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Everything / database / SQL-Server / SQL-server-2000



Great Reads

by Shivprasad koirala
.NET 4.0 MEF FAQ (Socket, Plug and extension)
by Rick Bassham
How to use the SqlChangeMonitor with the new MemoryCache class in .NET 4.0.
by John Kenedy S.Kom
This project enables developers to create a setup package that automatically installs MSDE and attaches database
by Shivprasad koirala
4 steps to create free SSL certificate for development

Latest Articles

by Shivprasad koirala
.NET 4.0 MEF FAQ (Socket, Plug and extension)
by Rick Bassham
How to use the SqlChangeMonitor with the new MemoryCache class in .NET 4.0.
by John Kenedy S.Kom
This project enables developers to create a setup package that automatically installs MSDE and attaches database
by Shivprasad koirala
4 steps to create free SSL certificate for development

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by Shivprasad koirala
.NET 4.0 MEF FAQ (Socket, Plug and extension)
by John Kenedy S.Kom
This project enables developers to create a setup package that automatically installs MSDE and attaches database
by Shivprasad koirala
4 steps to create free SSL certificate for development
by Shivprasad koirala
4 steps to use readymade DAL component (Data application blocks)
by Petr Palas
Did you know there’s an easier way how to create dynamic web sites? Learn how Kentico CMS for ASP.NET will increase your productivity and help you win more clients.
by Shivprasad koirala
6 steps to enable transactions in WCF
by zhengdong jin
It's very easy to use and the most conventient DataGrid pager control.
by Alberto Venditti
Using a .NET Windows service as an engine for specialized custom plug-ins execution
by poodull76
Create T-SQL command text to update a table with OpenXML quickly and with minimal effort.
by santosh poojari
This article shows you how to make use of DataAccessLayer and caching.
by Mark Brandon
A helper object library to automate migration of SQL RS items from development to production servers.
by Simon Gulliver
A lighweight approach to creating AJAX.NET-enabled grids, with advanced functionality built in.
by TofuBug24
Shows a solution for creating a Master-Detail relation using textboxes.
by Paul Rony
A Programmer's Guide to Starting a Software Company and Building an Enterprise Application
by Uri Lavi
A simple database viewer to manipulate SQL Server data types (in particular: image, binary, varbinary and text).
by Md. Marufuzzaman
A simple example of SQL server admin tools.
by Stephan Pilz
A tool to generate/manage news and provide news via RSS.
by Md. Marufuzzaman
This article will give you an idea about how to use CASE expression in T-SQL or as a formula of a particular column.
by codeajay
A simplified SQL-CSV import/export functionality.
by gan.gary
An article on a SQL IDE for different type of RDBMS databases
by Lindsey Lewis
An article about a tool for comparing SQL database schema versions
by defwebserver
A wizard that allows you to FTP an application to a remote server and then launch the configuration wizard from the web browser to update the database connection.
by Steve Abraham
This article is an introduction to the SQL Server Virtual Device Interface and how to access it via any .NET language
by michael.neubrander
Multi account synchronizer for GMail, AD, and SQL Server.
by Sven Cipido
How to add a "select all" option to your parameter lists in SQL Reporting.
by arunpv
Add/drop Linked Servers using SQL Server 2005 SMO
by rasheed1979
This article demonstrates administrating SQL Server 2000 from Pocket PC on the fly.
by mysorian
A tutorial on connecting to SQL 2000 Server.
by mfmaneef
Explains how to send bulk records to a database using OPENXML.
by Alexander German
With agStoredProc, you can generate a C# class out of all the stored procedures in a MS-SQL database. No Microsoft ApplicationBlocks needed.
by Thanh Huu Nguyen (Tony)
Look up a huge list of stock symbols from MS SQL database
by Jay Kulaindevelu
To change the row colors in reports.
by salysle
This article describes an easy approach to examining all of the tables, views, and columns in a database.
by Md. Marufuzzaman
This article will demonstrate how to split a string using Transact-SQL.
by Md. Marufuzzaman
This article will demonstrate how to get a file name or a file extension as well using Transact-SQL.
by siva pinnaka
This article explains how to migrate data between different SQL Server environments.
by Shams Mukhtar
This article will enhance your vision on the usage of Robustness Analysis in conjunction with Model View Controller, using UML with application in ASP.NET. This article is a sequel to my articles on Architecture and Design with ASP.NET.
by Anton Pious Alfred
Most systems that use Stored Procedures make use of SQL parameters to send and receive information from the database. The code to create these SQL parameters and then populating them is repeated throughout the system. This article describes how to automate this code.
by Pedro J. Molina
This article provides a way for automatically testing SQL embedded in your Data Access Layer (DAL) before publishing a new release of your application.
by Srinath Gopinath
How to handle an array parameter in a Stored Procedure [SQL Server].
by Jeff Modzel
How to create your own ASP.NET 2.0 custom resource provider to replace resource files (resx) with SQL Server.
by mysorian
Walkthrough of generating a report from a SQL 2000 Server using the Reporting Services.
by Shivprasad koirala
ASP.NET Caching Interview Questions Part 2
by Alberto Venditti
An alternative and flexible way to manage config settings for multiple web applications.
by Shivprasad koirala
Asp.Net Interview Question Part 3
by Shivprasad koirala
ASP.NET interview questions: Part 1.
by osohare
Porting and deploying the report starter kit to Linux (RH7.3/Tomcat5.0.28/Grasshoper1.61)
by Abi Bellamkonda
ASP.NET Reports Starter Kit Porting from Windows to Linux using Mainsoft's Grasshopper
by Mark Cafazzo
Race To Linux - How to port a Visual Studio .NET web application to the J2EE Framework on Linux
by Abi Bellamkonda
ASP.NET TimeTracker Starter Kits Porting from Windows to Linux using Mainsoft's Grasshopper
by Amit K Bhagat
ASP.NET using GridView control as lookup
by jangtimjang
Do you want to know what your DB programmers are doing?
by acarpio1975
Given date ranged data, adjust existing ranges on entry of a new ranged data.
by ashishinfra
The generalized class has static functions that return dataset and datareader objects , It accepts string(name of xml tag that stores the query) and value to be supplied in case query accepts parameters
by icemanind
How to automatically create data access layers and business layers from a Microsoft Access or a SQL Server database
by Sangra
ASQLDataGrid is a useful component when working with RDBMS applications. It is capable of automatically constructing and executing SQL statements based on its properties.
by Sangra
ASQLDataGrid is a useful component when working with RDBMS applications. It is capable to automatically construct and execute SQL statements based on its properties.
by funklet
Make backups of SQL databases and upload them to FTP server
by Boo!
This article is to help you create context sensitive connexion string: choosen dynamically, depending on which server the application is running.
by SquaredRomi
A trigger is a database object that is bound to a table. In many aspects, it is similar to a stored procedure. As a matter of fact, triggers are often referred to as a "special kind of stored procedure".
by junnark
In Part 1, we built a simple web chat using Silverlight 2. We are going to add functionalities so that users are able to choose from multiple chat rooms as well as chat privately with other users.
by Dwight Johnson
Save hours of time by creating stored procedures and code from database metadata.
by noahhath
Building a hybrid Active Directory and SQL table DataSource view.
by paul heap
A plug-in for VS.NET that stores code snippets in a database. From the plug-in you can add code, search the database for code snippets. Also includes examples on how to integrate with the IDE as a plug-in.
by Vimalsoft(Pty) Ltd
This article will show you how to build an N-Tier application in VB.NET.
