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XBreadCrumbBar - Draw breadcrumb trail with hyperlinks and HTML

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7 Aug 2007CPOL6 min read 62.8K   813   47  
XBreadCrumbBar is a windowless non-MFC class that allows you to display a breadcrumb trail as HTML text, with support for web links and APP: links.
// XHtmlDraw.cpp  Version 1.1 - article available at
// Author:  Hans Dietrich
// History
//     Version 1.1 - 2007 July 15
//     - Minor enhancements
//     - Improved performance of GetPlainText() when no html in string
//     - added copy and assignment ctors to XHTMLDRAWSTRUCT
//     Version 1.0 - 2007 July 15
//     - Initial public release
// License:
//     This software is released into the public domain.  You are free to use
//     it in any way you like, except that you may not sell this source code.
//     This software is provided "as is" with no expressed or implied warranty.
//     I accept no liability for any damage or loss of business that this 
//     software may cause.

// This file does not need to be compiled with precompiled headers (.pch).
// To disable this, go to Project | Settings | C/C++ | Precompiled Headers
// and select "Not using precompiled headers".  Be sure to do this for all
// build configurations.
//#include "stdafx.h"

#include <windows.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <crtdbg.h>
#include "XNamedColors.h"
#include "XString.h"
#include "XHtmlDraw.h"

#ifndef __noop
#if _MSC_VER < 1300
#define __noop ((void)0)

#undef TRACE
#define TRACE __noop

// if you want to see the TRACE output, 
// uncomment this line:
//#include "XTrace.h"

#pragma warning(disable : 4127)	// for _ASSERTE: conditional expression is constant
#pragma warning(disable : 4996)	// disable bogus deprecation warning

// Some common character entities - note that these will be displayed correctly
// ONLY if they are in the currently selected font
CXHtmlDraw::CHAR_ENTITIES CXHtmlDraw::m_aCharEntities[] = 
	{ _T("&amp;"),		0,	_T('&') },		// ampersand
	{ _T("&bull;"),		0,	_T('\x95') },	// bullet      NOT IN MS SANS SERIF
	{ _T("&cent;"),		0,	_T('\xA2') },	// cent sign
	{ _T("&copy;"),		0,	_T('\xA9') },	// copyright
	{ _T("&deg;"),		0,	_T('\xB0') },	// degree sign
	{ _T("&euro;"),		0,	_T('\x80') },	// euro sign
	{ _T("&frac12;"),	0,	_T('\xBD') },	// fraction one half
	{ _T("&frac14;"),	0,	_T('\xBC') },	// fraction one quarter
	{ _T("&gt;"),		0,	_T('>') },		// greater than
	{ _T("&iquest;"),	0,	_T('\xBF') },	// inverted question mark
	{ _T("&lt;"),		0,	_T('<') },		// less than
	{ _T("&micro;"),	0,	_T('\xB5') },	// micro sign
	{ _T("&middot;"),	0,	_T('\xB7') },	// middle dot = Georgian comma
	{ _T("&nbsp;"),		0,	_T(' ') },		// nonbreaking space
	{ _T("&para;"),		0,	_T('\xB6') },	// pilcrow sign = paragraph sign
	{ _T("&plusmn;"),	0,	_T('\xB1') },	// plus-minus sign
	{ _T("&pound;"),	0,	_T('\xA3') },	// pound sign
	{ _T("&quot;"),		0,	_T('"') },		// quotation mark
	{ _T("&reg;"),		0,	_T('\xAE') },	// registered trademark
	{ _T("&sect;"),		0,	_T('\xA7') },	// section sign
	{ _T("&sup1;"),		0,	_T('\xB9') },	// superscript one
	{ _T("&sup2;"),		0,	_T('\xB2') },	// superscript two
	{ _T("&times;"),	0,	_T('\xD7') },	// multiplication sign
	{ _T("&trade;"),	0,	_T('\x99') },	// trademark   NOT IN MS SANS SERIF

	{ NULL,				0,	0 }				// MUST BE LAST

// ctor
CXHtmlDraw::CXHtmlDraw(UINT nMaxText /*= XHTMLDRAW_MAX_TEXT*/)
  : m_nMaxText(nMaxText),

