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by Daron Cox
If you're trying to integrate with UAG from a mobile device, this tip is for you!
by Nirosh
This tutorial is designed for .NET programmers who need to understand ‘Nido’ framework and its application.
by Saad_Mahmood
Magical MVVM using power of Expression Blend

Latest Articles

by Daron Cox
If you're trying to integrate with UAG from a mobile device, this tip is for you!
by Nirosh
This tutorial is designed for .NET programmers who need to understand ‘Nido’ framework and its application.
by Saad_Mahmood
Magical MVVM using power of Expression Blend

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by Nirosh
This tutorial is designed for .NET programmers who need to understand ‘Nido’ framework and its application.
by Saad_Mahmood
Magical MVVM using power of Expression Blend
by Sergeant Kolja
This is an alternative for "Memory leak detection for WinCE".
by Prilvesh K
(Wildcard entry)Android Text to speech synthesis with Listview arrays with toast
by Mark Arteaga
Sample application to access Google APIs from a .NET Compact Framework application
by slolife
.NET class to create and maintain vCalendar information
by Mario Ghecea
This article describes the technique I used to ingest large text files to create an e-book publishing platform on the Android Market
by Liam Cavanagh
The purpose of this article is to help get a user started in building a mobile database application using SQL Anywhere and Visual Studio .NET (C#)
by Liam Cavanagh
The purpose of this article is to help get a user started in building a mobile database application using Visual Studio .NET (C#).
by _Maxxx_
Well it wasn’t as easy as I thought it was going to be, but I managed to get a version of my scrolling texture program working under cocos2d-x V3 Beta 2. I set up cocos2d-x v3 as in my previous … Continue reading →
by mbcrump
A look at how to update the Application Tile Information in Windows Phone 7 Mango
by MetaMapper (Andy Powell)
How to program hardware accelerated 3D graphics for Windows 8 Store apps and Windows Phone apps using XNA.
by ashcairo
The process of porting our cross-platform 3D third person shooter game to support the Intel x86 Android environment.
by vankaandreev
Learn how to use 3D graphics and effects for Windows Phone 7.
by Android on Intel
If you’re just starting out, here are a few tips from iHub developers to ensure your app doesn’t get lost in the crowd.
by Android on Intel
In this paper, we introduce some of the new features in ART, benchmark it against the previous Android Dalvik* runtime, and share five tips for developers that can further improve application performance.
by Intel
64-bit Android and Android Run Time
by Android on Intel
64-bit Android* and Android Run Time
by Resco Developer Tools
In the recent past, we saw a lot of new technologies flourish in an IT industry such as VOIP, Skype, Webex, social networks and many more. But what happened with the old means of communication?
by 69Icaro
Analyzing the Snake game, we'll study an application for the new Windows Phone 7 platform, focusing on localization, Inversion of Control, navigation, transition effects, triggers, Isolated Storage, audio and we'll also use Blend to create a rounded glowing button, and other things...
by PGStath
A class combing the ease of use of the Intent Service, with the long running features of the Sticky services
by Grasshopper.iics
A Simple Step By Step Guide to Social Network Integration In Android
by Stefan Spenz
An article about basic function and class templates
by Grasshopper.iics
Learn Text to Speech, Speech Recognition, Audio Recording and Audio Playback with the most simple Android Audio Tutorial
by Android on Intel
To ensure outstanding results from 3D4Medical’s brilliant, interactive teaching and reference application for human anatomy on Android* devices, Intel pinpointed opportunities for performance improvements, helping expand the product’s market potential.
by Daniel Vaughan
Learn how to combine T4 and a custom markup extension to share and consume image files between projects.
by George Mamaladze
A C# implementation of Reversi (Othello) Game for PocketPC and Windows.
by Will J Miller
Using UIImagePickerController to replicate the profile selection features found in the contacts app requires solving some vexing problems. This article presents one approach for a class that replicates the functionality using the UIImagePickerController.
by Miguel Diaz Kusztrich
Be notified in your mobile phone of intruders in your home, and take photos of them
by Kenny G
A collection of classes for CE that do not use ATL or MFC, plus an FTP client, database viewer, and sample application that solves beam deflection equations.
by F. Aro
Making a custom ListAdapter
by Shunix
This article is intended to show an opportunity for customizing the list view control (report view, single-line mode) using the custom scrollbar control.
by Serge Desmedt
A DSL for creating touch gestures in Android.
by Serge Desmedt
Conception of a DSL for creating touch gestures in Android.
by Colin Eberhardt
This article describes the development of a Windows Phone to-do list application that eschews buttons and checkboxes in favour of gestures.
by Sam Rahimi
Keeps the GPS active in Windows Mobile, allowing for instant, accurate location determination. Also a tutorial on how to access GPS data with almost no code.
by Raja.D.Singh
Develop an Android application that plots user location on a map continuously.
by Ravenet
A gradient button for Windows Mobile and the .NET Compact Framework.
by ridoy
A brief explanation of application development for Android Wear, helpful for every beginner and intermediate android developer.
by Daniel Junges
A simple and very small stack implementation for any type.
by Android on Intel
This article will discuss different options available for presenting data and analysis, using charts and graphs in a typical line of business Android* app.
by Ansel Castro
Introduction to ENTERLIB a MVVM framework for Android
by Jeremy C. Ong
Texture encoders and decoders are often the most bandwidth intensive parts of a game and optimized encoding with Arm's ASTC encoder can provide a lot of benefit to runtime decoding.
by Clickatell
Clickatell brings forward a new capability that works with their messaging products to allow the application developer to deliver an SMS-enabled user experience that is exclusively theirs without having to take on the burden of billing or supporting the messaging functionality.
by James S.F. Hsieh
A non-well-formed HTML parser and CSS Resolver builded by pure .NET C#
by gamitech
A not so simple firewall if I can call it so. This application will ask you if you want a certain program to start.
by gregs
An implementation of a simple raytracer for the CF as an intro to graphics theory.
by Jeffrey T. Fritz
Looking for full text search on Android and finding with dtSearch. Also, .NET developers, please see Faceted Search with dtSearch by this author (available from article link).
by Azim Zahir
This article is a demonstration of a simple searchable contacts list in Android.
by Azim Zahir
This is a simple demonstration of using SQLite database in Android.
by Amit Kumar Dutta
Discusses a technique to record current geographic location from mobile and display in web pages (with Location History Browsing)
by Abhishek_Narain
In B2C scenarios, focus changes a bit. End users expect the simplest and the best of experiences from your application. Hence you would start focusing on UX, Performance, Simplicity, Stickiness, etc.
by bearvarine
An ArrayList container wrapper class that permits the table to be filled with data in an early phase of a program, but then made read-only (Immutable) for subsequent usage.
by Murray Brooks Davis
How to make a simple, end-to-end, mobile, Java enterprise application including a RESTful web service and an Android client.
by Marc Clifton
A simple Serializer / Deserializer.
by Maze
A simple solution to see the inside of your code.
by Paul Ranson
A template class that allows Win32 object lifetimes to be managed 'smartly', includes an example memory mapped file wrapper.
by orouit
Describes a framework to use the PCSC Smart Card API with .NET.
by Adrian Stanley
The SortListView control extends the existing ListView control in the .NET Compact Framework, so that it will sort items, and display the sort status in the column header.
by Ariadne
ShowArgs displays a MessageBox and reads the parameter from command line.
by Marc Clifton
Easily declare workflows that can span threads.
by Ramanan.T
Useful tool to view functions in a library (.LIB) file and export them to a header (.H) file
by marcel heeremans
This article demonstrates techniques on how to optimise the common programming task of recursively iterating through a container control using generics and yield return.
by Will J Miller
This article describes the implementation of a custom class called MMSCropImageView. The class gives the feature of drawing and moving a rectangle over an image to identify the crop region and return it in an UIImage. It explains the considerations and solutions for cropping a bitmap.
by Don Kackman
Building a WP7 browser app for
by Dustin Metzgar
Create 3D bar charts and pie graphs using WPF
by Mahfuzur Rahman.
What is the useful of CObject , CRuntimeClass and related macros.
by Nic_Roche
Simple and easy mobile device capability queries in ASP.NET.
by maciekgrabek
The Windows Phone 7 emulator doesn't support accelerometer. This project will help you to test accelerometer enabled applications on the Windows Phone 7 emulator!
by Zeeshan Haneef
An article on drawing graphics on a hand-held device touch screen.
by Manas Bhardwaj
Accessing Active Directory
by Chak
Explore the options to access SharePoint 2010 from iPad/iPhone
by Android on Intel
The objective of this article is to show a method for accessing a REST based database backend from an Android* app using MongoDB* and Spring IO*.
by Dominick Marciano
When iPhone SMS messages are backed up to your computer using iTunes, the messages are stored in a SQLite database. This article will show the layout of this database file and how to access all saved message information.
by Pavel Durov
This article will explain how to explore Android internal data from Eclipse DDMS perspective using adb and Linux commands.
by Accusoft
The emergence of this new class of hardware creates an opportunity for doctors and medical professionals to access patient data wherever they are. This whitepaper will focus on the AIMTools SDK, Barcode Xpress Mobile SDK and accessing medical records on Android mobile devices.
by Bruno Edoh
In this article I explain how Android App Bundles can help you, and demonstrate how to use them.
by NitinShrivastava
In this tip, we will discuss a quick way of how to locate a point in the Map and then adding a customized pushpin to these locations through a sample XML.
by Bernardo Castilho
Polyfill that enables HTML5 drag drop support on mobile (touch) devices.
by Alain Rist
CZoomScrollImpl extends WTL CScrollImpl to allow continuous zooming.
by Jules H
The Android SDK class DialogPreference doesn't support context menus out of the box. Here's a quick tip on how to implement them.
by mbcrump
Easy way to add Analytics to your Windows Phone 7 App with Preemptive Solutions
by Manning
A chapter excerpt from iOS in Practice
by Android on Intel
In this article, I will explain how I added local search capabilities to our existing restaurant application while maintaining UI continuity.
by Android on Intel
In this article, I will explain how I added local search capabilities to our existing restaurant application while maintaining UI continuity.
by dteviot
Adding video playback to an EPUB or, a Web Server in < 100 lines of code.
by Android on Intel
This document walks through the steps to produce a fat APK that includes both x86 and ARM libraries from within the latest Unity 4 or Unity 5 versions.
by rasheed1979
This article demonstrates administrating SQL Server 2000 from Pocket PC on the fly.
by gbd77rc
How to use asynchronous calls to SQL to receive progress information
by Jonathan Campos
With the latest release of Adobe Flex 4.5 and Flash Builder 4.5, building and incorporating mobile applications into your enterprise development stack just got a whole lot easier.
by 0xdeadbeef
Advanced critical section which features TryLock and timeouts
by Microsoft - Compact Framework
Explore advanced interoperability on the .NET Compact Framework.
by syed shanu
Creating a simple App for AGENT Smartwatch
by PavolSatala
How to create an air hockey game for one player against the artificial intelligence for three mobile platforms with only one code?
by vridhichowdhry
How to print a Form in VB.NET using the Printform Component. Describes the various ways with examples on how to customize the printed output according to your need.
by Simon Jackson
All Hail the Old and the New – The MonoGame Content Builder Tool
The article explains all the aspects of a mobile website.
by metcarob
This article describes a timestamp class that can be used as an alternative to the standard C date time functions.
by Amazon
If you’re new to the Amazon Mobile App SDK, it provides APIs, tools, and resources to leverage the features and services offered by Amazon.
by ymartel framework for making web application for most-used tablet and smartphone web browsers based on JQuery mobile
by Grasshopper.iics
Content Provider in Android Was Never this easier.
by PGStath
PHP code and pattern for the creation of OpenFire XMPP users from end-user applications via HTTP POST
by Igor Kushnarev
The splash screen Android tutorial
by cigwork
A general purpose file save popup for Android.
by Abhishek Nandy
a simple walk through of project anarchy Wild Card
by Colin Angus Mackay
As globalization increases internationalized applications become more important. This hangman game is a fun introduction to some of the internationalization features of the .NET Compact Framework.
by Pavel Durov
Basic NDK implementation using Hello World application
by Microsoft - Compact Framework
An introduction to P/Invoke and Marshaling on the Microsoft .NET Compact Framework.
by Jason Henderson
Your first Palm application using the venerable "Hello World!" example.
by Christian Graus
An overview of the Palm world, including a list of C functions which have preferred equivalents in PalmOS
by Android on Intel
In this post I'm going to start exploring the topic of blur filters.
by Android on Intel
In this blog post I'm going to start exploring the topic of blur filters.
by Serge Desmedt
An ObjectEditor as a custom ExpandableListView
by Addison-Wesley
A chapter excerpt for Core Data for iOS: Developing Data-Driven Applications for the iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch
by Joel Ivory Johnson
A proof of concept for an animated sprite component that I am developing to run in XNA projects on Windows Phone, PC, and Xbox. The component allows animation information to be a part of the project's content and is a step in the direction of allowing an artist to be completely over creating animati
by Android on Intel
With the latest releases (2014 R2 as of now), Intel® Graphics Performance Analyzers (Intel® GPA), Intel® Frame Debugger, and Intel® VTune™ Amplifier are able to support most mainstream Android 4.x devices regardless of their architecture (ARM* or x86).
by Felix Geilert
Covers the basics of Android application development (you don't even need an Android phone).
by Sandip.Nascar
Describes the power of C# in building professional application - Stock Market Watch with Charts on Android platform using Mono C#.
by pi19404
In this article, we will look at unistrore gesture recognition for Android devices
by Cloud Hsu
Samples for present Android and iOS to control torch.
by Mostafa Eissa
This article explains the basics of the Android architecture and why a developer should care about Android.
by Igor Kushnarev
How 3D carousel could be implemented for Android platform
by Sushil Sh.
