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The Ultimate Grid is now Open Source
//	Skeleton Class for a Derived CUGCtrl class

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "MyCUG.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;

		// NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove mapping macros here.
		//    DO NOT EDIT what you see in these blocks of generated code !

// Standard MyCug construction/destruction
	m_fontsList = NULL;

	// clean up possible fonts allocated by the user
	_tagFonts *pFont, *pTemp;
	pFont = m_fontsList;
	while ( pFont != NULL )
		pTemp = pFont->next;
		delete pFont;
		pFont = pTemp;

//	CreateFont
//		Function is used to create new font object and add it to the link
//		list of fonts in use
CFont* MyCug::CreateFont( int nHeight, int nWidth, int nEscapement, int nOrientation, int nWeight, BYTE bItalic, BYTE bUnderline, BYTE cStrikeOut, BYTE nCharSet, BYTE nOutPrecision, BYTE nClipPrecision, BYTE nQuality, BYTE nPitchAndFamily, LPCTSTR lpszFacename )
	_tagFonts *pFont;
	pFont = m_fontsList;

	if ( pFont == NULL )
	{	// the list is empty, create new font object based on the information provided
		pFont = new _tagFonts;
		m_fontsList = pFont;
		pFont->font.CreateFont( nHeight, nWidth, nEscapement, nOrientation, nWeight, 
								bItalic, bUnderline, cStrikeOut, nCharSet, nOutPrecision, 
								nClipPrecision, nQuality, nPitchAndFamily, lpszFacename );

		return &pFont->font;

	// create a log font object from the information provided and pass it to
	// the CreateFontIndirect function, which will perform all of the necessary
	// comparisons.
	CFont tempNewFont;
	LOGFONT newLogFont;

	tempNewFont.CreateFont( nHeight, nWidth, nEscapement, nOrientation, nWeight, 
							bItalic, bUnderline, cStrikeOut, nCharSet, nOutPrecision, 
							nClipPrecision, nQuality, nPitchAndFamily, lpszFacename );
	tempNewFont.GetLogFont( &newLogFont );

	return CreateFontIndirect( newLogFont );

//	CreateFontIndirect
//		Function is used to add new fonts to the font's link list, but
//		it will also check if an object is already found in the list
//		that matches the new font.
CFont* MyCug::CreateFontIndirect( LOGFONT newLogFont )
	_tagFonts *pFont;
	pFont = m_fontsList;

	if ( pFont == NULL )
		pFont = new _tagFonts;
		m_fontsList = pFont;
		pFont->font.CreateFontIndirect( &newLogFont );

	LOGFONT tempLogFont;

	while ( pFont != NULL )
		pFont->font.GetLogFont( &tempLogFont );
		// compare two logical font objects
		if ( newLogFont.lfWidth == tempLogFont.lfWidth &&
			 newLogFont.lfWeight == tempLogFont.lfWeight &&
			 newLogFont.lfHeight == tempLogFont.lfHeight &&
			 newLogFont.lfItalic == tempLogFont.lfItalic &&
			 newLogFont.lfCharSet == tempLogFont.lfCharSet &&
			 newLogFont.lfQuality == tempLogFont.lfQuality &&
			 newLogFont.lfUnderline == tempLogFont.lfUnderline &&
			 newLogFont.lfStrikeOut == tempLogFont.lfStrikeOut &&
			 newLogFont.lfEscapement == tempLogFont.lfEscapement &&
			 newLogFont.lfOrientation == tempLogFont.lfOrientation &&
			 newLogFont.lfOutPrecision == tempLogFont.lfOutPrecision &&
			 newLogFont.lfClipPrecision == tempLogFont.lfClipPrecision &&
			 newLogFont.lfPitchAndFamily == tempLogFont.lfPitchAndFamily &&
 			 strcmp( newLogFont.lfFaceName, tempLogFont.lfFaceName ) == 0 )
		else if ( pFont->next == NULL )
			// add new font 
			pFont->next = new _tagFonts;
			pFont = pFont->next;
			pFont->font.CreateFontIndirect( &newLogFont );
		pFont = pFont->next;

	// return pointer to the foint font object
	return &pFont->font;

//	ShowFontDlg
//		Function is used to properly preset and display the FontDialog
//		which user can use to change font.
//	Params
//		cell - object for which to preset the font dialog
//		selectedLogFont
//		textColor
//	Returns
//		TRUE/FALSE identifying 
BOOL MyCug::ShowFontDlg( CUGCell &cell, LOGFONT &selectedLogFont, COLORREF &textColor )
	BOOL retVal = FALSE;
	LOGFONT tempLogFont;
	CFont *font = cell.GetFont();
	CFontDialog *fontDlg;

	if ( font != NULL )
		font->GetLogFont( &tempLogFont );

	fontDlg = new CFontDialog( &tempLogFont );
	fontDlg->m_cf.rgbColors = textColor;

	if ( fontDlg->DoModal() == IDOK )
		fontDlg->GetCurrentFont( &selectedLogFont );
		textColor = fontDlg->GetColor();

		retVal = TRUE;

	delete fontDlg;
	return retVal;

//	OnSetup
//		This function is called just after the grid window 
//		is created or attached to a dialog item.
//		It can be used to initially setup the grid
void MyCug::OnSetup()
	CUGCell cell;
	int cols = 8,
		rows = 45;
	int usingCol;
	int usingRow;

	// create a font and set it as Grid Default
	GetGridDefault( &cell );
	m_defFont = CreateFont( 14, 0, 0, 0, 200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Arial" );
	cell.SetFont( m_defFont );
	SetGridDefault( &cell );
	// create a font and set it as Heading Default
	GetHeadingDefault( &cell );
	cell.SetFont( CreateFont( -13, 0, 0, 0, 200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Arial" ));
	SetHeadingDefault( &cell );
	// add more default fonts
	m_smallFont = CreateFont( -9, 0, 0, 0, 200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Arial" );
	m_largeFont = CreateFont( -16, 0, 0, 0, 200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Times New Roman" );

	// add celltypes
	AddCellType( &m_radioType );
	AddCellType( &m_ellipType );
	AddCellType( &m_labeledType );
	AddCellType( &m_marqueeType );