// dtor


// Draw
int CXHtmlDraw::Draw(HDC hDC, 
					 LPCTSTR lpszText, 
					 BOOL bUnderlineUrl)
	TRACE(_T("in CXHtmlDraw::Draw:  <%s>  bUnderlineUrl=%d\n"), lpszText, bUnderlineUrl);

	static BOOL bInDraw = FALSE;

	if (bInDraw)
		return 0;
	bInDraw = TRUE;

	// check parameters ----------------------------------------------

	if (!hDC || !lpszText || (lpszText[0] == _T('\0')) || !pXHDS)
		return 0;

	HWND hWnd = ::WindowFromDC(hDC);

	if (!::IsWindow(hWnd))
		TRACE(_T("warn: not a window\n"));
		return 0;

	// check if window is hidden ------------------------------------

	if (!::IsWindowVisible(hWnd))
		TRACE(_T("warn: window invisible\n"));
		return 0;

	RECT rectClip;
	int nResult = ::GetClipBox(hDC, &rectClip);

	if (nResult == NULLREGION)
		//	window is covered
		TRACE(_T("warn: window is covered\n"));
		return 0;

	// initialize for drawing ---------------------------------------

	// rectText is used to draw into the dc
	RECT rectText = pXHDS->rect;
	if ((rectText.left >=  rectText.right) || 
		( >= rectText.bottom))
		TRACE(_T("warn: bad rect\n"));
		return 0;

	// rectDraw is the rect for the entire drawing area
	RECT rectDraw = pXHDS->rect;
	int nRectWidth  = rectDraw.right - rectDraw.left;
	int nRectHeight = rectDraw.bottom -;
	int nXOffset = rectDraw.left;

	// set up for double buffering
	HDC hMemDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hDC);
	HBITMAP hBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hDC, nRectWidth, nRectHeight);
	HBITMAP hOldBitmap = (HBITMAP) SelectObject(hMemDC, hBitmap);

	if (pXHDS->bTransparent && !pXHDS->hDC)
		// save a bitmap of the original drawing area, in case
		// there are links, and we need to erase the underline
		pXHDS->hDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hDC);
		pXHDS->hBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hDC, nRectWidth, nRectHeight);
		pXHDS->hOldBitmap = (HBITMAP) SelectObject(pXHDS->hDC, pXHDS->hBitmap);
		BitBlt(pXHDS->hDC, 0, 0, nRectWidth, nRectHeight,
			hDC, rectDraw.left,, SRCCOPY);
		BitBlt(hMemDC, 0, 0, nRectWidth, nRectHeight,
			hDC, rectDraw.left,, SRCCOPY);
	else if (pXHDS->bTransparent && pXHDS->hDC)
		// restore the original drawing area from saved HDC
		BitBlt(hMemDC, 0, 0, nRectWidth, nRectHeight,
			pXHDS->hDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);

	pXHDS->rectAnchor = rectText;	// save rect in case of anchor

	// remap rectText to memory dc - left and top start at 0
	rectText.left = 0; = 0;
	rectText.right = nRectWidth;
	rectText.bottom = nRectHeight;

	// create initial font ------------------------------------------

	LOGFONT lf = { 0 };
	LOGFONT prev_lf = { 0 };

	if (pXHDS->bLogFont)
		TRACE(_T("using logfont\n"));
		memcpy(&lf, &pXHDS->lf, sizeof(LOGFONT));
		HFONT hfont = (HFONT)::GetCurrentObject(hDC, OBJ_FONT);	//+++1.1
		if (hfont)
			GetObject(hfont, sizeof(LOGFONT), &lf);
			GetObject(GetStockObject(SYSTEM_FONT), sizeof(LOGFONT), &lf);
	memcpy(&prev_lf, &lf, sizeof(LOGFONT));

	// variable initialization --------------------------------------

	TCHAR *pszText = new TCHAR [m_nMaxText+1];
	memset(pszText, 0, (m_nMaxText+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
	_tcsncpy(pszText, lpszText, m_nMaxText);