This is a series of articles providing Building Blocks for any ASP.NET application.
by John-ph
This article explains about building and executing a Dynamic SQL in a stored procedure.
by rafael_p
One of the many solutions to build a quick and robust middle tier.
by derekliang
This article is going to be served as an introduction to Expert C# 2005 Business Object by RockFord Lhotka which was written for business application developer.
by JR Hull
Save time when developing large applications, by using code generation for your business objects.
by PaulMcKenzie
This stored procedure will generate all the C# code for calling any Stored Procedure
by T Manjaly
Anybody can write code! With a few months of programming experience, you can write "working applications." Making it work is easy, but doing it the most efficient way requires more work than just making it work!
by kokilaB
Trigerring a Calendar in a Datagrid
by sandeep@s
An introduction to executing SQL Server stored procedures and how to retrieve the return parameters
by John Bevilaqua
SQL DDLs for creating table structures and inserting the data for a set of tables suitable for producing pick lists for validation of the Month Names, Month Numbers, Days in each Month and Years in the 20th Century
by Kuldip Rindani
This script calculates size of every user database with summary
by IPC2000
A handy command line tool that checks whether stored procedures, views and functions in a database compile
by Emil Lerch
Command line tool to check validity of objects in SQL Server databases
by Petr Palas
This article compares various approaches to storing, editing, and displaying structured content on the web. It shows the advantages and disadvantages of using XML and relational SQL databases.
by Ebenezar John Paul
An Ideal Code Review Checklist that applies for most programming languages
by RichardRoe
CodeSmith template for creating Audit Log Triggers on SQL tables.
by Vimalsoft(Pty) Ltd
Beginner to intermediate in N-Tier
by Vimalsoft(Pty) Ltd
Coding an N-Tier application in C# without using Wizards.
by MarkWei
To dynamically generate a Google Map with combined data sources from an external web service or API and from an internal MS SQL database, using AJAX and the ASP.NET environment.
by Paritor
Application to show differences between two SQL Server databases.
by Chaudhary
SQL Server manager for remote monitering and managing.
by vikas vohra
This article shows the implementation of Composite Server Control to provide Login features
by Padoor Shiras
Computed Column Specification for populating nth column
by Gil Shabat
Real-world Use Case: a flexible approach to present dynamic content with SQL Server, ASP.NET, and XSLT.
by Peter Hancock
Using NAnt and CruiseControl.NET to continuously integrate database changes
by BackyardHackMechanic
Describes how to get more control over the XML output when using the FOR XML AUTO statement. For instance, when adding XML tags.
by Eron Wright
Convert a datetime value to .NET-compatible Ticks using a T-SQL User-Defined Function. Useful for interoperation between .NET and unmanaged environments such as ASP and VB6
by Wiltek Ghozali
This utility is used for convert query result into *.CSV, *.TXT, *.XLS or Fill Into Crystal Report, supported SQL Server and ODBC connection.
by liron.levi
A C# utility to automatically do conversion from a SQL Server DB to a SQLite DB
by ritzcoder
This article shows you how to take a date string and use it in a parameterized sql server query
by Syeda Anila Nusrat
Create a Business Logic Layer, Data Access Layer classes, and Stored Procedure scripts from a database table.
by Mukund Pujari
This application can be used to create databases, tables, stored procedures during the installation of .NET applications.
by james.wren
How to add a modified on column in SQL Server using triggers.
by junyaoxu
This article explains how to build a generic and data bound Web based Crystal Reports server.
by Phuong Thanh Nguyen
Create a SQL Server database using C#.
by Mubin M. Shaikh
This article shows how to create and populate date dimension for data warehouse.
by Mukund Pujari
This application can be used to create database, tables, and stored procedures during the installation of a .NET application.
by Gordon Kushner
Utility program for generating SQL Server INSERT scripts
by justindhas
Create Sample Application Using Entity Objects Using C#.Net
by Michael Ceranski
Creating a DAL with SubSonic.
by alifaraze
Custom assembly and reporting services
by azamsharp
Implementing an auto-completion feature using ASP.NET 2.0 client callbacks
by Member 3209760
Creating CSV from SQL Database table attaching it to MS word as datasource and then creating mailmerge document
by Jürgen Bäurle
This article describes how to create Data Access Layer Components (DALC) using ASP.NET build providers and a self-defined description language in C#, including an easy scanner, parser, and CodeDOM generator.
by Igor Krupitsky
Unlike Date Dimension (with Year, Month, Date), Time Dimension (with Hour, Minutes, and Seconds) is not automatically created by SSAS (Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services). This article explains how to create and use Time Dimension in Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services.
by aleksisa
Build a process to import Leads records from Excel into MS CRM via email.
by Raspberry Man
How to make custom datasource for CrystalReports engine using push model and .NET
by Shaun Wilde
Custom MembershipProvider and RoleProvider implementations that use web services in order to separate the application and database servers.
by Thiago Silva
Automate your Reporting Services report deployment and scripting and database tasks by using these custom MSBuild tasks.
by Abhay Dubey
This procedure can be called in another Stored procedure or function and quite handy in debugging and development
by Palwinder Singh
Implementing custom resource reader with database
by Haja
When the IIS log is not sufficient for your web analytics , you can use this simple technique to track the extra data about visitors of your web page
by Hamidreza-Ghasemkhah
Automatically generates the required class and stored procedure to work with SQL databases
by Steven A. Lowe
Dashboards are immensely useful not only for business data but also for business applications, but only if they display metrics that can be used to "drive" (or "steer") in real-time.
by rperetz
Using SqlHelper in .NET 2.0 and getting return values and output values.
by Andrey Shchurov
With SqlWrapper, you can easily create your DAL classes writing the most minimum amount of code.
by Nikolai Serdiuk
This article describes creating indexed search systems using relational databases
by theoutlander
An overview on inheriting a ListView and implementing design-time data binding capability.
by Jason Selburg
How to implement data driven subscriptions in SQL RS 2000, Standard edition.
by ranajitbiswal
Data Encryption/Decryption using RSACryptoServiceProvider and X509Certificate2
by ganesan balachandar
The tool can generate the specified number of rows for any table. Can be used for stress testing the application
by AnupKumarYadav
Can be used in Multilevel Marketing with binary tree (can be modified accordingly to be used for n Tree)
by Ganesan Krishnan
Data Synchronization in SQL Express
by Duncan Edwards Jones
An extensible tool to package and deploy database schema objects
by M Saqib Ali
It is an object of database where we connect the data SQL Server and do working in sqlserver.
by Amir Mehrabi-Jorshari
With this tool, you can compare two databases and generate a difference report.
by Andrew J Dixon
Explaining Database deadlocking to non-technical people
by emadns
How to start a connection using ATL OLE DB consumer classes and how to obtain a session so that you can use it to query or edit the database.
by mc_kappa
Using this simple, yet elegant and powerful code, you can provide to your users efficient Office document merging; simply exploiting XML technology and basic string manipulation.
by falconsoon
Database Helper Class Library to Ease Database Operation
by Zoodio
This application will permit the user to create tables in SQL 2000. It will also permit the user to save and view images from the database
by konamiman.MSX
A C# class that uses the local file system to cache binary objects stored in a database.
by Michiel de Rond
A little tool to make life while developing with databases a little easier.
by Sean Goodpasture
An article describing a way to find the differences between two database instances
by Peter Weissbrod
An introductory approach to synchronizing database schema versions
by Redskin9
A series of Database utilities for lookup and data manipulation written in C#
by avronp
View and update any database table and metadata. Includes sample databases.
