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Signum Framework Tutorials Part 2 – Southwind Logic

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15 Nov 2012LGPL325 min read 32.1K   1K   22  
In this part, we will focus on writing business logic, LINQ queries and explain inheritance
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Collections;
using Signum.Utilities;
using Signum.Utilities.DataStructures;
using Signum.Entities;
using System.Linq;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using Signum.Utilities.Reflection;
using Signum.Utilities.ExpressionTrees;

namespace Signum.Entities.Reflection
    public static class GraphExplorer
        public static void PropagateModifications(DirectedGraph<Modifiable> inverseGraph)
            if (inverseGraph == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("inverseGraph");

            foreach (Modifiable item in inverseGraph)
                item.Modified = false;

            foreach (Modifiable item in inverseGraph)
                if (item.SelfModified)
                    Propagate(item, inverseGraph); 

        static void Propagate(Modifiable item, DirectedGraph<Modifiable> inverseGraph)
            if (item.Modified.Value)

            item.Modified = true;
            foreach (var other in inverseGraph.RelatedTo(item))
                Propagate(other, inverseGraph);


        public static DirectedGraph<Modifiable> FromRootIdentifiable(Modifiable root)
            return DirectedGraph<Modifiable>.Generate(root, ModifyInspector.IdentifiableExplore, ReferenceEqualityComparer<Modifiable>.Default);

        public static DirectedGraph<Modifiable> FromRoot(Modifiable root)
            return DirectedGraph<Modifiable>.Generate(root, ModifyInspector.FullExplore, ReferenceEqualityComparer<Modifiable>.Default);

        public static DirectedGraph<Modifiable> FromRoots<T>(IEnumerable<T> roots)
            where T : Modifiable
            return DirectedGraph<Modifiable>.Generate(roots.Cast<Modifiable>(), ModifyInspector.FullExplore, ReferenceEqualityComparer<Modifiable>.Default);

        public static DirectedGraph<Modifiable> FromRootsIdentifiable<T>(IEnumerable<T> roots)
            where T : Modifiable
            return DirectedGraph<Modifiable>.Generate(roots.Cast<Modifiable>(), ModifyInspector.IdentifiableExplore, ReferenceEqualityComparer<Modifiable>.Default);

        public static Dictionary<ModifiableEntity, string> IntegrityDictionary(DirectedGraph<Modifiable> graph)
            var result = graph.OfType<ModifiableEntity>().Select(m => new { m, Error = m.IntegrityCheck() })
                .Where(p => p.Error.HasText()).ToDictionary(a => a.m, a => a.Error);

            return result;

        public static string IdentifiableIntegrityCheck(DirectedGraph<Modifiable> graph)
            return graph.OfType<ModifiableEntity>().Select(m => m.IntegrityCheck()).Where(e => e.HasText()).ToString("\r\n");

        public static string Integrity(DirectedGraph<Modifiable> graph)
            var problems = (from m in graph.OfType<IdentifiableEntity>()
                            group m by new { Type = m.GetType(), Id = (m as IdentifiableEntity).TryCS(ident => (long?)ident.IdOrNull) ?? -m.temporalId } into g
                            where g.Count() > 1 && g.Count(m => m.SelfModified) > 0
                            select g).ToList();

            if (problems.Count > 0)
                return "CLONE ATTACK!\r\n\r\n" + problems.ToString(p => "{0} different instances of the same entity ({1}) have been found:\r\n {2}".Formato(
                    p.ToString(m => "  {0}{1}".Formato(m.SelfModified ? "[SelfModified] " : "", m), "\r\n")), "\r\n\r\n");

            return (from ident in graph.OfType<IdentifiableEntity>()
                    let error = ident.IdentifiableIntegrityCheck()
                    where error.HasText()
                    select new { ident, error }).ToString(p => "{0}:\r\n{1}".Formato(p.ident.BaseToString(), p.error.Indent(2)), "\r\n");

        public static DirectedGraph<Modifiable> PreSaving(Func<DirectedGraph<Modifiable>> recreate)
            return ModifyGraph(recreate(), (Modifiable m, ref bool graphModified) => m.PreSaving(ref graphModified), recreate);

        public delegate void ModifyEntityEventHandler(Modifiable m, ref bool graphModified);

        public static DirectedGraph<Modifiable> ModifyGraph(DirectedGraph<Modifiable> graph, ModifyEntityEventHandler modifier, Func<DirectedGraph<Modifiable>> recreate)
            bool graphModified = false; 
            foreach (var m in graph)
                modifier(m, ref graphModified);

                return graph; //common case

                var newGraph = recreate();
                graphModified = false;
                foreach (var m in newGraph.Except(graph))
                    modifier(m, ref graphModified);

                graph = newGraph;
            } while (graphModified);

            return graph; 

        static string[] colors = 
             "aquamarine1",  "aquamarine4", "blue", "blueviolet",
             "brown4", "burlywood", "cadetblue1", "cadetblue",
             "chartreuse", "chocolate", "cornflowerblue",
             "darkgoldenrod", "darkolivegreen3", "darkorchid", "darkseagreen",
             "darkturquoise", "darkviolet", "deeppink", "deepskyblue", "forestgreen"

        public static string SuperGraphviz(this DirectedGraph<Modifiable> modifiables)
            Func<Type, string> color = t => colors[Math.Abs(t.FullName.GetHashCode()) % colors.Length];

            var listNodes = modifiables.Nodes.Select(n => new
                Node = n,

                Fillcolor =  n is Lite? "white": color(n.GetType()),
                Color = 
                    n is Lite ? color(Reflector.ExtractLite(n.GetType())):
                    (n.SelfModified ? "red" : n.Modified == true ? "red4" :"black"),