	TCHAR *pszText1 = new TCHAR [m_nMaxText+1];
	memset(pszText1, 0, (m_nMaxText+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));

	if (pXHDS->pszAnchor)
		delete [] pXHDS->pszAnchor;
	pXHDS->pszAnchor = NULL;

	pXHDS->bHasAnchor = FALSE;
	pXHDS->bAnchorIsUnderlined = FALSE;
	BOOL bInAnchor = FALSE;

	size_t n = _tcslen(lpszText);		// n must be int

	int i = 0;
	int nWidth = 0;

	pXHDS->bHasAnchor = FALSE;
	pXHDS->nRightX = 0;
	COLORREF crText = pXHDS->crText;
	if (crText == COLOR_NONE)
		crText = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT);

	COLORREF crBackground = pXHDS->crBackground;
	if (crBackground == COLOR_NONE)
		crBackground = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW);

	COLORREF crTextNew = crText;
	COLORREF crBkgndNew = crBackground;

	// if no transparency, fill entire rect with default bg color
	if (!pXHDS->bTransparent)
		HBRUSH hbrush = CreateSolidBrush(crBkgndNew); 
		FillRect(hMemDC, &rectText, hbrush);
		if (hbrush)

	BOOL bBold = pXHDS->bBold;
	BOOL bItalic = pXHDS->bItalic;
	BOOL bUnderline = pXHDS->bUnderline;
	BOOL bStrikeThrough = pXHDS->bStrikeThrough;
	BOOL bSubscript = FALSE;
	BOOL bSuperscript = FALSE;
	int nSizeChange = 0;

	// replace character entity names in text with codes ------------

	TCHAR ent[3] = { _T('\0') };
	ent[0] = _T('\001');	// each entity name is replaced with a two-character
							// code that begins with \001

	BOOL bCharacterEntities = FALSE;	// assume no char entities

	// we are replacing character entites with a two-character sequence,
	// so the resulting string will be shorter
	size_t buflen = _tcslen(pszText) + 100;
	TCHAR *buf = new TCHAR [buflen];
	memset(buf, 0, buflen*sizeof(TCHAR));

	for (i = 0; m_aCharEntities[i].pszName != NULL; i++)
		ent[1] = m_aCharEntities[i].cCode;
		int nRep = _tcsistrrep(pszText, m_aCharEntities[i].pszName, ent, buf);
		if (nRep > 0)
			bCharacterEntities = TRUE;
			_tcscpy(pszText, buf);

	delete [] buf;
	buf = NULL;

	TEXTMETRIC tm = { 0 };

	TCHAR *cp = 0;
	n = _tcslen(pszText);	// get length again after char entity substitution

	while (n > 0)
		TRACE(_T("start while:  n=%d  pszText=<%s>\n"), n, pszText);