by Thiru Sagadevan
Showing Tooltip for each cell with data of a table in a Datagrid
by Manoh
DataGrid paging using C# Windows Forms - Select only the required (page size) records from the table.
by Manoh
DataGrid paging using DataReader.
by vacen2
Allows you to perform a Distinct query against a Datatable
by vacen2
Allows you to perform a Distinct query against a DataTable.
by iMuhamad
use date and time as separated components in SQL Server 2000 and above
by Mark Williamson
DBInspector is a swiss army knife for database developers. DBInspector helps you generate all types of code based on your database schema.
by Star_Friend
All you want to know about how to deal with DataTables.
by Jeremy Mullinax-Hill
A generalized stored procedure that performs constraint checks before performing deletes.
by Tadas Budvytis
Explains a mechanism of deleting a record when the selected record has related records in other tables.
by Manuel C
This script permits to deploy single cubes from one server to another
by Stefan Prodan
Deploy MS SQL Server databases using System.Configuration.Install and a VS.NET Setup Project.
by gtamir
Overcoming the SqlCommandBuilder.DeriveParameters() problem in .NET 1.1 communicating with SQL Server 2005
by Yuancai (Charlie) Ye
Performance comparison between SocketPro and .NET remoting.
by Zenab_Zenab
This article focuses on developing a workflow client device application for Pocket PC in C# 2003.
by Omar Al Zabir
Comprehensive guide to development of .NET 2.0 Smart Clients working with existing Service Oriented Architecture based XML web services, fully utilizing the Enterprise Library
by Suranjan Nandi
The report is build on XML Schema and the data and binded the report at runtime.
by smiling4ever
To make a dictionary that will work with Google Suggest like Dictionary.
by Tariq Younas
Article describes how to make backup and recovery plan of MOSS 2007.
by patelsachin
Displaying , exporting and printing crystal reports in ASP.NET with source code.
by Nitinpatel
T-SQL script to generate the document of SQL 2000/2005 database
by perlmunger
This article describes the DotNetNuke Module Packager application and source code. The application enables the user to generate DotNetNuke private assemblies that are useable out of the box from a custom module defined in the programmer's development environment.
by Andrey Chuvahin
Example dynamic configuration of DTS-packages for transferring DBF files to SQL Server with VB
by Kannan K R
In this article, we see a stored procedure to create pivot tables with multiple summary functions from an existing table.
by Tina83
A cursor for dynamic query.
by Asif Sayed
Generate multiple outputs from a single physical report template using dynamic data grouping.
by Mike Ellison
An approach to creating an aggregate report with a set of dynamic columns based on dates.
by Venkat Chaitanya Kanumukula
Export SQL Server Tables to Excel Files Dynamically
by Venkat Chaitanya Kanumukula
Export SQL Server tables to HTML/Excel/Word Document files dynamically.
by Matty22
An introduction to the benefits of ORM using the free Personal Edition of Diamond Binding
by Matty22
An introduction to the benefits of ORM using the free Personal Edition of Diamond Binding
by Chad Z. Hower aka Kudzu
Any user who works with database updates uses transactions. Transactions in ADO.NET are done using a transaction object, and a try..catch, but there is an easier, one might even say a more C# way to handle database transactions.
by Emad Al-Ashi
An easy graphical way to create complex nested SQL Join queries.
by Vitaly Tomilov
Demonstrates effective data processing of ADO recordset objects in C++ via Safe Arrays provided by method GetRows.
by Daniel Kuettel
This article shows a simply method of encrypting connection strings for windows applications
by Refky Wahib
This Article supporting these features: Logging to file, TransactionScopeActivity, WorkflowCommitBatchService, SqlTrackingService, fault Handler Activity and Bi-Directional communication using custom services
by David Hoyt
Easy to use ASP.NET suite that gives you everything you need to get started and makes it all pathetically easy to use - Windows services (with UAC), localization (webpage and e-mail), e-mail templating, configuration, and much, much more!
by earmitage
An article on enumerating SQL Server instances in C# using ODBC thus removing any dependancy on SQLDMO. Based on the C++ article by Santosh Rao.
by chintu222
This article will emphasize on the mechanisms of State Management that are available with ASP.NET and the steps to learn and understand their implications for usability, performance and scalability.
by Suresh Suthar
How to execute DTS packages through VB.NET and use global variables.
by Fuad Bin Omar
An article on exporting large data to excel file
by Venkat Chaitanya Kanumukula
T-SQL Code for Converting Stored Procedure results to Tables Dynamically
by Shuqian Ying
Codes for file synchronization between local and local/remote target directory trees that can be run under the NAnt or a console are provided.
by Todd Denlinger
Presents a method for monitoring the amount of time database connections stay open in ASP.NET applications.
by akhil khare
Find multiple strings (delimenated by space) in all selected columns.
by idreeskhan
Get or find Primary Key or ID column of Table in SQL Server 2000/2005
by brip
Sometimes its tedious to find all calls made to different stored procedures within a stored procedure and generate reports in case we have large databases. This tool is aimed to script all SPs and extract SP calls made with additional information such as author name and description.
by Rajaraman.net05
This sql function is used to find the week in Given Date.
by Sajid.Majeed
This article will address tools and technologies to identify bottlenecks and key consideration points for performance improvement.
by harry_kochhar
This SQL Server function helps to get the nth day of the nth week.
by Iqbal M. Khan
An O/R mapping tool generates persistence objects for your .NET application.
by Shivprasad koirala
Steps to use a logging utility in your projects using Application Blocks.
by daniel_nilsson
Testing FlashRemoting with .NET.
by Shahed.Khan, David.Grinberg
This paper demonstrates creating a flexible, extensible, plug-in-based .NET application (JOM - Smart Job Manager). JOM is an asynchronous job processing engine built using the MS Provider design pattern and the .NET technology available today.
by s_arun_kumar
Format Excel Sheet from DTS when Excel is not installed on SQL Server
by ashishnaik1
Format any Number to 2 decimal Number without Rounding
by István Kovács (HU)
Indexing Word, Excel and other types of documents is easy with SQL Server
by Klaus Salchner (Canada)
Indexing Server, SQL Server, Windows SharePoint Services, SharePoint Portal Server, Exchange Server and Windows Desktop Search provide full-text search capabilities. Each utilizes the so called IFilter components to index the content and then allows clients to search the index.
by Ameen AboDabash
Vertical/horizontal Marquee Web Custom Control consuming SQL Server DB/XML, with great design time attributes.
by ColinBashBash
Generate classes / CRUD procedures.
by Benedict Chan
Using .NET 2.0 to get the SQL Server schema and generate insertion statements.
by samitcom
This will generate a SQL Select Query, Insert Query, Update Query and Delete Query by selecting SQL Database Connection and Choose a table to generate the script for using in class or DataCommand.
by Sumit Amar .
Stored procedure to generate INSERT..VALUES statements in SQL Server.
by ilorgat
This is an alternative for "Generating INSERT statements in SQL Server"
by Michael Erasmus
This article is on a tool I wrote to generate executable osql deployment batch scripts.
by Brian Perrin
Eliminate the pain of calling SQL stored procedures from C#.
by Barathan
Generic Customizable login control for VB.NET Windows Forms.
by Suni1111
Easy Access to Control Properties in .NET
by Md. Marufuzzaman
A list of Global variables in SQL Server and their uses in Transact-SQL
by Gavi Narra
An implementation of Google suggest using remote scripting.
by Sumit Amar .
