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Download financial data, managing online portfolio or using Search BOSS from Yahoo! with .NET



The web service that Yahoo! provides is nice, but you have to know the right tags and symbols and how to build the URL to use it. This library will undertake that annoying task for you and returns the received data in managed classes.

This article provides the basic understanding and appliance of the library with the aid of some examples. For actual informations, releases or documentation etc. look at the project homepage.

Using the Code

Every example in this article needs the following imports:

using MaasOne;
using MaasOne.Base;

Download Classes and Namespaces

Every example in this section needs the following imports:

using MaasOne.Finance.YahooFinance;

The library provides a lot of different classes for downloading data, but with every download class it's the same principle. Each class inherits from the generic Base.DownloadClient<T> class. This class provides the basic functions for controlling the download session and getting the data. The only differences of each download class are the Settings property and the result class that is of type T. Every download class has a Settings property with a specialized settings class. This class inherits everytime from Base.SettingsBase. The result object can be of every type and stores the managed result data. There is a standardization of names in this library. E.g., if the download class is called QuotesDownload, the settings class is called QuotesDownloadSettings and the result class is called QuotesResult. Base.DownloadClient<T> class is abstract (MustInherit) so I will use Finance.YahooFinance.QuotesDownload as example.

QuotesDownload dl = new QuotesDownload();
DownloadClient<QuotesResult> baseDl = dl;

QuotesDownloadSettings settings = dl.Settings;
settings.IDs = new string[] { "MSFT", "GOOG", "YHOO" };
settings.Properties = new QuoteProperty[] { QuoteProperty.Symbol,
SettingsBase baseSettings = baseDl.Settings;

In this example you need to set the IDs of the stocks you want to get data for. And you have to set the quote properties for the data rows. SettingsBase class only provides internal functions and outside the library it's only important for standardization.

Now you can start downloading the data. For that the Base.DownloadClient<T> class provides the two methods Download and DownloadAsync. Both are parameterless and DownloadAsync provides an optional parameter for user arguments. The Download funtion returns the generic Base.Response<T>.

Response<QuotesResult> resp = baseDl.Download();

Every specialized download class like QuotesDownload can have overloaded Download and DownloadAsync methods. If you use the standard parameterless methods (userArgs is not counted as an parameter here) the class will use the Settings property object for downloading. With overloaded methods it could be that a new settings object will be created with aid of the passed parameters. Also the Settings property object could be cloned and only the passed parameters will be setted new to the cloned object.

Base.Response<T> stores the result T and the Base.ConnectionInfo. Base.ConnectionInfo class provides some information about download process like download size, needed time, success state or exceptions.

ConnectionInfo connInfo = resp.Connection;
if (connInfo.State == ConnectionState.Success)
    QuotesResult result = resp.Result;
    Exception ex = connInfo.Exception;

If you want to start an asynchronous download it's nearly the same. You can start multiple download processes with a single instance of download class. Base.DownloadClient<T> provides two events that occurs when the download process completed. The first event is the generic AsyncDownloadCompleted.

object userArgs = (double)1.5;
dl.AsyncDownloadCompleted += this.QuotesDownload_Completed;

private void QuotesDownload_Completed(DownloadClient<QuotesResult> sender, 
                                      DownloadCompletedEventArgs<QuotesResult> e)
    sender.AsyncDownloadCompleted -= this.QuotesDownload_Completed;

    object userArgs = e.UserArgs;
    double dbl = (double)userArgs;

    SettingsBase baseSettings = e.Settings;
    QuotesDownloadSettings settings = (QuotesDownloadSettings)baseSettings;

    Response<QuotesResult> resp = e.Response;
    QuotesResult result = resp.Result;

The delegate passes the DownloadCompletedEventArgs<T>. This class provides passed user arguments, used settings and the response with connection info and result data, etc. The settings will be cloned before the download started. So, if the settings of download object changed during async downloading, the settings of event args will have original values of current download process.