		if (_tcsnicmp(pszText, _T("<B>"), 3) == 0)	// check for <b> or <B>
			n -= 3;
			cp = _tcschr(pszText, _T('>'));
			if (cp)
				_tcscpy(pszText, cp+1);
			bBold++;// = TRUE;
		else if (_tcsnicmp(pszText, _T("</B>"), 4) == 0)	// check for </B>
			n -= 4;
			cp = _tcschr(pszText, _T('>'));
			if (cp)
				_tcscpy(pszText, cp+1);
			if (bBold)
				bBold--;// = FALSE;
		else if (_tcsnicmp(pszText, _T("<I>"), 3) == 0)	// check for <I>
			n -= 3;
			cp = _tcschr(pszText, _T('>'));
			if (cp)
				_tcscpy(pszText, cp+1);
			bItalic++;// = TRUE;
		else if (_tcsnicmp(pszText, _T("</I>"), 4) == 0)	// check for </I>
			n -= 4;
			cp = _tcschr(pszText, _T('>'));
			if (cp)
				_tcscpy(pszText, cp+1);
			if (bItalic)
				bItalic--;// = FALSE;
		else if (_tcsnicmp(pszText, _T("<U>"), 3) == 0)		// check for <U>
			n -= 3;
			cp = _tcschr(pszText, _T('>'));
			if (cp)
				_tcscpy(pszText, cp+1);
			bUnderline++;// = TRUE;
		else if (_tcsnicmp(pszText, _T("</U>"), 4) == 0)	// check for </U>
			n -= 4;
			cp = _tcschr(pszText, _T('>'));
			if (cp)
				_tcscpy(pszText, cp+1);
			if (bUnderline)
				bUnderline--;// = FALSE;
		else if (_tcsnicmp(pszText, _T("<S>"), 3) == 0)		// check for <S>
			n -= 3;
			cp = _tcschr(pszText, _T('>'));
			if (cp)
				_tcscpy(pszText, cp+1);
			bStrikeThrough++;// = TRUE;
		else if (_tcsnicmp(pszText, _T("</S>"), 4) == 0)	// check for </S>
			n -= 4;
			cp = _tcschr(pszText, _T('>'));
			if (cp)
				_tcscpy(pszText, cp+1);
			if (bStrikeThrough)
				bStrikeThrough--;// = FALSE;
		else if (_tcsnicmp(pszText, _T("<BIG>"), 5) == 0)	// check for <BIG>
			n -= 5;
			cp = _tcschr(pszText, _T('>'));
			if (cp)
				_tcscpy(pszText, cp+1);
			if (lf.lfHeight > 0)
				lf.lfHeight += 2;
				lf.lfHeight -= 2;
		else if (_tcsnicmp(pszText, _T("</BIG>"), 6) == 0)	// check for </BIG>
			n -= 6;
			cp = _tcschr(pszText, _T('>'));
			if (cp)
				_tcscpy(pszText, cp+1);
			if (lf.lfHeight > 0)
				lf.lfHeight -= 2;
				lf.lfHeight += 2;
		else if (_tcsnicmp(pszText, _T("<SMALL>"), 7) == 0)	// check for <SMALL>
			n -= 7;
			cp = _tcschr(pszText, _T('>'));
			if (cp)
				_tcscpy(pszText, cp+1);
			if (lf.lfHeight > 0)
				lf.lfHeight -= 2;
				lf.lfHeight += 2;
		else if (_tcsnicmp(pszText, _T("</SMALL>"), 8) == 0)	// check for </SMALL>
			n -= 8;
			cp = _tcschr(pszText, _T('>'));
			if (cp)
				_tcscpy(pszText, cp+1);
			if (lf.lfHeight > 0)
				lf.lfHeight += 2;
				lf.lfHeight -= 2;
		else if (_tcsnicmp(pszText, _T("<SUB>"), 5) == 0)	// check for <SUB>
			n -= 5;
			cp = _tcschr(pszText, _T('>'));
			if (cp)
				_tcscpy(pszText, cp+1);
			bSubscript++;// = TRUE;
		else if (_tcsnicmp(pszText, _T("</SUB>"), 6) == 0)	// check for </SUB>
			n -= 6;
			cp = _tcschr(pszText, _T('>'));
			if (cp)
				_tcscpy(pszText, cp+1);
			if (bSubscript)
				bSubscript--;// = FALSE;
		else if (_tcsnicmp(pszText, _T("<SUP>"), 5) == 0)	// check for <SUP>
			n -= 5;
			cp = _tcschr(pszText, _T('>'));
			if (cp)
				_tcscpy(pszText, cp+1);
			bSuperscript++;// = TRUE;
		else if (_tcsnicmp(pszText, _T("</SUP>"), 6) == 0)	// check for </SUP>
			n -= 6;
			cp = _tcschr(pszText, _T('>'));
			if (cp)
				_tcscpy(pszText, cp+1);
			if (bSuperscript)
				bSuperscript--;// = FALSE;
		else if (_tcsnicmp(pszText, _T("<FONT"), 5) == 0)	// check for <FONT
			TRACE(_T("found font\n"));
			cp = _tcschr(pszText, _T('>'));
			if (cp)
				TCHAR szAttributes[XHTMLDRAW_MAX_TEXT] = { 0 };
				_tcsncpy(szAttributes, &pszText[5], cp-pszText-5);
				TRACE(_T("szAttributes=<%s>\n"), szAttributes);
				size_t m = _tcslen(szAttributes);
				_tcscpy(pszText, cp+1);