This stored procedure grants execute privilege on all procedures to specified user
by Tapan Dantre
This Article will give some briefing on sorting, searching, paging in gridview with ObjectDataSource.
by Gaurav K Singh
This article aids in rapid application development for database handling, for desktop and web applications
by Asher Syed
Handling Key-Down and similar events for DataGridCells in a DataGrid
by Lars-Inge Tønnessen
An article on how to setup and configure the MSFT MSDE 2000.
Example of implementing many-to-many multiple choice functionality the declarative way.
by azamsharp
Highlighting important dates in the Calendar control.
by Marcelo Ricardo de Oliveira
This article shows how you can mix together Model-View-Presenter, Domain Model, Services, ActiveRecord, and Repository patterns to create a testable application.
by Md. Marufuzzaman
This article will demonstrate the best practice to protect SQL server code object.
by JustChiragPatel
No need to create web service for SSIS package call
by Adam Page
Setting up an SMS gateway to conduct an SMS survey and storing the survey results in an MS Access database, from which you can generate/print out reports.
by Kamran Hazari
How to create Linked servers in a minute in an easy way
by Jimmy M Joy
This article explains how to convert DataGrid into a data entry form for same kind of data.
by Wang Xuemin
An article on how to use SQLDMO to enumerate SQL Server instances.
by Wang Xuemin
An article on introducing how to use SQLDMO
by Khorshed Alam, Dhaka
How to execute multiple long running SQL Statement Asynchronously in smaller chunks
by David Catherman
Components don't have a .Parent property like controls do. Getting a reference to the instance of the parent form the component was on is very difficult.
by Shivprasad koirala
How to handle concurrency in LINQ to SQL?
by Mohammad Akbarizadegan
This article demonstrates how to implement web applications based on AJAX and ClientScriptCallBack as it presents a simple example. Also, the article tries to point at the key features of working with ASP.NET ClientCallback and AJAX.
by CQüeb
This article pretends to show how to implement an incremental search doing double click in a UltraWinGrid column.
by Md. Marufuzzaman
This article will demonstrate how we can integrate T-SQL with an external application.
by Md. Marufuzzaman
This article will give you an idea about how to integrate an OLE Object that is a COM+ API with SQL Server and write a message into a Windows event log.
by Klaus Salchner (Canada)
Describes how you can link SQL Server with many different data sources like a directory as Active Directory Application Mode, a Microsoft Indexing Server catalog, a Microsoft Access database and a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Also explains how to query linked servers using the OPENQUERY command.
by Salil Khedkar
If you are into development or quality assurance of enterprise solutions, you must be aware of the security aspect of your application. This article provides a checklist for the same...
by Christopher Geyer
Creating a sortable GridView is easy. But, what if you want to perform a nonalphabetic sort on a column that is alphabetical? Answer below...
by T.Ashraf
How to pass values between user control and ASPX page without JavaScript
by Ali Ozgur
Sample code describing how to retreive statistical information about the T-SQL commands executed.
by ozkary
A VBScript script which allows to script out all the SQL Server objects in each independent file
by Ahmed_EL Sayed
How to set up SQL Server Integrated Security for using with SMS.
by Vimalsoft(Pty) Ltd
How to Store and Retrieve a ConnectionString from a Web.Config or App.Settings File
by Md. Marufuzzaman
An easy technique to store any file into SQL database
by Simon Steed (SimonAntony)
This article explains how using caching within your Windows Forms application can speed up data access for frequently used data and avoid performance bottlenecks over the network.
by InterScape, Inc.
Creating reports today has become a nightmare for a lot of developers. I can contest to the late nights and many lines of code in order to build custom reports, then have a user never use a report because it was slow or did not contain the data they wanted to see.
by Sujith C Jose
Describes how to use a simple stored procedure in Visual Basic 6.0
by Misha1964
Learn how to validate complex web forms using business rules engine
by Brian C Hart
To save you from hunting through the docs and locating downloads, we gather both databases here and walk you through installing them using SQL Server Management Studio Express -- updated for SQL Server 2008 Express Edition!
by Peter Weissbrod
A distilled methodology for detecting and isolating NHibernate-related performance and scalability issues
by Chirag R Darji
Impersonation using Code
by josekonoor
Information about Unicode implementation in SQL Server.
by Shivprasad koirala
Implementing Audit trail using trigger
by Ezhilan Muniswaran
This database script provides a template for properly maintaining multiple versions of a database.
by John-ph
This article shows different methods of implementing Dynamic WHERE-Clause in static SQL.
by Duong Ba Hong Minh
A good way to setup and install a multi-tree level structure by using a MS SQL Server database.
by Weidong Shen
Adding secure communications to the Microsoft IssueVision sample application using WSE 2.0.
by Mukund Pujari
This article shows how to import CSV data and store it in database.
by James Simpson
This article describes how to use nested sets to improve performance of hierarchies within SQL Server and other relational databases
by Albert Pascual
I wrote this short article to improve your ASP.NET application Sessions using Cache.
by Pete O'Hanlon
The first in a series of articles on prioritizing and improving query performance in SQL Server.
by Pete O'Hanlon
These articles are on prioritizing and improving query performance in SQL Server.
by Salvatore Vetro
The art of swap from a database to another changing a flag
by Jimmy Zhang
Introduces a simple, efficient, human-readable XML index called VTD+XML.
by Tariqaziz
All about stored procedure
by faisal abdul aziz
This article explains Parent-Child insertion into SQL Server 2000 using XML Support provided by SQL Server 2000 and Visual Studio.NET
by Garth Tissington
After pulling my hair out for several days I finally figured out how to install and configure SQLCE with SQL Server for replication to a Windows CE device. I hope this saves you some pain
by Mukund Pujari
This article shows how to distribute or install MSDE with a .NET application.
by Chris_Martinez
How to pass an array of integers to SQL Server
by Frank Kerrigan
Integrate reporting services with VS.NET pages and VS.NET controls.
by Ameen AboDabash
This project is established for helping students to make registration easily. It also simplifies this process for both students and employees and prevent usual problems the Credit Hours System faces.
by Anand Santhanam
In this article, I would like to demonstrate how we can leverage the SQL Reporting Services feature on to a Microsoft Access database, using the Visual Studio .NET as IDE.
by Jayawant
Connecting .Net & SAP
by Kevin Staunton-Lambert
A general overview of Internet technologies including what the Internet actually is, what HTML and XML are, using Web forms, CGI/MIME, IIS ISAPI, ASP and creating HTML based front ends to databases via ODBC32, OLE DB, ADO and ASP.NET
by mohamad halabi
Shows how to build new-design distributed applications with WF 4.0 and Data Services.
by Ujwal Watgule
The article discusses threats to application in the absence of proper validation procedure.
by goodtime68
Cyber café software to keep track of buisness.
by John Kenedy S.Kom
This is a .NET 3.5 library that acts as Data Access Layer with many automatic features
by hurddar
Optimization considerations for your code management
by | Muhammad Waqas Butt |
Show Crystal Report On Selection Base
by icemanind
Easily create Business and Data Layers!
by Sree Nivas
This generates Basic linq codes just by giving necessary inputs
by Shivprasad koirala
Concurrency handling, compiled queries, CRUD implementation, and mapping simple .NET classes with XML file configuration.
by Le Sourcier
How to use LINQ to SQL
by Muigai Mwaura
LINQ to SQL Transformation: Open Source implementation of IQueryable, examples and source code
by Muigai Mwaura
Query multiple databases in one expression e.g. an Microsoft Access Database and an SQL Server Database
by Maxim Alekseykin
Explains how to load a BLOB data into a DB table and how to get it from the DB table.
by Bahrudin Hrnjica
Putting and retrieving images files to and from a database, via ADO.