The second event is the non-generic AsyncDownloadCompletedEvent and is implemented by IDownload interface. IDownload is nearly as powerfull as DownloadClient<T>, without the generic part.

object userArgs = (double)1.5;
dl.AsyncDownloadCompletedEvent += this.IDownload_Completed;

private void IDownload_Completed(IDownload sender, IDownloadCompletedEventArgs e) 
    sender.AsyncDownloadCompletedEvent -= this.IDownload_Completed;

    object userArgs = e.UserArgs;
    double dbl = (double)userArgs;

    SettingsBase baseSettings = e.Settings;
    QuotesDownloadSettings settings = (QuotesDownloadSettings)baseSettings;

    IResponse resp = e.GetResponse();
    object baseResult = resp.GetObjectResult();
    QuotesResult result = (QuotesResult)baseResult;

In this example I used the Finance.YahooFinance.QuotesDownload class. With help of the following overview you can see the most specialized download classes of this library.

  • Finance.YahooFinance
    • AlphabeticIDIndexDownload: Downloads valid Yahoo! Finance IDs by index (A-Z).
    • ChartDownload: Downloads technical analyzing charts.
    • CompanyInfoDownload: Downloads main informations of companies.
    • CompanyProfileDownload: Downloads profile data of companies.
    • CompanyStatisticsDownload: Downloads financial statistics of companies.
    • FuturesChainDownload: Downloads future chains.
    • HistQuotesDownload: Downloads historic quotes.
    • IDSearchDownload: Searches for valid Yahoo! Finance IDs by keyword.
    • MarketDownload: Downloads market overview with sectors, industries and containing companies.
    • MarketQuotesDownload: Downloads the market quotes of a sector, industry or containing company.
    • QuotesDownload: Downloads up to 85 quote properties.
    • QuoteOptionsDownload: Downloads put and pull options.
  • Finance.YahooPortfolio
    • YPortfolioManager: Manages your Yahoo! portfolios (create, edit and delete portfolios, views and components).
    • HoldingsDownload: Downloads holdings data.
    • PortfolioInfoDownload: Downloads an array of all portfolios without components.
    • PortfolioDownload: Downloads the components of a portfolio view.
  • Finance.YahooScreener
    • BondScreenerDownload: Monitors bonds by specific criterias.
    • StockScreenerDownload: Monitors stocks by specific criterias
  • Search.BOSS
    • SearchDownload: Downloads search query data for web, image, news and spelling service.
    • RelatedSuggestionsDownload: Downloads related search suggestions.
  • Geo.GeoPlanet
    • PlacesDownload: Downloads geo data with Geo Planet API (deprecated by Yahoo!).
  • Geo.PlaceFinder
    • PlaceFinderDownload: Downloads geo data with Place Finder API.
  • Weather.YahooWeather
    • LocationIDSearchDownload: Downloads Location IDs for Weather API.
    • WeatherFeedDownload: Downloads weather forecast.

Additionally to these Yahoo! namespaces there is also the RSS namespace. Some web services provides RSS feeds and this class can be used to download RSS 2.0 feeds.

  • RSS
    • FeedDownload: Downloads RSS 2.0 feeds.

This project started with wrapping Yahoo! web services but can also be extended for other web services. At this time there exists an implementation for MSN Money (Microsoft).

  • Finance.MSNMoney
    • ChartDownload: Downloads technical analyzing charts.
    • HistQuotesDownload: Downloads historic quotes.
    • IDSearchDownload: Searches for valid Yahoo! Finance IDs by keyword.
    • QuotesDownload: Downloads quote properties.

Because of extension posibilities the namepsaces are structured like this: MaasOne.[KindOfWebService].[NameOfWebService]. So, it's possible to use synergies between same kinds of web services but different web service providers.