				// loop to parse FONT attributes
				while (m > 0)
					// trim left whitespace
					if ((_tcslen(szAttributes) > 0) && 
						(szAttributes[0] == _T(' ')))
						_tcscpy(szAttributes, &szAttributes[1]);

					if (_tcsnicmp(szAttributes, _T("COLOR"), 5) == 0)
						TRACE(_T("found color\n"));
						TCHAR *cp2 = _tcschr(szAttributes, _T('"'));
						if (cp2)
							m -= (cp2 - szAttributes) + 1;
							_tcscpy(szAttributes, cp2+1);

							cp2 = _tcschr(szAttributes, _T('"'));
							if (cp2)
								*cp2 = _T('\0');
								TCHAR szColor[XHTMLDRAW_MAX_TEXT] = { _T('\0') };
								_tcsncpy(szColor, szAttributes, cp2-szAttributes+1);
								TRACE(_T("szColor=<%s>\n"), szColor);
								CXNamedColors nc(szColor);
								if (!pXHDS->bIgnoreColorTag)
									crTextNew = nc.GetRGB();
								_tcscpy(szAttributes, cp2+1);
								m = _tcslen(szAttributes);
					else if (_tcsnicmp(szAttributes, _T("BGCOLOR"), 7) == 0)
						TRACE(_T("found bgcolor\n"));
						TCHAR *cp2 = _tcschr(szAttributes, _T('"'));
						if (cp2)
							m -= cp2 - szAttributes + 1;
							_tcscpy(szAttributes, cp2+1);

							cp2 = _tcschr(szAttributes, _T('"'));
							if (cp2)
								*cp2 = _T('\0');
								TCHAR szBgColor[XHTMLDRAW_MAX_TEXT] = { _T('\0') };
								_tcsncpy(szBgColor, szAttributes, cp2-szAttributes+1);
								TRACE(_T("szBgColor=<%s>\n"), szBgColor);
								CXNamedColors nc(szBgColor);
								crBkgndNew = nc.GetRGB();
								_tcscpy(szAttributes,  cp2+1);
								m = _tcslen(szAttributes);
					else if (_tcsnicmp(szAttributes, _T("FACE"), 4) == 0)
						TCHAR *cp2 = _tcschr(szAttributes, _T('"'));
						if (cp2)
							m -= cp2 - szAttributes + 1;
							_tcscpy(szAttributes, cp2+1);
							cp2 = _tcschr(szAttributes, _T('"'));
							if (cp2)
								const int nFaceSize = sizeof(lf.lfFaceName);	// in bytes
								int nMaxFaceSize = nFaceSize / sizeof(TCHAR);	// in TCHARs
								memset(lf.lfFaceName, 0, nFaceSize);
								int nNewFaceSize = (int)(cp2 - szAttributes);	// in TCHARs
								memset(&lf.lfFaceName, 0, nFaceSize);
								_tcsncpy(lf.lfFaceName, szAttributes, 
									(nNewFaceSize > nMaxFaceSize) ? nMaxFaceSize : nNewFaceSize);
								TRACE(_T("lf.lfFaceName=<%s>\n"), lf.lfFaceName);

								m -= cp2 - szAttributes + 1;
								if (m > 0)
									_tcscpy(szAttributes, cp2+1);
									szAttributes[0] = _T('\0');
								m = _tcslen(szAttributes);
					else if (_tcsnicmp(szAttributes, _T("SIZE"), 4) == 0)
						TCHAR *cp2 = _tcschr(szAttributes, _T('"'));
						if (cp2)
							m -= cp2 - szAttributes + 1;
							_tcscpy(szAttributes, cp2+1);
							cp2 = _tcschr(szAttributes, _T('"'));
							if (cp2)
								int nSize = _ttoi(szAttributes);
								lf.lfHeight -= nSize;
								nSizeChange = nSize;

