In this article, you see how to create a simple cross-platform app using the new cross-platform application framework: Codon. You look at creating a .NET Standard library to contain your app's UI and business logic. You explore how to create view-models by deriving from a ViewModelBase class. You then touch on using one of Codon's core services: the dialog service, to display messages to the user.

Getting Started with Codon Part 1
An Introduction to View-Model Initialization, Properties, and Commands
The code presented herein is located in Sample001 in the Samples repository on GitHub.
Seven years ago, I created the Calcium framework, which happened to be one of the very first MVVM frameworks. I've used it to build numerous desktop and mobile apps, including Surfy Browser for Android and Windows Phone.
Over time, Calcium has grown into a rather large set of libraries. Some of the old code, focussing on WPF, has become less relevant and several dependencies have crept into the code-base.
Several weeks ago, I decided it was due for an overhaul. After a significant engineering effort, the new code-base and library structure has changed so much so that I decided it needed new hosting and a new name. So, introducing Codon: a .NET Standard based framework, that provides two sets of libraries: a lightweight essentials package and an extras package for those who want more. The Codon repositories are located on GitHub.
A Framework to Build Maintainable Apps
Codon includes two main libraries: a minimal Essentials package and an Extras package. Codon.Essentials includes the following features:
- An easy to use ICommand implementation
- Frictionless INPC
- A cross-platform dialog service
- A cross-platform settings service
- IoC and DI
- Logging support
- and a weak referencing pub/sub messenger
To install Codon's Essentials package, run the following command in Visual Studio's Package Manager Console:
PM> Install-Package Codon.Essentials
Codon Extras includes the following features:
- A user options system
- Form input validation
- Application state preservation
- Various cross-platform launchers for sharing links, sending emails and so forth
To install Codon's Extras package, run the following command in Visual Studio's Package Manager Console:
PM> Install-Package Codon.Extras
In addition to the Codon.Extras package, Codon has a supplementary data-binding package, Codon.UI.Data, for use with non-XAML based technologies such as Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS; and an Undo-Redo system located in the Codon.UndoModel package. Codon.UndoModel is downloadable as an independent package.
Moving to .NET Standard
When creating a cross-platform app, the question of where to place business logic soon arises. In the past, the answer was PCLs, shared projects, or in shared linked files. None of these offers a friction-free development experience. Fortunately, there’s now a fourth option: .NET Standard library projects. .NET Standard allows you to use most of the APIs in .NET and, according to Microsoft, .NET Standard is set to replace PCLs. If you’re interested in .NET Standard, you can read more about it over here.
By the way, you do not have to comprehend .NET Standard to use Codon. Nor do have to use .NET Standard for your projects. Codon's quite happy to be references from your 'native' project.
Setting Up Your Solution
To create a .NET Standard class library, select ‘Add new project’ in Visual Studio 2017 and choose .NET Standard from the list of project types.
To add a reference to Codon's NuGet package either use the Package Manager Console as explained above, or right click on the project node and select Manage NuGet Packages. Enter Codon in the Search box of the Browse tab. You’ll see a bunch of Codon packages listed. Select “Codon”, which is a .NET Standard library that contains the core features of Codon.
With the NuGet reference to Codon, you can begin creating view-models for your app.
Exploring the Sample Code
View-models in a Codon based app usually subclass one of the view-model base classes. In the sample, Page1ViewModel
subclasses ` Codon.UIModel.ViewModelBase`.
Creating Binding Friendly Properties
contains a property named Foo
, which demonstrates how to create a property that automatically raises PropertyChanging
and PropertyChanged
when its value is set. See Listing 1.
The get and set accessors are implemented using C# 7’s expression syntax.
UI elements in UWP, WPF, and Android have thread affinity with the UI thread. That is, all changes affecting a UI elements state must be performed on the UI thread. That’s where Codon’s ViewModelBase
comes in handy, because the base class’s Set
method takes care of ensuring that the property change events are always raised on the UI thread.
Listing 1. Using the Set method.
string foo;
public string Foo
get => foo;
set => Set(ref foo, value);
If you need to check whether the value was actually set, the Set
method returns an AssignmentResult
enumeration value, which can be one of the following:
- AlreadyAssigned: Indicates that the field was already set to the specified value.
- Cancelled: Indicates that a subscriber to the class PropertyChanging event, decided to cancel the update.
- OwnerDisposed: Indicates that view-model was disposed.
- Success: Indicates that the field was set to the specified value.
Using Dependency Injection to Initialize a View-Model
Codon’s default IoC container supports dependency injection. If we request an instance of the Page1ViewModel
, the resultant object is automatically populated with the dialog service, navigation service, and settings service. See Listing 2. We explore these services a bit later.
The Page1ViewModel
uses C# 7’s new relaxed throw statements, combining them with the null-coalescing operator, to ensure that none of the arguments is null.