	// SetDoubleBufferMode( TRUE );
	SetUserSizingMode( 2 );
	SetDefColWidth( 80 );
	SetTH_Height( MY_SEPARATOR );

	GetHeadingDefault( &cell );
	cell.SetBackColor( RGB(200,150,150));
	cell.SetBorder( 0 );
	SetHeadingDefault( &cell );

	GetGridDefault( &cell );
	cell.SetReadOnly( TRUE );
	SetGridDefault( &cell );

	SetNumberRows( rows );
	SetNumberCols( cols );

	// normal edit controls
	usingCol = 0;
	usingRow = 0;
	JoinCells( usingCol, usingRow, usingCol + GetNumberCols() - 1, usingRow );
	GetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetText( "Default edit control respects cell's celltype, font size and type" );
	cell.SetBackColor( LABEL_BACK );
	SetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	// resize 'separator' rows
	SetRowHeight( usingRow + 1, MY_SEPARATOR );

	GetCell( 0, 2, &cell );
	cell.SetReadOnly( FALSE );
	QuickSetRange( 0, 2, cols - 1, 5, &cell );

	// edit with drop list cell type
	usingCol = 0;
	usingRow = 2;
	JoinCells( usingCol, usingRow, usingCol + 1, usingRow );
	GetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetText( "Using Default font" );
	cell.SetCellType( UGCT_DROPLIST );
	cell.SetReadOnly( FALSE );
	cell.SetLabelText( "Using Small Font\nUsing Default font\nUsing Large Font\n" );
	SetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );

	// edit with ellipsis cell type
	usingCol = 2;
	usingRow = 2;
	GetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetText( "Enter text ..." );
	cell.SetCellType( m_ellipType.GetID());
	SetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );

	// edit with long, cell over lapping text
	usingCol = 0;
	usingRow = 3;
	QuickSetText( usingCol, usingRow, "You can even edit a long (cell overlapping) string." );

	// edit cells with multiline text
	usingCol = 4;
	usingRow = 2;
	JoinCells( usingCol, usingRow, usingCol + 1, usingRow + 2 );
	GetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetText( "This cell contains multiline text, which provides multiline edit." );
	SetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );

	// edit cells with multiline text
	usingCol = 6;
	usingRow = 2;
	JoinCells( usingCol, usingRow, usingCol + 1, usingRow + 2 );
	GetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetText( "This cell contains multiline text, which provides multiline edit." );
	cell.SetCellType( m_ellipType.GetID());
	cell.SetLabelText( "Small Font\nDefault font\nLarge Font\n" );
	SetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );

	// edit with label cell type
	usingCol = 0;
	usingRow = 4;
	JoinCells( usingCol, usingRow, usingCol + 1, usingRow + 1 );
	GetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetLabelText( "User Name:" );
	cell.SetText( "Enter your name here." );
	cell.SetCellType( m_labeledType.GetID());
	SetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );

	// edit with marquee cell type
	usingCol = 2;
	usingRow = 4;
	JoinCells( usingCol, usingRow, usingCol + 1, usingRow );
	GetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetText( "Enter your text here ..." );
	cell.SetCellType( m_marqueeType.GetID());
	SetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );

	// customizing user input by changing styles on edit control
	usingCol = 0;
	usingRow = 7;
	JoinCells( usingCol, usingRow, usingCol + GetNumberCols() - 1, usingRow );
	GetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetText( "Default edit controls also allow us to customize user's editing experience by:" );
	cell.SetBackColor( LABEL_BACK );
	SetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	// resize 'separator' rows
	SetRowHeight( usingRow - 1, MY_SEPARATOR );
	SetRowHeight( usingRow + 1, MY_SEPARATOR );

	// make sure that value entered by the user is always in upper case
	usingCol = 0;
	usingRow = 9;
	JoinCells( usingCol, usingRow, usingCol + 1, usingRow );
	GetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetText( "Converting input to upper case:" );
	cell.SetBackColor( SUBLABEL_BACK );
	SetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );

	GetCell( usingCol + 2, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetReadOnly( FALSE );
	cell.SetText( "TYPE HERE ..." );
	cell.SetParam( USE_UPPER );
	SetCell( usingCol + 2, usingRow, &cell );

	// make sure that value entered by the user is always in lower case
	usingCol = 4;
	usingRow = 9;
	JoinCells( usingCol, usingRow, usingCol + 1, usingRow );
	GetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetText( "Converting input to lower case:" );
	cell.SetBackColor( SUBLABEL_BACK );
	SetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );

	GetCell( usingCol + 2, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetReadOnly( FALSE );
	cell.SetText( "type here ..." );
	cell.SetParam( USE_LOWER );
	SetCell( usingCol + 2, usingRow, &cell );

	// make sure that value is entered as a password
	usingCol = 0;
	usingRow = 10;
	JoinCells( usingCol, usingRow, usingCol + 1, usingRow );
	GetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetText( "Allowing password input:" );
	cell.SetBackColor( SUBLABEL_BACK );
	SetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );

	GetCell( usingCol + 2, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetReadOnly( FALSE );
	cell.SetText( "Type here" );
	cell.SetParam( USE_PASSWORD );
	SetCell( usingCol + 2, usingRow, &cell );

	// make sure that value entered is right aligned
	usingCol = 0;
	usingRow = 11;
	JoinCells( usingCol, usingRow, usingCol + 1, usingRow );
	GetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetText( "Allowing aligned input:" );
	cell.SetBackColor( SUBLABEL_BACK );
	SetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );

	GetCell( usingCol + 2, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetReadOnly( FALSE );
	cell.SetText( "Left aligned" );
	cell.SetAlignment( UG_ALIGNLEFT );
	SetCell( usingCol + 2, usingRow, &cell );

	cell.SetText( "Centered" );
	cell.SetAlignment( UG_ALIGNCENTER );
	SetCell( usingCol + 4, usingRow, &cell );

	cell.SetText( "Right aligned" );
	cell.SetAlignment( UG_ALIGNRIGHT );
	SetCell( usingCol + 6, usingRow, &cell );