Every example in this section needs the following imports:

using MaasOne.Finance;
using MaasOne.Finance.YahooFinance; 

The Finance.YahooFinance namespace contains the classes for Yahoo! Finance web service. The download principle is always the same, but I will show you some examples for easier understanding.

At first we want to get some IDs. For that there are different classes. One of them is IDSearchDownload.

IDSearchDownload dl = new IDSearchDownload();
IDQuerySearchDownloadSettings settings = new IDQuerySearchDownloadSettings();
settings.Query = "dow";
settings.Markets = FinancialMarket.AllMarkets;
settings.ResultsIndex = 0;
settings.Server = YahooServer.Germany;
settings.Type = SecurityType.Any;
dl.Settings = settings;

Response<IDSearchResult> resp = dl.Download();

foreach (IDSearchData id in resp.Result.Items)
    string idStr = id.ID;

With IDQuerySearchDownloadSettings you can download maximum 20 results per request and you can set the start index if there are more than 20 results at all. With IDInstantSearchDownloadSettings you can download maximum 10 results without start index and no specifications like server, ranking or type etc.

A little bit special is the ID search by alphabetic index, because it's a combination of AlphabeticIDIndexDownload and IDSearchDownload.

//Download TopIndex (e.g. [A], [B], [1-9])
AlphabeticIDIndexDownload dl = new AlphabeticIDIndexDownload();
dl.Settings.TopIndex = null;
Response<AlphabeticIDIndexResult> resp = dl.Download();

//Download Index (e.g. [C], [Cl], [Ca(1/10)])
AlphabeticalTopIndex topIndex = (AlphabeticalTopIndex)resp.Result.Items[2];
dl.Settings.TopIndex = topIndex;
Response<AlphabeticIDIndexResult> resp2 = dl.Download();

//Download ID Search Results
AlphabeticalIndex index = resp.Result.Items[0];
IDSearchDownload dl2 = new IDSearchDownload();
Response<IDSearchResult> resp3 = dl2.Download(index);

IDSearchData[] idResults = resp3.Result.Items;

With the received IDs it's possible to use the other classes for downloading data. I already showed one example in the "Download Classes" section above. Here another example with HistQuotesDownload.

HistQuotesDownload dl = new HistQuotesDownload();
dl.Settings.IDs = new string[] { "GOOG" };
dl.Settings.FromDate = new DateTime(2010, 1, 1);
dl.Settings.ToDate = DateTime.Today;
dl.Settings.Interval = HistQuotesInterval.Weekly;

Response<HistQuotesResult> resp = dl.Download();

foreach (HistQuotesDataChain hqc in resp.Result.Chains)
    foreach (HistQuotesData hqd in hqc)
        double close = hqd.Close;
        double closeAdj = hqd.CloseAdjusted;
        long volume = hqd.Volume;

The other download classes in this namespace (and also most in this library) are working with the same principle: instanciate, set settings, download response, use result data.


Support namespace provides a lot of classes that are not directly necessary for getting the data. This namespace is just for handling with these data easier. For that, you have different data classes. The Support.YID class manages all information that are connecting to the Yahoo! Finance ID. Such an ID is constructed relatively structured. For getting data of the Apple stock, which is traded at XETRA stock exchange, you need the ID "AAPL.DE". The stock that is traded at NYSE has just the ID "AAPL". That shows that in most cases, you can deduce the stock exchange from the ID suffix (but there is more than one US American stock exchange, that has no suffix). For that issue, the YID class provides the StockExchange property for storing information like name, ID or trading time. You can prove if trading is active at a specific time in the machine's local timezone or UTC timezone. You can create a new instance of YID with an IDSearchResult. In most cases, the search result provides a known stock exchange and the YID constructor will manage the result data automatically. The Support.WorldMarket class manages all known, Yahoo! supported stock exchanges and a collection of some indices. You have a structure of continents, countries and indices to reflect the world market situation (provided by Yahoo!). A stock index will be represented by the YIndexID class that inherits from YID. Here you have the additional property DownloadComponents, which indicates if the downloader will load the data of the index itself or of the stocks of the index. Another IID class is YCurrencyID. This class represents currency relations of a base currency and a dependent currency. For that, there are the Currency properties BaseCurrency and DepCurrency. The result (QuotesDownload -> LastTradePriceOnly) you will download has the format 1 BaseCurrency : X DepCurrency.