								m -= cp2 - szAttributes + 1;
								if (m > 0)
									_tcscpy(szAttributes, cp2+1);
									szAttributes[0] = _T('\0');
								m = _tcslen(szAttributes);
						while ((_tcslen(szAttributes) > 0) && 
							   (szAttributes[0] != _T(' ')))
							_tcscpy(szAttributes, &szAttributes[1]);
				n -= cp - pszText + 1;
		else if (_tcsnicmp(pszText, _T("</FONT>"), 7) == 0)	// check for </FONT>
			n -= 7;
			cp = _tcschr(pszText, _T('>'));
			if (cp)
				_tcscpy(pszText, cp+1);
			crTextNew = crText;
			crBkgndNew = crBackground;
			memcpy(&lf, &prev_lf, sizeof(lf));
		else if (_tcsnicmp(pszText, _T("<A"), 2) == 0)	// check for <A
			if ((cp = _tcsistr(pszText, _T("HREF="))) != NULL)	// check for HREF=
				cp += 5;
				if (*cp == _T('"'))
					cp += 1;
				TCHAR *cp2 = _tcschr(cp, _T('>'));
				if (cp2)
					size_t len = cp2 - cp;
					if (pXHDS->pszAnchor)
						delete [] pXHDS->pszAnchor;
					pXHDS->pszAnchor = new TCHAR [len+4];
					memset(pXHDS->pszAnchor, 0, (len+4)*sizeof(TCHAR));
					_tcsncpy(pXHDS->pszAnchor, cp, len);
					size_t last = _tcslen(pXHDS->pszAnchor);
					if (last > 0)
					if (pXHDS->pszAnchor[last] == _T('"'))
						pXHDS->pszAnchor[last] = _T('\0');
					TRACE(_T("len=%d  pXHDS->szUrl=<%s>\n"), len, pXHDS->pszAnchor);
					_tcscpy(pszText, cp2+1);
					n -= cp2 + 1 - pszText;
					TRACE(_T("pszText=<%s>\n"), pszText);

					// set start X of url
					pXHDS->rectAnchor.left = rectText.left + nXOffset;
					TRACE(_T("setting pXHDS->rectAnchor.left to %d\n"), pXHDS->rectAnchor.left);

					crTextNew = pXHDS->crAnchorText; //RGB(0,0,255);	//pXHDS->crText;
					crBkgndNew = crBackground;
					memcpy(&lf, &prev_lf, sizeof(lf));

					bInAnchor = TRUE;

					if (bUnderlineUrl)
						pXHDS->bAnchorIsUnderlined = TRUE;
		else if (_tcsnicmp(pszText, _T("</A>"), 4) == 0)	// check for </A>
			n -= 4;
			cp = _tcschr(pszText, _T('>'));
			if (cp)
				_tcscpy(pszText, cp+1);

			if (bInAnchor)
				pXHDS->rectAnchor.right = rectText.left + nXOffset;
				pXHDS->bHasAnchor = TRUE;
				TRACE(_T("setting pXHDS->rectAnchor.right to %d\n"), pXHDS->rectAnchor.right);

				if (bUnderlineUrl)
				crTextNew = crText;
				crBkgndNew = crBackground;
				memcpy(&lf, &prev_lf, sizeof(lf));

			bInAnchor = FALSE;
		// plain text
			TRACE(_T("text:  pszText=<%s>\n"), pszText);
			cp = _tcschr(pszText, _T('<'));
			if (cp)
				_tcsncpy(pszText1, pszText, cp - pszText);
				pszText1[cp-pszText] = _T('\0');
				TRACE(_T("pszText1=<%s>\n"), pszText1);

				if (_tcslen(pszText1) <= 0)
					if (_tcslen(pszText) != 0)
						_tcscpy(pszText1, pszText);
						n -= 1;
				_tcscpy(pszText, cp);
				_tcscpy(pszText1, pszText);
				pszText[0] = _T('\0');
		TRACE(_T("pszText=<%s>\n"), pszText);
		TRACE(_T("pszText1=<%s>\n"), pszText1);

		// create new font ------------------------------------------

		lf.lfWeight    = bBold ? FW_BOLD : FW_NORMAL;
		lf.lfUnderline = (BYTE) bUnderline;
		lf.lfItalic    = (BYTE) bItalic;
		lf.lfStrikeOut = (BYTE) bStrikeThrough;

		HFONT hNewFont = CreateFontIndirect(&lf);

		HFONT hOldFont = (HFONT) SelectObject(hMemDC, hNewFont);

		SetTextColor(hMemDC, crTextNew);
		if (pXHDS->crTextBackground != COLOR_NONE)
			SetBkColor(hMemDC, pXHDS->crTextBackground);
			SetBkMode(hMemDC, TRANSPARENT);		// need transparency for italic fonts