	// processing user's input on normal edit controls
	usingCol = 0;
	usingRow = 13;
	JoinCells( usingCol, usingRow, usingCol + GetNumberCols() - 1, usingRow );
	GetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetText( "Ultimate Grid allow us to process user's input with various notifications." );
	cell.SetBackColor( LABEL_BACK );
	SetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	// resize 'separator' rows
	SetRowHeight( usingRow - 1, MY_SEPARATOR );
	SetRowHeight( usingRow + 1, MY_SEPARATOR );

	// make sure that value entered is 4 chars long
	usingCol = 0;
	usingRow = 15;
	JoinCells( usingCol, usingRow, usingCol + 4, usingRow );
	GetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetText( "We can verify data as it is entered, for example to limit number of chars to 4:" );
	cell.SetBackColor( SUBLABEL_BACK );
	SetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );

	GetCell( usingCol + 5, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetReadOnly( FALSE );
	cell.SetText( "<Type here>" );
	cell.SetParam( USE_CHARLIMIT );
	SetCell( usingCol + 5, usingRow, &cell );

	// make sure that value entered is 4 chars long
	usingCol = 0;
	usingRow = 16;
	JoinCells( usingCol, usingRow, usingCol + 4, usingRow );
	GetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetText( "or that the numeric value entered is under 500 (number < 500):" );
	cell.SetBackColor( SUBLABEL_BACK );
	SetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );

	GetCell( usingCol + 5, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetReadOnly( FALSE );
	cell.SetText( "<Type here>" );
	cell.SetParam( USE_NUMLIMIT );
	SetCell( usingCol + 5, usingRow, &cell );

	// test data after it is entered
	usingCol = 0;
	usingRow = 17;
	JoinCells( usingCol, usingRow, usingCol + 4, usingRow );
	GetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetText( "We can also test user's input after it is completed, or force user's input:" );
	cell.SetBackColor( SUBLABEL_BACK );
	SetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );

	GetCell( usingCol + 5, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetReadOnly( FALSE );
	cell.SetText( "<Type here>" );
	cell.SetParam( USE_FINISHTEST );
	SetCell( usingCol + 5, usingRow, &cell );

	// using other edit controls
	usingCol = 0;
	usingRow = 19;
	JoinCells( usingCol, usingRow, usingCol + GetNumberCols() - 1, usingRow );
	GetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetText( "The Ultimate Grid also allows us to use other edit controls when needed:" );
	cell.SetBackColor( LABEL_BACK );
	SetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	// resize 'separator' rows
	SetRowHeight( usingRow - 1, MY_SEPARATOR );
	SetRowHeight( usingRow + 1, MY_SEPARATOR );

	// using default mask edit control
	usingCol = 0;
	usingRow = 21;
	JoinCells( usingCol, usingRow, usingCol + 4, usingRow + 1 );
	GetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetText( "Just by setting a mask on a cell, the grid will change edit controls to use a mask edit.  "
				  "By default Ultimate Grid creates an instance of CUGMEdit to use as mask edit control." );
	cell.SetBackColor( SUBLABEL_BACK );
	SetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );

	JoinCells( usingCol + 5, usingRow, usingCol + 6, usingRow );
	GetCell( usingCol + 5, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetReadOnly( FALSE );
	cell.SetText( "<Select mask>" );
	cell.SetCellType( UGCT_DROPLIST );
	cell.SetReadOnly( FALSE );
	cell.SetParam( USE_SETMASK );
	SetCell( usingCol + 5, usingRow, &cell );

	JoinCells( usingCol + 5, usingRow + 1, usingCol + 6, usingRow + 1 );
	GetCell( usingCol + 5, usingRow + 1, &cell );
	cell.SetReadOnly( FALSE );
	cell.SetText( "<Type here>" );
	cell.SetMask( "" );
	SetCell( usingCol + 5, usingRow + 1, &cell );

	// using default mask edit control
	usingCol = 0;
	usingRow = 24;
	JoinCells( usingCol, usingRow, usingCol + 4, usingRow + 2 );
	GetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetText( "The Ultimate Grid 5 also comes with a set of advanced edit control previosly only found "
				  "in Ultimate ToolBox.  We can now easily incorporate powerful controls like COXMaskEdit, "
				  "COXNumericEdit, and COXCurrencyEdit into our applications." );
	cell.SetBackColor( SUBLABEL_BACK );
	SetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	// resize 'separator' rows
	SetRowHeight( usingRow - 1, MY_SEPARATOR );
	SetRowHeight( usingRow + 3, MY_SEPARATOR );

	// using COXMaskEdit edit control
	usingCol = 0;
	usingRow = 28;
	JoinCells( usingCol, usingRow, usingCol + 4, usingRow + 1 );
	GetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetText( "The COXMaskEdit works very similarly to the default mask edit control, to use it just "
				  "set a mask on a cell and inform the grid that you want to use different edit control." );
	cell.SetBackColor( SUBLABEL_BACK );
	SetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	// resize 'separator' rows
	SetRowHeight( usingRow + 2, MY_SEPARATOR );

	JoinCells( usingCol + 5, usingRow, usingCol + 7, usingRow );
	GetCell( usingCol + 5, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetReadOnly( FALSE );
	cell.SetText( "<Select mask>" );
	cell.SetCellType( UGCT_DROPLIST );
	cell.SetReadOnly( FALSE );
	cell.SetParam( USE_SETCOXMASK );
	SetCell( usingCol + 5, usingRow, &cell );

	JoinCells( usingCol + 5, usingRow + 1, usingCol + 7, usingRow + 1 );
	GetCell( usingCol + 5, usingRow + 1, &cell );
	cell.SetReadOnly( FALSE );
	cell.SetText( "<Type here>" );
	cell.SetMask( "" );
	cell.SetParam( USE_SETCOXMASK );
	SetCell( usingCol + 5, usingRow + 1, &cell );

	// using COXNumericEdit and COXCurrencyEdit edit controls
	usingCol = 0;
	usingRow = 31;
	JoinCells( usingCol, usingRow, usingCol + 4, usingRow + 1 );
	GetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetText( "The COXNumericEdit and COXCurrencyEdit on the other hand allow us to provide additional "
				  "setup information that will drive the way the edit control will behave." );
	cell.SetBackColor( SUBLABEL_BACK );
	SetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	// resize 'separator' rows
	SetRowHeight( usingRow + 2, MY_SEPARATOR );

