ASP News System
This is a simple news system that can be easily added to any website.
Download full asp news
source code and instructions.
This code uses the following technolgies
- ASP (Active Server Pages).
- MS Access Database.
Be sure that you your system or web host supports these technologies.
Start by editing the settings.asp file, this file contains the basic settings
for the news system such as:
- Your News Title
- Login Code (password)
- Number of stories to show per page.
- Database path
newstitle = "News Demo"
logincode = "1234"
show_stories = "10"
database_path = Server.MapPath("news_data.mdb")
This file also contains a few functions that are used as well as some style
settings that can be changed to customize the look of the news system

The login page is a simple html form which is checked against the login
code that is set in the settings.asp file. If successful, then it sets the
session and continues to the admin area.
<%Option Explicit%>
if Request.Form("mynumber") = "" then
End If
FormPwd = Request.Form("mynumber")
FormPwd = replace(FormPwd,"'","''")
if formpwd = logincode then
Session("LoginID") = formpwd
End if
Once logged in the screen looks very similar to the public news screen, but
with more administrative options.

if not IsNumeric(show_stories) then
show_stories = "999"
end if
Set dConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
dConn.Open "PROVIDER=MICROSOFT.JET.OLEDB.4.0;DATA SOURCE=" & database_path
showall = request.querystring("showall")
if showall <> "" then
strSQL = "SELECT TOP " & show_stories &
" expire, id, newsdate, newstitle,
newsbody, active from tblnews order by id desc, newsdate desc;"
strSQL = "SELECT TOP " & show_stories
& " expire, id, newsdate, newstitle,
newsbody, active from tblnews where active = 1 order by
id desc, newsdate desc;"
end if
Set newsRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")
newsRS.Open strSQL, dConn, 1, 3
recordcount = newsRS.recordcount
if recordcount <> 0 then
data = newsRS.GetRows()
Set newsRS = Nothing
Set dconn = nothing
iRecFirst = LBound(data, 2)
iRecLast = UBound(data, 2)
end if
<table border=2 bordercolor="#CCCCFF" CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=4>
if recordcount <> 0 then
For I = iRecFirst To iRecLast
news_expire = data(0,I)
news_id = data(1,I)
news_dat = data(2,I)
news_title = data(3,I)
news_body = data(4,I)
active = data(5,I)
if active = 1 then
textcolor = "black"
textcolor = "gray"
end if
if DateDiff("d", todaydate, news_expire) > 0 then
textcolor = "black"
textcolor = "gray"
end if
response.write "<tr>" & _
"<td style='color: " & textcolor & ";'><strong>" &
news_title & "</strong> <small>date: " & news_dat & " expires: " &
news_expire & "</small>" & _
" [<a title='edit news' href='edit-news.asp?id=" & news_id &
"'>edit</a>] [<a title='delete news' href='news-cmd.asp?id=" & news_id
& "&delnews=1' onclick=""return confirm('Are you sure you want to
delete?')"">delete</a>]</td> " & _
"</tr>" & _
"<tr>" & _
"<td>" & news_body & "</td>" & _
"</tr>" & vbcrlf
end if
From here you can edit current news stories add new news stories, or delete
news stories.
The edit news stories, will basically read the values from the database based
on the querystring value passed, and put them into an html form which can
then update the database with your changes made.

<%option explicit%>
id = request("id")
if id < 1 then
response.write (errormsg)
end if
Set dConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
dConn.Open "PROVIDER=MICROSOFT.JET.OLEDB.4.0;DATA SOURCE=" & database_path
if request.form("ispostback") = 1 then
set updateRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
updateSQL = "SELECT * from tblnews where ID = " & ID & ";"
updateRS.Open updateSQL,dConn, 1,3
urecordcount = updateRS.recordcount
if urecordcount <> 1 then
Set updateRS = Nothing
end if
updateRS("newsdate") = checkdate(request.form("newsdate"))
updateRS("expire") = checkdate(request.form("expire"))
updateRS("newstitle") = Presubmit2(request.form("newstitle"))
updateRS("newsbody") = Presubmit2(request.form("newsbody"))
updateRS("active") = request.form("active")
set updateRS = Nothing
message = "<p><font color='#FF0000'>Update Successful</font></p>"
end if
strSQL = "SELECT expire, id, newsdate, newstitle,
newsbody, active from tblnews where ID = " & ID & ";"
Set newsRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")
newsRS.Open strSQL, dConn, 1, 3
recordcount = newsrs.recordcount
if recordcount < 1 then
set newsRS = nothing
set dConn = nothing
response.write (errormsg)
end if
For fnum = 0 To newsRS.Fields.Count-1
execute(newsRS.Fields(fnum).Name & " =
newsRS(" & CHR(34) & newsRS.Fields(fnum).Name & CHR(34) & ")")
if newsbody <> "" then
newsbody = undo(newsbody)
end if
<title>Edit News</title>
<form action="edit-news.asp" method="post" name="frm" id="frm">
<table border=2 bordercolor="#CCCCFF" CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=4>
<td>News Title</td>
<td><input type="text" name="newstitle"
value="<%=newstitle%>" size="50" class="cssborder"></td>
<td>News Date</td>
<td><input type="text" name="newsdate"
value="<%=newsdate%>" size="12" class="cssborder"></td>
<td>News Expire Date</td>
<td><input type="text" name="expire"
value="<%=expire%>" size="12" class="cssborder"></td>
<td valign="top">News Text</td>
<td><textarea cols="50" rows="8"
name="newsbody" class="cssborder"><%=newsbody%></textarea></td>
<td valign="top">Active</td>
<% if active = "1" then%>
<input type="checkbox" name="active" value="1" checked>
<% else %>
<input type="checkbox" name="active" value="1">
<% end if %>
<td colspan="2">
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<%=id%>">
<input type="hidden" name="ispostback" value="1">
<input type="submit" value="update" class="cssborder">
<input type="reset" class="cssborder">
<p><a href="edit-news.asp?id=<%=id%>">reload</a></p>
When adding news, the browser simple goes to the news-cmd.asp file, which
acts like a utility file, doing multiple functions depending on what value is
passed to it.
In this code, you can see where the insert takes place. To make this simple a
standard SQL insert is used to populate the news database with a new record
which can then be easily edited. You can also see from this file that if a
delete command is sent to the file with a record id, then a news item can also
be deleted from this page.
id = request("id")
response.write ID
if not isnumeric(id) then
response.write errmessage
end if
addnews = request("addnews")
delnews = request("delnews")
Set dConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
dConn.Open "PROVIDER=MICROSOFT.JET.OLEDB.4.0;DATA SOURCE=" & database_path
if addnews = 1 then
insertdate = FormatDateTime(Now(), vbShortDate)
mySQL = "INSERT INTO tblnews(newstitle, newsbody, newsdate, active)
VALUES ('New News Title', 'New News Text', #" & insertdate & "#, 1);"
redirect = "news-admin.asp"
end if
if delnews = 1 then
mySQL = "DELETE FROM tblnews where ID = " & id & ";"
redirect = "news-admin.asp"
end if
<script language="javascript">
Download full asp
news source code and instructions. That is about all there is to it, this is
just a very simple news system an easy way to keep your site updated from a
simple and quick web interface. Hope you enjoy it!