by James Curran
An article on locating MS SQL Server instances on the local network, and retrieving information about them.
by felipesabino
Shows a way to map tables, relations between tables, and columns info of a SQL Server 2000/2005 database; also generates INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and SELECT SQL statements at runtime using C# (TableReader).
by JSpruell
A primer on creating ASP.NET pages that use User.Identity.Name available from Forms Authentification to permit a customer/employee to logon, retrieve their specific records, and format the information as a Master Detail record.
by Stephen Huen
Review of MCMS Connector for SharePoint Technologies.
by Chester Ragel
A tool which can be used to do common tasks which Microsoft Content Management Server API provides.
by Stephen Huen
Display content from a Content Management Server placeholder in a WSS site.
by Stephen Huen
Lists items in a Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) list.
by ihsanps
Merge Replication using SQL 2000 or 2005 using Compact Framework
by sebagomez
An article on how to configure a SQL Server 2000 and SQL CE on different PPC that syncronize their data with the SQL Server 2000
by Thomas Kurek
Unsatisfied with the accuracy of code online that assumes the Earth is a sphere, I have implemented the oblate spheroid model used in GPS.
by Stephen Huen
Provides a start page for search engines to crawl a Content Management Server (MCMS) web site.
by Stephen Huen
Gives Content Management Server web sites search capability using SharePoint Portal Server as the search engine.
by Stephen Huen
Gives Content Management Server web sites search capability using SharePoint Portal Server as the search engine.
by Ali Hamdar
How we can access the Windows Indexing Service using OLEDB.
by Teo Lachev
Introducing Microsoft Reporting Services.
by Ladislav Nevery
Native MySql Client not requiring any special driver or library
by Kuldip Rindani
Monitoring group of Linked SQL Servers from a SQL Server
by smoore4
Move multiple computers from one OU to another using a SQL Server table as a datasource.
by Haiyan Du
Do you know the easiest way to move DTS package from one SQL server to another? The answer is here.
by Praveen Nair (NinethSense)
This article describes how to develop a Microsoft SQL Profiler with .NET.
by Stefan Fork
Validate MS SQL Server scripts with NAnt to improve continuous integration.
by firefalcon
A real example of database migration (MS SQL -> FireBird).
by T.Ashraf
Display multi line of text saved in the database
by Daniel Schaffer
Data repeater that can group by multiple database fields.
by TSells
Utility to manage multiple DB connection strings for an application.
by fhunth
How to write multiple filters on a WHERE clause on a sql sentence
by Mohammad Ashraful Alam
Along with specification, examples and tools, a new visual modeling technique is being introduced, termed as “nAML” (.NET Application Modeling Language), which overcomes the limitation of typical modeling languages in a revolutionary way!
by Himanshu D
This article demonstrates the ASP.NET 2.0 feature to extend menu generation using SiteMapPath.
by Billy McCafferty
This article describes best practices for leveraging the benefits of NHibernate 1.2, ASP.NET, generics and unit testing together.
by Ali Ozgur
How to create DaoFactory instances with Castle/MikroKernel in NHibernate applications
by Murat YILMAZ
Here is a tool to help you build your NHibernate ORM applications.
by Danilo Mendez
Describes how to generate NHibernate objects and ASPX pages using Smart Code
by Todd Davis
An installation program for the popular DotNetNuke ASP.NET portal.
by Stu Ellerbusch
Object mapping using reflection, with C# and SQL Server.
by Dave Handley
A library of template classes that enables the rapid production of client-side database code.
by mysorian
Describes importing of an Access 2000 parametric report into SQL 2000 Reporting Services.
by Gishoma
Here's the scenario: your boss wants information on the go, but he hates to haul along his laptop. He's sick of the hassle of bringing it on airplanes and lugging it around. He wants a mobile application that provides him with the information he usually accesses on your extranet.
by Gaurang Desai
Library that implements business days and age calculation and also implements the DateDiff function in C#.
by Muhammad Akhtar Shiekh
An artcile on End to End solution to optimized paging and sorting in ASP.NET GridView using Object Data Source.
by Shivprasad koirala
Optimizing LINQ Queries using DataLoadOptions
by Peter Weissbrod
This is the second part in a two-piece article focused on optimizing the efficiency of your NHibernate ORM layer.
by hoquet
A utility program that allows you to enter SQL to select data from Oracle, the program will then create a table in SQL Server and copy the data using SQLBulkCopy.
by bluechip_asia
Simple Row Paging Using T-SQL at Stored Procedure
by Pankaj A. Chitriv
An article which gives an overview of SQL Server DB clustering using MSCS.
by Md. Marufuzzaman
Overview of SQL Server database Triggers
by Md. Marufuzzaman
Overview of SQL server stored procedure
by machocr
Simple data paging control for Windows Forms.
by Navin Pandit
Pagination with Repeater control / custome pagination with data control in C# ASP.NET 2.0
by Alon_Catz
This article presents an alternative solution to paging large datasets using Open Source Sql.Net library.
by Muhammad Kashif Akram
Facilitating efficient Sql Server paging by giving T-SQL query as input to this generic stored procedure
by Jasmin Muharemovic
An article about optimization and performance testing of MS SQL Server 2000 stored procedures used for paging of large resultsets in ASP.NET
by Vimalsoft(Pty) Ltd
How to use paging without a wizard in ASP.NET.
by Patrickquinn1212
Uses DataBase Schema to aid in Parameter Building for commands.
by -Dr_X-
Passing multiple values as a single Parameter to a Stored Procedure
by Mohammad Al Hoss
Passing an array as parameter to SQL server Procedure
by Mark
An article describing a pattern for updating only certain values that have changed in a web form.
by xbadenx
Merge data tables with validation audits and error logging.
by Thomas Lykke Petersen
Enable persistance and population of objects without writing ADO.NET code.
by Daniel Aioanei, Adi Malinaru, Andrei Postolache
An article on how to persist permutations of items in relational databases.
by Nick Higgs
Presenting a lightweight method to cut out most of the repetitive work of creating data classes.
by Declan Brennan
Extending the RichTextBox to support form persistance and data binding.
by TylerBrinks
Geo-Locating C# Smart Client Application using the 2.0 Framework
by Abhijit Mahato
This article discusses the pitfalls encountered and their workarounds during development of BizTalk Projects
by Psycho-*Coder*-Extreme
This article covers pitfalls found while doing a merge replication in SQL 2000
by Sigura
Pop3 Client Service (instead of SQLMail): Pop3 Class + DB Halper Class + Read XML Class + SQL Connection Dlg Control + BLOB to File Util
by albert arul prakash
XSS gaining popularity to hack into websites. This article describes how to power yourself against XSS
by Md. Marufuzzaman
This article will demonstrate the procedure to shrink the database transaction log.
by Kim Sheffield
The RDL Project is an open source (GPL) implementation of the RDL for the .NET environment created by fyiReporting Software. RDL is an XML based language created by Microsoft with the goal of promoting interoperability of reporting products. Project RDL is a compact implementation of RDL.
by Rajesh Pillai
This project is meant to provide a tool similar to query analyzer which can be used to execute queries, create tables, and do all other common database activities.
by pinaldave
Query Optimization – Remove Bookmark Lookup – Remove RID Lookup – Remove Key Lookup
by Mikael Håkansson
QueryCommander SQL editor with IntelliSense, wrapped in a Visual Studio type of environment. QueryCommander supports: Microsoft SQL Server 6.5-2005, MySQL 4.*-5.1, and Oracle 9i.