	// using COXNumericEdit edit control
	usingCol = 0;
	usingRow = 34;
	JoinCells( usingCol, usingRow, usingCol + 1, usingRow );
	GetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetText( "Using COXNumericEdit:" );
	cell.SetBackColor( SUBLABEL_BACK );
	SetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );

	JoinCells( usingCol + 2, usingRow, usingCol + 3, usingRow );
	GetCell( usingCol + 2, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetReadOnly( FALSE );
	cell.SetText( "<Type here>" );
	cell.SetParam( USE_SETCOXNUMBER );
	SetCell( usingCol + 2, usingRow, &cell );

	// setup properties availabled for the numeric edic control
	usingCol = 0;
	usingRow = 35;
	JoinCells( usingCol, usingRow, usingCol + 2, usingRow );
	GetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetText( "Following are properties we can set." );
	cell.SetBackColor( LABEL_BACK );
	SetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );

	// Decimal digit count
	usingRow = 36;
	// label
	JoinCells( usingCol, usingRow, usingCol + 1, usingRow );
	GetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetText( "Decimal digit count :" );
	cell.SetAlignment( UG_ALIGNRIGHT );
	cell.SetBackColor( SUBLABEL_BACK );
	SetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	// property
	GetCell( usingCol + 2, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetCellType( UGCT_DROPLIST );
	cell.SetReadOnly( FALSE );
	cell.SetText( "<Disabled>" );
	cell.SetLabelText( "<Disabled>\n0\n1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n" );
	cell.SetAlignment( UG_ALIGNCENTER );
	cell.SetParam( USE_SETCOXNUMBER );
	SetCell( usingCol + 2, usingRow, &cell );
	// Decimal Separator
	usingRow += 1;
	// label
	JoinCells( usingCol, usingRow, usingCol + 1, usingRow );
	GetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetText( "Decimal Separator :" );
	cell.SetAlignment( UG_ALIGNRIGHT );
	cell.SetBackColor( SUBLABEL_BACK );
	SetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	// property
	GetCell( usingCol + 2, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetCellType( UGCT_DROPLIST );
	cell.SetReadOnly( FALSE );
	cell.SetText( "." );
	cell.SetLabelText( ".\n,\n|\n/\n" );
	cell.SetAlignment( UG_ALIGNCENTER );
	cell.SetParam( USE_SETCOXNUMBER );
	SetCell( usingCol + 2, usingRow, &cell );
	// Fractional digit count
	usingRow += 1;
	// label
	JoinCells( usingCol, usingRow, usingCol + 1, usingRow );
	GetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetText( "Fractional digit count :" );
	cell.SetAlignment( UG_ALIGNRIGHT );
	cell.SetBackColor( SUBLABEL_BACK );
	SetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	// property
	GetCell( usingCol + 2, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetCellType( UGCT_DROPLIST );
	cell.SetReadOnly( FALSE );
	cell.SetText( "2" );
	cell.SetLabelText( "0\n1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n" );
	cell.SetAlignment( UG_ALIGNCENTER );
	cell.SetParam( USE_SETCOXNUMBER );
	SetCell( usingCol + 2, usingRow, &cell );
	// Group Separator
	usingRow += 1;
	// label
	JoinCells( usingCol, usingRow, usingCol + 1, usingRow );
	GetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetText( "Group Separator :" );
	cell.SetAlignment( UG_ALIGNRIGHT );
	cell.SetBackColor( SUBLABEL_BACK );
	SetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	// property
	GetCell( usingCol + 2, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetCellType( UGCT_DROPLIST );
	cell.SetReadOnly( FALSE );
	cell.SetText( "," );
	cell.SetLabelText( ".\n,\n|\n/\n" );
	cell.SetAlignment( UG_ALIGNCENTER );
	cell.SetParam( USE_SETCOXNUMBER );
	SetCell( usingCol + 2, usingRow, &cell );
	// Digits in group
	usingRow += 1;
	// label
	JoinCells( usingCol, usingRow, usingCol + 1, usingRow );
	GetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetText( "Digits in group :" );
	cell.SetAlignment( UG_ALIGNRIGHT );
	cell.SetBackColor( SUBLABEL_BACK );
	SetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	// property
	GetCell( usingCol + 2, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetCellType( UGCT_DROPLIST );
	cell.SetReadOnly( FALSE );
	cell.SetText( "3" );
	cell.SetLabelText( "<Disabled>\n1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n" );
	cell.SetAlignment( UG_ALIGNCENTER );
	cell.SetParam( USE_SETCOXNUMBER );
	SetCell( usingCol + 2, usingRow, &cell );
	// Negative Format
	usingRow += 1;
	// label
	JoinCells( usingCol, usingRow, usingCol + 1, usingRow );
	GetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetText( "Negative Format :" );
	cell.SetAlignment( UG_ALIGNRIGHT );
	cell.SetBackColor( SUBLABEL_BACK );
	SetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	// property
	GetCell( usingCol + 2, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetCellType( UGCT_DROPLIST );
	cell.SetReadOnly( FALSE );
	cell.SetText( "-1.1" );
	cell.SetLabelText( "(1.1)\n-1.1\n- 1.1\n1.1-\n" );
	cell.SetAlignment( UG_ALIGNCENTER );
	cell.SetParam( USE_SETCOXNUMBER );
	SetCell( usingCol + 2, usingRow, &cell );
	// Show leading zero
	usingRow += 1;
	// label
	JoinCells( usingCol, usingRow, usingCol + 1, usingRow );
	GetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetText( "Show leading zero :" );
	cell.SetAlignment( UG_ALIGNRIGHT );
	cell.SetBackColor( SUBLABEL_BACK );
	SetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	// property
	GetCell( usingCol + 2, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetCellType( UGCT_CHECKBOX );
	cell.SetBool( TRUE );
	cell.SetReadOnly( FALSE );
	cell.SetParam( USE_SETCOXNUMBER );
	SetCell( usingCol + 2, usingRow, &cell );