How to call activity method in your JavaScript code using the addJavascriptInterface method.
by Pavel Durov
This article will explain briefly how to use a basic encryption/decryption on Android and on .NET platforms, with focus on passing encrypted data from Android to .NET.
by Bart Read
Tutorial showing how to build an iOS or Android app using Azure Mobile Services with HTML5 and JavaScript in Visual Studio.
by Pavel Durov
This article is explaining how to implement a basic game fundamentals on Android platform.
by xandytsui
An Introduction to a new Android-java based MVVM Presentation Framework
by F. Aro
Optical Character Recognition with Android
by Azim Zahir
This article demonstrates creating a Compass app in Android
by Peter Leow
Exploring the connectivity options in Android.
by Varavut
Lean about how to manage the data
by Elvis Rusu
This article has the goal of helping someone who is about to design an Android application and needs to make a choice regarding the database solution.
by Pavel Durov
Article about dynamic Sqlite database management on Android platform using Java class reflection.
by Safak Tarazan
This article shows how to add google maps api v2 to in android projects.
by diov
This article introduces custom classes SvgImageView and SvgDrawable which allow to use SVG image just like any other image.
by Android on Intel
Mobile trends with Android users in China.
by Peter Leow
Learn to handle different input types and store the input data to the shared preferences storage in Android.
by Andy Point
Android JSON parsing tutorial
by wjfrancis
Explore a set of helper classes for customizing the default
by Member 10582597
New Runtime in Android operating system Kit Kat version (Android 4.4)
by Srivatsa Haridas
A Simple android application to display the phone details, battery status and data connectivity status of an Android Smartphone
by Kaushal Dhruw
This article deals with Android product flavors in depth. Learn how to create multiple apks from the same source code. Create, customize, group, configure and filter product flavors.
by Arthur V. Ratz
In this article, we will discuss about the advanced Android application development based on the example of creating a responsive Airport schedule simulator application.
by csanuragjain
It is actually for configuring proxy on Android emulator so that the users can access the internet from their Android emulators.
by Vimal Panara
Just three steps to implement Android push notification and it is easy and simple.
by Giannakakis Kostas
Puzzles Solver is an Android application for playing and solving puzzles.
by khanzzirfan
This article helps you to understand how to listen to nested controls inside the recycler view and update the view dynamically.
by Varavut
Learn about the Android Application Resources
by becker666
Android writing files to the Cloud
by Paul Lawitzki
This article presents one approach to increase the quality of rotation information gathered from different sensor sources using a simple sensor fusion algorithm, specifically on an Android device.
by Roozbeh Abolpour
Implementation of Android sensor monitoring in Simulink (Matlab)
by Safak Tarazan
Usage of services, alarm manager and broadcast receivers
by Kevin Murani
Android sliding menu.
by Safak Tarazan
Sending SMS in a time sequence by using handler, runnable and service
by Evgeny Gorbin
Simple social network integration tutorial for android using modular library
by huyletran
Coding SQLite in Android following ORM (object-relational mapping).
by Julie Bartolf
In this tutorial, I will go over many of the Android UI Layouts and Controls. Providing a few examples I will bring you step by step through creating, and implementing these to the completion of an Android Application.
by Peter Leow
Putting faces on Your Android App.
by Thierry Parent
This tool creates an USB tunnel between the android and the PC. The tunnel will forward communications to and from the host.
by henry sentio kauta
What a user expects
by Houssem_Dellai
A comparison from developers perspective between Android and Windows Phone
by Mitchell J.
I've created an Android Game with the aid of HTML5, CSS, Javascript, Node.js, and PhoneGap, and this is how I did it.
by Android on Intel
This article gives an overview of the Android Wear operating system focusing on wearable devices, application types, development, and debugging. It also explains two ways of debugging a wearable app using ADB.
by Android on Intel
This paper introduces detailed methods for developing and porting an Android application on the Intel Atom platform, and discusses the best known methods for developing applications using the Android Native Development Kit (NDK) and optimizing performance.
by Android on Intel
SEAndroid refers to Security Enhancements for Android, a security solution for Android that identifies and addresses critical gaps.
by Android on Intel
SEAndroid is now the overall framework for implementing SELinux mandatory access control (MAC) and middleware mandatory access control (MMAC) on Android.
by Android on Intel
Android* Texture Compression - a comparison study with code sample
by Android on Intel
This sample demonstrates how to load and use these different formats with OpenGL ES* on Android.
by Android on Intel
In a recently posted stable release of Intel Threading Building Blocks (Intel® TBB), we have added experimental support for Android applications; i.e., building Intel TBB libraries for use in Android applications via the JNI interface.
by Igor Kushnarev
The techniques to use SVG in the ImageView control
by FaizanMubasher
This article include steps to create simple needle in android using View and Graphics. A needle like placed in Speedometers.
by Ondrej_Uzovic
Improve the performance of interprocess communication between Android and .NET using fast binary serialization (Protocol Buffers) instead of XML or JSON.
by Ivan Shcherbakov
This article describes a common problem among Android developers caused by the incompatible versions of the Android tools, analyzes the reasons and describes a way to fix it.
by va_dev
Quick EAN13 barcode generation class.
by Ondrej_Uzovic
Simple example showing how to communicate between Android and .NET application.
by Gregory Shpitalnik
Android: Ready to use simple directory chooser dialog with new folders creation ability - single Java class implementation.
by Francesco Lo Truglio (FLT.lab)
Android: ViewFlipper Touch Animation like News & Weather
by Ted Neward
Parallel processing in Android native code
by Serge Desmedt
Experiment with OpenCV imageprocessing methods on your mobile phone
by Patrick Kalkman
This article describes how I developed Androng, a Pong clone for Android.
by Siddharth Chandra
How to use Angular in a Cordova Environment and its impact
In this article, We will learn why do we need to manage the stages of our application.
In this article, we will learn how to build and deploy the code
by mengwangk
Develop an AngularJS application to view photos stored in Android phone.
by Alan Boldock
Many available demonstrations and tutorials demonstrate how to play an animation generated in a 3D application. This tutorial demonstrates how to manipulate a 3D model using only the code to find and manipulate Bones within a simple 3D model generated in Blender.
by João Paulo Figueira
How to animate child view transitions on a Windows Mobile WTL application.
by huyletran
This article give a solution to develop Animation by using Canvas, Paint and SurfaceView
by Joaquín M López Muñoz
A library for enumeration of serial ports that works on 9x, NT 4.0 and 2000, XP and CE platforms
by Dave Kerr
Write your first MVVM application in ten minutes using the Apex SDK!
by Dave Kerr
Learn how to add Commands to your MVVM application to add functionality without breaking the separation of View and ViewModel.
by xryl669
The final article about API hooking, with a working example of a thread deadlock detector.
by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
This article discusses Android programming and aims at teaching you about Android programming for Camera and Widgets.
by Pavel Sinkevich
Implement TinyWebDb interface on WCF Service to communicate with Android application developed with App Inventor
by Android on Intel
This paper describes how to create an x86 player app using the NexPlayer SDK.
by Chad Z. Hower aka Kudzu
In this article, I’ll explain how you can easily store and retrieve your application settings with just a few lines of code
by Adi Saxena
This article explains the Life cycle of a typical iOS application and also talks about the various states of the application.
by Xinjie ZHANG
Some animated effects may make your application more attractive.
by Khademul Basher
Add Nokia Here Map in Windows Phone HTML5 Apps
by wduros1
A class to replace the appSettings() method in Compact Framework.
by pbrooks
Learn how to create a settings class that will make it easy to access and store your application settings.
by emranallan
Make your Application windows phone 7 support for Bi-Directional right to left
by Mohamed Abdel-Monem
This article explains how to support the Arabic language in your applications written for Windows CE.
by Android on Intel
ART vs Dalvik - Introducing the New Android x86 Runtime
by ridoy
A comparative and brief description of Android, helpful for every beginner android developer.
by Grasshopper.iics
The Simplest Graphics and Animation tutorial you ever wanted
by Grasshopper.iics
A Step by Step Guide for Getting Your Android App into the App store and Monetize it
by Febin John James
Article 2 Setting Up Your Android Development Environment (The Fun Way)
by Febin John James
Creating a Simple Hello World Android Project
by Sivamurugan Perumal
Explore various UserInterface layouts and controls supported by Android
by Grasshopper.iics
Understand the fundamentals of Sensors and Touch Interface of Android
by Grasshopper.iics
Learn to build an App from Scratch to facilitate understanding of Android Resources with a real case study
by Ahmed Alaa El-Din
This articles provides a brief description of different methods that Android platform can provide for a developer to save different data types with different storage methods like Shared Preferences, Internal Storage, External Storage, SQLite DB, and Web Services
by Grasshopper.iics
Learn easy data management, SqlLite database, XML Web services, File Database in Android with a Real time App
by Riju_Vashisht
This article gives you information about the history and architecture design of Android Operating System.It also covers the comparisons between various other Mobile Operating Systems.
by Intel
Artificial intelligence holds greater promise in transforming clinical research.
by Monjurul Habib
ASP.NET Web API is a framework for building and consuming HTTP services that can reach a broad range of clients including browsers, phones, and tablets.
by Bryian Tan
An article on how to put together an ASP.NET horizontal menu control with access key and target window support.
by Ashish Kaila
An outlook style toolbar control in ASP.NET
by ASP.NET Community
Hi All, Some of the server controls(.NET 2.0) like DropDownList control, LinkButton etc., has postback property. When User clicks or selects
by Kaj Bromose
How to make callback using messaging via LocalBroadcastManager
by Eduardo Antonio Cecilio Fernandes
How to handle asynchronous tasks in Android Activities
by Chris_Riley
In this post I will explain how quality imaging is the most critical element for an application I’m working on to support both OCR and NLP.And how I’m using the MobileImage SDK to do it.
by mbcrump
This article describes how to attach a command to the Windows Phone 7 Application Bar.
by Bruce Waeyen
Desktop server and Pocket PC Smart Client for the PRISMIQ Media Player.
by leshkoapps
How you can use AVAssetResourceLoader and AVPlayer in your apps
by brochpirate
An iPhone media player designed specifically for listening to audiobooks
by Harald Heide Gundersen
Geocoordinate positioned Xna model viewable thru Photocamera
by Perfectial
A practical guide to business applications for augmented reality
by Mark Dostal
This article will show how to use the Esri's ArcGIS Runtime SDK and Toolkit for iOS to build a compelling augmented reality experience.
by andrewcates
Auto Increment Assembly Version in a Microsoft Build Task
by Maxim Alekseykin
Shows how to generate source code for a finite state automaton described by XML applying XSLT
by Android on Intel
In this article I will review several tools for automated functional testing. I'll review only tools included in Android SDK or distributed under Open Source license.
by Android on Intel
I want to tell you about a wonderful tool to automatically test the UI of Android* applications. The name of this tool is UiAutomator.
by EmitsorGrp
Automatically generate a Windows Phone 7 settings page.
by Android on Intel
In this article I explain how to validate applications on Android devices with the help of Sikuli IDE, a simple and effective scripting language.
by Joel Ivory Johnson
An article discussing the various methods that you can use to automatically start an application on Windows Mobile, either by schedule or in reaction to a system event.
by mikew67
Create a simple service which listens for connection changes
by Roman Kiss
Design and implementation of small tool, tester for Azure IoT Central
by zoyobar
I will explore and learn XNA for Windows Phone with you.
by David Crow
Viewing time as a series of (progress) bars
by Zamrony P. Juhara
Get started with OpenGL ES 2.0 shader programming on Android
by krasnoff
The basic structure of an Android project and its major files and classes.
by Peter Leow
Becoming proficient and competent in managing Android Resources.
by Peter Leow
Exploring and implementing Android services and sending notifications.
by Ahmed Alaa El-Din
Beginner’s Guide to Organizing/Accessing Android Resources with clear and brief explanation
by Sandeep Mewara
A guide to help learn about Kafka and do a setup & test of data pipeline in Windows environment.
by Peter Leow
Learning to draw and animate simple 2D and 3D graphics in Android.
by Sandeep Mewara
Learn, understand and jumpstart with ReactJS
by mattz32
A simple tutorial on how to create a navigation-based application and transitioning between views.
by Anele 'Mashy' Mbanga
Display objects and get user input with Corona SDK and Lua
by Dmitry Brant
Renders the Mandelbrot Set on your mobile device, with panning and zooming
by Alexander Galkin
Provides a sample code for a simple test bench application and compares the performance of two most common embedded databases for .NET: Microsoft SQL CE 4.0 and SQLite.
by Kunal Chowdhury «IN»
Today in this post, we will jumpstart with the RadDataBoundListBox and see the benefits of using it in our Windows Phone applications.
by Intel
This article covers design considerations for tablet apps, including UI design, session length, accommodating user differences, and localization.
by Yildirim Kocdag
What is next for Mobile Gestures? Past and Future of Mobile Gestures
by Jared Bienz
A .NET library with several controls that work in both Windows and on Pocket PC
by hoonzis
Learn how to build a small mobile application to visualize data from the city bike sharing system. Get the nearest stations, find the number of free bikes, and compute directions to other stations.
by #realJSOP
One technique for performing a binary insertion sort on a std::list
by Grasshopper.iics
From unboxing to prototype, a complete C# and Node.js Intel Edison product development guide with a real time cloud biometric IoT project
by Ponnurangam D
BlackBerry Java application development using Visual Studio.
by S.Vinothkumar
Bluetooth connection in Windows Mobile 5.0
by Florin Badea
This article presents a mobile device application that uses serial ports to simulate a Bluetooth connection.
by Member 10165288
A library allows for easy access to communicate with BluetoothLE devices
by Vangos
Today, I would like to introduce you to the Orbbec Astra sensor and the Nuitrack body-tracking SDK. This is an in-depth tutorial for software developers who would like to use a new depth sensor and a new body-tracking SDK to develop amazing motion applications.
by mb2sync
Performs conversions between values of type bool, BOOL and VARIANT_BOOL.
by Vinit Yadav
In this article we are going to develop a game using Farseer Physics Engine and XNA for Windows Phone 7. This article provides you base for your games to make game development easy and fast.
by PavolSatala
How to create nice car using box2d?
by PavolSatala
In the previous part (Box 2d vehicles - part 1), I showed you how to create a basic box2d car using Moscrif SDK. The following article is going to show some advanced techniques and upgrades the game.
by PavolSatala
How to create an amazing bike game for three platforms with only one code?