Every example in this section needs the following imports:

using MaasOne.Finance.YahooPortfolio;

With the library you're able to manage your online portfolio. In general you are doing this with aid of YPortfolioManager class. This class provides several methods for creating, editing and deleting portfolios, views and components. YPortfolioManager inherits from YAccountManager, which provides the base methods for managing login status.

private YAccountManager mManager = new YAccountManager();

private void LogIn()
    System.Net.NetworkCredential cred = new System.Net.NetworkCredential();
    cred.UserName = "";
    cred.Password = "password";
    bool isLoggeIn = mManager.LogIn(cred);

For downloading your portfolio overview you just need PortfolioInfoDownload class and YAccountManager.

if (mManager.IsLoggedIn)
    PortfolioInfoDownload dl = new PortfolioInfoDownload();
    dl.Settings.Account = mManager;
    Response<PortfolioInfoResult> resp = dl.Download();
    foreach (PortfolioInfo pfi in resp.Result.Items)
        string id = pfi.ID;
        string name = pfi.Name;

If you want to download a special view of a single portfolio you need also YAccountManager and the specific portfolio ID for PortfolioDownload settings. Real-Time and Fundamentals view are static. They can not be edited or deleted.

if (mManager.IsLoggedIn)
    PortfolioDownload dl = new PortfolioDownload();
    dl.Settings.Account = mManager;
    dl.Settings.PortfolioID = "your_portfolio_id";
    dl.Settings.ViewIndex = 0; //The first view
    //dl.Settings.DownloadRealTimeView = true; //Real-Time
    //dl.Settings.DownloadFundamentalsView = true; //Fundamentals

    Response<Portfolio> resp = dl.Download();

    Portfolio pf = resp.Result;

    string[] allViews = pf.AvailableViews;
    string selView = pf.SelectedView;

    foreach (IID id in pf.IDs)
        string idStr = id.ID;

    PortfolioColumnType[] columns = pf.Columns;
    foreach (PortfolioColumnType clm in columns)
        Debug.Write(clm.ToString() + "|");
    foreach (PortfolioDataRow row in pf.Rows)
        foreach (PortfolioColumnType clm in row.AvailableColumns)
            object cellValue = row[clm];

These examples were only simple downloading work. For editing your portfolio you need to upload the new data you want to change. For that you have the YPortfolioManager. This is not like the other download classes. You don't have a Settings property and you have several events for different actions.

private YPortfolioManager mPfManager = new YPortfolioManager();

After logging in you can add a new portfolio.

Response<Portfolio> createResp = mPfManager.CreatePortfolio("MyPortfolio");
Portfolio pf = createResp.Result;
Debug.WriteLine("New Portfolio: " + pf.Info.Name);

Now you could change the name.

mPfManager.EditPortfolio(pf.Info.ID, "MyPortfolio_NewName");
Response<Portfolio> editResp = mPfManager.DownloadPortfolio(pf.Info.ID);
pf = editResp.Result;
Debug.WriteLine("Edit Name: " + pf.Info.Name);

Or delete it again.

Response<PortfolioInfoResult> deleteResp = mPfManager.DeletePortfolio(pf.Info.ID);
PortfolioInfo[] restPortfolios = deleteResp.Result.Items;

The next step would be adding new stocks to the portfolio.

Response<Portfolio> addResp = mPfManager.AddPortfolioItem("portfolioID", "GOOG");
Portfolio pf = addResp.Result;
foreach (IID id in pf.IDs)
    if (id.ID == "GOOG")

Of course you're also able to delete them.

mPfManager.DeletePortfolioItem(pf.Info.ID, "GOOG");

In Yahoo! Portfolio you can set holdings for your stocks. At first you have to download the actual data. You can do that with HoldingsDownload/YAccountManager or YPortfolioManager.