	// using COXCurrencyEdit edit control
	usingCol = 4;
	usingRow = 34;
	JoinCells( usingCol, usingRow, usingCol + 1, usingRow );
	GetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetText( "Using COXCurrencyEdit:" );
	cell.SetBackColor( SUBLABEL_BACK );
	SetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );

	JoinCells( usingCol + 2, usingRow, usingCol + 3, usingRow );
	GetCell( usingCol + 2, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetReadOnly( FALSE );
	cell.SetText( "<Type here>" );
	SetCell( usingCol + 2, usingRow, &cell );

	// setup properties availabled for the currency edic control
	usingCol = 4;
	usingRow += 1;
	JoinCells( usingCol, usingRow, usingCol + 2, usingRow );
	GetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetText( "Following are properties we can set." );
	cell.SetBackColor( LABEL_BACK );
	SetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );

	// Decimal digit count
	usingRow += 1;
	// label
	JoinCells( usingCol, usingRow, usingCol + 1, usingRow );
	GetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetText( "Decimal digit count :" );
	cell.SetAlignment( UG_ALIGNRIGHT );
	cell.SetBackColor( SUBLABEL_BACK );
	SetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	// property
	GetCell( usingCol + 2, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetCellType( UGCT_DROPLIST );
	cell.SetReadOnly( FALSE );
	cell.SetText( "<Disabled>" );
	cell.SetLabelText( "<Disabled>\n0\n1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n" );
	cell.SetAlignment( UG_ALIGNCENTER );
	SetCell( usingCol + 2, usingRow, &cell );
	// Decimal Separator
	usingRow += 1;
	// label
	JoinCells( usingCol, usingRow, usingCol + 1, usingRow );
	GetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetText( "Decimal Separator :" );
	cell.SetAlignment( UG_ALIGNRIGHT );
	cell.SetBackColor( SUBLABEL_BACK );
	SetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	// property
	GetCell( usingCol + 2, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetCellType( UGCT_DROPLIST );
	cell.SetReadOnly( FALSE );
	cell.SetText( "." );
	cell.SetLabelText( ".\n,\n|\n/\n" );
	cell.SetAlignment( UG_ALIGNCENTER );
	SetCell( usingCol + 2, usingRow, &cell );
	// Fractional digit count
	usingRow += 1;
	// label
	JoinCells( usingCol, usingRow, usingCol + 1, usingRow );
	GetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetText( "Fractional digit count :" );
	cell.SetAlignment( UG_ALIGNRIGHT );
	cell.SetBackColor( SUBLABEL_BACK );
	SetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	// property
	GetCell( usingCol + 2, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetCellType( UGCT_DROPLIST );
	cell.SetReadOnly( FALSE );
	cell.SetText( "2" );
	cell.SetLabelText( "0\n1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n" );
	cell.SetAlignment( UG_ALIGNCENTER );
	SetCell( usingCol + 2, usingRow, &cell );
	// Group Separator
	usingRow += 1;
	// label
	JoinCells( usingCol, usingRow, usingCol + 1, usingRow );
	GetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetText( "Group Separator :" );
	cell.SetAlignment( UG_ALIGNRIGHT );
	cell.SetBackColor( SUBLABEL_BACK );
	SetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	// property
	GetCell( usingCol + 2, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetCellType( UGCT_DROPLIST );
	cell.SetReadOnly( FALSE );
	cell.SetText( "," );
	cell.SetLabelText( ".\n,\n|\n/\n" );
	cell.SetAlignment( UG_ALIGNCENTER );
	SetCell( usingCol + 2, usingRow, &cell );
	// Digits in group
	usingRow += 1;
	// label
	JoinCells( usingCol, usingRow, usingCol + 1, usingRow );
	GetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetText( "Digits in group :" );
	cell.SetAlignment( UG_ALIGNRIGHT );
	cell.SetBackColor( SUBLABEL_BACK );
	SetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	// property
	GetCell( usingCol + 2, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetCellType( UGCT_DROPLIST );
	cell.SetReadOnly( FALSE );
	cell.SetText( "3" );
	cell.SetLabelText( "<Disabled>\n1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n" );
	cell.SetAlignment( UG_ALIGNCENTER );
	SetCell( usingCol + 2, usingRow, &cell );
	// Positive Format
	usingRow += 1;
	// label
	JoinCells( usingCol, usingRow, usingCol + 1, usingRow );
	GetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetText( "Positive Format :" );
	cell.SetAlignment( UG_ALIGNRIGHT );
	cell.SetBackColor( SUBLABEL_BACK );
	SetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	// property
	GetCell( usingCol + 2, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetCellType( UGCT_DROPLIST );
	cell.SetReadOnly( FALSE );
	cell.SetText( "$1.1" );
	cell.SetLabelText( "$1.1\n1.1$\n$ 1.1\n1.1 $\n" );
	cell.SetAlignment( UG_ALIGNCENTER );
	SetCell( usingCol + 2, usingRow, &cell );
	// Negative Format
	usingRow += 1;
	// label
	JoinCells( usingCol, usingRow, usingCol + 1, usingRow );
	GetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetText( "Negative Format :" );
	cell.SetAlignment( UG_ALIGNRIGHT );
	cell.SetBackColor( SUBLABEL_BACK );
	SetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	// property
	GetCell( usingCol + 2, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetCellType( UGCT_DROPLIST );
	cell.SetReadOnly( FALSE );
	cell.SetText( "-$1.1" );
	cell.SetLabelText( "($1.1)\n-$1.1\n$-1.1\n$1.1-\n(1.1$)\n-1.1$\n1.1-$\n1.1$-\n" );
	cell.SetAlignment( UG_ALIGNCENTER );
	SetCell( usingCol + 2, usingRow, &cell );
	// Currency name
	usingRow += 1;
	// label
	JoinCells( usingCol, usingRow, usingCol + 1, usingRow );
	GetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetText( "Currency name :" );
	cell.SetAlignment( UG_ALIGNRIGHT );
	cell.SetBackColor( SUBLABEL_BACK );
	SetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	// property
	GetCell( usingCol + 2, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetCellType( UGCT_DROPLIST );
	cell.SetReadOnly( FALSE );
	cell.SetText( "$" );
	cell.SetLabelText( "$\n@\n�\n�\n" );
	cell.SetAlignment( UG_ALIGNCENTER );
	SetCell( usingCol + 2, usingRow, &cell );
	// Show leading zero
	usingRow += 1;
	// label
	JoinCells( usingCol, usingRow, usingCol + 1, usingRow );
	GetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetText( "Show leading zero :" );
	cell.SetAlignment( UG_ALIGNRIGHT );
	cell.SetBackColor( SUBLABEL_BACK );
	SetCell( usingCol, usingRow, &cell );
	// property
	GetCell( usingCol + 2, usingRow, &cell );
	cell.SetCellType( UGCT_CHECKBOX );
	cell.SetBool( TRUE );
	cell.SetReadOnly( FALSE );
	SetCell( usingCol + 2, usingRow, &cell );