A gentle introduction to android.
by Inside BlackBerry Developer’s Blog
Breaking Out of The Box – An Introduction to BlackBerry 10 Mobile Sensing
by PavolSatala
This article shows how to create Breakout game for iOS, Android and Bada with only one code.
by Evgeny Vinnik
A simple workaround for Windows Phone 7 apps to work with SQL Azure directly.
by BenoitM
A Puzzle Bobble (aka Bust-A-Move) clone for Pocket PC using the .NET compact framework
by Ramon de Klein
An addictive game for PocketPCs with full source code included.
by Manpreet_Kaur
This article will help you design an application allowing you to load an interactive PDF form into the viewer.
by adriancs
Convert Website into Android Web App with WebView
by Tiancheng Hu
New samples of using ThinkAlike to accomplish Android/Desktop cross-platform development, including helloworld, Web API access and widget UI.
by Tiancheng Hu
New samples of using ThinkAlike to accomplish Android/Desktop cross-platform development, including helloworld, Web API access and widget UI.
by Intel
In this article, we give an overview of the SAWR project and also offer some tips for building your own robot using the Intel RealSense camera and SAWR projects.
by Shalom Keynan
Building Android application with Visual Studio C#
by Nicholas_Lie
Developers need the best cross-platform framework that can produce highly flexible, customizable apps with great performance, and high code reusability, that allow them to build cross platforms apps in a loosely-coupled manner. The answer is here: Crosslight.
by Resco Developer Tools
No doubt, Microsoft Dynamics CRM is one of the world's most popular CRM systems. It's unique because of its customization capabilities allowing enterprises to adjust it to their specific needs whether their main focus is selling goods, providing services, or something completely different.
by Mahmoud Samir Fayed
Getting started with 2D games development and build the Flappy Bird 3000 game using the Ring programming language.
by gstolarov
Build Flappy Bird with jQuery and 100 lines of Javascript
by Shai Raiten
How to Build Puzzle 15 (n-Puzzle)
by robertcarlson8203
Learn how to quickly build mobile apps using a Xamarin with a cloud hosted mobile backend in minutes.
by Shai Raiten
Build Your First Windows Phone 7 Silverlight Application
by Bernardo Castilho
We created a MyBI sample app to show how easy it can be to build progressive web apps using Wijmo. In this article, we describe how we implemented MyBI as a regular web app, and then show how we upgraded it to a progressive web app.
by Stuart Wheelwright
Step-by-step explanation of building a Task Timer app using web technologies, including HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and jQuery Mobile.
by Android on Intel
This article discusses design considerations for building apps for Glass and how to build hybrid glass applications using the Mirror API and GDK.
by victor vatamanescu
Developing .NET cross platform applications using mono and IBM DB2
by Taiseer Joudeh
This is the eight part of Building ASP.NET Web API RESTful Service Series.
by ravi_pothuraju
This Article discuss about windows embedded Studio and how to develop custom windows embedded xp operating system for a device using Microsoft Embedded Studio
by Android on Intel
In this document, we will focus on a few Android UI programming techniques that will help you to achieve the goal of a dynamic UI – use of the action bar, tab, and swipe views with dynamic application data to enhance the screen navigation, use of Android fragments to design multiple-pane and master-
by Daniel Vaughan
Leverage existing .resx files to localize Windows Phone, Android, and iOS apps in Xamarin.Forms.
by Shaun Wilde
A review of the book "Building Mobile Applications Using Kendo UI Mobile and ASP.NET Web API"
by Android on Intel
The steps below provide a general description of how to setup, build, and run a new native application in Android Studio 1.0.1.
by deluizon
Learning the basic of developing application on iPhone by developing simple reader app
by Android on Intel
This tutorial will guide you to your first cross-platform application using the Multi-OS Engine installed on Mac OSX which we refer to as local build.
by Inside BlackBerry Developer’s Blog
If you have not heard of it before, NME is a free and open-source framework, designed to bring a unified feature set and native performance to many platforms, including the BlackBerry® PlayBook™ tablet and BlackBerry® 10.
by Android on Intel
In this article, we’ll look at how thinking about monetization near the beginning of the development process can give you an opportunity to tailor your strategy to your target audience—and integrate it more seamlessly into your product.
by Jeffrey Vanneste
This article shows an example of a game that uses the GAPI and Hekkus libraries. It also shows a nice and free way of deploying your games/applications without requiring the .NET Framework installed on the end user machines.
by Alexander Turlov
This document demonstrates a simple way of business dates calculation using standard features of the .NET Framework Library.
by Michael Wolski
This article describes the development of C# code that allows you to send consumer IR codes from your mobile device using the audio port.
by Craig Giles
I have been learning quite a few development strategies as of late, and the newest one that I’ve taken a peek into is Test Driven Development (TDD), or Unit Testing.
by Ciro Sisman Pereira
tCNode template: An indexed multi-node data tree using STL containers
by Olivier Gaumond
A simple class to use the DesktopToDevice and DeviceToDesktop functions from a C++ project.
by Yuri Maxutenko, Apriorit Inc
This article covers the creation of the CAB-installers for the Windows CE 5.0/6.0 applications for thin clients.
by Android on Intel
Intel has developed a valuable tool for developing parallel applications called Intel® Threading Building Blocks (Intel® TBB).
by mega_me
Convention-over-configuration MVVM in the Windows Phone 7 world.
by Grasshopper.iics
How to call ASP.NET webservice from Android Using KSOAP library in an easy and efficient way.
by li9705
This article presents a method which uses CLE middleware to call Lua from a Java application on Android
by Will J Miller
Programming tests are frequently used to screen job applicants. This article describes one problem given by a large modern technology company and its solution in swift.
Store securely credit cards' structured meta-data, like contact info, PIN, APR on balance transfer/purchase/cash advance, and other terms/conditions
by CarNet-India
CarNet is a project which involves creation of an mesh network between vehicles moving in vicinity of each other.
by César de Souza, Diego Catalano
Scientific computing for Java and Android.
by Geert van Horrik
This article tries to explain why you should use Catel as the (or one of the) frameworks when developing WPF, Silverlight, and Windows Phone 7 applications.
by Geert van Horrik
Using Catel as an MVVM framework on Windows Phone 7.
by Geert van Horrik
This article is about Windows Phone 7 Mango and unit testing the camera
by Davide Calabro
The reference control for MFC flat buttons with text and icons. Give your CE applications a professional look!
by Ray Kinsella
CCeFileFind - A FileFind class for Windows CE.
by João Paulo Figueira
Implementing a managed wrapper to the CEDB database engine with some C++ help.
by isemenov
A simple Win32 HANDLE type wrapper.
by Peter Tewkesbury
This is a new '.NET' version of my CHMReader program, with more features.
by Android on Intel
This paper will help you choose the right engine for your game so it runs its best for all your Android customers.
by Roozbeh Abolpour
This article describes the concept of a custom view and implements a circular progress bar.
by Colin Eberhardt
This article describes my experiences of porting a novel gesture-driven Windows Phone app to Windows 8.
by Cho, Kyung-min
If you are working with limited resources in a multithreaded scenario, ObjBroker will help you...
by Android on Intel
In this article I will explain how to build a project with CoCos2D.
by Android on Intel
In this article, I will explain how to build an NDK app for Android* on Intel® architecture.
by Android on Intel
Code Example of Power/Performance Optimization on Android* Using Intel® Intrinsics
by Nish Nishant
This is a WP7 application that will analyze your most recent posts and give you summarized statistics on your forum wide posting split up.
by Lakamraju Raghuram
This article aims at building an simple Windows phone 7 application for accessing Codeproject content.
by CodeProject, Val Polouchkine
Welcome to our continuing series of CodeProject interviews in which we talk to developers about their backgrounds, projects, interests and pet peeves. In this installment we talk to Val Polouchkine, a Developer Advocate for Twitter.
by Bernhard Häussermann
A set of source files that extends the UITableView so that it has sections that can be collapsed and expanded.
by James Poag
This is my submission for the .NET CF contest for May 2004. It is a game utilizing the .NET Compact Framework for the PocketPC that demonstrates the ease and power or .NET CF. The game allows singleplayer mode against the computer, or Multiplayer over a network or Internet connection.
by anshulskywalker
Introduction to building a simple Windows phone 7 application that reads and stores comic feeds in WP7
by PhilipSch
This article seeks to identify differences between the WPF and the Windows RT's UI framework.
by Alexander Silonosov
RAPI based utility for copying files and folders PC->PocketPC (and vice versa). There is also - "Dir, Del, Db" commands.
by Intel
In Arduino environment, it's convenient to access BT SPP like a serial port and react to the command string sent from the BT serial port.
by Brian Nash
An example of using the Compact Framework with SQL Server CE.
by rogerk
A real world example of storing and retrieving XML files and sending them across IR ports.
by Android on Intel
In this article, we’ll show you how to compile some well-known open source libraries for the X86 Android platform.
by li9705
This article talks about how to compile Python source code on WP8, the changes made on the source code, and an example using Python in a WP8 native app.
by Android on Intel
Building the x86 version of ZeroMQ library step by step
by Alexander Turlov
This document describes how to implement conditional or cyclic invoking of methods using such features of C# and the .NET Framework as delegates and Reflection. The document contains a number of C# code examples with comments.
by Rawat Sandeep
Platform for people to share their emotions
by jeremy jones
A venture into the art of screen scraping, XML data sources, and a splash of Web Services.
by Bishoy Labib
MiniMax algorithm can be used in game AI.
by Bishoy Labib
An update for the MiniMax algorithm. Faster search with the same results.
by Intel
Connecting the Intel® Edison board to your Android Phone with Serial Port Profile (SPP)
by Intel
Connecting the Intel® Edison board to your Android Phone with Serial Port Profile (SPP)
by Nathan Carver
The goal of this document is to show you how to write code and connect the hardware to establish BLE communication between an Intel Edison and a Bluetooth 4.0-equipped Android device, using free software tools and low-cost, off-the-shelf hardware.
by Intel
The goal of this document is to show you how to write code and connect the hardware to establish BLE communication between an Intel Edison and a Bluetooth 4.0-equipped Android device, using free software tools and low-cost, off-the-shelf hardware.
by henry sentio kauta
Android at figure tips
by Intel
IoT supports many ways to transfer data, and Bluetooth® LE, or Wi-Fi (to name a few) may not be the right fit for every device. The goal of this article is to make your selection easier by exploring the advantages and practical application examples for each technology.
by D Y Chan
Consume WCF service with Windows Phone 7
by Gopal Panda
An article on Consuming web Service on PocketPC
by sacoskun
Simple examples on how to use the kSOAP library to invoke Web Service methods which are defined on .NET.
by User 1556233
How to consume a RESTful Service ( in an iPhone application
by rasheed1979
Shutdown your PC from anywhere in this universe using mobile phone, with lesser cost.
by Rei Miyasaka
Ever wondered how to do wildcards in C#?
by mshoukry_alkhwarazmi
a class to convert from VC++.NET String* data type to leagcy LPCTSTR
by Jozef Bozek
Ligth object wrapper for iOS CoreData.
by Android on Intel
VTune™ Amplifier for systems is a profiling tool for system or application performance tuning.
by ingvar8
Counter based c8051
by Don Kackman
A WP7 port of CPVanity with a CodeProject RSS reader.
by Kochise
CString based path splitter.
by maq_rohit
A lazy and attractive tool for CodeProject
by JoeSox
MyDroidTemplate Eclipse Project template and a Droid App for Interacting with CodeProject
by Rei Miyasaka
Make better use of time by calculating CRCs on-the-fly.
by Anele 'Mashy' Mbanga
Using IndexedDB as a backend for your JQuery Mobile App
by Anele 'Mashy' Mbanga
Demonstrates creating, updating, deleting single file json records in a web server using jQuery Mobile and Php.
by Anele 'Mashy' Mbanga
Demonstrate how you can create a JQuery Mobile app and use XML as a backend - single XML record approach by using xml2json.js and json2xml.js.
by omid.nazifi
In this article, you can see a program that shows a shelf view. This shelf view has two features. First create a ListView that includes another list view. Second, Inner ListView where you can move items as horizontal.
by scott_liu
It adds features to the Sencha Touch standard Ext.form.Slider Class
by yuetwong
This article shows the steps to create an Apple Watch app that draws a pie chart using CoreGraphics.
by Varavut
Create a app that support Phone and Tablet
by dev2dev
This article is based on Manster's article and extension is given to his/her code in VB.NET version.
by aleksisa
Create an Open File Dialog for a Windows Mobile 6 (SmartPhone) devices.
by Ahmed Alaa El-Din
Help Beginners to create their 1st Android Application by a step-by-step guide
by Giannakakis Kostas
Create your first Android Game with libgdx
by becker666
Using the Canvas/Bitmap to get a XY plot
by becker666
Extend a field to make into a chart/plot field
by Daniel Vaughan
Using Xamarin Forms platform specific rendering to create a cross-platform application bar.
by Microsoft - Compact Framework
Learn how to build a .NET Compact Framework-based animation control.
by Dave_Voyles
In short, I wanted to determine if does actually have great mobile performance, as well as have an understanding of how straightforward the process was for packaging my web application as mobile app.
by Sergii Grybniak
Find out how to easily create a single-page application using Sapper, Prisma, and GraphQL Yoga
by Sergii Grybniak
Find out how to easily create a single-page application using Sapper, Svelte and Prisma
by Peter Leow
Getting real with Android by writing your first app to say Hello to the World.
by Julie Bartolf
In this tutorial I will explain about the basic components of an Android application and show you step by step how to create, fix, and test your first android application.
by Sushil Sh.