HoldingsDownload dl = new HoldingsDownload();
dl.Settings.Account = mManager;
dl.Settings.PortfolioID = "portfolioID";
Response<HoldingsResult> resp = dl.Download();

Holding[] holdings = resp.Result.Items;

foreach (Holding h in holdings)
    string id = h.ID;
    int shares = h.Shares;
    double pricePaid = h.PricePaid;
    Nullable<DateTime> tradeDate = h.TradeDate;

Now you can edit and update the values.

holdings[0].PricePaid = 35.29;
holdings[0].Shares = 100;
holdings[0].TradeDate = DateTime.Today;

mPfManager.EditHoldings("portfolioID", holdings);

Hint: You can use EditHoldings method to add or delete multiple items/IDs of your portfolio or clear it completely (empty Array). The portfolio will be updated completely by the passed Holding-Array.

Creating, editing and deleting portfolio views is nearly the same, so I will jump now to Yahoo! Search BOSS.


Every example in this section needs the following imports:

using MaasOne.Search.BOSS;

Yahoo! Search BOSS is the latest web service for using Yahoo!'s web, image and news search (also spelling and blogs). The library is using BOSS v2. If you want to use that service you have to register and create an OAuth key and to pay for it. After getting that OAuth key you're able to use this part of Yahoo! Managed to simply automate your BOSS queries.

For that issue you have the Search.BOSS.SearchDownload class. Primarily you have the normal SearchDownloadSettings class for setting OAuth credentials etc.

SearchDownload dl = new SearchDownload();

SearchDownloadSettings settings = dl.Settings;
dl.Settings.ConsumerKey = "your_oauth_key";
dl.Settings.ConsumerSecret = "your_oauth_secret";
dl.Settings.HttpsUsed = true;

After setting universal options you have to set the service you want to use. It's possible to use multiple services in a single query.

Culture culture = new Culture(Language.en, Country.US);
string queryText = "test";

SearchService service = null;

WebSearchService web = new WebSearchService();
web.LimitedWeb = true;
service = web;
service.Culture = culture;
service.Query = queryText;
service.Index = 0;
service.Count = 10;

NewsSearchService news = new NewsSearchService();
news.AlwaysLatestDateNow = true;
service = news;
service.Culture = culture;
service.Query = queryText;
service.Index = 0;
service.Count = 10;

ImageSearchService images = new ImageSearchService();
images.Dimensions = ImageSearchDimensions.All;
service = web;
service.Culture = culture;
service.Query = queryText;
service.Index = 0;
service.Count = 10;

Then you can start downloading the data. The result is splittet into different SearchDataConatiner classes for each service type. There you have the Type property which indicates the type of service and the type of specialized container class like WebSearchDataContainer. For the Items you have the SearchData class and it's specialized service inheritors like WebSearchData.

Response<SearchResult> resp = dl.Download();

foreach (SearchDataContainer container in resp.Result.Containers)
    if (container.Type == SearchResultType.Web)
        WebSearchDataContainer webContainer = (WebSearchDataContainer)container;
        foreach (WebSearchData wsd in webContainer.Items)
            SearchData sd = wsd;
            string title = sd.Title;
            string description = sd.Description;
            Uri url = sd.Url;
            Uri clickUrl = sd.ClickUrl;

            string displyUrl = wsd.DisplayUrl;
            Language lang = wsd.Language;
            DateTime crawlDate = wsd.CrawlingDate;

Participate in the Project

I'm looking forward to extend this project to other web services. If you're also interested, you could participate in the project. The main work would be creating Settings classes (and URLs) and result parsing methods. The frame of downloading data is already available.

If you're interested just send a mail.

