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Multidevice ASIO output plugin for WinAMP

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13 Feb 2009CDDL27 min read 48.1K   728   23  
A tiny WinAMP output DLL that uses a C++ replacement of the official ASIO SDK that supports multiple ASIO devices.
#include "buffers.hpp"

#include <algorithm>
#include <type_traits>

//  Helpers and private implementation details.
//  -------------------------------------------

namespace // anonymous
    // Method:    InterlockedAdd
    // FullName:  InterlockedAdd<T>
    // Access:    global

    template <typename T>
    void InterlockedAdd( T & t, long const addend )
        assert( std::tr1::is_pod<T>::value );
        assert( sizeof( T ) == sizeof( long ) );
        //  Even with full optimization, intrinsics on and optimize for speed
        // the (MSVC 9.0) compiler chooses the Windows kernel implementation of
        // InterlockedExchangeAdd so here the intrinsic version is forcibly
        // called.
        _InterlockedExchangeAdd( &reinterpret_cast<long &>( t ), addend );

    // Method:    InterlockedIteratorAdvance
    // FullName:  InterlockedIteratorAdvance<RandomAccessIterator>
    // Access:    global

    template <class RandomAccessIterator>
    void InterlockedIteratorAdvance( RandomAccessIterator & iterator, long const offset )
        //  Perform/force a manual check as the real modification will be done
        // "behind the checking code's back".
        RandomAccessIterator( iterator ) + offset;
        InterlockedAdd( iterator._Myptr, offset );
        assert( sizeof( firstChannelBeginning_ ) == sizeof( long ) );
        assert( std::tr1::has_trivial_destructor<RandomAccessIterator>::value );
        InterlockedAdd( iterator       , offset );
}  // namespace anonymous

// Method:    MultiChannelBuffer
// FullName:  MultiChannelBuffer::MultiChannelBuffer
// Access:    public 

    buffer_                    ( 1               ), // this actually reduces the binary by a chunk (512 bytes)...!?
    channelSize_               ( 0               ),
    bytesWritten_              ( 0               ),
    minimumSpaceThatMustRemain_( 0               ),
    writePosition_             ( buffer_.begin() )

// Method:    allReadersHaveTheSameEndMarker
// FullName:  MultiChannelBuffer::allReadersHaveTheSameEndMarker
// Access:    private 

bool MultiChannelBuffer::allReadersHaveTheSameEndMarker() const
    // (todo) This check requires atomic iterator (which is non-pod structure
    //        under secure SCL) access.
#if 0 // Disabled until fully implemented.
    Buffer::const_iterator const endMarker( writeCursor() );
    for( Readers::const_iterator pReader( ++readers_.begin() ); pReader != readers_.end(); ++pReader )
        Reader & reader( **pReader );
        if ( ( reader.firstChannelBeginning_ + reader.availableDataPerChannel_  ) != endMarker )
            return false;
#endif // Disabled until fully implemented.
    return true;

// Method:    canWrite
// FullName:  MultiChannelBuffer::canWrite
// Access:    public 

size_t MultiChannelBuffer::canWrite() const
    Buffer::const_iterator const readPosition( slowestReaderPosition()      );
    size_t                 const unreadSize  ( writeCursor() - readPosition );
    //  The unread size could be read directly from the "slowest reader"
    // ( unreadSize == slowestReader().availableDataPerChannel() ) but that
    // would require reading it atomically/locked together with its position
    // (firstChannelBeginning) because they are modified independently from
    // different threads so this is simpler to do.
    if ( unreadSize == 0 )
        assert( allReadersHaveTheSameEndMarker() );

        for( Readers::const_iterator pReader( readers_.begin() ); pReader != readers_.end(); ++pReader )
            //  If even the slowest reader has nothing to read then all readers
            // (must) have nothing to read.
            assert( ( **pReader ).availableDataPerChannel_ == 0            );
            assert( ( **pReader ).firstChannelBeginning_   == readPosition );
            ( **pReader ).firstChannelBeginning_ = buffer_.begin();

        writePosition_ = buffer_.begin();

        assert( allReadersHaveTheSameEndMarker() );
        return channelSize();