Listing 2. Page1ViewModel constructor.
public Page1ViewModel(
IDialogService dialogService,
INavigationService navigationService,
ISettingsService settingsService)
this.dialogService = dialogService
?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dialogService));
this.navigationService = navigationService
?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(navigationService));
this.settingsService = settingsService
?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(settingsService));
In XAML based apps, ICommands
are a commonly used way to connect UI elements, such as buttons, to your apps business logic. ICommands
encapsulate what needs to be done when, for example, a button is tapped. In Codon, the principle ICommand
implementation is the ActionCommand
class. An ActionCommand
must be initialized with an Action
that is invoked when the ActionCommand
is executed.
contains a number of commands. Let’s take a look at the ShowDialogCommand
, which is declared as shown:
ActionCommand showDialogCommand;
public ICommand ShowDialogCommand => showDialogCommand
?? (showDialogCommand = new ActionCommand(ShowDialog));
The property uses lambda expressions for the getter and setter accessors. Its a concise way to express simple properties. The command is lazily instantiated, meaning that when the property is first retrieved, the ActionCommand
is created.
NOTE: The ActionCommand
class also allows you to provide a Func
to determine if the ICommand
is executable.
As an aside, there are other variations of the ActionCommand
in Codon, including the UICommand
, which has various properties, such as Text
and Visible
properties. In addition, the UICompositeCommand
allows you to bind multiple commands to a single UI element. The Extras package also includes support for asynchronous commands if you need it. Advanced commanding is, however, outside the scope of this article.
The ShowDialog
method is invoked when the ICommand.Execute
method is called.
uses the IDialogService.ShowMessageAsync
method to display a message box to the user, as shown:
void ShowDialog(object arg)
"This is a sample message.", "Message from Sample 1");
An IDialogService
implementation exists for each supported platform. The dialog service can be used to not only display messages or warnings, but also to show toasts and ask the user text response questions. We’ll explore that in a later article.
Before we proceed to examining the settings and navigation services, let’s take a look at how the view-model is bound to a view.
In the sample, we have four projects. The first, we have already looked at: a .NET Standard library. The other three include a Xamarin Android app project, a WPF app project, and a UWP app project.
All three follow the same pattern. They each contain pages (or in the case of the Android project, activities) that are coupled with the view-models in the .NET Standard project.
Let’s look at the UWP project first.
The Sample1.Uwp project references the Codon.Uwp NuGet package. The Codon.Uwp package complements the Codon package with a UWP platform specific implementation of the IDialogService
Each page in the project retrieves its respective view-model from the IoC container using the Dependency
class. See Listing 3.
In the UWP app we declare the view-model as a property of the view. This allows the use of the x:Bind
markup extension, as we see in a moment.
Pro Tip You may be wondering how Codon knows about the IDialogService
, ISettingsService
, or the INavigationService
implementations. Codon’s IoC container, FrameworkContainer
, supports declarative type associations. So, no bootstrapper is required. If you take a look at any of the services, you’ll see they are decorated with a DefaultTypeNameAttribute
and/or a DefaultTypeAttrubute
, which tells the container where to find an implementation. In addition, you can use the built-in System.ComponentModel.DefaultValue
attribute to specify a default implementation, without referencing the Codon core .NET Standard library.
You can override a default type association by registering a type association using the Dependency.Register
Listing 3. Sample1.Uwp Page1 class excerpt.
public sealed partial class Page1 : Page
public Page1()
DataContext = Dependency.Resolve<Page1ViewModel>();
public Page1ViewModel ViewModel => (Page1ViewModel)DataContext;
Page1.xaml contains various buttons that are bound to commands in the view-model. The following excerpt shows how the view is bound to the view-model’s ShowDialogCommand
<Button Command="{x:Bind ViewModel.ShowDialogCommand}">Show Message 1</Button>
When the user activates the Show Message 1 button, a dialog is displayed. See Figure 1.

Figure 1. Dialog box displays message to user.
The WPF version of the app looks much the same. It binds to the view-model’s ShowDialogCommand
, like so:
<Button Command="{Binding ShowDialogCommand}">Show Message</Button>
There’s no built-in binding infrastructure for Xamarin Android. So, you’d be forgiven for thinking that we’d have to do something radically different to enable data-binding. Not so. Codon has support for layout file binding, as demonstrated by this excerpt from the Sample1.Android project’s Page1.axml layout file:
<Button l:Binding="Target=Click, Path=ShowDialogCommand"
android:text="Show Dialog" />
NOTE: Layout file binding requires that the Android project has a reference to the Codon.Extras package.
In this article, you saw how to create a simple cross-platform app using Codon. You looked at creating a .NET Standard library to contain your app's UI and business logic. You explored how to create view-models by deriving from a ViewModelBase
class. You then touched on using one of Codon’s core services: the dialog service, to display messages to the user. In the next part, we return to .NET Standard project to further explore the view-model logic and we look at using Codon’s settings service.
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April 2 2017