by Abhijit Jana
Basic overview of temporary Tables in SQL Server 2005
by Balachandar Ganesan
Auto Generate the ASPX page quickly
by Matt Perdeck
Shows how to add a Crystal Reports report to an ASP.NET page, with grouping, filtering, and drill down.
by Mustakim Mansuri
Sql Query in Sql Server 2000 for getting rank on particular numeric field in table.
by Andrew M Baldwin
An article about the Multiformity Open Source project.
by bluechip_asia
This Article Teach You How To Use External RPT File Rather Than Embedded RPT File (.DLL)
by Shahed.Khan
This paper demonstrates an extensible mass emailing framework (Smart Mass Email SME). The demo implementation uses cutting edge .NET technologies available today such as C#, .NET 2.0, Microsoft® SQL Server 2005 Service Broker, MS Provider Pattern, Enterprise Library January 2006 etc.
by Ben Allfree
Learn how to store data with a version history.
by Eugene Ochakovsky
A generic procedure to retrieve and delete duplicate records from MS SQL Server tables.
by Asif Sayed
A step by step tutorial demonstrating the power of locally processed Reporting Services with the ASP.NET Web Client..
by Star_Friend
Web Applications & ASP .NET
by Phorozan
When you create a backup, you must be able to restore this backup into the same database and same location. But this code also helps you to restore a backup into a new database or existing database.
by Deepak.M
This article describes on building a Database from scratch using Batch File from the existing Database
by Rajneesh Noonia
This tool is used to retrieve the forgotten SQL Server Password and passwords of registered servers.
by Bryan Sachdeva
This article describes how to create a wrapper class for the native Phone API, and then uses it to retrieve and store the call history.
by David A. Gray
MD5 Digest XSP with error trapping and full Unicode support, in and out.
by P. Ganesh Kumar
Helps in assigning row numbers in the returned result of an SQL query
by bluechip_asia
Row Paging Using Temporary View
by Seifedine kadry
Run an SqlServerr Job from MS Access
by Vlad Hrybok
This article describes how to run DotNetNuke content management system on UltiDev Cassini web server, which unlike IIS can run on Windows XP Home and can be redistributed along with the DotNetNuke applications.
by Bala Murali S
Sample project containing source code to implement AJAX without Ajax.dll in VB.NET, ASP.NET.
by vivekthangaswamy
How to upload files to Web pages in ASP.NET? How to read an image from a database using ADO.NET and display it in a Web page?
by j1webb
This code will let you save .WAV files to either a MSSQL, MSDE or MySql database and then retrieve them
by Aravind Rajagopal K
Schema.ini override and bulk upload using SQLXML
by craigd
Save your database diagrams *outside* the database in a Transact-SQL text file, for backup and/or source-control.
by hamidreza Talebi
search Using textbox
by wallace turner
An effective utility to securely backup an SQL Server database and/or a group of files to a remote machine
by Paresh Goyal
A Key ShortCut for 'SELECT * FROM' for tables and to see text of the stored procedures.
by Anwar Hussain (Technical Specialist)
A custom control - server side MessageBox in VB.NET and C#.
by Vivek Shaurya
Investigating the database created by SharePoint for use in your .NET application.
by Wouter van Vugt
A CMS built using WebParts and MasterPages.
by Nitesh Maharaj
How to create simple and advanced pivot tables in C# and ASP.NET
by Jean-Francois Lanouette
This is an alternative for "Simple & Advanced Pivots with C# and ASP.NET"
by codelion
Simple bit of Transact SQL to help locate text in a database using cursors
by 6opuc
Fast and easy to use data access class library.
by R. Giskard Reventlov
Simple export of data from database a to database b using identical tables (SQL Server).
by Barend Jnr
Simple Data Paging
by TomKat
Simple ODBC Wrapper + Connection classes for several database types.
by hamidreza Talebi
Using simple code for searching in database
by Pawel Zarzycki
Simple class that helps accessing and managing SQL Connection Strings.
by HRiazi
Use stored procedures in your code - as simple as 1,2,3
by realhossam
Simple use of Ajax technology in .net
by vini2k1
Perform phonetic search on MS SQL Server using Soundex.
by Asif Sayed
A tutorial demonstrating the power of the AutoComplete feature of the TextBox control using a Windows Forms client and SQL Server 2000 data.
by Alberto Venditti
A proposed class to simulate the ADODB.Recordset behavior in .NET.
by skullz_softwares
Making Single Instance Application a Simple Way!!
by Danilo Mendez
Smart Code the Open Source Code Generator
by Lou Flees
An ADO.NET toolbox that is meant to serve as the lowest level database IO layer for an application based on an Access, Microsoft SQL Server, or Oracle database.
by DGoins
This article explains a brief introduction to SOA and a Subscriber-Publisher model, along with how to implement one using WSE SOAP Receiver and WSE SOAP Sender classes inside a Windows .NET application.
by Ashutosh Singhal
Having problems while passing XML into a Stored Procedure because of Namespaces? This script would probably solve it.
by Dave Elliott
How to sort tables so data can be retrieved for offline sychronization and not violate foreign key relationships.
by Igor Krupitsky
SparkLine is a small, high resolution line chart. This article explains how to create and use SparkLines in your ASP.NET application.
by Romelard Fabrice (Alias F___)
A Stored Procedure for Create a Time Table with all interesting details
by Ayaz Awan
Generate 100,1000 lines of backend code and stored procedures by just one click on table name in SQL Server
by Raj Settipalli
An article on generating SQL strored procedures and VB.NET function calls.
by j.Auer
SQL works if the commands are set-based. Procedural elements may helpful, but shouldn't be used on the wrong place. The article begins with a procedural sample and changes it into a set-based version.
by craigd
Single-player game using GEOMETRY datatype and spatial functions in SQL Server.
by Xodiak
A class that encapsulates SQL connection classes to make queries and stored procedures very easy to run in .NET. Contains methods like ExecuteStoredProcedure and ExcuteSelectStatement to return DataSets.
by Redgate Software
A simple solution to scripting when sysdepends are damaged
by Edward Steward
Quickly create a full backup regime for your SQL database(s).
by Member 2260574
Connect and close a sql database with internal error reporting using Event Logs
by Charl Pohlmann
An article on a SQL database editor.
by Charl Pohlmann
An article on automatically building the relationships between tables in a DataSet.
by Ted Bouskill
This is a simple console application that can be scheduled to create CSV files with table space used data.
by George Oakes
This library allows a user to use functions in SQL Server to encrypt and decrypt text.
by Abdul Quader Mamun
Framework makes application more organized and efficient way to coding. It is helpful for newly assigned developer to understand code structure within a short time. It is essential for large application.
by Amit Kukreti (A)
An article on SQL injection attacks.
by Colin Angus Mackay
Discusses various aspects of SQL Injection attacks, what to look for in your code, and how to secure it against SQL Injection attacks.
by Daniel Wood
Learn how changing the way you write queries can make them run faster. This article will describe the automated approach to optimizing SQL. DBA's have been doing it for years, now it's available for developers.
by Praveen Nair (NinethSense)
This article gives simple practical guidelines which will help a developer to design good performance, high quality SQL databases.
by Shivprasad koirala
SQL Query Optimization FAQ Part 1 (With video explanation)
by Redgate Software
This article describes how you can use SQL Refactor to sharpen up your T-SQL.
by Vinoth Kumar.S
Superscripts in SQL Reporting Services.
by Vinoth Kumar.S
A tip for one of the problems found with Footer Text of ReportDesigner
by wburdick
A tip for one of the problems found with Footer Text of ReportDesigner
by Marian Dumitrascu
A report viewer page for SQL Reporting Services that uses exclusively its SOAP API.