    //  If we are at/near the end of the buffer and the
    // minimumSpaceThatMustRemain_ threshold has been reached move the remaining
    // data to the beginning of the buffer.
    // (todo) This design and code is modeled against the WinAMP API and
    //        input-output module interaction with which a maximum size limit
    //        for write chunks is known (it is currently coupled so much that
    //        even the maxWAInputChunk/8192 deduced from the WA SDK out.h header
    //        is directly copied here instead of specified from outside). Once
    //        the 'final' design settles and the reusability potential of the
    //        MultiChannelBuffer class becomes more clear this coupling should
    //        be removed.
    size_t const spaceAtEnd( channelSize() - writeCursorOffset() );
    size_t const maxInputChunk( 8192 ); // maxWAInputChunk
    if ( ( spaceAtEnd < maxInputChunk ) && ( unreadSize < minimumSpaceThatMustRemain_ ) )
        assert( allReadersHaveTheSameEndMarker() );

        size_t const spaceAtBeginning( readPosition - buffer_.begin() );

        assert( ( spaceAtBeginning > spaceAtEnd ) && "Too small buffer size chosen. minimumSpaceThatMustRemain_ should be 'much smaller' than the total buffer size" );

        assert( ( spaceAtBeginning >= unreadSize ) && "Buffer overlap. Probably a too small buffer. Requires memmove(). Thread unsafe." );
        // (todo) try to optimize this so that the source and the destinatiion
        //        are always properly aligned to for the SSE optimized routine
        //        so that VEC_memcpy() can be called directly.
        for( Buffer::iterator pChannelBuffer( buffer_.begin() ); pChannelBuffer < buffer_.end(); pChannelBuffer += channelSize() )
            std::memcpy( &*pChannelBuffer, &pChannelBuffer[ spaceAtBeginning ], unreadSize );

        for( Readers::const_iterator pReader( readers_.begin() ); pReader != readers_.end(); ++pReader )
            // "reader.firstChannelBeginning_ -= readCursorOffset;":
            InterlockedIteratorAdvance( (**pReader).firstChannelBeginning_, -static_cast<long>( spaceAtBeginning ) );

        writePosition_ = buffer_.begin() + unreadSize;

        assert( spaceAtBeginning + spaceAtEnd == channelSize() - writeCursorOffset() );

        assert( allReadersHaveTheSameEndMarker() );

        return spaceAtBeginning + spaceAtEnd;

    return spaceAtEnd;

// Method:    createNewReader
// FullName:  MultiChannelBuffer::createNewReader
// Access:    public 

MultiChannelBuffer::Reader MultiChannelBuffer::createNewReader() const
    assert( isInResetState() );
    return Reader( buffer_.begin(), *this );

// Method:    getWritePointers
// FullName:  MultiChannelBuffer::getWritePointers
// Access:    public 

MultiChannelBuffer::WritePointers MultiChannelBuffer::getWritePointers( size_t const sz )
    assert( sz <= ( channelSize() - writeCursorOffset() ) );  // "Non adjusting" canWrite.
    return WritePointers( writePosition_, channelSize(), sz, *this );

// Method:    hasUnreadInput
// FullName:  MultiChannelBuffer::hasUnreadInput
// Access:    public 

bool MultiChannelBuffer::hasUnreadInput() const
    //return slowestReader().availableDataPerChannel() != 0;
    for( Readers::const_iterator pReader( readers_.begin() ); pReader != readers_.end(); ++pReader )
        if ( (*pReader)->availableDataPerChannel() != 0 )
            return true;
    return false;

// Method:    isInResetState
// FullName:  MultiChannelBuffer::isInResetState
// Access:    private 

bool MultiChannelBuffer::isInResetState() const
    for( Readers::const_iterator pReader( readers_.begin() ); pReader != readers_.end(); ++pReader )
        if ( (*pReader)->firstChannelBeginning_ != buffer_.begin() )
            return false;
    return !bytesWritten_ && ( writePosition_ == buffer_.begin() );

// Method:    isReaderRegistered
// FullName:  MultiChannelBuffer::isReaderRegistered
// Access:    private 

bool MultiChannelBuffer::isReaderRegistered( Reader const & reader ) const
    return std::find( readers_.begin(), readers_.end(), &reader ) != readers_.end();

// Method:    registerReader
// FullName:  MultiChannelBuffer::registerReader
// Access:    private 

void MultiChannelBuffer::registerReader( Reader & reader ) const
    assert( isInResetState() );
    readers_.push_back( &reader );

// Method:    reset
// FullName:  MultiChannelBuffer::reset
// Access:    public 

void MultiChannelBuffer::reset()
    bytesWritten_  = 0;
    writePosition_ = buffer_.begin();
    for( Readers::const_iterator pReader( readers_.begin() ); pReader != readers_.end(); ++pReader )
        Reader & reader( **pReader );
        reader.firstChannelBeginning_   = buffer_.begin();
        reader.availableDataPerChannel_ = 0;
    assert( isInResetState() );

// Method:    resize
// FullName:  MultiChannelBuffer::resize
// Access:    public 

void MultiChannelBuffer::resize( size_t const numberOfChannels, size_t const bytesPerChannel, size_t const maximumExpectedWriteChunk )
    buffer_.resize( numberOfChannels * bytesPerChannel );
    channelSize_ = bytesPerChannel;
    assert( numberOfChannels == this->numberOfChannels() );
    minimumSpaceThatMustRemain_ = maximumExpectedWriteChunk;