Thanks To

  • Angelo Cresta for great bug fixing/testing work
  • Zvonimir Digas for the stock exchanges timetable
  • Alain Dionne for Canadian indices information


  • 1st May, 2012
    • Version 0.11.2
      • YPortfolioManager changed
      • YAccountManager changed
      • HistQuotesData changed
  • Version History from 0.7.8 to 0.11.2
  • 26th November, 2010
    • Version 0.7.8
      • QuotesDownload internally changed
      • HistQuoteData changed
  • 12th November, 2010
    • Version 0.7.7
      • Minor changes
      • Internal optimization
      • Miscellaneous bug fixes
      • Version for CF 3.5
  • 15th September, 2010
    • Version 0.7.6
      • Culture class added
      • Language enum added
      • Region enum added
      • Base.Download fixed
      • Support.YID changed
      • ChartDownload extended
      • FeedDownload extended
      • KeyStatisticsDownload fixed
      • Internal optimization
      • Miscellaneous bug fixes
      • market.xml update
  • 22nd July, 2010
    • Version 0.7.5
      • Country enum changed
      • WorldMarket changed
      • CountryInfo changed
      • ContinentInfo changed
      • NonAPI.IDSearchDownload changed
      • Miscellaneous bug fixes
      • market.xml update
  • 21st July, 2010
    • Version 0.7.4
      • HistQuotesDownload extended
      • HistQuotesDataChain added
      • CompanyStatisticsDownload fixed
      • Base.Download methods now Protected instead of Friend
      • QuoteData.Values changed
      • Internal optimization
      • Miscellaneous bug fixes
  • 20th July, 2010
    • Version 0.7.3
      • IDSearchDownloadChangedEventArgs changed
      • FinancialSecurityType changed
      • Feed and FeedDownload changed
      • Base.Download methods now Protected instead of Friend
      • XML auto text encoding
      • Internal download structure changed
      • Internal optimization
      • Miscellaneous bug fixes
  • 14th July, 2010
    • Version 0.7.2
      • API.IDSearch changed
      • Base.ConnectionInfo changed
      • Miscellaneous bug fixes
  • 29th June, 2010
    • Version 0.7.1
      • RSS.Feed changed
      • Miscellaneous bug fixes
      • Internal optimization
      • market.xml update
  • 24th June, 2010
    • Version 0.7
      • Download structure changed
      • Threadsave download
      • Base.Response added
      • Base.ConnectionInfo added
      • CompanyStatisticsDownload added
      • Namespace structure changed (subordination of Finance project)
      • MarketDownload changed
      • Miscellaneous bug fixes
      • Internal optimization
  • 18th April, 2010
    • Version 0.6
      • QuotesBaseData added
      • QuotesBaseDownload added
      • QuoteOption added
      • QuoteOptionsDownload added
      • Data import/export changed
      • StockExchange changed
      • MarketDownload optimized
      • Miscellaneous bug fixes
      • Internal optimization
      • market.xml update
  • 24th March, 2010
    • Version 0.5
      • Namespace structure changed
      • Version for Compact Framework 2.0
      • ID Search implemented
      • Alphabetical ID List download implemented
      • ISIN class added
      • Correction of DownloadFailure args (obsolete)
      • Data import/export changed
      • Minor bug fixes
      • Internal optimization
      • market.xml update
  • 14th January, 2010
    • Version 0.4.3
      • YQL URL alteration
  • 6th January, 2010
    • Version 0.4.2
      • Proxy support added
  • 14th December, 2009
    • Version 0.4.1
      • Commodities added
      • Special currencies added
  • 10th December, 2009
    • Version 0.4
      • YQL implementation
      • Data import/export
      • StockExchange added
      • IID interface added
      • MarketDownload added
      • Minor bug fixes
      • market.xml update
  • 22nd November, 2009
    • Version 0.3
      • Currency exchange structure changed
      • YID added
      • Stock exchanges added
      • Downloader bug fix
      • Servers completed
  • 27th October, 2009
    • Version 0.2
      • CSV reader bug fix
      • Clean disposing of download objects
      • QuoteData modified
      • Quote download of several indices
      • Indices added
      • Currencies completed
      • Enum description
  • 26th September, 2009
    • Version 0.1
      • Base.Download added
      • Servers added
  • 24th September, 2009
    • Updated source code
  • 23rd September, 2009
    • Initial post