by JeyKey
An article on generating dynamic column reports.
by idreeskhan
SQL Script Executer or Reader executes the scripts which are already generated and you want to execute them. Just change the path where your scripts reside.
by idreeskhan
SQL Script Generator generates the SQL Scripts to run on SQL query to analyze only insert and update queries
by pinaldave
SQL SERVER - 2005 - Introduction and Explanation to sqlcmd
by pinaldave
SQL SERVER - 2005 T-SQL Paging Query Technique Comparison (OVER and ROW_NUMBER()) - CTE vs. Derived Table
by pinaldave
SQL SERVER - 2008 - Configure Database Mail - Send Email From SQL Database
by ThomasMiller
Descripe the SQL Server 2000/2005 interaction with Active Directory on Windows 2000 or 2003 server
by pinaldave
I tried to accommodate all of them in the last post in the series. I hope this series is helpful to all candidates who are seeking job as well interviewers. I have combined all the questions and answers in the one PDF which is available to download and refer to at your convenience.
by pinaldave
SQL SERVER – Order of Columns in Update Statement does not matter
by D J Nagendra
Merge replication step by step procedure for SQL Server 2000.
by Alex Baker
Change collation order for all text columns in a database
by Tijoy Tom
Deadlock analysis in SQL Server 2000.
by DejaVudew
An article discussing how to accomplish paging and sorting in Microsoft SQL Server 2000 without using concatenated SQL.
by mysorian
A step-by-step approach to creating a report from scratch using the SQl Server 2000 Reporting Services.
by R. Senthil Kumaran
Using tranasaction on distributed servers and querying them - Linked Servers in SQL Server.
by Neeraj Kr
Provides an insight into creating automated process for Backups and Restorations
by Bappi M Ahmed
SQL Server 2005 database backup and restore using C#, .NET 2.0, and SMO.
by Muhammad Shujaat Siddiqi
Defining SQL Server Alerts (
by User 992674
Restore/backup selected objects in SQL Server.
by User 992674
A Windows application to backup and restore SQL server tables,views,user defined functions and stored procedures
by Moiz hakimi
This is an article about backup utility of SQL server from Command prompt
by Ewout Stortenbeker
This tool (ScriptDB4Svn) enables you to add your SQL Server databases to Subversion (SVN) source control.
by Rod VanAmburgh
SQL Server extended stored procedure to send UDP messages.
by ericm1000
A simple Windows screen host utility that returns connection information (server name and port number) for all instances of SQL Server 2005, 2000, and 7.0 on a local machine.
by prabhu.subbiah
To compress large SQL Server reports and allow the user to download the same in ZIP format.
by prabhu.subbiah
To compress a SQL Server report which allows the user to download the report in Zip format.
by Enrique Albert
Console and GUI utility application that executes SQL scripts against SQL Servers (7, 2000, and 2005) - version is now available.
by KarthikAnbarasan
This article explains the new tool in Visual Studio 2010 which most of the users use to see the comparison report of the 2 different database schemas.
by johnnycantcode
Create and manage your mobile database using SQL Management Studio and export them to SQL Compact Edition databases
by Saumendra Poddar
SQL Server Transactions and Error Handling
by Duncan Edwards Jones
A simple unit testing framework for T-SQL
by Sarfraz Munna
Debugging a SQL Stored Procedure in SQL Server 2000 Query Analyzer
by Yildirim Kocdag
Long SQL query printing.
by Gael Fraiteur
If you want to tune your SQL statements, you need to understand how the server executes them. The article explains this.
by SQLMonger
SQL Function to parse a delimited string and return it as a table. Handles multi-character delimiters and returns the results as a table.
by Christian Graus
The second in my series digs in to some of the different things you can do within a select statement.
by Christian Graus
A description of the best way to create tally tables, and how to use them
by Christian Graus
Just a quick explanation of why it's not always a good idea to use DISTINCT
by Christian Graus
Discussion on pivot and other ways to turn columns of data in to rows in SQL Server
by Christian Graus
A discussion of windowing functions, from sum to row_number(), to the new functions in SS2012
by Christian Graus
In this third installment, we look at how Common Table Expressions can simplify your SQL and help you perform complex tasks
by Evaldas Jocys
How to create and compile SQL XML Documentation comments
by idreeskhan
SqlBulkCopy in ADO.NET 2.0, SqlBulkCopy Class in C#, SqlBulkCopy help, SqlBulkCopy guide, Transferring Data Using SqlBulkCopy - SqlBulkCopy - Copy Table Data Between SQL Servers at High Speeds, perform bulk copies with .NET 2.0's SqlBulkCopy class, SqlBulkCopy tutorial
by Anil_Kumar_P
One of the best new features of ASP.NET 2.0 will be the SqlDataSource control. However, as I found out in my experimentation, what seems like a simple control has some complex behaviours to master to get it working properly.
by Triet Ho
Use SQL-DMO Object Library for quick searching and generating stored procedures script
by Jose A. Gonzalvo
A small command prompt utility to help you document your SQL Server/MSDE database
by adambl
Provides a utility to generate a wrapper for stored procedures to improve performance and eliminate certain run-time errors
by Rai Shahid
This control will allow user to backup SqlServer
by Alexander Kojevnikov
sqlTunes is a small tool that exports iTunes library information to the SQL server.
by madgardener
Simple destination script to use do updates with a sub query.
by Johan Sassner
An addin to Sql Server Management studio that lets you configure keybindings
by Ziyad Mohammad
How To: Read and write BLOB data by using ADO.NET through ASP.NET 2.0.
by User 992674
A sample program to demonstrate how to save or store images in SQL server
by b_hardman
Generate code classes to access stored procedures via web services.
by RepliCrux
This utility creates basic Select, Insert, Update and Delete Stored procedure for the selected Tables.
by Kujtim Hyseni
Generator for SQL Server stored procedures.
by Kazim Sardar Mehdi
Storing and retrieving images from SQL Server using Microsoft .NET.
by MalakieUSN
Code storage tool for any language but developed using Visual Basic .NET 2005. Includes syntax coloring for VB code and can load via the tools menu external option in Visual Studio 2005.
by MalakieUSN
Code storage tool for any language but developed using Visual Basic .NET 2005. Includes syntax coloring for VB code and can load via the tools menu external option in Visual Studio 2005.
by ManojKumar19
This tip demonstrates how table data can be shared in two stored procedures.
by Rafik Robeal
Build occasionally connected applications using Microsoft Synchronization Services for ADO.NET
by Wytek Szymanski
An article about template based code generation and a demonstration of how to quickly generate a wrapper class for stored procedures.
by Churn Wuang
Perfect interface design for common database which would be used to easily connect to the most kinds of database, such as MS Access, MS SQL Server,..., and so on. Do not worry again about the terrible complex interface of ADO COM, take it easy to implementing your operation logical codes...
by Mehdi Mousavi
Discusses the SQL's SELECT statement in details.
by Redgate Software
Database professionals have a special role in their workplace because they bear responsibility for customer database integrity. This article argues that the 'online' or 'lock ladder' database development model, which uses live instances is the only way to ensure true database integrity.
by Joe Negron
The SQL MAX() function is a little tricky when trying to work with numeric data - Not quite the same in other languages.
by Zeeshan Muhammad
Introduction to themes and skins in ASP.NET 2.0.
