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TraceTool 12.7: The Swiss-Army Knife of Trace

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20 Nov 2016CPL19 min read 2M   39K   1K  
A C#, C++, Delphi, ActiveX , Javascript , NodeJs and Java trace framework and a trace viewer: Tail, OutputDebugString, event log, and with Log4J, Log4Net, and Microsoft Enterprise Instrumentation Framework (EIF) support. This also comes with full support for Pocket PC, Silverlight, and Android.
// ClipBrdHistory.cpp : Defines the initialization routines for the DLL.

// General : use of MFC : Use MFC in a Static Library
// C++ : Additional Include directories : tracetool folder : ../Source
// C++ : Basic Runtime check : both
// C++ : runtime library : Multi-threaded Debug (/MTd)

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "winuser.h"
#include "ClipBrdHistory.h"
#include "..\..\Source\tracetool.h"
#include ".\ClipBrdHistory.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW

// CClipBrdHistoryApp

BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CClipBrdHistoryApp, CWinApp)

// CClipBrdHistoryApp construction



// Application variables

CClipBrdHistoryApp theApp;
char PlugName[] = "ClipBoardHistory" ;
char ClassName [] = "VS8TTCLIP" ;
WinTrace * PlugTraces  ;
HWND hwndNextViewer; 
HWND hClipboardWnd ;
bool IsPaused = false ;


struct CClipFormatData { UINT uFormat; LPCTSTR szFormatName; };

CClipFormatData g_aClipData[] = {
   { CF_TEXT,            _T("CF_TEXT") },
   { CF_BITMAP,          _T("CF_BITMAP") },
   { CF_SYLK,            _T("CF_SYLK") },
   { CF_DIF,             _T("CF_DIF") },
   { CF_TIFF,            _T("CF_TIFF") },
   { CF_OEMTEXT,         _T("CF_OEMTEXT") },
   { CF_DIB,             _T("CF_DIB") },
   { CF_DIBV5,           _T("CF_DIBV5") },
   { CF_PALETTE,         _T("CF_PALETTE") },
   { CF_PENDATA,         _T("CF_PENDATA") },
   { CF_RIFF,            _T("CF_RIFF") },
   { CF_WAVE,            _T("CF_WAVE") },
   { CF_HDROP,           _T("CF_HDROP") },
   { CF_LOCALE,          _T("CF_LOCALE") },
   { CF_DSPTEXT,         _T("CF_DSPTEXT") },
   { CF_DSPBITMAP,       _T("CF_DSPBITMAP") },
   { 0, _T("") } 


void PrintLastError (char * title)
   LPVOID lpMsgBuf;
   if (!FormatMessage( 
      (LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf,
      NULL ))
      // Handle the error.
   // Display the string.
   if (PlugTraces != NULL)
      PlugTraces->Error()->Send (title,(char *)lpMsgBuf) ;
      TTrace::Error()->Send (title,(char *)lpMsgBuf) ;

   // Free the buffer.
   LocalFree( lpMsgBuf );


void AddDataBlock (TraceNodeEx * clipTrace , char * format , HGLOBAL hgData, const SIZE_T uSize )
   LPVOID pvData;
   unsigned MaxByte ;
   TCHAR temp [101] ; 

   MaxByte = (unsigned) uSize ;
   if (MaxByte > 1000)
      MaxByte = 1000 ;

   // Get a real pointer to the data.
   pvData = GlobalLock ( hgData );

   // Use the given trace node to add dump
   sprintf_s (temp, 100,"%s . %d byte(s)", format , (unsigned) uSize) ;
   clipTrace->AddDump (temp, (char *) pvData , 0 , MaxByte) ;

   // Unlock the HGLOBAL.
   GlobalUnlock ( hgData );


void WINAPI ShowClipboardContent(void)  
    LPSTR lpstr; 
    HGLOBAL hglb; 
    UINT uFormat = (UINT)(-1); 
    TraceNodeEx * clipTrace ;

    static UINT auPriorityList[] = 
        CF_TEXT ,
        49307,   // Rich Text Format 
        CF_DIB ,
        CF_DIBV5 ,

    uFormat = GetPriorityClipboardFormat(auPriorityList, 9); 