Sample Code of Hello World App
by Sivamurugan Perumal
Create a simple Hello world android project with Android Studio run in emulator and depoly on Mobile Device
by Microsoft - Compact Framework
Creating a splash screen form on a separate thread.
by Julien Villers
This will walk you through the creation of a custom IMarkerProvider implementation, allowing to display SAMI subtitles in SMF (Silverlight Media Framework).
by Dylan Roy
Setting up a Windows Phone 8 Virtual Development Environment
by Paul B.
Take pictures and broadcast GPS location on a set schedule, useful in balloon payloads or as a standalone tracker
by Lurker1315
or converting an old phone into a password manager
by Android on Intel
This article provides the step by step instructions on building such 'fat' apk that includes the ISA-independent dex files for Dalvik* virtual machine (Dalvik, 2013) as well as the libraries for different ISA targets.
by Android on Intel
This article is a beginner’s introduction to creating native (NDK based) Android* applications for Intel® architecture (IA) based devices.
by David Crow
How to use a content provider rather than a collection class (e.g., ArrayList) to hold data
by Azim Zahir
This article demonstrates creating Android apps on device using AIDE.
by Android on Intel
In this article I’ll show you how to create a simple app for a Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 with an Intel® Atom™ processor Z2560 and provide some sample Android tablet code.
by Azim Zahir
This article explains how you can create charts in an Android application.
by Ryan Stewart
Skinning a List is quite a bit different than skinning something simple like a Button or a TextInput box
This article lays down the basic groundwork for creating desktop application remote controls with the .NET Compact Framework.
by Anele 'Mashy' Mbanga
Create JQuery Mobile Apps with JQM.Show on your PC with these tools.
by Stober
An article to illustrate how to create multiple views in WinCE using eVC++ 3.0 compiler for PocketPC 2002
In this tutorial how to create a simple game using the Cocos2d-x framework in a Windows development environment and how to compile it to run on Windows 8 and Android.
by Girish Nurani Sankaranarayanan
An article describing the implementing of Custom actions in Pocket PC application Setup packages.
by Resco Developer Tools
With rise of iOS, Android and Windows Phone platforms, plenty of mobile developers are starting to question the future of Windows Mobile platform. Is it gonna last or is it already dead??
by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
This article covers how to create new faces for your Android Wear and explains the how-to procedure with a few personal experience notes.
by Modesty Zhang
This is a Visual Studio .NET 2003 macro, it can automatically insert comment blocks to your source files about copyright, creation date, author and update, etc., basically anything you want for your source files’ header.
by SergVoloshyn
This  snippet allows you crop image with preview of camera on Android devices
by Muhammad Adeel Malik
Cryptography Techniques(HASH,Asymmetric Cryptography,Symmetric Cryptography)
by PEK
CThread simplifies the process to start, run and stop threads. You can use it to work with threads in the same way as you do in C# or Java.
by eXEden
An article on writing custom today items using the CTodayOptionsDialog and CTodayWindow classes.
by eXEden
An article on writing custom today items using the CTodayWindow class.
by Sanchal Kunnel
A simple currency converter app for the Windows Phone 7 using a web Service
by Gaurang Desai
Common validation conrol for more than one Required Field on the page. The simple and most eligant way to validate required fields.
by shash kant
A custom count down timer in java/android which allows to change the timer dynamically
by Abdulrahman Emad
This article proposes a solution for plugging "Rg.Plugins.Popup" asynchronous into your code.
by Jaime Olivares
Modify the behaviour of any enumerator to make it circular, constrained or stepped. Also reversible enumerator.
by Florin Badea
The first article in this series presents the implementation considerations and the way to use some custom gauges in WP7.
by Florin Badea
This article is the second in the series that describes a set of gauge controls for WP7.
by Florin Badea
This article is the third in the series that describes a set of gauge controls for WP7. This article focuses on the implementation of the indicators used with the gauges.
by Bart Dubois
Describe how to create list of items with custom defined layout resource
by Fredrik Bornander
An article on creating a better looking ProgressBar for Windows Mobile 5
by Srivatsa Haridas
Creating a customized ListView in Android
by sh856531
A simple tutorial showing how we can customise the templates used by VS when it generates source code for us.
by Ancient Dragon
A Two-Dimensional Array of VARIANTs
by nwhitfield
Mobile, geo-centric app for Business Users, Consumers and Sales/Marketing Professionals
by Espen Harlinn
D3.js meets jQuery Mobile, WCF & ASP.Net
by Brian Legg
Danger Dodger will keep track of the amount of danger you're in at any given point in time and help you to avoid it.
by ThatsAlok
In this second article of series, I would be focusing completely on List working
by ThatsAlok
Map class denotes a key and value container. I will showcase its various methods and properties.
by Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
The main objective of this project is to develop an Android Application that uses a built-in camera to capture the objects on a road and use a Machine Learning model to get the prediction and location of the respective objects.
by Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
The main objective of this project is to develop a Machine Learning model that detects the objects on the road like pedestrians, cars, motorbikes, bicycles, buses, etc.
by Nigel-Findlater
This demonstrates how to program a SQL CE application. It also shows a design pattern that can be easily modified and extended to create other database applications
by vijimvv1
This Concept is used to, just click on header checkbox then the all checkbox are checked with out postback operation by using javascript. For example in yahoo mail u just click the header checkbox all grid checkbox will be selected
by Sunasara Imdadhusen
Custom Date and Time formatting in JavaScript like in .NET C# or VB.NET
by Tony_Fu
This article describes how to set up a debugging environment for SSL web services from iOS clients to a server using man-in-the-middle proxies.
by S Sansanwal
This control is used for decimal up-down operation in the Compact Framework.
by crino
Deploy own certificate built in our application's cab
by Resco Developer Tools
Learn how to build a typical List/Detail application for Windows Phone 7. The article presents simple customer list editor making use of various data editors — all built with the help of MobileLight Toolkit from Resco.
by Ahmed Alaa El-Din
Help Beginners to move their 1st step into developing their android application
by Jerome_D
This article discovers how to design a hierarchical state machine engine for embedded system development.
by Anoop Pillai
This article is expected to (1) Introduce patterns to you in a simple, human readable way (2) Train you how to really identify and apply patterns (3) Demonstrate step by step methods to solve a design problem using patterns
by ashcairo
How to use OpenGL and friends to write an app that targets mobile and desktop platforms.
by Florin Badea
The article presents how to implement speech bubbles (or message bubbles) for applications that run on Blackberry devices
by John Aldrich
This article will explain a method of benchmarking a W9X/W2K/XP based computer to determine the maximum safe level of thread usage while keeping the system able to process other input without entering into a freeze condition.
by Jerome_D
This article discovers how to develop and simulate cross-platform embedded systems using the UML State Machine Wizard.
by Paulo Morgado
Introducing the concept
by Colin Eberhardt
This article describes the development of a Windows Phone 7 Jump List control, giving a step-by-step account of the control's development (and a pretty flashy control to use at the end of it!).
by Michael Haephrati
How great could it be to be able to send SMS messages from your IPhone using the Internet connection
by Microsoft - Compact Framework
Learn how to create a single .msi file that is run from the desktop to install an application on different Pocket PC devices. The development process is automated so it's easy to build and package all of the necessary components into the .msi file. Sample code is provided for C# and VB.NET.
by Android on Intel
Developing Android* Applications with Voice Recognition Features
by Android on Intel
Linderdaum Engine is an open source, purely object-oriented 3D gaming engine for Microsoft Windows, Google Android, and BlackBerry OS 10 written in C++.
by Addison-Wesley
It is also possible to write debug messages to the Xcode console when you write your application. Accessing these capabilities is not limited to Objective-C applications. Your hybrid applications can do these things from within JavaScript.
by Android on Intel
This first installment introduces essential concepts and categories of game engines and middleware to help narrow your choice, including SDK versus Android Native Development Kit (NDK) development.
by Android on Intel
In the conclusion of this two-part series, I detail the best 3D game engine and middleware solutions for Android* tablets, including free, open source, and proprietary options. I also note which have native support for x86 Intel® processors.
by Jim McKeeth
This article walks through the ins and outs of Google Glass development with RAD Studio.
by Omar Al Zabir
Comprehensive guide to development of .NET 2.0 Smart Clients working with existing Service Oriented Architecture based XML web services, fully utilizing the Enterprise Library
by Resco Developer Tools
This article discusses how to start creating sales force and field service mobile apps using Resco MobileApp Studio.
by Android on Intel
This guide provides application developers with an introduction to the Android Sensor framework and discusses how to use some of the sensors that are generally available on phones and tablets based on the Intel® Atom™ processor.
by Mahmoud Samir Fayed
Stars Fighter is a simple 2D Game developed using the Ring Programming Language for Desktop and Android.
by Android on Intel
Development and Optimization for NDK-based Android Game Application on Platforms based on Intel® Architecture
by Komin Dmitry
How to write iPhone application to authenticate to SharePoint and read the contents of a list provided by the SharePoint REST API.
by Dirk_Strauss
DevExpress – December is a month of giving and if you are looking to fill the gift stocking of that special developer someone, have a look at the new release of DevExpress. I have been lucky enough to explore the product for the past while. As usual, DevExpress come out tops with some awesome new fe
by Dominic Burford
Diagnosing memory usage in a Xamarin.Android application developed with Visual Studio
by LEADTOOLS Support
LEADTOOLS includes comprehensive support for DICOM in each of its programming interfaces including .NET (used in the examples below), CDLL, C++ Class Library, HTML5 / JavaScript, WinRT, iOS, Android and more.
by Ted Neward
Turning your Android into a note-taking device
by Evgeny Miroshnichenko
2D cross-platfrom game using SDL and Open GLES 2.0
by Artem Moroz
Using ESP8266 module to remotely control high power electrical appliances
by Abhishek Nandy
Android app using Intel XDK and three.js Article #3
by CodeProject
Dave Butler, VP and Senior Business Leader at MasterCard, offers developers insight into the company’s worldwide OpenAPI platform.
by TylerBrinks
A simple Smart Client application exploring local resources and UI development with the 2.0 framework.
by Zamrony P. Juhara
Twitter statuses go mobile
by Chad Z. Hower aka Kudzu
Whether you are new to development, or coming from Visual Basic, C++, Java, or Delphi, managing forms in WinForms can be initially confusing. This is an article targeted at beginners in WinForms programming to demonstrate how to easily manage and work with forms in a WinForms application.
by Dominic Burford
Displaying data with an Adapter in Xamarin.Android and Visual Studio
by David Crow
Display values as a stacked-column
by FernandoVM
Discuss the prevalence concept and as it can be an ideal alternative to the use of database in some situations. We will know the XPrevail, a open source prevalence layer and as your features can make possible a simple and modern programming.
by Nicholas_Larsen
In this article we'll demonstrate using Google AI Cloud to create a model for categorizing different dog sounds, then run the model on an Arm-based Raspberry Pi to listen for dog sounds and identify them.
by ediazc
Shows a simple class for digital signature generation and verificacion.
by Sheng Jiang 蒋晟
Take advantage of the output window in Developer Studio
by Paula Scholz
Using pure Win32, WinInet, and STL Vectors, we open an Internet connection, download, and display a Google map on a Windows Mobile phone.
by omid.nazifi
This article teaches you how to download multiple files using progressBar, Notification, and AsyncTask.
by Sergey Nizhegorodtsev
The article shows how to implement open source Stocks Tracker API in Java projects. Individual stock quotes can be easily fetched from various free online sources with this library.