by Christian Graus
A discussion of ways to create random number sequences in SQL Server
by Christian Graus
In this installment, I talk about working with dates and date functions in SQL Server
by Nilesh Surve
To create Google Suggest using ASP.NET & AJAX
by Vivek Singh - IN
It will generate insert statement as per the tables selected by the user, and it also take cares of Identity inserts in the table.
by Sriram Chitturi
Tool to generate script for Linked Servers in SQL Server 2000, using C# and SQLDMO.
by IqbalKhan
O/R mapping tools are becoming more popular each day and people are realizing the productivity gain they provide to developers. Yet, many people don’t know enough about O/R mapping to consider using these tools and many others are weary of using any code generators (including O/R mapping tools).
by Redgate Software
SQL Dependency Tracker allows you to graphically visualize database object dependencies. This means that users can track down potential "collateral damage" before pushing database changes through. With this ingeniously simple to use tool, you can also document database dependencies.
by Alexander Shirshov
Emulate TransactionScope functionality coming in .NET 2.0 with .NET 1.1.
by Rouser
Transfer arguments between dialog page and invoker page in 1.1
by Dan Radu
This article describes how to efficiently store and access tree structures in a SQL Server database, and how to use them in OLAP implementations.
by sivakrishna kalvagadda
Creating on fly treeview of folder structure by genrating dynamic xml using ,this xml is transformed using xslt and following user navigation using javascript.
by Sudipta Chaudhari
This article gives a brief introduction about Triggers in SQL Server 2000/2005.
by WillCaptain
ORMaper solution based on .NET (C#), add-in for VS IDE, and auto generating ORMaper code.
by Michael.Piccolo
How to add DataGrid columns dynamically with ITemplate, XML and templated controls.
by lintom
An easy way to truncate Transaction Log files to your desired size.
by Casper Leon Nielsen
T-SQL Coding Standard - for programming the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (DRAFT)
by Dwayne Macadangdang
An article on creating a Hybrid Smart Client for Twitter using the Windows Presentation Foundation and the TwitterLib class library
by Teng-Yong
An ASP.NET type-ahead suggest textbox (Autocomplete) that leveraging on Google AJAXSLT
by Jeremy Likness
Common table expressions (CTEs) are a powerful new construct for building advanced queries.
by Raj Lal
A dynamic web application needs an admin section for CRUD actions on the records/tables in the database. Wouldn't it be nice to have a database admin, which can be plugged to any web application? Just give your SQL connection string and it dynamically manages all table operations in just five pages.
by Alexandru Ghiondea
Describes how to upload and download pictures to and from a SQL Server database.
by orinoco77
How to decode a URLEncoded URL with T-SQL
by zhengdong jin
This C# web control is used to configure data connection for a web site.
by Duncan Edwards Jones
Shows how you can use custom attributes to save .NET classes directly to an SQL Server table
by Mark W Solomon
In this article, I developed a way to determine all the SQL Servers in our environment at will and filter this information into Microsoft's Sunset report for Microsoft SQL Server and present all this information in an SSRS report.
by Mark J. Miller
Defining (rather loosely) ad hoc queries as SQL commands built as strings by an SQL client application and submitted to SQL Server.
by Dungtran
This article describes how to automatically generate Word 2007 documents using .NET 3.0
by Muhammad Asad Siddiqi
This articles describes the workling of ADO.Net using .Net base classes for database access
by Umut ŞİMŞEK
An article on using ADO.NET programmatically.
by DreamInHex
This guide will show you how to enumerate through the stored procedures in MSSQL 2000, as well as retrieve parameter information for a stored procedure.
by DreamInHex
Create a simple, scalable XML-consuming rules engine in just a few minutes, using OpenXML.
by Ansil
This article is about using CheckBoxes in a Datagrid control to select records as in a mail box.
by alifaraze
A trick to use config file for Custom assembly in reporting services
by dakeefer
An exploration of how to use the EntitySpaces business object framework within a WPF application.
by GraemeKMiller
This article explains how you can use IWA to improve your Users' experience and it also explains how it benefits your IT support team.
by DreamInHex
Demonstrates methods for creating and validating MD5 encrypted passwords in MSSQL 2000.
by Ali Ozgur
This article describes how NHSessionManager can be configured to use multiple NHibernate assemblies
by benoityip
Fast paging with large result set.
by Alden John Snow
This project demonstrates what is likely the fastest way to upload one of those fixed width reports from a mainframe to a SQL server table.
by Sarith Sutha
This article describes the usage of SQL DMO to automate few aspects of DB maintenance.
by Vinod Kumar M
This article shows the power of using SQL-DMO with SQL Server 2000 to script out objects. In this example we would script out tables.
by Tolga Birdal
This article is on communicating with a server through Remote Data Access objects.
by VincentGee1
Using SQL trigger to create unlimited unique id's
by dotScott
Using SqlParameters with stored procedures in .NET.
by Danko Greiner
Use TableAdapters with transactions.
by ShirleySW
How to dynamically create an ASP.NET 2.0 Wizard control and load child controls at run-time.
by netbard
An introduction to SQL Server transactions and how to use them in ADO.NET.
by Chris Buckett
Using the Visio database model diagram to design a complex database within sql server (or why it's worth paying for MSDN Premium).
by Simon Segal
An MVC meets FuseBox Hybrid pattern for .NET, implmented in C# with the the Northwind database.
by xExTxCx
C# Utility class for Active Directory, databases, files, networking etc.
by G Ryno
Using and extending the data access classes, and runtime selection and instantiation using a factory and XML configuration file.
by weilidai2001
Instead of using incremental INSERT to generate test data, this method effectly copies the existing data multiple times.
by Fitim Skenderi
Very Lightweight Data Access Layer in C# and .NET 2.0
by GaryWoodfine
An explanation of Views in SQL server 2000/2005 and the advantages of them
by Elvin Cheng
Solve the ViewState problems using the industry well-known pattern - Provider Model design pattern.
by C.L. Moffatt
This article describes SQL Joins in a visual manner, and also the most efficient way to write the visualized Joins.
by SP.Murugesa Pandian
WCF DataContract
by Igor Krupitsky
A complete VB.NET application to schedule DOS command tasks online
by Olivier_Giulieri
Just 200 lines of VB.NET to document your SQL Server databases.
by mysorian
An HTML Native web Service on SQL Anywhere Database Server
by Andrew Golik
A Data Access Object pattern implementation
by Virendrachandra
This is the simple example of web service and Ajax. Web service method is calling using xmlRequest using SOAP. Here javascript code is written a way like OOPS.
by Nguyen-Thanh-Tung
Use SOAP to communicate with a remote DB Server (Here I use SQL Server) on the Internet and get information or interact with the database
by gouravverma
Basic difference between Sql Where and Having Clause
by Shobhit Dixit
If you have a long list of drop down items and you want to pass in one value, you can use this method
by Nirosh
The application generates database wrapper classes for MS SQL Server databases automatically. I got lots of good reviews and comments as I discussed about this with my colleagues. Now that the application is built, let's see what you have to say about this.
by Charles Horan
A utility application that generates .NET code for wrapping stored procedures.
by David Salter
Writing extended stored procedures in C++ for SQL Server.
by _Asif_
Article that helps writing SQL in XML to provide better support
by satya.rapelly
Window application generates the document with Sql Server database tables
by Howard Richards
Techniques for using the XML data type for storing data.
by Dan Farino
An Extended Stored Procedure to use regular expressions in T-SQL.
by Venkat Eswaran
Yet Another Real Drag ASP.NET Draggable Panel like My MSN.
by Swift coder
Create ASP.NET Combobox using Javascript, CSS and ASP.NET
by Uwe Keim
An application to manage support request with tickets and events