    //create an empty node, setting the left part to the text .
    // using a loop display the different formats in the clipboard as a dump

    clipTrace = new TraceNodeEx (PlugTraces->Debug()) ;

    switch (uFormat) 
    case CF_TEXT: 
    case CF_OEMTEXT :
    case CF_HDROP:
        if (OpenClipboard(NULL))   // hwnd
            hglb = GetClipboardData(uFormat); 
            if (hglb == NULL)
               PrintLastError("GetClipboardData error") ;
               clipTrace->leftMsg = "" ;
            } else {
                lpstr = (char*)GlobalLock(hglb); 

                //GetClientRect(hwnd, &rc); 

                if (uFormat == CF_UNICODETEXT) {
                    size_t len = wcslen( (wchar_t *)lpstr) ;
                    char  *pmb = (char *)malloc(len+1);
                    size_t i ;

                    size_t s = wcstombs_s (&i,pmb,len,(wchar_t *)lpstr,  len) ;
                    clipTrace->leftMsg = pmb ;
                    free (pmb) ;
                } else if (uFormat == CF_HDROP) {
                    int count, i, bufferSize ;
                    clipTrace->leftMsg = "<File list>" ;

                    //First call to know number of files
                    count = DragQueryFile((HDROP) hglb, 0xFFFFFFFF, NULL, 0);

                    TMemberNode * members ;
                    members = clipTrace->Members()->Add ("File list") ;
                    for (i=0; i < count ; i++)
                        // First call to know buffer size to allocate
                        bufferSize = DragQueryFile((HDROP)hglb, i, NULL, 0);
                        char  *Filename = (char *)malloc(bufferSize+1);

                        // get file name
                        DragQueryFile((HDROP)hglb, i, Filename, bufferSize + 1);
                        members->Add (Filename) ;
                        free (Filename) ;

                } else { 
                    clipTrace->leftMsg = lpstr ;


    case CF_DIB :
    case CF_DIBV5 :
        clipTrace->leftMsg = "<Bitmap>" ;

    case 0: 
        clipTrace->leftMsg = "<Empty>" ;

        clipTrace->leftMsg = "<not text format>" ;


    COleDataObject xDataObj;

    if ( !xDataObj.AttachClipboard() )
        clipTrace->Send() ;

    FORMATETC        etc;
    CClipFormatData* pClip;
    TCHAR            szFormat[256];     // format name
    //TCHAR            FormatCode [20] ;

    // Get all the data and pass it to the doc for storage.

    xDataObj.BeginEnumFormats() ;

    while ( xDataObj.GetNextFormat ( &etc ))
        //sprintf (FormatCode, " (%d)", etc.cfFormat) ; 

        // See if this is a built-in clipboard format.  If so, we already have
        // a description string for it - we just have to find it in the 
        // g_aClipData array.
        for ( pClip = &g_aClipData[0]; 0 != pClip->uFormat; pClip++ )
            if ( etc.cfFormat == pClip->uFormat )
                lstrcpy ( szFormat, pClip->szFormatName );
                //lstrcat ( szFormat, FormatCode) ;

        // If we didn't find the format in g_aClipData, then it's a custom
        // format, and we need to get the name from Windows.
        if (pClip->uFormat == 0)
            GetClipboardFormatName ( etc.cfFormat, szFormat, 256 );
            //lstrcat ( szFormat, FormatCode) ;

        HGLOBAL hgData;
        SIZE_T  uDataSize;