by Resco Developer Tools
An article that discusses how to earn more on today's mobile market
by Chad Z. Hower aka Kudzu
Any user who works with database updates uses transactions. Transactions in ADO.NET are done using a transaction object, and a try..catch, but there is an easier, one might even say a more C# way to handle database transactions.
by lessthanoptimal
This article demonstrates how BoofCV greatly simplifies working with cameras on Android.
by Jonathan Nethercott
A component to enable performance testing and timing of code in .NET.
by pbrooks
Demonstrates how to easily simulate an editable combobox that can persist previous entries (Like Internet Explorer).
by Android on Intel
This sample demonstrates the use of the extension GL_INTEL_fragment_shader_ordering, which is written against the OpenGL* 4.4 core profile and GLES 3.1 specifications.
by Vadim Stadnik
Generality and efficiency of a semigroup in C++ are achieved by using an augmented B+ tree. Basic and advanced applications of such a semigroup are discussed.
by li9705
Integrating a web server in android application can increase its flexibility, because it gives more interactive with other terminals.
by Android on Intel
This article introduces Android Studio (Beta), the new Android integrated development environment (IDE), which will eventually replace the Eclipse ADT Bundle.
by Tharaka MTR
Emoji; is the Japanese term for the ideograms or smileys used mostly in Japanese electronic messages and webpages.
by Ciprian Miclaus
This article presents a class to encapsulate threads, leaving the user to focus on project details.
by danabr
This article explains why and how you should protect your app's settings from prying eyes
by Android on Intel
This blog outlines the steps needed to integrate Intel’s AES-NI instructions into an Android app via the OpenSSL library.
by MiamiCoder
End-to-end real world BlackBerry application walkthrough.
by MiamiCoder
End-to-end real world BlackBerry application walkthrough, Part 2.
by MiamiCoder
End-to-end real world BlackBerry application walkthrough, Part 3.
by MiamiCoder
Real world BlackBerry application walkthrough, Part 5.
by MiamiCoder
How to create a real-world BlackBerry application.
by Michael Hodel
Enigma Puzzle for Android – a game as difficult as the Rubik's cube
by Inside BlackBerry Developer’s Blog
Enterprise app development with BlackBerry Mobile Fusion and BlackBerry PlayBook OS 2.0
by venugopalm
A guided tour of the distributed enterprise application design in .NET
by dteviot
This is an Android application that shows the basics of building an EPUB file viewer for Android.
by K2DaC2
ErrZure is a tool for collecting and managing errors from mobile clients.
by Jerry Evans
Adding cross-platform round-trip JSON serialization to C++ classes
by Jozef Bozek
ESpeakEngine - Objective-C speech synthesizer
by iphonish
How to add event to iPhone Native calendar and show alert?
by Lucie Kruger
Geofences in Google App Development
by sami_sap
How to connect your application phone to SAP system.
by Rakheesh
Various ways of handling exceptions in ASP.NET applications.
by Addison-Wesley
This chapter looks at various iPhone prototyping approaches—paper, software, and video—and suggests how to choose the best approach for your app.
by Sams Publishing
An chapter excerpt designed to help you prepared for iPad development.
by Simon McKenzie
Reads JPEG Exif data without the heavyweight and unnecessary instantiation of GDI+ objects.
by Abhishek Nandy
Article 5 for Android Tutorial Contest
by Renaun Erickson
Description of the application descriptor file called "blackberry-tablet.xml"
by Nikos Baxevanis
How to use types implementing the IAsyncResult interface on Windows Phone 7.
by Saad_Mahmood
Expression Blend - Playing with Sample Data (WPF , Windows Phone)
by Michael Janulaitis
Provides an introduction to the open source client/server DotNetOpenServer SDK project for Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Windows, Mac and Java Platforms
by Mihai Corlan
Extend TileList and AlternatingCellRenderer QNX
by mbcrump
A look at how to extract a SQL CE DB from Isolated Storage in Windows Phone 7 Mango
by RedSunBeer
test the apps design
by apmyhr
Turn your smartphone into the Eyes and Ears of your Quadcopter drone.
by ediazc
Describes the summed area table algorithm of Franklin Crow.
by Inside BlackBerry Developer’s Blog
Fast, Native Games for BlackBerry (without C/C++)
by vijay venkatesh prasad N
jQuery - File Management widget
by sandeepkumar.sgnr
As the name suggests, you will be driving a space ship in galaxy and protecting yourself from meteors. Now to show ultrabook capability with the game I will be using touch and accelerometer.
by Brett Goodman
How to use FileDb as a local database in your .NET, Silverlight and Windows Phone applications
by Milan Shah
Watch public domain and Indie films in an ultrabook packaged desktop webapp. Use Film App as an offline scheduler for local Film Festivals to support Indie film screenings.
by ashcairo
This article will cover the process of debugging and evaluating Android based games and apps for performance hotspots using Intel’s Graphics Performance Analyzers.
by Member 96
A complete form designer and data capturing application for the Pocket PC.
by Arik Poznanski
Flashcards.Show – Planning a Cross-Platform Solution
by Christophe Coenraets
In this tutorial, you use Flash Builder “Burrito” and Flex “Hero” to build a simple, yet fully functional employee directory application for Android devices. “Burrito” is the code name for the next version of Flash Builder, and “Hero” is the code name for the next version of the Flex SDK.
by Jacob Senecal
An entertaining exploration of .NET Compact Framework graphics and XML features.
by Peter Leow
Learning to implement a location-aware Google map on Android App.
by Jozef Bozek
FliteEngine - An Objective-C speech synthesizer.
by ThatsAlok
In this tutorial, I will provide step by step to build your first Flutter App
by Chad Z. Hower aka Kudzu
Just moved to C#? Do you miss the for i = 1 to 50 syntax? Look no further, C# can do it too by extending it in a unique way.
by timothy_russell
Three applications: PocketPC, Windows Desktop, and a Web Service collaborate to syncronize your textual information
by hooshang Karami
Mixed Mode Of Windows authentication And Forms authentication
by bmharwani
How to use the toolbar buttons for forward navigation in SmartPhones.
by mikew67
Create a basic fountain scene using OpenGL ES 1.1
by Android on Intel
The freemium business model works, no doubt about it. 2013 showed an increasing trend towards this model, with pay for play apps making up an increasingly smaller portion of overall app revenues.
by ed welch
Faster, smarter and better looking fonts rendered with OpenGL ES
by Michael Chourdakis
Tutorial for Objective-C beginners
by Colin Eberhardt
This article describes my experiences of taking a control written in Silverlight for Windows Phone 7 and making it cross-platform by re-implementing it using JavaScript and HTML5.
by Dmitry Ivanov
A minimalistic FTP server for XPe-powered systems.
by KarstenK
Emporing C++ on the Windows Phone 8.0
by Andy Gup
In this article we’ll use earthquake data from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) to display and analyze earthquakes around the world.
by Dev Geek Raj
Functions VS Subroutines and By Val Vs by Ref in VB.NET
by Dave Kerr
The quickest, easiest, and funkiest way to bind enumerations to a combo box in WPF, Silverlight, and Windows Phone 7.
by Shai Raiten
Quick and Easy tutorial for developing games in JavaScript using EaseJS library.
by Intel
In this article I will describe the effects implemented by Gameloft in GTR2 and focus on how we managed to fit those effects into the 30 frames per second (FPS) budget we had set ourselves.
by MRSumra
This article shows how to create a .pdb file to use as database on Palm devices.
by Microsoft - Compact Framework
Generating GUIDs on the Pocket PC
by Emiliano Musso
Geolocalize a device and store coordinates on webserver
by Emiliano Musso
How to create a Windows Phone app to take timed pictures from camera, and upload them on an Apache webserver to view them remotely
by 3PillarLabs
Get photo albums from Facebook and Twitter in Android.
by rj45
Loading ini files for Pocket PC requires the unavailable GetPrivateProfileString.
by Rodrigo De Presbiteris (Presba)
In this post I'll show how to get the lyrics of the current playing song
by Android on Intel
Getting Intel® Mobile Development Kit working with Nexus Player (FUGU)
by Madhur Kapoor
Article #3 - Creating Hello World Android Application in Eclipse
by syed shanu
CocosSharp for Windows phone
by Intel
This guide walks through energy profiling on an Android target using tools included with Intel® System Studio as installed on a Windows host machine.
by Android on Intel
This document is focused on creating OpenCV-enabled applications for Android. If the target operating system of your application is Windows
by Joel Ivory Johnson
This is a first in a series of articles to get some one up and running with iPhone development. This first article is to help you identify what hardware you need for development, and gives a quick introduction to Objective-C.
by Addison-Wesley
A chapter excerpt from Learning Android Application Programming for the Kindle Fire
by User 1043264
Demonstrates the use of MapPoint Web Service with .NET Compact Framework.
by User 1043264
Demonstrates the use of MapPoint Web Service with .NET Compact Framework
by Android on Intel
The intention of this guide is to provide quick steps to create, build, debug, and analyze OpenCL™ applications with the OpenCL™ Code Builder, a part of Intel® Integrated Native Development Environment (Intel® INDE)
by Android on Intel
RenderScript is a scripting language on Android. You can use it to write high performance graphics rendering and raw computational code.
by Amazon
Getting Started with the Amazon Mobile Ads API
by Addison-Wesley
Chapter Exerpt: BlackBerry Development Fundamentals
by Microsoft - Compact Framework
Getting started with Visual Studio .NET and the Microsoft .NET Compact Framework.
by VinayakIyer
Google App Inventor is a RAD tool developed by Google Labs to build Android application in a very simple and easy way
by Ted Neward
Google Cloud Platform - Part 4: Mobile Endpoints
by Naveed tejani
This article covers the way we could use Google Map using the Map Control shipped by Microsoft with Windows Phone 7 Developer Tools
by Don Kackman
An example of using Google APIs and OAuth2 authentication on Windows Phone 7
by Uzi Granot
This article is an example of Google Play In-App Billing Version 3. The attached TestInAppBilling source code is a complete demo application.
by The Manoj Kumar
Android application to show current location in Google Maps using GPS
by Android on Intel
This tutorial shows how to use two powerful features of OpenCL™ 2.0: enqueue_kernel functions that allow you to enqueue kernels from the device and work_group_scan_exclusive_add and work_group_scan_inclusive_add
by Pete O'Hanlon
An introduction into how to be the coolest dev in your block, writing wearable code
by syed shanu
Send Group Message from web server to Samsung Gear Smartwatches
by Vince Ricci
Gynoid is a wrapper around mobile phone APIs (WinCE, symbian, iPhone)
by huyletran
Listview item will be displayed and scrolled in a circle.
by K2DaC2
"Hello World" example for google and non-google Android development with different variations of the App
by Intel
In this 2-part series, we will take a look at how these APIs were used in a sample restaurant Android app, providing a seamless user experience.
by Ali Chousein
How to handle screen orientation changes programmatically in Android.
by Vivek Pandey (V)
Hangman is a very simple word game for Windows Phone 7
by mbcrump
A look at the new Windows Phone 7 controls by Coding4Fun
by Varavut
learn to develop your first Android application
by Anele 'Mashy' Mbanga
Using Basic4Android, develop your first Android Native App
by Anele 'Mashy' Mbanga
Create Google Material based HTML5 apps using B4J ABMaterial
by Zach B
A simple but powerful HTML/JavaScript Hello World app template
by rd.sandeep
Beginner's guide to writing applications for Windows Phone 7
by Joel Ivory Johnson
An introduction to the process of deploying code to a PlayStation® Vita
by Ohmu
An article that creates a simple iPhone application that displays a graphic then cuts out the .XIB, and completes this just from the code.
by PavanPareta
Help file integration with Windows Mobile applications programmatically.
by Android on Intel
This article introduces Strongene's H.265/HEVC solution on Intel Atom processor-based Android tablet (condenamed Bay Trail).
by Jie Tang
CEDraw is a high speed graphics library for WinCE.
by Dan Thyer
Use a Microsoft Kinect to control the home automation in the house. Lights can be turned on an off from speech recognition or from pointing at them and waving your other hand one way to turn on and the other way to turn off.
by Dan Thyer
Remote control a squirt gun, open the garage, and water the garden all through .net
by João da Costa from Brazil
How to create a horoscope application in Windows Phone 7
by Sams Publishing
In this chapter excerpt from Sams Teach Yourself iPhone Application Development in 24 Hours we'll look at: How iOS 4 supports background tasks, what types of background tasks are supported, how to disable backgrounding, how to suspend applications, and how to execute code in the background.
by Adi Saxena
Beginner level guide (step by step) on UI Automation Testing in iOS 4
by BC3Tech
As of this writing, I manage 29 packages on One thing it's imperative package authors do, though, is keep their packages up to date as new versions of the software they're wrapping get released. Without this, packages simply atrophy and the value of Chocolatey goes down.
by Christopher Coey
An educator's look into Beacon Mountain.
by Edward J Correia
The Scribblify drawing app with its 10-point touch capability and Google Chrome*-based GUI took the grand prize in the Intel® App Innovation Contest 2013 using resources from the Intel® Developer Zone.
by Xiao Ling
With Dynamic Web TWAIN v16.1.1 and a few lines of code, web developers can rapidly build cross-browser web apps to control remote scanners, which are to PCs, servers, or embedded devices.
by Samer M. Abdallah
Access SQL database from iPhone Via WCF and JSON hosted on IIS 7.5
by Dearich
First part of the ultimate guide on how to add a Live Activity feature to your project
by Kevin Morfin
This article will show you how to access your Android Calendar Events in a Hybrid Android Application.
by r_adem
Some tips to avoid leaking memory in your iPhone apps.