// Method:    slowestReader
// FullName:  MultiChannelBuffer::slowestReader
// Access:    private 

Buffer::const_iterator MultiChannelBuffer::slowestReaderPosition() const
    // (todo) recheck this for thread safety.
    Buffer::const_iterator position( (*readers_.begin())->firstChannelBeginning_ );
    for ( Readers::const_iterator pCurrentReader( ++readers_.begin() ); pCurrentReader != readers_.end(); ++pCurrentReader )
        if ( (*pCurrentReader)->firstChannelBeginning_ < position )
            position = (*pCurrentReader)->firstChannelBeginning_;
    return position;

// Method:    unregisterReader
// FullName:  MultiChannelBuffer::unregisterReader
// Access:    private 

void MultiChannelBuffer::unregisterReader( Reader & reader ) const
    assert( isReaderRegistered( reader ) );
    readers_.erase( std::find( readers_.begin(), readers_.end(), &reader ) );

// Method:    writeCompletedCallback
// FullName:  MultiChannelBuffer::writeCompletedCallback
// Access:    public 

void MultiChannelBuffer::writeCompletedCallback( size_t const sizeOfWrittenChunk )
    writePosition_ += sizeOfWrittenChunk;
    bytesWritten_  += sizeOfWrittenChunk;

    for( Readers::const_iterator pReader( readers_.begin() ); pReader != readers_.end(); ++pReader )
        InterlockedAdd( (**pReader).availableDataPerChannel_, sizeOfWrittenChunk );

// Method:    Reader
// FullName:  MultiChannelBuffer::Reader::Reader
// Access:    public 

MultiChannelBuffer::Reader::Reader( Reader const & source )
    firstChannelBeginning_  ( source.firstChannelBeginning_   ),
    availableDataPerChannel_( source.availableDataPerChannel_ ),
    parent_                 ( source.parent_                  )
    parent_.registerReader( *this );

// Method:    operator++
// FullName:  MultiChannelBuffer::Reader::ChannelIterator::operator++
// Access:    public 

MultiChannelBuffer::Reader::ChannelIterator & MultiChannelBuffer::Reader::ChannelIterator::operator++()
    Buffer const & source( reinterpret_cast<Buffer const &>( *currentBegin_._Getmycont() ) );
    if ( ( source.end() - this->end() ) < static_cast<Buffer::difference_type>( channelSize_ ) )
        currentBegin_ = source.end();
        availableDataPerChannel_ = 0;
        currentBegin_ += channelSize_;

    return *this;

// Method:    getChunk
// FullName:  MultiChannelBuffer::Reader::getChunk
// Access:    public 

MultiChannelBuffer::Reader::ChannelIterator MultiChannelBuffer::Reader::getChunk( size_t chunkSize )
    assert( chunkSize < parent_.channelSize() );
    chunkSize = (std::min)( chunkSize, availableDataPerChannel() );

    ChannelIterator const result( firstChannelBeginning_, chunkSize, parent_.channelSize() );

    // "availableDataPerChannel_ -= chunkSize;":
    InterlockedAdd( availableDataPerChannel_, -static_cast<int>( chunkSize ) );

    // "firstChannelBeginning_ += chunkSize;":
    InterlockedIteratorAdvance( firstChannelBeginning_, chunkSize );

    return result;

// Method:    WritePointers
// FullName:  MultiChannelBuffer::WritePointers::WritePointers
// Access:    public 

MultiChannelBuffer::WritePointers::WritePointers( Buffer::iterator const firstChannelWritePosition, size_t const channelSize, size_t const writeChunkSize, MultiChannelBuffer & parent )
    firstChannelWritePosition_( firstChannelWritePosition ),
    channelSize_              ( channelSize               ),
    writeChunkSize_           ( writeChunkSize            ),
    parent_                   ( parent                    )

#ifdef _DEBUG // Ugly workaround for the RVO not working in DEBUG builds.
// Method:    WritePointers
// FullName:  MultiChannelBuffer::WritePointers::WritePointers
// Access:    public 

MultiChannelBuffer::WritePointers::WritePointers( MultiChannelBuffer::WritePointers const & source )
    firstChannelWritePosition_( source.firstChannelWritePosition_ ),
    channelSize_              ( source.channelSize_               ),
    writeChunkSize_           ( source.writeChunkSize_            ),
    parent_                   ( source.parent_                    )
    const_cast<size_t &>( source.writeChunkSize_ ) = 0;

// Method:    ~WritePointers
// FullName:  MultiChannelBuffer::WritePointers::~WritePointers
// Access:    public 

#ifdef _DEBUG // Ugly workaround for the RVO not working in DEBUG builds.
    if ( writeChunkSize_ )
        parent_.writeCompletedCallback( writeChunkSize_ );

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Written By
Software Developer Little Endian Ltd.
Croatia Croatia
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