		// replace char entities ------------------------------------

		size_t end = _tcslen(pszText1);
		buflen = end + 100;
		_ASSERTE(buf == NULL);
		buf = new TCHAR [buflen];
		memset(buf, 0, buflen*sizeof(TCHAR));

		_tcsncpy(buf, pszText1, buflen-1);

		ReplaceCharEntities(buf, end);

		int len = (int)_tcslen(buf);
		SIZE size;
		GetTextExtentPoint32(hMemDC, buf, len, &size);
		LONG width =;

		if ((crBkgndNew != crBackground) &&
			(pXHDS->crTextBackground == COLOR_NONE))
			// changing backgrounds, so fill in with new color
			HBRUSH hbrushnew = CreateSolidBrush(crBkgndNew); 
			if (hbrushnew)
				RECT rect = rectText;
				rect.right = rect.left + width + 1;
				if (bItalic)
					rect.right += 1;		// italic needs a little more
					if (!IsTrueType(hMemDC))
						rect.right += 2;	// non-TTF fonts need even more
				if (rect.right > rectText.right)
					rect.right = rectText.right;
				FillRect(hMemDC, &rect, hbrushnew);

		UINT uFormat = pXHDS->uFormat;

		if (pXHDS->bUseEllipsis)
			uFormat |= DT_END_ELLIPSIS;

		if (pXHDS->bHasAnchor)
			// set rect for anchor
			RECT rectCalc = rectText;
			int nHeight = DrawText(hMemDC, buf, -1, &rectCalc, uFormat | DT_CALCRECT);
			TRACE(_T("nHeight=%d -----\n"), nHeight);
			pXHDS->rectAnchor.bottom = pXHDS-> + nHeight;

		RECT savedrect = rectText;

		GetTextMetrics(hMemDC, &tm);
		int nBaselineAdjust = tm.tmAscent / 2;

		if (bSubscript)
		{ += nBaselineAdjust;
			rectText.bottom += nBaselineAdjust;
		if (bSuperscript)
		{ -= nBaselineAdjust;
			rectText.bottom -= nBaselineAdjust;

		// draw text ------------------------------------------------

		TRACE(_T("DrawText: <%s>\n"), buf);
		DrawText(hMemDC, buf, -1, &rectText, uFormat);

		rectText = savedrect;

		nSizeChange = 0;

		if (hOldFont)
			SelectObject(hMemDC, hOldFont);
		if (hNewFont)
		hNewFont = 0;
		hOldFont = 0;

		delete [] buf;
		buf = NULL;

		rectText.left += width;

		n -= _tcslen(pszText1);

	}	// while

	// save the rightmost pixel position - note that rectText
	// is remapped to 0,0 for the memory dc
	pXHDS->nRightX = rectText.left + nXOffset;
	TRACE(_T("nRightX = %d =====\n"), pXHDS->nRightX);

	// end double buffering
	BitBlt(hDC, rectDraw.left,, nRectWidth, nRectHeight,
		hMemDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);			
	// swap back the original bitmap
	if (hOldBitmap)
		SelectObject(hMemDC, hOldBitmap);
	if (hBitmap)
	hBitmap = 0;

	hMemDC = 0;

	if (pszText)
		delete [] pszText;
	pszText = 0;
	if (pszText1)
		delete [] pszText1;
	pszText1 = 0;

	bInDraw = FALSE;

	return nWidth;

// IsTrueType
BOOL CXHtmlDraw::IsTrueType(HDC hDC)


	if (hDC && GetTextMetrics(hDC, &tm))
		rc = tm.tmPitchAndFamily & TMPF_TRUETYPE;

	return rc;

// InitCharEntities
void CXHtmlDraw::InitCharEntities()
	for (int i = 0; m_aCharEntities[i].pszName != NULL; i++)
		m_aCharEntities[i].cCode = (TCHAR) (i + 2);	// don't use 0 or 1

// ReplaceCharEntities
void CXHtmlDraw::ReplaceCharEntities(TCHAR * buf, size_t buflen)

	if (buf)
		if (_tcschr(buf, _T('\001')))
			TCHAR *cp1 = buf;
			TCHAR *cp2 = buf;

			while (cp1 < (buf + buflen))
				TCHAR c = *cp1++;

				if (c == _T('\0'))

				if (c == _T('\001'))	// is this a char entity?
					// get next char - it is table index
					c = *cp1++;

					if (c == _T('\0'))

					c = GetCharEntity(c);