//	OnDClicked
//		Sent whenever the user double clicks the left mouse button within the grid
//	Params:
//		col, row	- coordinates of a cell that received mouse click event
//		processed	- indicates if current event was processed by other control in the grid.
//		rect		- represents the CDC rectangle of cell in question
//		point		- represents the screen point where the mouse event was detected
//	Return:
//		<none>
void MyCug::OnDClicked(int col,long row,RECT *rect,POINT *point,BOOL processed)

	CUGCell cell;
	GetCellIndirect( col, row, &cell );

	if ( CString(cell.GetText()) == "<Type here>" )
		cell.SetText( "" );
		SetCell( col, row, &cell );


//	OnKeyDown
//		Sent when grid received a WM_KEYDOWN message, usually as a result
//		of a user pressing any key on the keyboard.
//	Params:
//		vcKey		- virtual key code of the key user has pressed
//		processed	- indicates if current event was processed by other control in the grid.
//	Return:
//		<none>
void MyCug::OnKeyDown(UINT *vcKey,BOOL processed)

	if ( *vcKey == VK_TAB )
		int col = GetCurrentCol();
		long row = GetCurrentRow();

		if ( GetKeyState( VK_SHIFT ) < 0 )
			col --;
			if ( col < 0 )
				col = GetNumberCols() - 1;
			col ++;
			if ( col >= GetNumberCols())
				col = 0;
		GotoCell( col, row );

//	OnCharDown
//		Sent when grid received a WM_CHAR message, usually as a result
//		of a user pressing any key that represents a printable characrer.
//	Params:
//		vcKey		- virtual key code of the key user has pressed
//		processed	- indicates if current event was processed by other control in the grid.
//	Return:
//		<none>
void MyCug::OnCharDown(UINT *vcKey,BOOL processed)

	CUGCell cell;
	GetCellIndirect( GetCurrentCol(), GetCurrentRow(), &cell );

	if ( CString(cell.GetText()) == "<Type here>" )
		cell.SetText( "" );
		SetCell( GetCurrentCol(), GetCurrentRow(), &cell );

	StartEdit( *vcKey );
//	OnSetCell
//		This notification is sent everytime a cell is set,
//		here you have a chance to make final modification
//		to the cell's content before it is saved to the data source.
//	Params:
//		col, row	- coordinates of cell currently saving
//		cell		- pointer to the cell object that is being saved
//	Return:
//		<none>
void MyCug::OnSetCell(int col,long row,CUGCell *cell)

	if ( cell->GetParam() == USE_PASSWORD )
		CString tempStr( '*', cell->GetTextLength());
		cell->SetText( tempStr );

//	OnCellTypeNotify
//		This notification is sent by the celltype and it is different from cell-type
//		to celltype and even from notification to notification.  It is usually used to
//		provide the developer with some feed back on the cell events and sometimes to
//		ask the developer if given event is to be accepted or not
//	Params:
//		ID			- celltype ID
//		col, row	- co-ordinates cell that is processing the message
//		msg			- message ID to identify current process
//		param		- additional iformation or object that might be needed
//	Return:
//		TRUE - to allow celltype event
//		FALSE - to disallow the celltype event
int MyCug::OnCellTypeNotify(long ID,int col,long row,long msg,long param)
	CUGCell cell;
	GetCellIndirect( col, row, &cell );
	CFont *selectedFont = NULL;
	LOGFONT selectedLogFont;
	COLORREF textColor(RGB(0,0,0));

	if ( cell.GetParam() == USE_SETMASK || cell.GetParam() == USE_SETCOXMASK )
		// special handling of the drop list cell type to help setting mask
		if ( msg == UGCT_DROPLISTSTART && cell.GetParam() == USE_SETMASK )
		{	// populate the droplist
			CStringList *pStringList = (CStringList*)param;
			pStringList->AddTail( "(000)000-0000" );
			pStringList->AddTail( "(999)000-0000" );
			pStringList->AddTail( "(000)AAA-AAAA" );
			pStringList->AddTail( "L????L?000L0" );
			pStringList->AddTail( "L0L 0L0" );
			pStringList->AddTail( "00000-9999" );
			pStringList->AddTail( "???????????????" );
			pStringList->AddTail( "<no mask>" );
		else if ( msg == UGCT_DROPLISTSTART && cell.GetParam() == USE_SETCOXMASK )
			CStringList *pStringList = (CStringList*)param;
			pStringList->AddTail( _T("Digit Test: ###-####") ) ;
			pStringList->AddTail( _T("Decimal Test: ###.###.###.###") ) ;
			pStringList->AddTail( _T("Thousands Test: ##,###.##") ) ;
			pStringList->AddTail( _T("Time Test: ##:##") ) ;
			pStringList->AddTail( _T("Date Test: ##/##/####") ) ;
			pStringList->AddTail( _T("\\Alphanumeric Test: AAAAAAAAAA\\, AAAAAAAA") ) ;
			pStringList->AddTail( _T("\\Alphabetic Test: ????????????????") ) ;
			pStringList->AddTail( _T("Uppercase Test: >>>>>>> ????????") ) ;
			pStringList->AddTail( _T("Lowercase Test: <<<<<<< ????????") ) ;
			pStringList->AddTail( _T("Phone:(###)###-#### Ext:####") ) ;
			pStringList->AddTail( _T("AAA-#######")                  ) ;
			pStringList->AddTail( _T("&####-##-## ##\\:##\\:##")     ) ;
			pStringList->AddTail( _T("AAAAA")     );
			pStringList->AddTail( _T("<no mask>") );
		else if ( msg == UGCT_DROPLISTSELECT )
			CString *pTempStr = (CString*)param;
			GetCellIndirect( col, row + 1, &cell );

			if ( *pTempStr == "<no mask>" )
				cell.SetMask( "" );
				cell.SetText( "<Type here>" );
				cell.SetMask( *pTempStr );
				cell.SetText( *pTempStr );