                Shape = n is Lite ? "ellipse" :
                        n is IdentifiableEntity ? "ellipse" :
                        n is EmbeddedEntity ? "box" :
                        Reflector.IsMList(n.GetType()) ? "hexagon" : "plaintext",
                Style = n is Entity ? ", style=\"diagonals,filled,bold\"" : 
                        n is Lite? "style=\"solid,bold\"": "",

                Label = n.ToString().Etc(30, "..").RemoveDiacritics()


            string nodes = listNodes.ToString(t => "    {0} [color={1}, fillcolor={2} shape={3}{4}, label=\"{5}\"]".Formato(modifiables.Comparer.GetHashCode(t.Node), t.Color, t.Fillcolor, t.Shape, t.Style, t.Label), "\r\n");

            string arrows = modifiables.Edges.ToString(e => "    {0} -> {1}".Formato(modifiables.Comparer.GetHashCode(e.From), modifiables.Comparer.GetHashCode(e.To)), "\r\n");

            return "digraph \"Grafo\"\r\n{{\r\n    node [ style = \"filled,bold\"]\r\n\r\n{0}\r\n\r\n{1}\r\n}}".Formato(nodes, arrows);

        public static DirectedGraph<IdentifiableEntity> ColapseIdentifiables(DirectedGraph<Modifiable> modifiables)
            DirectedGraph<IdentifiableEntity> result = new DirectedGraph<IdentifiableEntity>();
            foreach (var item in modifiables.OfType<IdentifiableEntity>())
                var toColapse = modifiables.IndirectlyRelatedTo(item, i => !(i is IdentifiableEntity));
                var toColapseFriends = toColapse.SelectMany(i => modifiables.RelatedTo(i).OfType<IdentifiableEntity>());
                result.Add(item, toColapseFriends);
                result.Add(item, modifiables.RelatedTo(item).OfType<IdentifiableEntity>());
            return result;

        public static XDocument SuperDGML(ModifiableEntity graph)
            return FromRoot(graph).SuperDGML(); 

        public static XDocument SuperDGML(this DirectedGraph<Modifiable> graph)
            return graph.ToDGML(n =>
                n is IdentifiableEntity ? GetAttributes((IdentifiableEntity)n): 
                n is Lite ? GetAttributes((Lite)n):
                n is EmbeddedEntity ? GetAttributes((EmbeddedEntity)n):
                n.GetType().IsMList() ? GetAttributes((IList)n) : 
                new []
                    new XAttribute("Label", n.ToString() ?? "[null]"),
                    new XAttribute("TypeName", n.GetType().TypeName()), 
                    new XAttribute("Background", ColorGenerator.ColorFor(n.GetType().FullName.GetHashCode()))

        private static XAttribute[] GetAttributes(IdentifiableEntity ie)
            return new[]
               new XAttribute("Label", (ie.ToString() ?? "[null]")  + Modified(ie)),
               new XAttribute("TypeName", ie.GetType().TypeName()), 
               new XAttribute("Background", ColorGenerator.ColorFor(ie.GetType().FullName.GetHashCode())),
               new XAttribute("Description", ie.IdOrNull.TryToString() ?? "New")

        private static string Modified(Modifiable ie)
            string str = ",".Combine(ie.SelfModified ? "SelfModified" : null,
                                               ie.Modified == true ? "Modified" :
                                               ie.Modified == false ? "Not-Modified" : null);

            if (str.HasText())
                return "({0})".Formato(str);

            return null;

        private static XAttribute[] GetAttributes(Lite lite)
            return new[]
               new XAttribute("Label", (lite.ToString() ?? "[null]") + Modified(lite)),
               new XAttribute("TypeName", lite.GetType().TypeName()), 
               new XAttribute("Stroke", ColorGenerator.ColorFor(Reflector.ExtractLite(lite.GetType()).FullName.GetHashCode())),
               new XAttribute("StrokeThickness", "2"),
               new XAttribute("Background", ColorGenerator.ColorFor(lite.RuntimeType.FullName.GetHashCode()).Replace("#", "#44")),
               new XAttribute("Description", " ".Combine((lite.RuntimeType == Reflector.ExtractLite(lite.GetType())? "":  lite.RuntimeType.TypeName() ),   lite.IdOrNull.TryToString() ?? "New"))

        private static XAttribute[] GetAttributes(EmbeddedEntity ee)
            return new[]
               new XAttribute("Label", (ee.ToString() ?? "[null]")+  Modified(ee)),
               new XAttribute("TypeName", ee.GetType().TypeName()), 
               new XAttribute("NodeRadius", 0),
               new XAttribute("Background", ColorGenerator.ColorFor(ee.GetType().FullName.GetHashCode())),

        private static XAttribute[] GetAttributes(IList list)
            return new[]
               new XAttribute("Label", (list.ToString() ?? "[null]") +  Modified((Modifiable)list)),
               new XAttribute("TypeName", list.GetType().TypeName()), 
               new XAttribute("NodeRadius", 2),
               new XAttribute("Background", ColorGenerator.ColorFor(list.GetType().ElementType().FullName.GetHashCode())),

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Written By
Software Developer (Senior) Signum Software
Spain Spain
I'm Computer Scientist, one of the founders of Signum Software, and the lead developer behind Signum Framework.

I love programming in C#, Linq, Compilers, Algorithms, Functional Programming, Computer Graphics, Maths...

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