        // Get an HGLOBAL of the data.
        hgData = xDataObj.GetGlobalData ( etc.cfFormat );

        if ( NULL != hgData )
            uDataSize = GlobalSize ( hgData );
            AddDataBlock (clipTrace,szFormat, hgData, uDataSize ); 
            // Free the memory that GetGlobalData() allocated for us.
            GlobalFree ( hgData );
            // The data isn't in global memory, so try getting an IStream 
            // interface to it.
            STGMEDIUM stg;

            if ( xDataObj.GetData ( etc.cfFormat, &stg ) )
                switch ( stg.tymed )
                case TYMED_HGLOBAL:
                        uDataSize = GlobalSize ( stg.hGlobal );
                        AddDataBlock (clipTrace, szFormat, stg.hGlobal, uDataSize );

                case TYMED_ISTREAM:
                        LARGE_INTEGER li;
                        ULARGE_INTEGER uli;

                        li.HighPart = li.LowPart = 0;

                        if ( SUCCEEDED( stg.pstm->Seek ( li, STREAM_SEEK_END, &uli )))
                            HGLOBAL hg = GlobalAlloc ( GMEM_MOVEABLE | GMEM_SHARE, uli.LowPart );
                            void* pv = GlobalLock ( hg );

                            stg.pstm->Seek ( li, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL );

                            if ( SUCCEEDED( stg.pstm->Read ( pv, uli.LowPart, (PULONG) &uDataSize )))
                                GlobalUnlock ( hg );

                                AddDataBlock (clipTrace, szFormat, hg, uDataSize );
                                // Free the memory we just allocated.
                                GlobalFree ( hg );
                                GlobalUnlock ( hg );
                    break;  // case TYMED_ISTREAM
                ReleaseStgMedium ( &stg );
    }   // end while
    clipTrace->Send() ;


LRESULT APIENTRY ClipBoardWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) 
   switch (uMsg) 
   case WM_DESTROY:       
      ChangeClipboardChain(hwnd, hwndNextViewer); 
      return (LRESULT) NULL ; 

       // wParam
       //    Handle to the window being removed from the clipboard viewer chain. 
       // lParam
       //    Handle to the next window in the chain following the window being removed. 
       //    This parameter is NULL if the window being removed is the last window in the chain. 

       // If the next window is closing, repair the chain. 

       if ((HWND) wParam == hwndNextViewer) 
           hwndNextViewer = (HWND) lParam; 

       // Otherwise, pass the message to the next link. 

       else if (hwndNextViewer != NULL) 
           SendMessage(hwndNextViewer, uMsg, wParam, lParam); 

       return (LRESULT) NULL ; 

      // Update the window by using Auto clipboard format. 
      if (IsPaused == false)
         ShowClipboardContent () ; // (hwnd); 

      // Pass the message to the next window in clipboard 
      // viewer chain. 

      if (hwndNextViewer != 0)
         SendMessage(hwndNextViewer, uMsg, wParam, lParam); 
      break ; // clipboard contents changed. 

   return DefWindowProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);


// CClipBrdHistoryApp initialization

BOOL CClipBrdHistoryApp::InitInstance()
   return TRUE;


int CClipBrdHistoryApp::ExitInstance()
   return CWinApp::ExitInstance();


extern "C"


   // Get the plugin name 
   __declspec(dllexport) void  __cdecl GetPlugName (char * lpPlugName)//  __cdecl 
      strcpy_s (lpPlugName, 50, PlugName) ;


   //Initialise the plugin. Called after TraceTool load the plugin
   __declspec(dllexport) void __cdecl Start() 

      PlugTraces = new WinTrace("CLIPBH" , "Clipboard History") ;
      PlugTraces->DisplayWin() ;

      // attach the window to the plugin (itself)
      PlugTraces->LinkToPlugin (PlugName, CST_PLUG_ONACTION) ; 

      // add a button on right (100 pixels)
      PlugTraces->CreateResource (103,CST_RES_BUT_RIGHT,100,"Show last");