This tutorial teaches developers how to build a basic sample application for Samsung Accessory Protocol (SAP).
by Jeff Burtoft
Why you should use hosted web apps and how to build one for yourself using manifoldJS.
by iTexico
In this article, we build a gallery of images using react-native, we define some stacks, we use the flickr API and we run the app in our emulator.
by Twilio, Inc.
This article gives you the configuration steps to communicate quickly and effectively with your friends, colleagues or customers.
by Bwalsh490
It describes how to develop a WP7 VoIP client application that communicates with a server through TCP/UDP protocol
by Bill SerGio, The Infomercial King
XCODE & Android Studio mobile app projects built using Ionic's Capacitor with an Angular 14 UI. Includes WebRTC for video conferencing, and SwipeClouds for Playing Millions of HD Movies & Videos and A Custom Capacitor Plugin for Scraping User Data for Targeted Delivery of video ads to mobile phones.
by Byte Machines
In this tutorial, we are going to call a service using GET Method and populate sample JSON data in Recycler view without using any external library.
by Cindy Potvin
Add a close button to a React Native and close the modal by clicking beside it.
by Nikola Breznjak
Connecting Angular app to AWS Mobile Hub
by seyed mahmud shahrokni
This article suggests an effective solution for creating an Android user interface in Java.
by Evgeny Vinnik
Step-by-step Android Live Wallpaper creation guide for absolute beginners
by mjmeans
Automaticaly create Windows installer patches.
by Kunal Chowdhury «IN»
How to create Schedule Task in Universal Windows apps?
by Android on Intel
This article provides a walk-through of Android application debugging tools and is designed to help developers new to the Android SDK and related tools get up to speed faster and resolve defects more effectively on Android x86 platform.
by k11dave
Integrating Google Compute Engine for your mobile app backend data is the best thing for success of your mobile app.
by Will J Miller
Describes a design approach for implementing dynamic rows in a UITableView
by Fade (Amit BS)
Explains how to detect when a remote peer closes the connection
by Android on Intel
For those of you who are interested in developing your own “smart” drone, this article provides easy directions for making an intelligent, autonomous drone using an Android* smartphone, OpenCV*, C++, and Java*.
by Android on Intel
This article will introduce Android on Intel® 64-bit architecture and discuss its unique compatibilities, including technical details, performance gains, problem statements, and available solutions for Android on Intel® Atom™ processor-based platforms.
by Resco Developer Tools
We will show you how you can create professional and modern looking mobile business clients.
by Android on Intel
This tutorial will guide you through Intel® INDE 2015 installation and demonstrate how to develop native Android* applications that target either x86 based or ARM based processors.
by Android on Intel
This tutorial will guide you through writing a native “Hello World” Android* app in Visual Studio* through the IDE Integration feature of Intel® INDE 2015.
by David Fahlander
Discover the hidden features of indexedDB!
by Android on Intel
Intel® SoC Watch is a command line tool for monitoring system behaviors related to power consumption on Intel® architecture-based platforms.
by Android on Intel
This article will provide the necessary steps to verify that you are in fact using HAXM technology.
by Android on Intel
First time users of Intel® HAXM can occasionally run into situations where they are not sure if their Android* emulator is in fact using HAXM technology. This article will provide the necessary steps to verify that you are in fact using HAXM technology.
by nitzbajaj
This article deals with building a communication link between your mobile and your PC. It also deals with the ways to execute commands on your mobile phone interpreter from your PC.
by RedSunBeer
Some thoughts on estimating before having a design in place.
by Desmond McCarter
A utility for generating Selenium based Page Object Pattern classes used in web/mobile test cases.
by David Catherman
Components don't have a .Parent property like controls do. Getting a reference to the instance of the parent form the component was on is very difficult.
by Cindy Potvin
How to get started with Android development
This tutorial discusses how to create a Samsung Gear Remote Sensor application.
by Silviu Gologan
Learn how to deploy an application on a Smartphone
by Inside BlackBerry Developer’s Blog
How to Integrate Your BlackBerry WebWorks Application with BBM
by mark edwards
Using XML on the Pocket PC is almost as easy as on a Desktop. You only need to make a few magic calls and voila, you have it!
by Deb Kumar Ghosal
Windows Phone 8.1 RT Microsoft has introduced many new features and changes in the Windows Phone 8.1. Isolated Storage is one of the crucial features that has completely changed in Windows Phone 8.1.
by Ach1lles
A simple technique for selecting random records from a table.
by roscler
Article #2 - How To Make Android Studio Really Fast On A Windows PC
by Tiancheng Hu
Using ThinkAlike, an ongoing Java MVVM framework(employing Android and JavaFX as view layer), to implement a cross-platform HearthStone game card reference and more.
by Android on Intel
During an Intel CodeFest I optimized all my games for Intel Architecture and it was dead simple. I’ll describe my experience with the process and hopefully will get you interested to do the same.
by Android on Intel
This article will provide you details on how to port an existing android apps to iOS using the Multi-OS Engine.
by Lewis Liu L
How to port Free RTOS to Atmega128
by Android on Intel
The following sessions are created specifically for Android developers who want to package their APPS to support Android x86-based devices:
by Alireza Naghizadeh
This is an algorithm formula to calculate round time...
by Nigel-Findlater
How to save Bitmaps from Pocket PC applications using VB.
by Will J Miller
This article details the necessary UITableViewDelegate methods required to fully support a form presented in a UITableView.
by Michael Haephrati
How to add the capability of sending text (SMS) messages from a desktop application
by Pawel idzikowski
Is it better to serialize types without default constructor with Custom Serializer or a Substitute Pattern? Example of serialization of FontFamily into isolated storage in WP7.
by Android on Intel
Golden Hammer Software took a trip earlier this year to New York to attend the Intel Android CodeFest. We updated Big Mountain Snowboarding, Trick Shot Bowling, and Scribble Worm to run natively on Intel Android devices during that weekend. All three of these games use C++ through the NDK.
by Android on Intel
This step-by-step guide walks you through the process of setting up and compiling different libraries that are used in gaming and multimedia specifically for x86 target platforms.
by Matteo Manferdini
A guide on how to be on top of iOS development
by Rey Bango
This article is part of the web dev tech series from Microsoft intended to share Project Spartan and its new rendering engine.
by Chris Moutsos
How to connect to Amazon S3 with gSOAP to store and retrieve data
by B. Clay Shannon
Generate Layout XML and Java that can be used in Droidio (Android Studio) with no coding whatsoever
by Bethany_Sanders
How to connect EWS with gSOAP to send, delete, and retrieve emails.
by Android on Intel
Today I am writing to share my experience in optimizing Grace Application (an Android Application) for Intel® x86 architecture and using Intel® WiDi to bring the Grace App to the living room big screen.
by Nicolas Humann
How to use the IOC Container and MVVM with Phone7.Fx
by hayrob
A explanation of the way to use the SCSF and the CSLA framework to create a powerful and flexible smart client.
by Stephen_Ball
How to write once, and test encrypted data storage for Windows, Mac, Linux, Solaris, Android and iOS
by Yildirim Kocdag
This article helps you to understand how you can write your own Siri application.
by Adrian Stanley
This article describes how to combine managed and unmanaged projects into a single Visual Studio .NET solution.
by Vassili Philippov
A library that provides an easy wrapper that encapsulates most of work done with the HtmlView control in CE
by Kel_
A modern real-time HTML5 chat implementation for the web and mobile worlds.
by Sandeep Mewara
HTML5 self learning center - Explore and understand the new features!
by YevheniyK
The article describes a general approach to using Cocos2d-x on top of native components and relevant coding specifics for Cocos2d-x, iOS and Android.
by Jesse Liberty
In this tutorial we will build a meaningful, and nontrivial Windows phone 7 application. This will give us the opportunity to explore layout controls, interactive controls, Visual Studio and a good bit more.
by Giacomo Veneri
Developing a simple calendar synchronizer for Google iCalendar on Windows Mobile and Pocket Outlook
by Serge Desmedt
A port of CP Vanity to iOS
by SAP, Ian Thain
The SAP Developer Relations Project Book is here to suggest ideas, along with OData backends that can be amended or taken as supplied.
by huyletran
How to filter in a image list view, please join
by Mubi |
Creating a slide show program for Smartphone using .NET technology
by Henry Tan Setiawan
An article on writing an ImageList-based animation control with designer support.
by Alon Ronen
A combobox holding pictures as the items themselves and not just drawing them on run-time.
by luigidibiasi
In this article, we will investigate how to build "the kernel" of the jewel game (similar to candy crush and others)
by Silviu Simen
This article describes a method of storing a wordlist into a compressed form while providing a relatively quick word lookup functionality.
by Scott Dorman
Explains how to properly implement the IDisposable interface, the Dispose Pattern, and deterministic finalization.
by Android on Intel
This case study discusses building map and geolocation features into an Android* business app, which includes overlaying store locations on Google Maps*, using geofence to notify the user when the device enters the store proximities.
by Florin Badea
This article presents how to build a wizard for WP7 applications.
by Heath Stewart
Using alternatives to importing type libraries and COM objects can improve the portability of your source code.
by David Catuhe
In this tutorial, I will share several tools that provide insight into how your code is performing, and show you how to make the most of user marks in the memory graph to analyze your performance.
by Cloudster
Build specialized workflows for action and VR cameras
by Nicolas Humann
Include static JS / CSS / image files from IsolatedStorage in the WebBrowser control
by Intel
Infrared5 Case Study
by Garth Tissington
After pulling my hair out for several days I finally figured out how to install and configure SQLCE with SQL Server for replication to a Windows CE device. I hope this saves you some pain
by K Stock
Article #2: How to install the multi-mobile-platform MoSync development environment
by ArindamNayak
This article demonstrates how to integrate any application with slack and utilize your application capabilities in slack interface.
by Chris_Hall
This article shows you how easy it is to process and track mobile payments with PayPal.
by Member 8279879
Example how to integrate your app with the Nex Gen Media Server streaming framework.
by Ravindra Kumar Prajapati
In this article I have discussed the procedure to request HTTP and HTTPS requests in android.
by Azim Zahir
This is an example of implementing Text to Speech and Speech to Text in an Android app
by Android on Intel
Integrating the Intel(R) C++ Compiler for Android with multiple Android NDKs
by Hemant koppikar, Vinay Pingale, kadampravin, suresh s. nair, APradosh, parul dixit
An article on integration of Smart Client applications with existing Web applications.
by Android on Intel
The standard API for 3D graphics on Android is OpenGL ES, which is the most widely used 3D graphics API on all mobile devices today.
by Android on Intel
Which Intel software tool includes a new name, new features, and it's ALL available for FREE?
by Ilya Aleshkov
This article clearly expresses how your Java skills and Java skills only will enable you to develop cross-platform native apps for iOS and Android.
by Android on Intel
This tutorial covers a core set of Intel XDK features to help you learn the app development workflow.
by Intel
In this article, we can see how to debug and check the exception error in Android Linux Kernel in Intel ® Architecture-based system with Intel ® JTAG Debugger which is a part of tool Intel System Studio ® Ultimate Edition.
by Android on Intel
In this article, we can see how to debug and check the exception error in Android Linux Kernel in Intel ® Architecture-based system with Intel ® JTAG Debugger which is a part of tool Intel System Studio ® Ultimate Edition
by Android on Intel
This document gives an overview of what has to be done at the library/engine level to better support Intel platforms.
by Android on Intel
Recent industry reports indicate Android* is the OS in more than 59 percent of laptops, tablets and smartphones worldwide.
by Android on Intel
Recent industry reports have indicated that over 70% of tablets and smartphones worldwide use the Android OS. However, due to Android’s open platform, the OS does not provide sufficient protection from malicious apps or Trojans.
by Yuriy Loginov
Intel’s HAXM greatly reduces the emulators boot up time and in my tests the Atom x86 based emulators performed twice as fast as their ARM counterparts
by Android on Intel
This article walks you through a simple example showing how to use Google Android* Studio within Intel® Integrated Native Developer Environment (Intel® INDE).
by Naren Neelamegam
A complete walk through on IoT Device programming, Web Service programming and IoT Client programming.
by Anna Koneva
An article about interoperation issues in mixed C/C++/Objective-C development
by Anna Koneva
An article about interoperation issues in mixed C/C++/Objective-C development
by Anna Koneva
An article about interoperation issues in mixed C/C++/Objective-C development
by Android on Intel
Peach Pellen, CTO of Black Gate Games talks about her background, her work with Black Gate Games, and what projects she’s working on at the moment.
by Daniel Vaughan
Create best-in-breed cross-platform MVVM apps using Calcium for Xamarin.Forms.
by Mikolaj Barwicki
How I built a sous-vide cooking device on Raspberry PI with Windows IoT controlled via AllJoyn protocol from Android smartphone.
by Peter Leow
Kick start the learning journey to Android development with an introduction to Android, a comparison with other mobile platforms, followed by a high-level overview of Android architecture and the application components.
by Sushil Sh.
