit its content by Roger Onslow.
// If you don't supply a column number, it will resize all columns.
void CCJListCtrl::AutoSizeColumn(int nCol/*=-1*/)
	// Call this after your list control is filled
	SetRedraw( false );
	int nMinCol = nCol < 0 ? 0 : nCol;
	int nMaxCol = nCol < 0 ? GetColumnCount()-1 : nCol;
	for (nCol = nMaxCol; nCol >= nMinCol; nCol--)
		CListCtrl::SetColumnWidth( nCol, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE );
		int wc1 = GetColumnWidth( nCol );
		CListCtrl::SetColumnWidth( nCol, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER );
		int wc2 = GetColumnWidth( nCol );
		if ( (NULL != m_pHeaderCtrl) && (m_nSortedCol == nCol) )
			wc2 += m_pHeaderCtrl->GetSortImageWidth();

		int wc = max( m_nMinColWidth, max( wc1, wc2 ));

		if( wc > m_nMaxColWidth )
			wc = m_nMaxColWidth;
		// set the column width.
		CListCtrl::SetColumnWidth( nCol,wc );

BOOL CCJListCtrl::OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC) 
	// KStowell - overridden for flicker-free drawing.
	return TRUE;

void CCJListCtrl::OnPaint() 
	CPaintDC dc(this); // device context for painting

	// KStowell - Get the client rect.
	CRect rcClient, rcClip;
	dc.GetClipBox( &rcClip );
	GetClientRect( &rcClient );

	// Exclude the header control from being painted over.
	CWnd* pWnd = GetDlgItem(0);
	if(pWnd && pWnd->IsWindowVisible()) {
		CRect rcItem;

	// KStowell - Create a memory device-context. This is done to help reduce
	// screen flicker, since we will paint the entire control to the
	// off screen device context first.
	CDC memDC;
	CBitmap bitmap;
	bitmap.CreateCompatibleBitmap(&dc, rcClient.Width(), rcClient.Height());
	CBitmap* pOldBitmap = memDC.SelectObject(&bitmap);

	// KStowell - Repaint the background.
	memDC.FillSolidRect( rcClient, ::GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW) );

	// let the control do its default drawing.
	CWnd::DefWindowProc( WM_PAINT, (WPARAM)memDC.m_hDC, 0 );

	// KStowell - Copy the memory device context back into the original DC via BitBlt().
	dc.BitBlt( rcClip.left,, rcClip.Width(), rcClip.Height(), &memDC, 
		rcClip.left,, SRCCOPY );

	// KStowell - Cleanup resources.

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Written By
Founder Riverblade Limited
United Kingdom United Kingdom
I haven't always written software for a living. When I graduated from Surrey University in 1989, it was with an Electronic Engineering degree, but unfortunately that never really gave me the opportunity to do anything particularly interesting (with the possible exception of designing Darth Vader's Codpiece * for the UK Army in 1990).
    * Also known as the Standard Army Bootswitch. But that's another story...
Since the opportunity arose to lead a software team developing C++ software for Avionic Test Systems in 1996, I've not looked back. More recently I've been involved in the development of subsea acoustic navigation systems, digital TV broadcast systems, port security/tracking systems, and most recently software development tools with my own company, Riverblade Ltd.

One of my personal specialities is IDE plug-in development. ResOrg was my first attempt at a plug-in, but my day to day work is with Visual Lint, an interactive code analysis tool environment with works within the Visual Studio and Eclipse IDEs or on build servers.

I love lots of things, but particularly music, photography and anything connected with history or engineering. I despise ignorant, intolerant and obstructive people - and it shows...I can be a bolshy cow if you wind me up the wrong way...Laugh | :laugh:

I'm currently based 15 minutes walk from the beach in Bournemouth on the south coast of England. Since I moved here I've grown to love the place - even if it is full of grockles in Summer!

Comments and Discussions