      WNDCLASSEX wcex;
      wcex.cbSize          = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX);		   = WS_OVERLAPPED  ; 
      wcex.lpfnWndProc	   = (WNDPROC)ClipBoardWndProc;
      wcex.cbClsExtra	   = 0;
      wcex.cbWndExtra	   = 0;
      wcex.hInstance	   = theApp.m_hInstance;
      wcex.hIcon		   = 0;
      wcex.hCursor		   = ::LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
      wcex.hbrBackground   = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_WINDOW+1);
      wcex.lpszMenuName	   = ClassName;
      wcex.lpszClassName   = ClassName;
      wcex.hIconSm		   = 0 ;

      ATOM classEx = RegisterClassEx(&wcex);
      if (!classEx)
         PrintLastError("RegisterClassEx failed") ;

      hClipboardWnd = CreateWindow(
         ClassName,                 //   LPCTSTR lpClassName,
         "",                        //   LPCTSTR lpWindowName,
         WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW,       //   DWORD dwStyle,
         0 ,                        //   int x,
         0 ,                        //   int y,
         0 ,                        //   int nWidth,
         0,                         //   int nHeight,
         ((HWND)-3),                //   HWND hWndParent : HWND_MESSAGE    
         NULL,                      //   HMENU hMenu,
         theApp.m_hInstance,               //   HINSTANCE hInstance,
         NULL);                     //   LPVOID lpParam

      if (!hClipboardWnd)
         PrintLastError("CreateWindow failed") ;

      hwndNextViewer = SetClipboardViewer(hClipboardWnd); 



   //Stop the plugin (free any resources before unloading)
   __declspec(dllexport) void __cdecl Stop() 
      ChangeClipboardChain(hClipboardWnd, hwndNextViewer); 

      if (DestroyWindow (hClipboardWnd)  == 0)
         PrintLastError("DestroyWindow failed") ;

      if (UnregisterClass (ClassName, theApp.m_hInstance) == 0)
         PrintLastError("UnregisterClass failed") ;

      if (PlugTraces == NULL)  // plugin stopped
         return ;

      delete PlugTraces ;
      PlugTraces = NULL;


   // Called when the user click on a button, label or menu on a WinTrace. 
   // The plugin must call WinTrace.LinkToPlugin with CST_PLUG_ONACTION  in order to receive this event.
   // Parameters
   //    WinId  is the Wintrace Id
   //    ResourceId is the User created resource or a tracetool resource.See the Tracetool resources table above
   //    NodeId is the node id of the current selected trace (can be empty)
   // Return value : 
   //    when true : tracetool perform the default action 
   //    when false : tracetool don't perform any action

   __declspec(dllexport) BOOL __cdecl OnAction (char * WinId , int ResourceId ,char *  NodeId) 
      if (PlugTraces == NULL)  // plugin stopped
         return true ;
      switch ( ResourceId )
      case CST_ACTION_PAUSE       :   // Pause on
         IsPaused = true ;
         break ;     

      case CST_ACTION_RESUME      :   // resume from Pause
         IsPaused = false ;
         break ;      

      case 103                    :   // user defined action : "Show last"
         ShowClipboardContent() ;
         break ;      

      case CST_ACTION_CLOSE_WIN   :   // Close win
         return false ;                    // disable close button. Stop the plugin before closing

      return true ;


   //Called when a node is to be deleted on a WinTrace 
   //The plugin must call WinTrace.LinkToPlugin with CST_PLUG_ONBEFOREDELETE in order to receive this event.
   //WinId  is the WinTrace Id
   //NodeId is the node id of the current selected trace
   //Return value : 
   //when true : TraceTool delete the node 
   //when false : TraceTool don't delete the node
   __declspec(dllexport) BOOL __cdecl  OnBeforeDelete (char * WinId , char *  NodeId) 
      return true ;


   //Called every 500 ms. Can be used for example to refresh labels 
   //The plugin must call LinkToPlugin with CST_PLUG_ONTIMER in order to receive this event 
   __declspec(dllexport) void __cdecl OnTimer() 



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Written By
Belgium Belgium
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.

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