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Apache License, Version 2.0

Written By
Germany Germany
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Comments and Discussions

Questionnewbie Pin
Member 936414917-Aug-12 5:24
Member 936414917-Aug-12 5:24 
QuestionStill cant find next stocks Pin
billybond10-Aug-12 19:10
billybond10-Aug-12 19:10 
QuestionLicense for commercial application? Pin
tobogganracing7-Aug-12 10:10
tobogganracing7-Aug-12 10:10 
QuestionProject Setup Pin
EG_311-Jul-12 5:06
EG_311-Jul-12 5:06 
QuestionWhere is the code? Pin
srarellano28-Jun-12 8:05
srarellano28-Jun-12 8:05 
AnswerRe: Where is the code? Pin
bradleykern2-Mar-13 6:05
bradleykern2-Mar-13 6:05 
QuestionRetrieve "next" set of stocks -- Thankful for any help! Pin
billybond25-Jun-12 15:18
billybond25-Jun-12 15:18 
AnswerRe: Retrieve "next" set of stocks -- Thankful for any help! Pin
billybond27-Jun-12 1:25
billybond27-Jun-12 1:25 
Anyone got any idea on this one?
I can't be the only one having this issue!
Questionprerequisites Pin
jasondemont8-May-12 8:27
jasondemont8-May-12 8:27 
AnswerRe: prerequisites Pin
MaasOne8-May-12 14:49
MaasOne8-May-12 14:49 
GeneralRe: prerequisites Pin
Member 69089816-Nov-12 15:51
Member 69089816-Nov-12 15:51 
Questionwhere can I download the demo sources? Pin
khoirom1-May-12 17:46
khoirom1-May-12 17:46 
AnswerRe: where can I download the demo sources? Pin
MaasOne1-May-12 17:49
MaasOne1-May-12 17:49 
GeneralRe: where can I download the demo sources? Pin
khoirom1-May-12 17:56
khoirom1-May-12 17:56 
GeneralRe: where can I download the demo sources? Pin
MaasOne2-May-12 0:39
MaasOne2-May-12 0:39 
GeneralRe: where can I download the demo sources? Pin
khoirom2-May-12 15:06
khoirom2-May-12 15:06 
GeneralRe: where can I download the demo sources? Pin
NYCChris3-May-12 5:33
NYCChris3-May-12 5:33 
GeneralRe: where can I download the demo sources? Pin
MaasOne8-May-12 14:54
MaasOne8-May-12 14:54 
AnswerRe: where can I download the demo sources? Pin
Frank van Bokhoven29-Mar-16 10:23
Frank van Bokhoven29-Mar-16 10:23 
QuestionDoes the download link on the top still work? Pin
AdamSteven14-Apr-12 23:01
AdamSteven14-Apr-12 23:01 
AnswerRe: Does the download link on the top still work? Pin
MaasOne15-Apr-12 0:32
MaasOne15-Apr-12 0:32 
AnswerRe: Does the download link on the top still work? Pin
MaasOne1-May-12 6:59
MaasOne1-May-12 6:59 
SuggestionThis is a dream come true Pin
yamabiz12-Apr-12 22:33
yamabiz12-Apr-12 22:33 
QuestionMorningStar Pin
yamabiz11-Apr-12 13:35
yamabiz11-Apr-12 13:35 
AnswerRe: MorningStar Pin
MaasOne11-Apr-12 18:57
MaasOne11-Apr-12 18:57 

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