			SetCell( col, row + 1, &cell );
			RedrawCell( col, row + 1 );
	else if ( cell.GetParam() == USE_SETCOXCURRENCY || cell.GetParam() == USE_SETCOXNUMBER )
	{	// clear text in the cell that user can edit in.
			QuickSetText( col, 34, "<Type here>" );
			RedrawCell( col, 34 );
		if ( param == 0 )
			QuickSetFont( col, row, m_smallFont );
		else if ( param == 1 )
			QuickSetFont( col, row, m_defFont );
		else if ( param == 2 )
			QuickSetFont( col, row, m_largeFont );

	else if ( ID == m_ellipType.GetID() && msg == UGCT_ELLIPSISBUTTONCLICK )
		textColor = cell.GetTextColor();

		if ( ShowFontDlg( cell, selectedLogFont, textColor ))
			selectedFont = CreateFontIndirect( selectedLogFont );
			cell.SetFont( selectedFont );
			cell.SetTextColor( textColor );
			SetCell( col, row, &cell );
		RedrawCell( col, row );

	return TRUE;

//	OnEditStart
//		This message is sent whenever the grid is ready to start editing a cell
//	Params:
//		col, row - location of the cell that edit was requested over
//		edit -	pointer to a pointer to the edit control, allows for swap of edit control
//				if edit control is swapped permanently (for the whole grid) is it better
//				to use 'SetNewEditClass' function.
//	Return:
//		TRUE - to allow the edit to start
//		FALSE - to prevent the edit from starting
int MyCug::OnEditStart(int col, long row,CWnd **edit)
	CUGCell cell;
	GetCellIndirect( col, row, &cell );
	DWORD dwStyle = 0;

	if ( cell.GetCellType() == UGCT_DROPLIST )
		return FALSE;
	else if ( cell.GetParam() == USE_SETCOXMASK )
		if ( ! m_cutMaskEdit.GetSafeHwnd())
			m_cutMaskEdit.Create( WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE, CRect(0,0,0,0), this, COXMASK_ID );
			m_cutMaskEdit.m_ctrl = this;

		*edit = &m_cutMaskEdit;

		return TRUE;
	else if ( cell.GetParam() == USE_SETCOXNUMBER )
		if ( ! m_cutNumeric.GetSafeHwnd())
			m_cutNumeric.Create( WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE, CRect(0,0,0,0), this, COXMASK_ID );
			m_cutNumeric.m_ctrl = this;
		m_cutNumeric.SetDecimalSeparator( 'a' );
		m_cutNumeric.SetGroupSeparator( ' ' );

		// setup properties of the numeric edit control (located in rows 36 to 42)
		GetCell( col, 36, &cell );	// Decimal digit count
		if ( CString(cell.GetText()) != "<Disabled>" )
			m_cutNumeric.SetDecimalDigitCount( -1 );
		GetCell( col, 37, &cell );	// Decimal Separator
		m_cutNumeric.SetDecimalSeparator( CString(cell.GetText()).GetAt(0));
		GetCell( col, 38, &cell );	// Fractional digit count
		GetCell( col, 39, &cell );	// Group Separator
		m_cutNumeric.SetGroupSeparator( CString(cell.GetText()).GetAt(0));
		GetCell( col, 40, &cell );	// Digits in group
		if ( CString(cell.GetText()) != "<Disabled>" )
			m_cutNumeric.SetDecimalDigitCount( -1 );
		GetCell( col, 41, &cell );	// Negative Format
		m_cutNumeric.SetNegativeFormat( cell.GetText());
		GetCell( col, 42, &cell );	// Show leading zero
		m_cutNumeric.SetShowLeadingZero( cell.GetBool());

		*edit = &m_cutNumeric;
		return TRUE;
	else if ( cell.GetParam() == USE_SETCOXCURRENCY )
		if ( ! m_cutCurrency.GetSafeHwnd())
			m_cutCurrency.Create( WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE, CRect(0,0,0,0), this, COXMASK_ID );
			m_cutCurrency.m_ctrl = this;
		m_cutCurrency.SetDecimalSeparator( 'a' );
		m_cutCurrency.SetGroupSeparator( ' ' );

		// setup properties of the currency edit control (located in rows 36 to 44)
		GetCell( col, 36, &cell );	// Decimal digit count
		if ( CString(cell.GetText()) != "<Disabled>" )
			m_cutCurrency.SetDecimalDigitCount( -1 );
		GetCell( col, 37, &cell );	// Decimal Separator
		m_cutCurrency.SetDecimalSeparator( CString(cell.GetText()).GetAt(0));
		GetCell( col, 38, &cell );	// Fractional digit count
		GetCell( col, 39, &cell );	// Group Separator
		m_cutCurrency.SetGroupSeparator( CString(cell.GetText()).GetAt(0));
		GetCell( col, 40, &cell );	// Digits in group
		if ( CString(cell.GetText()) != "<Disabled>" )
			m_cutCurrency.SetDecimalDigitCount( -1 );
		GetCell( col, 41, &cell );	// Positive Format
		m_cutCurrency.SetPositiveFormat( cell.GetText());
		GetCell( col, 42, &cell );	// Negative Format
		m_cutCurrency.SetNegativeFormat( cell.GetText());
		GetCell( col, 43, &cell );	// Currency name
		m_cutCurrency.SetCurrencyName( cell.GetText());
		GetCell( col, 44, &cell );	// Show leading zero
		m_cutCurrency.SetShowLeadingZero( cell.GetBool());