Introduction to Android and Overview of Android Architecture
by sandeepten910
History and basic Introduction of Android operating system
by Kaushal Dhruw
Write Android apps faster. Get started with Data binding library.
by Ali Ozgur
Android tutorial with sample styled calculator implementation
by Girish Nurani Sankaranarayanan
An article giving a general introduction of BREW - a mobile handset application development platform like Symbian, Windows Smartphone etc.,
by Joel Ivory Johnson
The first part of an introduction to the iOS graphics APIs. In this article, I look at some of the Quartz 2D / Core Graphics APIs.
by Jaroslaw Kowalski
Introduction to managing diagnostic traces with NLog.
by Girish Nurani Sankaranarayanan
An article giving a high level overview of Radio Frequency Identification technology, its characteristics, its applications, and its relevance to Windows CE.
by syed shanu
Introduction to Samsung Gear App Development.
by Yaroslav Goncharov
We have got a new mobile phone platform, MS SmartPhone 2002 that is Windows CE-based. Will it be easy to migrate to the Smartphone 2002 platform from other Windows CE-based platforms?
by Dominic Burford
Introduction to Xamarin.Android
by Santosh Ingawale
Register a reference mobile number, and receive a reference message on SIM change.
by Dan Colasanti
This article describes my experience porting Invasion from XNA/WP7 to MonoGame/WP8 and includes Invasion's complete source code.
by Dan Colasanti
This is a port of Invasion (originally posted on CodeProject by Mauricio Ritter) to Windows Phone 7 (with some enhancements).
by eagleboost
Demonstrates an innovative way to invoke hidden commands to show modal dialogs such as "Add To Favorite" dialog, "Import/Export Wizard" dialog in your WebBrowser-based application.
by Mohib Sheth
Invoking People Hub in Windows Phone 7 Emulator
by Nayan Choudhary
How to properly authenticate and avoid error 12501
by Manning
A chapter excerpt from iOS 4 in Action- Fetching events with Grand Central Dispatch (GCD)
by Manning
A Chapter excerpt from iOS 4 in Action
by Kii
In this article I’m going to take a close look at the SpriteKit code, show how it was used in a recent game, and finally, end with a mini-tutorial for building a SpriteKit game from scratch.
by Serhii Krotkykh
On easy example shown how to implement UIKit and SwiftUI TableView auto resizable cells and explained difference between Nib and Xib, how to load nib file and what exactly owner parameter of the load nib file method.
by LEADTOOLS Support
iOS OCR and Barcode with LEADTOOLS 18.
by Todd Christell, Canin Christell
Creating a Microwave Oven IoT Application
by Onkarraj A., Rahul Khode
The article showcases BLE sensors (IoT) solution developed using Azure Event Hub, Stream Analytics and Power BI.
by R%S
Enable access from mobile phone emulator to Visual Studio WebDev.WebServer listening on localhost
by Dor Alon
iPhone Safari like ComboBox
by Craig Giles
There are a few things missing from the tutorials. This is the amendment, going to patch up the final few things to get you back on track!
by Craig Giles
The goal for this tutorial is to get a basic screen management system up and running, ready to start writing game code.
by Craig Giles
An input manager to help you with input management
by 8r13n
Simple example of how to build a finger controlled list that runs smoothly
by Stephen Huen
A shootout review of iPhone apps to access SharePoint sites
by Jesse Liberty
In this second part of the tutorial, we will describe how to wire up the MainPage.xaml.cs file and bring all of the objects in the Bird Hunt game together into a running application
by Ohmu
Irregularly Shaped Buttons
by Fadi Hania
This is a J2ME beginner article that describes how to add different J2ME components to your application especially StringItems and Commands.
by Fadi Hania
This is a J2ME beginner article that describes how to use different J2ME components in your application to make it more user interactive, using TextField and Alerts UI components.
by PieterDeRycke
The technical architecture of Jace.NET, an OSS framework which I developed in my spare time.
by Mohamed Taman
How to calculate timespans with the New DateTime API
by Ricardo Lynch
Using JavaScript for oAuth with three major identity providers: Facebook, Google, and Twitter.
by Anele 'Mashy' Mbanga
Porting VB functions over to JavaScript and other useful functions
by John Guin
A simple app using the XML DOM to create and maintain an XML log file.
by sandeepkumar.sgnr
This article is all about my experience of developing a SkyWar game for CodeProject’s Intel AppUp competition.
by Mehmet Murat TANDOĞAN
How to use jQuery mobile autocomplete in ASP.NET using generic handler(.ashx) file with database connection.
by Don Fizachi
A set of C# classes to create and manipulate JSON Schema and Instances.
by Don Fizachi
A set of C# classes to create and manipulate JSON Schema and Instances.
by Vangos
Kinect is dead! Now what?
by Haseeb A. Basil
LambdaTest Selenium Testing Tool Tutorial with examples in 2019
by raddevus
Experience the generation of your first Android App while learning to use the newest version of Android Studio.
by raddevus
Start your Android Development with a detailed look at Android Studio installation.
by raddevus
Get the Android device emulator running. Add code to generate Android log output and learn how to step into code using the Android Studio debugger.
by BillLange1968
Solution for creating a Leaderboard for a Windows Phone 7 (WP7) XNA game
by Shakeel Iqbal
This Article gives a basic concept for developing Android app.
by syed shanu
How to getting started and work with new Mobile Blazor Binding for developing Cross-Platform mobile application using Blazor
by Inside BlackBerry Developer’s Blog
Let’s Talk About Push.
by Varavut
Learn to create the UI part for your Android Application
by Vladimir L.
The Lines.NET logical game for mobile devices.
by Alan Beasley
How to Style a more complicated Control, than just a simple button, starting with the ScrollBars!
by huyletran
Develop a list view which auto scrolled horizontally.
by Roozbeh Abolpour
This article fully describes how to implement a ListView in Android with sufficient details
by Shai Raiten
Most of the software companies are running Load Testing on their products. Load testing is one of the most important testing types today....
by pinx
Put language-dependent column captions in the DataSet itself and use it in your code wherever you need it!
by Pooja Baraskar
Making the App World-Ready by adapting it for a specific culture and language.
by EmitsorGrp
Give language support to your Windows Phone 7 applications
by BigWCat
Be able located the urn from the shelf, which has 2000 slots.
by Shail_Srivastav
A PocketPC app for location based competetive analysis.
by David Crow
How to convert latitude and longitude coordinates between popular formats, and an accompanying app
by Senthil Mani A
ChatBot Application to get the current location of the user from Facebook Messenger using Microsoft Bot Framework
by S Sansanwal
This article provides an overview for getting current and parent method name for logging purpose.
by Antonio Blescia
Store your life, every day!
by Xinjie ZHANG
Send a personalized Flash e-card from your Pocket PC.
by John Odey
In this article, we walk through using the TomTom Maps SDK by exploring some ways in which its SDK API call can be leveraged to show the location of several entities on a map at once.
by Ohmu
Low-level text rendering in iPhone.
by emranallan
Black List Application in window mobile (Blocker Application)
by Microsoft Canada
Check out how to make your website mobile friendly using the Bootstrap framework.
by lassebunk
How to use iOS 5, Xcode 4.2, and storyboards to create a simple Twitter app that will list tweets and show details about each tweet.
by Joel Ivory Johnson
Demonstration of what needs to be done to make a voice recorder on Windows Phone 7 including converting the raw bytes from the recording into a WAVE file.
by IAmJoshChang
In this article, we touch on common situations where you must work to update a 32-bit app, like: Having an older Android project that needs to be updated to a higher API-Level, working in a game engine like Unity, and working in an Android project that uses native libraries like Cocos2d-x
by Zeeshan Ejaz Bhatti
A class to read and write PNM files from System.Drawing.Image class
by João Paulo Figueira
Managing large data types on SQL CE databases and the ATL OLE DB Consumer Templates.
by Jeff Burtoft
manifold.JS is a new open source framework that that can take a website and create an app for Windows, iOS, Android, Chrome, and Firefox, simplifying the creation of hosted apps across platforms.
by ljw1004
If you don't want to use CAB, this is how.
by Noel Dillabough
A (hopefully) complete extended MAPI wrapper for WinXP, WinCE, and .NET
by Logu Krishnan
A simple application that illustrates how to use MapPoint SDK using C# and render the maps on a SmartPhone.
by Logu Krishnan
A simple application that illustrates how to use MapPoint SDK using C#, and render the Route maps and calculate the distance on a SmartPhone.
by Bishoy Labib
A strategy game that you must think twice before you move because you can't go back. Face 14 Levels of exciting.
by Anuja Pawar Indore
Some tips that should be taken care before developing ant health care site.
by Ciprian Miclaus
This code detects memory leaks in embedded VC++ almost the same way crtdbg does in VC++.
by c-smile
Source C++ classes for persisting flat table data.
by sebagomez
An article on how to configure a SQL Server 2000 and SQL CE on different PPC that syncronize their data with the SQL Server 2000
by Kim, Byungsu
Suggest queueing and parsing method for string type message packet
by Thomas Kurek
Unsatisfied with the accuracy of code online that assumes the Earth is a sphere, I have implemented the oblate spheroid model used in GPS.
by Bhupendra Sinha
Microsoft Message Queuing is Microsoft technology for asynchronous messaging. Whenever there is need for applications to send messages to each other, MSMQ can be used. MSMQ can communicate between remote machines, even over internet using http/https.
by Pedro77
Implement a pad service using CCR and DSS
by PavolSatala
How to create a minesweeper game for three platforms with only one code?
by The Manoj Kumar
The Minesweeper game for Android.
by George Mamaladze
Pocket PC .NET Compact Framework version of Minesweeper and MinsweeperFlags (multiplayer) game in one
by Gil Fink
MIX11 Second Day Sessions Summary
by Ashish Kaila
Describes features in Synergy Toolkit for Windows Phone 7 Version 1.0
by Chad Z. Hower aka Kudzu
What if objects could move from machine to machine? Not just automated downloads, or remotely controlling objects as in remoting, but a system in which the object actually moves about. Mobile software agents do exactly that. In this article I will provide an introduction to this fascinating concept.
by Abhishek Jaiswall
Mobile App Development & Description
by Quixxi Pty Ltd
Quixxi is an intelligent and integrated end-to-end mobile app security solution that allows developers to protect and monitor any mobile app in minutes.
by gggustafson
This article discusses two lessons learned during the development of a mobile application.
How to create a basic augmented reality application using Android SDK and OpenglES.
by Wild-Programmer
This code sends automatic SMS to birthday boys/girls :) from phone
by chiznatworth
A simple, re-usable, mobile numeric up/down control that supports decimal places, and min/max.
by bmharwani
Mobile Web Development with PHP, MySQL and jQTouch
by Doug Rathbone
Mobile, Tablet and Desktop Development All at The Same Time.
by RescoDeveloper.Net
Resco MobileForms Toolkit is a set of .NET controls designed specifically for mobile devices.
by Android on Intel
This technical case study reviews the challenges that the developers faced when porting the latest version of SSX to the Intel® platform code named Bay Trail while remaining true to the original spirit of the game.
by xandytsui
Introduction to View Model Validation support in Android Binding
by Lothar Behrens
Analysing the efford for a new use case to be modeled for mobile apps and a real business case using a shopping card
by pbrooks
Learn how to modify the dialing parameters for RAS connections using an unmanged Windows CE DLL as a thunking layer.
by, pmarco72, Bartolomeo Sorrentino
An article about WAP architecture and a sample application.
by ThatsAlok
Let's understand calling secondary activity and returning data from it.
by ThatsAlok
Article demonstrating use of Alert-Dialog in android universe.
by ThatsAlok
Using ASMX webservices in your mobile application.
by ThatsAlok
Using Fragments in your mobile application.
by ThatsAlok
Demonstration of Android::GridView
by ThatsAlok
Demonstration of started service.
by ThatsAlok
TabHost control in MonoAndroid
by ThatsAlok
Using generic BaseAdapter to generate ListView
by ThatsAlok
Creating ExpandableListView and populating it with BaseExpandableListAdapter derived class
by Serge Desmedt
3 times CP Vantiy from a single codebase (hopefully)
by Natalia Gvak
How Gameloft, Evernote, Slack, and 1Password have optimized for Chrome OS
by Rui A. Rebelo
A function which returns the similarity between two strings (how much they're equal).
by Serge Desmedt
More Touch Handling in Android
by mengwangk
Using OpenCV4Android in Android App
by David Crow
Brief example on how to use Android and Arduino to control a DC motor and LEDs over Bluetooth
by Bruce Yang CL
A distributed system architecture, mobile devices around the world, free charge to construct your global application
by jinfrics
This code will help you in creating a customized form interface
by Carey Payette
Thriftly.IO allows organizations to leverage existing code and infrastructure assets to define new cloud-based APIs.
by Dan Glass
Mail queue using a SQL database
by Android on Intel
Multi-OS Engine: Enabling HTTPS
by LEADTOOLS Support
Multi-Platform Barcode with LEADTOOLS 18
by LEADTOOLS Support
Multi-Platform OCR with LEADTOOLS 18.
by Nathan Campos
Making multiple virtual screens on your App Inventor project
by rperetz
Easy way to do multi select values in ASP.NET.
by Android on Intel
The Murl Engine is a fresh and free solution for cross-platform development. It is focused on games and multimedia applications and is currently supporting Android, iOS, Windows, OS X and Linux* platforms.
by AssemblySoft
Mobile enable your ASP.NET MVC4 Web applications
by xandytsui
Implementing MVVM pattern in Android Application with Android Binding
by Meshack Musundi
Implementing the MVVM pattern in Flutter using ScopedModel
by slodge
Step 2 in the TipCalc tutorial for MvvmCross v3 - Hot Tuna
by slodge
Step 3 in the TipCalc tutorial for MvvmCross v3 - Hot Tuna
by slodge
Step 4 in the TipCalc tutorial for MvvmCross v3 - Hot Tuna
by Android on Intel
Competing for and winning the first place title at the Intel Android Codefest in 2013 was an amazing experience. Here's the breakdown.
by hussain.attiya
A bundle of tutorials which I hope will be useful for Android developers (beginners) to start with
by Android on Intel
To solve the FAT APK size problem, the author has developed a native library compression SDK.
by Android on Intel
This guide is intended to help developers port existing ARM*-based NDK applications to x86.
by Raphael Moll
A shoot'em up platform in C# for the .NET Compact Framework.
by Katka Vaughan
Learn how to use the Pivot and Panorama controls, page navigation, OData and more!
by Katka Vaughan
Learn how to use the Pivot and Panorama controls, page navigation, OData and more!
by Pradeep Kothari
How to select network connections from many Networks available like BlueTooth, Active Sync, 3G, Wireless Lan
by Software Developer's Journal
The Palm OS operating system provides a library called the NetLib, allowing easy access to netowrk sockets. The library makes developing network-enabled applications for Palm OS very similar to writing such programs for Unix based systems (and equally easy).
by Android on Intel
This installation instructions document will guide you through installing the Intel® Android* USB Driver package which will enable you to connect your Windows based machine to your Android device that contains an Intel® Atom™ processor inside.
by Android on Intel
This paper introduces NFC-based technology and usage modes in the current market. Then it also describes how to use NFC in the android applications. Finally, it presents two case studies for how to develop the NFC-based reader/writer applications.