				*cp2++ = c;
			*cp2 = _T('\0');

// GetCharEntity
TCHAR CXHtmlDraw::GetCharEntity(TCHAR cCode)
	TCHAR c = _T(' ');

	for (int i = 0; m_aCharEntities[i].pszName != NULL; i++)
		if (cCode == m_aCharEntities[i].cCode)
			c = m_aCharEntities[i].cSymbol;

	return c;

// GetPlainText
int CXHtmlDraw::GetPlainText(const TCHAR *html, 
							 TCHAR *plain, 
							 DWORD dwPlainSize)
	size_t nSize = 0;


	if (html)
		if (plain)
			memset(plain, 0, dwPlainSize*sizeof(TCHAR));

		if (_tcschr(html, _T('<')) || _tcschr(html, _T('&')))
			// there is html in this string

			// we are stripping out character entities, so the
			// resulting string will be shorter than the original
			size_t buflen = _tcslen(html) + 100;

			TCHAR *buf1 = new TCHAR [buflen];
			TCHAR *buf2 = new TCHAR [buflen];

			memset(buf1, 0, buflen*sizeof(TCHAR));
			memset(buf2, 0, buflen*sizeof(TCHAR));

			_tcsncpy(buf1, html, buflen-1);

			TCHAR ent[2] = { _T('\0') };

			// loop to remove character entities
			for (int i = 0; m_aCharEntities[i].pszName != NULL; i++)
				ent[0] = m_aCharEntities[i].cSymbol;
				int nRep = _tcsistrrep(buf1, m_aCharEntities[i].pszName, ent, buf2);
				if (nRep > 0)
					_tcscpy(buf1, buf2);

			TRACE(_T("after entities:  <%s>\n"), buf1);

			TCHAR *cp1 = buf1;
			TCHAR *cp2 = NULL;
			nSize = _tcslen(buf1);
			memset(buf2, 0, buflen*sizeof(TCHAR));

			while (cp1 < (buf1 + nSize))
				if (!*cp1)

				// look for html tag
				cp2 = _tcschr(cp1, _T('<'));

				if (cp2)
					// copy everything up to this point
					_tcsncat(buf2, cp1, cp2-cp1);
					cp1 = cp2 + 1;	// in case no >
					cp2 = _tcschr(cp1, _T('>'));
					if (cp2)
						cp1 = cp2 + 1;
					// no more tags, just copy rest
					_tcscat(buf2, cp1);

			TRACE(_T("GetPlainText:  buf1=<%s>\n"), buf1);
			TRACE(_T("GetPlainText:  buf2=<%s>\n"), buf2);

			if (plain)
				_tcsncpy(plain, buf2, dwPlainSize-1);
				TRACE(_T("GetPlainText:  plain=<%s>\n"), plain);
				nSize = _tcslen(plain);
				// no output buffer, just return required size
				nSize = _tcslen(buf2);

			delete [] buf1;
			delete [] buf2;
			// no html in string, just copy to output buffer
			if (plain)
				_tcsncpy(plain, html, dwPlainSize-1);
				nSize = _tcslen(plain);
				// no output buffer, just return required size
				nSize = _tcslen(html);

	return (int)nSize;

// IsOverAnchor
	TRACE(_T("in CXHtmlDraw::IsOverAnchor\n"));


	if (pXHDS && pXHDS->bHasAnchor && hWnd && ::IsWindow(hWnd))
		POINT point;
		::ScreenToClient(hWnd, &point);
		RECT rect = pXHDS->rectAnchor;
		rc = ::PtInRect(&rect, point);
		if (rc)
			TRACE(_T("mouse over anchor\n"));

	return rc;

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This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
Software Developer (Senior) Hans Dietrich Software
United States United States
I attended St. Michael's College of the University of Toronto, with the intention of becoming a priest. A friend in the University's Computer Science Department got me interested in programming, and I have been hooked ever since.

Recently, I have moved to Los Angeles where I am doing consulting and development work.

For consulting and custom software development, please see

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