		*edit = &m_cutCurrency;
		return TRUE;
	else if ( cell.GetParam() == USE_UPPER )
		((CEdit*)*edit)->ModifyStyle( 0, ES_UPPERCASE );
	else if ( cell.GetParam() == USE_LOWER )
		((CEdit*)*edit)->ModifyStyle( 0, ES_LOWERCASE );
	else if ( cell.GetParam() == USE_PASSWORD )
		dwStyle = ES_PASSWORD;
		((CEdit*)*edit)->ModifyStyle( ES_UPPERCASE, 0 );
		((CEdit*)*edit)->ModifyStyle( ES_LOWERCASE, 0 );
		((CEdit*)*edit)->ModifyStyle( ES_PASSWORD, 0 );

	if ( cell.GetAlignment() & UG_ALIGNRIGHT )
		dwStyle |= ES_RIGHT;
	else if ( cell.GetAlignment() & UG_ALIGNCENTER )
		dwStyle |= ES_CENTER;

	if ( dwStyle != 0 )
		if ( m_myCUGEdit.GetSafeHwnd())

		// create the edit control with specified style
		m_myCUGEdit.Create( dwStyle, CRect(0,0,0,0), this, FLEXEDIT_ID );
		m_myCUGEdit.m_ctrl = this;		

		*edit = &m_myCUGEdit;

	return TRUE;

//	OnEditVerify
//		This notification is sent every time the user hits a key while in edit mode.
//		It is mostly used to create custom behavior of the edit contol, because it is
//		so eazy to allow or disallow keys hit.
//	Params:
//		col, row	- location of the edit cell
//		edit		-	pointer to the edit control
//		vcKey		- virtual key code of the pressed key
//	Return:
//		TRUE - to accept pressed key
//		FALSE - to do not accept the key
int MyCug::OnEditVerify(int col, long row,CWnd *edit,UINT *vcKey)
	CUGCell cell;
	GetCellIndirect( col, row, &cell );

	// In OnSetup I have set USE_CHARLIMIT and USE_NUMLIMIT as parameters
	// on cells that I want to verify user's input.
	// - USE_CHARLIMIT is set on cells that I limit number of input characters to 4
	// - USE_NUMLIMIT is set on cells that only allow numbers with total value < 500

	if ( cell.GetParam() == USE_CHARLIMIT )
	{	// check if user has reached the 4 character limit
		if ( edit->GetWindowTextLength() >= 4 && *vcKey != 8 )
			return FALSE;
	else if ( cell.GetParam() == USE_NUMLIMIT )
		CString string;
		edit->GetWindowText( string );
		int pointPos = string.Find( "." );
		int fraction = 0;

		if ( pointPos >= 0 )
			fraction = string.GetLength() - pointPos;

		string += (char)*vcKey;
		// check if the character pressed is a numeric digit or a dot, and make
		// sure that the dot only is present once.  Also only allow two fractional
		// digits.
		if (( *vcKey >= 48 && *vcKey <= 57 && *vcKey == '.' && pointPos == -1 ) ||
			 fraction <= 2 || *vcKey == 8 )
			int stSel, edSel;

			((CEdit*)edit)->GetSel( stSel, edSel );

			// make sure that the new value is under 500
			if (( atol( string ) > 500 ) && ( stSel == edSel ))
				return FALSE;
			return FALSE;

	return TRUE;

//	OnEditFinish
//		This notification is sent when the edit is being finised
//	Params:
//		col, row	- coordinates of the edit cell
//		edit		- pointer to the edit control
//		string		- actual string that user typed in
//		cancelFlag	- indicates if the edit is being cancelled
//	Return:
//		TRUE - to allow the edit it proceede
//		FALSE - to force the user back to editing of that same cell
int MyCug::OnEditFinish(int col, long row,CWnd *edit,LPCTSTR string,BOOL cancelFlag)

	CString tempStr( string );
	CUGCell cell;
	GetCellIndirect( col, row, &cell );

	if ( cell.GetParam() == USE_PASSWORD )
		QuickSetText( col + 2, row, "Entered password was: " + tempStr );
		RedrawCell( col + 2, row );
	else if ( cell.GetParam() == USE_FINISHTEST && cancelFlag != TRUE )
		if ( tempStr == "" )
			MessageBox( "This field cannot be left blank\n"
						"please make sure a value is entered.\n"
						"Or hit ESC to cancel edit.", "Input error", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION );
			return FALSE;
	else if ( cell.GetParam() == USE_SETMASK && cancelFlag != TRUE )
		GetCellIndirect( col, row + 1, &cell );
		cell.SetMask( string );
		cell.SetText( "<Type here>" );
		SetCell( col, row + 1, &cell );
		RedrawCell( col, row + 1 );

	return TRUE;

//	OnEditContinue
//		This notification is called when the user pressed 'tab' or 'enter' keys
//		Here you have a chance to modify the destination cell
//	Params:
//		oldcol, oldrow - edit cell that is loosing edit focus
//		newcol, newrow - cell that the edit is going into, by changing their
//							values you are able to change where to edit next
//	Return:
//		TRUE - allow the edit to continue
//		FALSE - to prevent the move, the edit will be stopped
int MyCug::OnEditContinue(int oldcol,long oldrow,int* newcol,long* newrow)

	CUGCell cell;
	GetCellIndirect( *newcol, *newrow, &cell );

	if ( CString(cell.GetText()) == "<Type here>" )
		cell.SetText( "" );
		SetCell( *newcol, *newrow, &cell );

	return TRUE;

//	OnGetDefBackColor
//		Sent when the area behind the grid needs to be painted.
//	Params:
//		section - Id of the grid section that requested this color
//				  possible sections:
//	Return:
//		RGB value representing the color of choice
COLORREF MyCug::OnGetDefBackColor(int section)
	return RGB(255,255,255);

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Written By
Web Developer
Canada Canada
In January 2005, David Cunningham and Chris Maunder created, a new group dedicated to the continued development, support and growth of Dundas Software’s award winning line of MFC, C++ and ActiveX control products.

Ultimate Grid for MFC, Ultimate Toolbox for MFC, and Ultimate TCP/IP have been stalwarts of C++/MFC development for a decade. Thousands of developers have used these products to speed their time to market, improve the quality of their finished products, and enhance the reliability and flexibility of their software.
This is a Organisation

476 members

Written By
Software Developer (Senior)
Canada Canada
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.

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