Create animated GIF images using C#.
by Giannakakis Kostas
Nim game for Android devices
by Kirill Ermakov
Interesting ways to pick up sensitive information in iOS.
by Steve Killick
Illustrates a method of taking a multi-sentence string that is in all caps, and converting to to normal case.
by Bruno Terkaly
Raygun is a notification mechanism for run-time errors that is easy to plug into different languages and environments
by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
This post is meant for beginners in MVC pattern. If you’re novice to this framework then read this post of mine.
by Azim Zahir
This article demonstrates creating an Android application to perform number system conversion.
by Piyush Manharlal
Numbers only textbox for Universal Windows App with options to allow negative numbers and set custom numeric pattern.
by C.Olivera
Creating a Data-Access layer and Business objects for HB++
by lessthanoptimal
Simple tutorial on visual object tracking with BoofCV on Android and the Desktop
by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
This article is the explanation of a real-world solution that I found for myself, in notifying the family about my current location, periodically.
by Craig Giles
How to adjust your Texture2D object to allow any sized textures in your OpenGL ES project.
by Android on Intel
This article shows how to analyze and improve the performance of a mobile game and how to optimize graphic resources for a mobile platform, using mTricks Looting Crown as an example.
by Intel
In this paper we focus on how Vehicle-to-Infrastructure connectivity can help to optimize city traffic for emergency vehicles, and provide personalized treatment to patients in need.
by Android on Intel
This article will show a performance gain with native support on Android and share some tips for increasing performance on Intel® architecture using Hero Sky: Epic Guild Wars as an example.
by FaizanMubasher
This article helps developer to start working with new mobile application development framework Oracle ADF Mobile.
by SupperSlonic
The Web API token based authentication via OWIN OAuth2 middleware supported by Facebook, Google, Microsoft.Extracting additional user's information from social networks.
by BrainThump
We'll build a call management application for Windows Mobile 5.x/6.x which can programatically ignore, send to voicemail, or SMS-respond to unwanted calls.
by Simon Kittle
Step by step instructions for creating an MSI Windows Installer for Pocket PC applications.
by JasperB
PacSnake is a mix of the classic PacMan game and the classic Snake game.
by Sreejith Thathanattu
a customizable class that can be used for paging
by Derek_Gerber
Free Is Not a Good Price
by Mike114
How to handle screen rotation when you use AsyncTask and ProgressDialog.
by PavolSatala
How to create a pairs game for about 90% of Smartphones?
by Christian Graus
Continuing our series of articles, we discuss how to create databases, and create, modify and delete records
by Shawn Poulson
An introduction to Palm OS development.
by Shawn Poulson
An introduction to Palm OS development - HotSync conduits.
by Javier Baez
Panorama viewer library for iPhone & iPod touch
by Android on Intel
In this paper I will show you how easy it is to develop parallel applications for Android L 64 bit with Intel® Threading Building Blocks (Intel® TBB).
by NeoPunk
This article shows how to bind relational data model with object design model
by maccyd
How to parse XML in Android with SAX
by Craig Giles
Since I am developing a game engine for the iPhone that I would like to re-use, I have chosen to host all game data in the form of XML files
by Anele 'Mashy' Mbanga
Create CRUD web apps in three easy steps using JQM.Show
by Jayakanthan
The Pass-Through authentication enables a user to sign-on to their intranet and access other web applications without being asked for login again.
by Jan Dolinay
An article on a simple password manager for the PDA.
by Svante Seleborg, Alphons van der Heijden, Dave Shaw, katakana2
A Windows Mobile C# reader for the popular Password Safe archive files.
by wduros1
A sample PocketPC app to use pictures as passwords.
by Ali Chousein
In this article we introduce the PayGol Android SDK and explain in detail how a developer can integrate it in her Android application
by Pete O'Hanlon
Learning how to program Windows Phone 7 from the very beginning
by Android on Intel
In this note, we discuss how to obtain similar performance data for the Android* operating system.
by Shaheed Legion
Describes a simple method to achieve decent collision detection on most Android hardware without resorting to hardware acceleration.
by Gurpreet111
Permanent Storage of a Mobile Device Application
by Paulo Zemek
A fluent library for interactive animations in JavaScript
by Artem Tabalin
PhoneJS - HTML5 JavaScript Mobile Development Framework
by Android on Intel
Thanks to an x86-based Android tablet Intel loaned me for testing, PhonoPaper has been improved and optimized.
by Inside BlackBerry Developer’s Blog
PineLake Communications on Porting Cubifice to BlackBerry 10
by Marcelo Ricardo de Oliveira
A 2D physics game for Windows Phone inspired on Angry Birds
by dzolee
Explains the basics of pixel graphics programming on Windows Mobile-based devices (Pocket PC, SmartPhone).
by Plantronics
This posting will show you how to use an undocumented and unsupported feature in the Plantronics Voyager Legend and Voyager Pro headsets that will allow you to receive headset events over Android’s XEvent mechanism.
by Jonas Follesø
An article on Pocket PC game development.
by Andy Weston
The Pocket Fuzzy Quotient Calculator is a .NET Compact Framework sample application that calculates your FQ based on your mood.
by jeremyzheng
Searching and sorting pocket PC flat text file.
by wduros1
A sample software installer for the Pocket PC that installs software when a memory card is inserted into the device.
by micahbowerbank
Windows Mobile application to search MP3 music catalogue
by Pradeep Kothari
Pocket PC Phone Dialer
by Diogo Ferreira Lopes
A basic sample on how to rotate the screen of a pocket PC.
by Microsoft - Compact Framework
Pocket PC Signature Application Sample
by Nick Deacon
An article describing how to use the IR port on a pocket PC to control a TV.
by rasheed1979
This article demonstrates how to use SQL CE and SQL Server 2000 with the help of Remote Data Access (RDA)
by David Evans
Stream audio to your Pocket PC with Pocket Streamer.
by Chris Cavanagh
A bank balance prediction utility for the Pocket PC.
by Mike Ellison
Variation of the dice game Yacht for PocketPC.
by Amit Dey
Learn how to add a new custom menu item to the PocketPC New button popup menu.
by Simone Graudejus
This is a client for NatMonitor daemon
by Tamer Oz
PocketPcAgent is an application that can be installed on Windows Mobile devices that are running Windows Mobile 5.0 or higher. The application listens to events such as SMS Received, Call Missed, E-Mail Received, Battery Strength Changed, and much more on the Pocket PC.
by Chris Cavanagh
A 3D renderer for the Pocket PC.
by Christian S Andersen
A wine database for Pocket Windows.
by rudigrobler
Podium is a PowerPoint add-in and Windows Phone 7 app for controlling Powerpoint from Windows phone 7 devices
by Doug Mair
A utility program to help poker players.
by Giannakakis Kostas
Port your libgdx games to run in Windows Phone and Windows 8 platforms
by Android on Intel
Porting Guide for Unity Game on Intel® Architecture for China Market
by Android on Intel
This article shows you how to build and port the Android version of the Bullet Physics engine to the Intel® Atom™ SoC-based platform.
by Android on Intel
libGDX is an open-source, cross-platform game development framework for Windows*, Linux*, Mac OS X*, Android, iOS*, and Blackberry* platforms and WebGL-enabled browsers.
by Ohmu
An article for developers new to Apple technologies.
by Jani Giannoudis
Design patterns on the presentation layer for WPF, Silverlight and Windows Phone applications.
by MichaelCoder
An article that will give you something useful on you PPC. A game!
by Dominic Burford
Printing from a Xamarin.Android application developed with Visual Studio
by Michael Monin
Software to write programs on Java-language for Cell Phone in the same style you do it on C-language for MPU
by Android on Intel
This article walks through an example Android application that offloads image processing using OpenCL™ and RenderScript programming languages.
by Jimmy Zhang
Learn to take advantage of VTD-XML's stateless XPath capability to achieve unmatched efficiency and flexibility
by Intel
However, many think smart homes have two main stumbling blocks: no unified solution and they’re not practical yet. Project Newton, one of Intel’s latest innovation projects, can help mitigate these issues.
by trevor.hart
An article on creating Project Wizards for Embedded Visual C++
by Mohammad Shuaib
Simulating C# Properties in C++
by Colin Eberhardt
This article describes the development of a cross-platform HTML5 application for Windows Phone and iPhone.
by Colin Eberhardt
A look at how Xamarin MonoTouch allows you to create cross-platform applications, using the native C# / Silverlight for Windows Phone and C#, via Xamarin MonoTouch, for iOS.
by Android on Intel
Pros and cons of HTML5 cross-platform mobile application development tools
by Sunasara Imdadhusen
The prototype property allows you to add properties and methods to an object.
by Android on Intel
The Intel® Animation Interpolator helps designers and developers prototype Android user interface animations.
by Jim Wiese (aka Spunk)
Execute an assembly on a remote machine without any special hooks - works on existing assemblies!
by Sunasara Imdadhusen
FlexiPush (Push Notification) is a Quick, Easy and Flexible way to send a Push Notifications to the different platforms like Android, iOS and Windows instantly with your custom Payload as well
by PavolSatala
This article shows how to create Puzzle game using Moscrif SDK.
by Vince Chan
Pwnage Checker is an iOS app that allows users to check whether an account has been compromised in a known data breach
by DarrinPSmith
This is an alternative for "Queue-Linear Flood Fill: A Fast Flood Fill Algorithm"
by Android on Intel
After my participation at the Intel Android CodeFest, I decided to make a tutorial on how to prepare Planet Conqueror to run on Intel based Android devices. The game uses the libGDX developer framework. I think it’s a good idea to write this article so that other developers using the same framework
by WebMaster
Explorer Quick action pattern in Adroid and implement some simple demos.
by Quixxi Pty Ltd
An overview of Quixxi App Security Suite and all its capabilities.
by Alex Saenko
R.O.O.T.S is a real-time strategy game similar to games like Galcon, Eufloria, Tentacle Wars.
by Kunal Chowdhury «IN»
As a WP7Dev, you might want to build a stunning application with an animation to the page navigation or orientation changes. This article will help you to do so by using the Telerik RadControls for Windows Phone 7. Continue reading to learn more about the APIs and the implementation steps.
by C. Dunn
View and rate box art for your favorite Xbox games!
by Abdullatif M. Abu Al Rub
Simple example of reading RSS feeds from Facebook page using Syndication Library
by Liam Cavanagh
The purpose of this article is to help developers who are looking to access and store images on Windows Mobile applications using C# and UltraLite.
by B.Manivannan
A 2D graph for CE. To run this application, you must have installed eMbedded Visual C++ 3.0.
by lessthanoptimal
A simple tutorial on how to create an application on Android which processes video in real-time.
by Gokuldas
Real time SPC is a Web Application for iPad and Androind using HTML5 and jQuery AJAX.
by Sandeep Andre, pankajdoke, suneetachawla, SanjayKimbahune
This article attempts to elucidate how to create an application to record and play video. There is also a brief explanation of related APIs
by Patrick Kalkman
A complete WP7 application with SQL compact database, LINQ to SQL, MVVM Light and Dropbox integration
by srinivas vaithianathan
A Registry editor for a Windows CE device.
by Your Friend Manoj
Debug our ASP.Net web application Remotely
by Asif Sayed
An article to demonstarte the use of Reporting Services using Smart Client interfaces.
by Jason_Carlson
Reports are a critical part of any application that collects or displays data. Users are rarely satisfied with simple lists; they demand rich formatting, charts and interactivity.
by Nicolas Humann
Repository Pattern with Windows Azure Mobile Services for Windows Phone app and Windows Store app.